I'm trying to auto-start Spotify on workspace 8. I'm currently on Manjaro i3, so i3 was pre-configured pretty well, I only changed the config to have mod+f2 open Firefox. Here's the layout file:
"border": "pixel",
"current_border_width": 1,
"floating": "auto_off",
"geometry": {
"height": 600,
"width": 800,
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"name": "Spotify",
"percent": 1,
"swallows": [
"class": "^Spotify$",
"instance": "^spotify$"
"type": "con"
and I'm currently loading it with this command:
$ i3-msg "workspace 8; append_layout /home/laurin/.i3/workspace-8.json; workspace 1"
The file is loaded without errors and the placeholder window is opened in workspace 8. However, when I open Spotify, instead of replacing the placeholder it opens a completely new window. How can I make i3 actually replace the placeholder?