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61 votes

Is there a way to extract duplicate lines in Sublime Text?

You can find duplicate lines easily by running a Sort Lines then searching for this regex that uses line boundary markers ^ and $ and the back reference \1. ^(.+)$\n^\1$ Follow that with a Find All, ...
twamley's user avatar
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40 votes

How to see current column/character number of the cursor position in Sublime Text 3?

I had missed something obvious! It turns out it is enabled by default - but is hidden if the search bar is open and has matches or if anything else is causing other information to be displayed in the ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
33 votes

How do I see what the current "scope" is in SublimeText?

To determine the current scope under your cursor, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P on Windows and Linux does the trick, Ctrl+Shift+P on a Mac. Alternatively, run the following in the Sublime console: view....
awatts's user avatar
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26 votes

How can I remove the ^M from my file in sublime text 3?

This can be done without a plugin via the menu at the top or though the statusbar (but you need to enable the feature). To change it through the menu at the top click View -> Line Endings -> Select ...
K.B.'s user avatar
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18 votes

How to hide "unsaved changes" box at the bottom of Sublime Text 3?

Pressing the "Escape" key on your keyboard causes it to disappear. Or alternatively, bringing up any other box along the bottom replaces it. For example, "Find" replaces it with the Find box, then ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
17 votes

How can I remove the ^M from my file in sublime text 3?

You can use dos2unix command in linux (package dos2unix) or change line endings in Sublime Text under menu item View / Line Endings.
Jan Čejka's user avatar
15 votes

How to insert a tab character in sublime text?

Pressing Shift + Tab doesn't insert a literal tab for me in Sublime Text 3. The only way for me to insert a literal tab is doing the following things: First, I disable the Indent Using Spaces option ...
Rockallite's user avatar
13 votes

How to get Sublime Text 3 to automatically highlight CSHTML as HTML

You can install the HTML (C#) via Package Control, that extends HTML highlighting for C#-specific tags and logic blocks. Historic Answer Open any .cshtml file In the main-menu, choose View > ...
idleberg's user avatar
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12 votes

Is there a way to extract duplicate lines in Sublime Text?

Unfortunately I don't have access to Sublime Text at the moment, so I'm not able to test this, but I believe something like the following might work for you: Sort the lines via the Edit -> Sort ...
MJH's user avatar
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11 votes

How to uninstall/remove Package Control from Sublime Text 3?

Sublime Text 3 Run Sublime Text. Select Preferences → Package Control. Or Use ctrl+shift+p shortcut for (Win, Linux) or cmd+shift+p for (OS X). Select Remove Package. Package Control: Remove ...
chebaby's user avatar
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9 votes

How to disable word wrapping in Sublime Text 3?

How do I disable the word wrapping for the given file? I've tried to set: "word_wrap": false in User's Syntax Specific settings, but this option takes no effect. According to multiple online ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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8 votes

Where does Sublime Text store its un-saved windows?

For Linux In the Mint distro, the complete file names/paths opened for each tab of Sublime Text 3, can be accessed with this Bash line: cat $HOME/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/Auto\ Save\ Session....
not2qubit's user avatar
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8 votes

Sublime text: Do not print path of build command

Install PackageResourceViewer package Open PackageResourceViewer:Open Resource using CommandPalette[Ctrl+Shift+P] Then Select Default --> Then Select Sublime Input --> [For Sublime ...
Smart Manoj's user avatar
8 votes

Sublime Text, move tabs with keyboard

On a related note: while this is not the answer to your exact question, many people landing on this page (myself included) may be looking for how to switch tabs with the keyboard. Here's how to do ...
Gabriel Staples's user avatar
8 votes

Disable file close warning dialogbox in Sublime Text

Yes, you can just write a plugin to set the view as scratch and close it. Then create a keybinding for that command. Select Tools > Developer > New Plugin... and paste: import sublime_plugin class ...
r-stein's user avatar
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8 votes

Sublime Text/How to search with multiple criteria

Your question is not terribly clear, i think you need to put code markers around the things you said after "Find:" in your post. because if code is found in questions not surrounded by code markers it ...
Nalaurien's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I remove the ^M from my file in sublime text 3?

^M is \r (Control-M, or carriage return). This is likely because the user who committed the file was using windows, which uses \r\n for its line endings. Linux uses only \n, hence you see the ^M at ...
Attie's user avatar
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7 votes

Character count for SublimeText/WordCount

Select all characters with Cmd+A Ctrl+A Look at bottom left corner left corner screenshot:
aurawindsurfing's user avatar
7 votes

How to stop current file upload in submit sftp?

It's useful to use ctrl + \,get it from here:
ellie's user avatar
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7 votes

Force Sublime Text to open on current virtual desktop in Windows 10

You can make Sublime Text 4 behave like other programs by disabling "remember_workspace" setting. Go to Preferences -> Settings, which will open default settings in a left panel and ...
Draex_'s user avatar
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7 votes

What do "Goto Definition" and "Goto Reference" do in Sublime Text

As far as I know, this feature is only available if it's supported by the language you're using. For example, it's available with several bundled languages such as PHP or JavaScript. When your cursor ...
idleberg's user avatar
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6 votes

How to uninstall/remove Package Control from Sublime Text 3?

0 down vote Simple steps for remove any package from Sublime as phpfmt, Xdebug etc.. 1- Go to Sublime menu-> Preference or press Ctrl+Shift+P . 2- Choose -> Remove package option, after you choosing ...
user775145's user avatar
6 votes

Preserve unsaved files when Sublime Text 3 application is closed

I believe you're looking for the hot_exit setting. Since I'm running Sublime Text 3 (Build 3126), in Windows 10 Pro, I can't say for sure if this will work exactly the same for you, but the steps in ...
MJH's user avatar
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6 votes

Avoid Sublime 3 hiding file tabs?

I just found the answer to my question: In the User Settings file (Preferences → Settings), I had to add "enable_tab_scrolling": false That way the tabs are not hidden, and names are cut off ...
Pablo Matias Gomez's user avatar
6 votes

How can I remove the ^M from my file in sublime text 3?

To whom may not want to install additional plugin to remove ^M new lines, In sublime text setting, add "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, to auto remove space when saving. (This step might be ...
harrrrrrry's user avatar
6 votes

Open files in existing window in Sublime Text

There's a macOS-only setting which does exactly that (taken from Preferences.sublime-settings): // OS X only: When files are opened from finder, or by dragging onto the // dock icon, this controls if ...
idleberg's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I map extensions in SublimeText (Is there a way I can map Sublime Text to treat mjs as js)

Is there a way I can map Sublime Text to treat mjs as js? See the following answer from StackOverflow: In the current version of Sublime Text 2 (Build: 2139), you can set the syntax for all ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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6 votes

How to create a new project in Sublime Text 3, in a new projects tab, without closing other open projects?

It is possible like this: In Sublime, go to File > New Window, which creates a new Sublime window as a tab in the same application window (seems to consistently stay in the same application window ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
6 votes

JsPrettier Sublime Error 'Couldn't Resolve Parser "babel"'

Note: If you want to use the local install of prettier in your project, omit the -g from all commands First, update your global version of prettier: npm update -g prettier npm list -g prettier now ...
Abby's user avatar
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5 votes

How to hide sidebar group labels while using multiple column layout Sublime Text 3

You'll want to "Hide Open Files". Go to VIEW > SIDE BAR > Select HIDE OPEN FILES - This will remove that section from the Sidebar.
David's user avatar
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