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Why is my Feh background image resolution mismatch with i3 on Ubuntu?

On my 5120x1440 resolution screen, I have the following strange issue. I am running i3 on Ubuntu. On the initial load (from log-in), my Feh background seems to think that the screen is 3840x1080 ...
kangtinglee's user avatar
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Screen turns black after 2 minutes of inactivity

Fresh Debian install with XFCE and then installed i3wm which I mainly use (selecting it during login). I've tried several approaches, such as xset s off -dpms, xset 1200 1200 1200 and other use of ...
Sumak's user avatar
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setxkbmap multi layout and toggle not working

I installed regolith (based on i3 wm) on my Ubuntu 22.4, and now the default Keybind Super+Space to switch source layouts is not working because regolith uses it as a shortcut for other things. I ...
Nova's user avatar
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Strange window opening when opening an app through the terminal with i3wm

I recently installed i3 and so far I'm loving it. There is just one small thing that still put me off: when I open an application through the terminal (I tried with the default Gnome terminal and ...
tchaumont's user avatar
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IBus, i3 and different keyboard layouts

I've been using i3 with IBus for quite some time. Since I failed to discover a sensible way to use i3 with different keyboard layouts, I just edited ~/.config/i3/config, setting everything to key ...
Alexey Orlov's user avatar
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How do I make a custom keybind for i3wm?

I want to make a custom keybind that opens the i3 config for editing and I cannot get it to work: bindsym $mod+Control+a exec "nano /home/mertonwu/.config/i3/config" I've tried all sorts of ...
Merton Wu's user avatar
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How can I vertically shift my second display with xrandr?

I am running i3wm on Ubuntu 22.04 and have a script that I can manually trigger to add my second monitor if it's connected. if [[ $(xrandr | grep -c "HDMI1 connected") -eq 1 ]]; then ...
icedwater's user avatar
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Script for launching Firefox with N tabs of specific sites?

I'm an i3 on ArchLinux user, and for my workflow I typically like to launch a specific set of tabs in one Firefox window, in one i3 workspace, and then launch a separate window instance in a separate ...
eriknelson's user avatar
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How do I stack windows in a container positioned in the right/bottom part of a workspace?

I want to be able to organise my windows as follows: --------------------- | term |===========| | | editor | | | | --------------------- where I try to illustrate ...
user9605929's user avatar
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X11 equivalents of grim, slurp, and wl-copy

I have been using Sway on Wayland for the last couple of years, but am currently stuck on X11/i3 due to various reasons... The configs are compatible for the most part, but I am having trouble getting ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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Running a bash script that calls R from within i3 does not work, but running it directly from the terminal works. Not sure if issue is i3 or not

I have a bash script that calls on R, and is mapped to a keyboard shortcut in my i3 config, like this: bindsym $mod+q exec --no-startup-id Here is a simple example ...
emilBeBri's user avatar
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Can't change font, i3

I'm using i3 on ArchCraft. I previously successfully set my font to Terminus, now I want to change it to Google Sans. I tried: set font option in i3 config to "font pango:IBM Plex Mono Italic 10&...
Ignacy Hryniewiecki's user avatar
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i3 rendering strings incorrectly when used with Font Awesome 5 due to ligatures

The following screenshot shows how my desktop is rendered when i3 is configured with font pango:Noto Sans 9. At the top, notice that the window name is correctly rendered as 2022-08-05-setup-laptop-...
pagliuca's user avatar
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Presenter setup with i3 and xrandr

I am in need of some xrandr magic, I guess: I am using the i3 tiling window manager on a Linux notebook and am looking for a way to produce the following result: On my notebook screen I'd like to have ...
Alex W.'s user avatar
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I am no longer able to drag certain things in Chromium in i3wm

This is a problem that has started happening over the last week or so. I am no longer able to drag and rearrange tabs with my mouse in chromium when using i3wm. Any time I try to do so it simply ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
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Ubuntu changed to startx

Hello i switched from the standard graphical interface of ubuntu to boot into a tty so now i have to start i3 with startx instead of using the graphical one. But now i have some issues: Im using rofi ...
Nils's user avatar
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2 answers

I3 wm PageUp and PageDown remap names in config file are Prior and Next

How can I bind PageUp and PageDown key in i3 configuration file ? using PageUp and PageDown does not work.
utopman's user avatar
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Is it possible to let `i3-msg` wait until some window is shown?

Is it possible to use i3-msg somehow to wait for a window of some class to be shown on the desktop before continuing?
Ton van den Heuvel's user avatar
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Arch Linux prevent lock when running specific application

I'm currently running arch linux with i3. To lock my device, I use i3exit. Furthermore I have xfce4-power-manager installed to manage sleep timers ect. My problem is, that I can't figure out how to ...
Elfie's user avatar
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3 answers

i3 in vmware doesn't share clipboard with host windows-machine

My main os is Windows, I then run ubuntu in VmWare. Before switching to i3 on gnome, I used Ubuntu gnome. In Ubuntu, I could share the clipboard between the windows-host and the ubuntu-virtual machine ...
Sebastian Nielsen's user avatar
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Picom: Failed to trigger fence

I would like to get transparent terminals in i3 under Ubuntu 20.04 with Nvidia drivers 435.21, but I can't get it to work. When I execute picom, I get the following output: [ 11.11.2020 20:51:24.270 ...
Tom Dörr's user avatar
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i3blocks config doesn't work on Arch install, but works fine on debian

I recently moved to Arch from Debian (and loving it so far), but I have a slight UI issue. I pulled my i3blocks config from my debian install, but my weather and volume modules do not load for some ...
Deez's user avatar
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How to select specific windows in i3?

You are able to select all windows to run a command with $mod + a, is it possible to select multiple specific windows at once? For example, wanting to select the two leftmost windows to run a close ...
joshpetit's user avatar
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simulate hdmi/displayport “unplug” + “re-plug” from shell

I'd like to ~duplicate "unplug, re-plug hdmi/displayport cable from monitor", via shell. Obviously there may/will be some differences in result from real physical plug event. Also, it may ...
some bits flipped's user avatar
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Inserting ssh-agent into i3wm's startup so it's available to all processes in the session

I use the i3wm window manager on Fedora, and the urxvt-mld terminal dæmon for my multipl urxvt-mlc terminal clients. My problem is that I want just one ssh-agent for my entire session, and for the ssh-...
RoUS's user avatar
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Have new windows pop up in same workspace of the program that created them in the i3 windows manager

I'm using the i3 windows manager on Linux Mint. I'm using a program called Scid vs PC to run a tournament between various chess engines. When two engines are playing, the software displays two windows,...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
4 votes
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Xev not detecting media keys

My media keys are not detected on fresh Manjaro i3 edition, they worked normally on KDE edition before. When i try to use xev to check key codes nothing is happening when i try to use sound, mute and ...
user3069488's user avatar
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Possible to prevent windows from other desktops to pop up?

If I have a chat program on desktop 2 when I am on desktop 1, and it opens a new window, then it pops up on the current desktop (1 in this case), and this I don't want. Question Is it possible to ...
Sandra's user avatar
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i3 start new terminal in same directory using ctrl-windows-enter

I like the feature in i3 with which you can open a new terminal using windows-enter. But unfortunately it always starts in ~. A lot of the time I need a second terminal in a directory I'm already ...
user2741831's user avatar
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Using xrandr, is it possible to use only part of a secondary monitor without panning

there are a few other questions that talk about this but most of them are not for secondary monitors, or at least they don't seem to be, and I've hit a point where I'm not sure if I'm missing ...
MalucoMarinero's user avatar
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How to use installed fonts?

I use fedora with i3-gaps and I want to use different font than monospace. I donwloaded this realease of iosevka font iosevka-term-ss01-3.0.0-rc.4 Then I coppied all .tff files to folders: ~/.local/...
EFK's user avatar
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How to launch program in floating with certain key bindings in i3?

I'm on Manjaro with i3. I'm trying to make certain key bindings launch stuff in floating, while others don't. I've tried several things so far: 1. Straight up floating toggle with bindsym # in i3/...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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Avoid blinking terminator cursor when window is not focused

When the terminator window is not focused, the cursor will still be blinking. Is this by design?! To me, that's optically distracting and I would like to disable it – but still have it blinking when ...
panepeter's user avatar
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How to install i3 on Manjaro KDE?

I'm trying to install i3wm on my Manjaro KDE machine. What I've done sudo pacman -S i3-wm i3lock i3status echo "exec i3" >> ~/.xinitrc In my /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, I commented out the twm ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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Prevent hiding the bar when fullscreen mode in i3

I am using i3wm, and often I want to focus on a certain window, so I might put it in fullscreen and exit it when I need to see the other windows. This is fast, however it makes the bar dissapear (I'm ...
CcVHKakalLLOOPPOkKkkKk's user avatar
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i3wm: Screenshot script fails if bound to key

imagemagick's import shell command takes snapshots of ones desktop. Executing import /tmp/foo.png will convert my cursor into a crosshair and will allow me to select a screen area to capture. ...
Jersey's user avatar
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How to copy icon from font in i3wm i3block setup

i am setting up a i3block in i3wm. Now i have font-awesome installed in proper directory. I am puzzled with one thing how icon is copied to the below command. When i google i already see the shell ...
Vipin's user avatar
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Change the delay before a key is repeatedly sent after depressing it

When I press down a key on my keyboard, after a brief delay the key-code is repeatedly sent if I continue to hold the key. How can I manipulate this delay on my linux machine? I work in terminals a ...
Jersey's user avatar
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How to used copied file name using "yn" command in ranger

I am using ranger file manager and I came across a command to copy the filename. How do I use this yank file name in other command? I mean, read from clipboard. I tried using Shift+Insert. I am not ...
Vipin's user avatar
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i3wm Layout file doesn't move windows

I'm trying to auto-start Spotify on workspace 8. I'm currently on Manjaro i3, so i3 was pre-configured pretty well, I only changed the config to have mod+f2 open Firefox. Here's the layout file: { ...
Luna's user avatar
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ALE not working despite passing correct flags to the enabled linters

I'm using VIM to program in C11. I'm trying to setup ALE but it seems that the linters can't find the headers, despite the correct flags are passed, such as -I /path/to/include. I'm using CMake, so ...
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How to make an application "recognized" as an application

I'm using ubuntu and i3 window manager. To launch matlab I have to navigate to /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019a/bin and type ./matlab. Other applications like firefox and atom are recognized as ...
caesar's user avatar
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Automate starting up programs on different workspaces in i3

I have i3 installed on ubuntu. I want specific windows to open in specific workspaces when I execute a script (or more optimally on startup). The structure is this: Workspaces: Firefox window ...
caesar's user avatar
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How to change default browser?

I use i3 via regolith on ubuntu. I set the default browser to chromium in ubuntu, and yet the key combination still opens firefox.
troricleba's user avatar
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NetworkManager Applet is unresponsive and I see 'org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was reached' errors in ~/.xsession-errors

I see the following errors in my ~/.xsession-errors (nm-applet:1122): nm-applet-WARNING **: 11:12:56.101: Failed to show notification: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop....
nelaaro's user avatar
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Unable to run firefox in headless mode

I am attempting to run Firefox in headless mode. I have made a new profile called 'headless'. Here is what I get when running the command from a terminal in Fedora 30: (I can wait several minutes ...
Harry Cooke's user avatar
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How to solve "Operation not permitted" while running i3status?

I'm trying to installing i3status(2.12-1) in a debian docker container(docker run -it debian) using these commands: apt update apt install i3status -y The install succeed and when I'm going to run ...
vize_xpft's user avatar
3 votes
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Split windows for 4 panels in i3wm

In default i3wm I can split windows only vertical or horizontal. Can I split my 4 windows are like that: |_1_|_2_| |_3_|_4_|
ARM4T00R4's user avatar
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How to use both setxkbmap and xmodmap on Linux Debian i3?

I bought new laptop that doesn't have Home and End keys. I need both keys when I type code in Vim. I installed Debian with the i3WM desktop environment on my laptop. I remapped my keyboard using the ...
Milad Bazi Saz's user avatar
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running ranger on urvxt in i3 with bindsym

I am trying to use bindsym $mod+Mod1+b exec "urxvt -e bash -c ranger" in my i3-config. It runs but many features of ranger is not accessible, like, I can't copy the file(/folder) path using yp When ...
Galilean's user avatar
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