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Questions tagged [notify-osd]

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3 answers

Windows 10: How to disable this notification?

This insanely annoying notifications keeps up showing up daily: How could I please disable it? I remember doing something with regedit about this, but it didn't work apparently. There is no such ...
dellor's user avatar
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NetworkManager Applet is unresponsive and I see 'org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was reached' errors in ~/.xsession-errors

I see the following errors in my ~/.xsession-errors (nm-applet:1122): nm-applet-WARNING **: 11:12:56.101: Failed to show notification: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop....
nelaaro's user avatar
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Send a message from a mac to a pc over the local network

So this one's been annoying me for some time now. I have a PC (windows 10) and the rest of my family has macs (ranging from Yosemite to el capitan). We're often in different rooms wearing headphones ...
Blaine's user avatar
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Notifications don't show up (notify-send notify-osd)

Notifications via notify-send and notify-osd stopped working for me for no apparent reason. notify-send does not display anything. notify-osd displays this error: ** (notify-osd:30409): WARNING **: ...
mehturt's user avatar
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passive (non-intrusive) progress bar notification

How can I get passive (non-intrusive) progress bar? A combination of kdialog --passivepopup and kdialog --progressbar. For example, when copying files with dolphin such a progress bar will be used. I ...
James Mitch's user avatar
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NotifyOSD notification when I change keyboard layout in Ubuntu 12.04?

I would like to have a NotifyOSD notification appear whenever I change keyboard layouts. Does anybody know how I can implement this feature?
Skydan's user avatar
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Notify-osd stopped functioning

I have reloaded, reinstalled, tried NotifyOSDconfiguration and get nothing to appear. I am running 11.10 ubuntu with conky on the desktop. ANy ideas?
Mark's user avatar
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Is there a Google Wave desktop notifier for Linux/Ubuntu? [closed]

Is there a Google Wave desktop notifier for Linux/Ubuntu? One integrated with OSD Notify would be great... or a taskbar notifier would be sufficient.
jldupont's user avatar
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Kopete: is there a way to disable desktop notification (the OSD Notify popups)?

Kopete: is there a way to disable desktop notification (the OSD Notify popups)? Kopete v0.70.2 KDE: 4.2.2
jldupont's user avatar
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Pop-Up Notification when time reaches 4:00PM?

I was wondering if there was a way to display a notification or something from the command line at a certain time. Like when the clock strikes 4:00pm. It would be nice if it would display it using ...
Kredns's user avatar
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