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How to loop through records and create multiple WordCloud charts?

I have a simple dataframe with two columns of text. Here is my script. from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS for i in df_cat.columns: text = df_cat[i].values wordcloud = WordCloud()....
ASH's user avatar
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Package install issue "error: legacy-install-failure" MacOS

I am getting the below error when trying to install wordcloud. I am using MacOs 13.0.1 and Python 3.8.10. Jesse-Burton@MacBook-Pro-4 ~ % pip3 install wordcloud Collecting wordcloud Using cached ...
Jesse-Burton Nicholson's user avatar
2 votes
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Cant get pip to install wordcloud on mac 10.13 python 3.11

output from pip install wordcloud Collecting wordcloud Using cached wordcloud- (220 kB) Preparing metadata ( ... done Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.6.1 (from ...
user2989420's user avatar
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Why are important, high-ranking (highly frequent) words that are not stop words missing in my word cloud?

I uploaded a list of highly frequent words which includes stop words and I used the STOPWORDS list to remove stop words. When I print my word cloud, it's not displaying several non-stopwords that are ...
PythonistGal's user avatar
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Difference between defining a variable as a=[a] and a= ' ' in python

I have below two doubts 1)I am trying to build a wordcloud and for doing that am defining a variable a=[ ] but it throws error but if I define it as a='' it works well. Please tell me what is the ...
Pranav167's user avatar
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Extracting most common word using WordCloud but it extracts the most common letters

I'm trying to extract the most common words using a Wordcloud, but instead i'm getting the most common letters. Here's my code: from wordcloud import WordCloud stop = set(stopwords.words('english')) ...
Devesh pandey's user avatar
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Best way to generate a high quality word-cloud image for a Dash-app

I have an issue with my wordclouds displaying very pixelated on my plotly dash app. I am using the wordcloud class to generate the wordcloud, then using go.Figure() with a go.Image() trace to generate ...
Waleed Alfaris's user avatar
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Install packages such as Wordcloud for Python: what tools to be installed?

when trying to install packages such as wordcloud, I get the error message error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Build Tools for Visual Studio": https://visualstudio....
Pierre's user avatar
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generating wordcloud with python

I am trying to create a wordcloud from a text file and I need to plot only alphas, below is the code with open("worldcloud.txt") as f: count = dict() for line in f: words = line.split() ...
Muhammad Idrees Hassan's user avatar
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How to count word count in Data Frame using word list?

I have a question about word count using python. Data Frame have three columns.(id, text, word) First, This is example table. [Data Frame] df = pd.DataFrame({ "id":[ "100&...
bonbon's user avatar
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How to resolve ImportError: cannot import name 'makeMappingArray' from 'matplotlib.colors'

I am just learning to code using the wordcloud and stylecloud libraries in python 3.9.0. I wrote the basic code for the stylecloud library but it gives an error that says: ImportError: cannot import ...
Anshel Saldanha's user avatar
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I have made a wordcloud using python and I want to look at the words in the wordcloud and if necessary, remove them from the image

So basically, I have a file where I have a few lists which I want to use to see if the words are present in a dictionary I have been given, and if yes, form a wordcloud out of it. Now after looking at ...
Prakhar Dua's user avatar
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How to create wordcloud chart for each userid based on frequency and value in python [duplicate]

Im trying to create each word cloud graph for each user based on the word and count frequency and I want to store output of word cloud image path in dataframe along with UID.Do I need apply group by? ...
marjun's user avatar
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plot Word cloud without stopwords

Iam looking to plot Wordcloud using a column in my pandas dataframe here is my code: all_words=''.join( [tweet for tweet in tweet_table['tokens'] ] ) word_Cloud=WordCloud(width=500, height=300, ...
bravopapa's user avatar
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Color-highlight a single key in a python wordcloud.WordCloud data-viz when also using a color_func

I'm looking for a way to change a single element of a color mapping in python (to highlight one specific key). To debug, I tried to run a hard-coded update for the hsl at list position 0 to [50,50,50] ...
Jonathan Francis's user avatar
2 votes
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NameError: name 'file_content' is not defined

I did an assignment on Coursera and successfully passed that.I compiled and got accurate result on Jupyter notebook.
Aminur Rahman Ashik's user avatar
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Empty WordCloud PNG outputted from Arabic Text

` import arabic_reshaper from pyarabic.araby import tokenize from pyarabic.unshape import unshaping_text from pyarabic import araby import matplotlib.pyplot as pPlot from wordcloud import WordCloud, ...
user avatar
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No output on the screen word-cloud with matplotlib

from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt text = '''python python python python python big data big dat big data big data big data big data big data big data big data big data ...
김경주's user avatar
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I can't generate a word cloud with some images

I just start the module worcloud in Python 3.7, and I'm using the next cxode to generate wordclouds from a dictionary and I'm trying to use differents masks, but this works for some images: in two ...
Luis M.'s user avatar
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How to create wordcloud from LDA model?

Following the documentation of ?gensim.models.ldamodel, I want to train an ldamodel and (from this SO answer create a worcloud from it). I am using the following code from both sources: from gensim....
user456789's user avatar
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Making a Wordcloud from a Whatsapp text file with Chinese Characters

I'm very new to programming and I'm trying to generate a word cloud from a WhatsApp text file that has Chinese characters in it. I've been trying to combine two tutorials I found on the web and it is ...
Tom62537's user avatar
3 votes
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Keeping words together in WordCloud

I'm working with word clouds in python, using the wordcloud library. As an example, I want to do a wordcloud from the following list: word_ls = ['orchards growers northern', 'apple orchards growers',...
André Fazendeiro's user avatar
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How to make run a code with a wordcloud error

I am trying to do a wordcloud from a a dataframe in Python, however when I tried to run the code it gives me an error message as the following one: NameError: name 'text' is not defined. The ...
sebasmps's user avatar
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cpu-percent in psutil returns 0.0 for every process

I've been inspired to try to make a wordcloud wallpaper generator by a similar github project. I'm not much experienced and this seems like a good beginner-ish project. For now I'm trying to get some ...
Iverol's user avatar
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How to create word cloud of different group in Python?

I have below data, and I am trying to create wordcloud for each and every "person" i.e. 1,2,3. I am using below code for wordcloud creation,but I am not sure how to create word cloud for each group. ...
biggboss2019's user avatar
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Extract only content with Scrapy to create WordClouds

I am looking for a smart solution to extract only the main information of a range of different webpages. When building wordclouds, I always get the problem of having to define a range of different ...
Tobi's user avatar
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Plotting WordCloud for each Cluster in K Means Clustering

I have a set of BOW features and also I know the best n_clusters to be used.I need help in plotting a WordCloud per each cluster so that we can analyze the words in each cluster in one go. Please ...
Laster's user avatar
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How to handle big textual data to create WordCloud?

I have a huge textual data that I need to create its word cloud. I am using a Python library named word_cloud in order to create the word cloud which is quite configurable. The problem is that my ...
talha06's user avatar
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Python wordcloud can't present Hebrew

I am trying to create wordcloud to a text in Hebrew. The text is: את הסיפור שלנו סיפרנו לעצמנו כל הזמן. בכפייתיות. בעל פה. לפעמים התעייפנו עוד לפני שהתחלנו ובכל זאת סיפרנו במשך שעות. הקשבנו רוב ...
Cranjis's user avatar
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How to call stopwords from a txt file using wordcloud STOPWORDS

I am extracting a wordcloud from a pdf file. I can extract stopwords from a list but cannot extract using a txt file. I know there is a problem with calling the path to the file. I have success ...
theChrisBunny's user avatar
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WordCloud 'module' object is not callable Python3

Ok, so I'm trying to extract text from a pdf and display a wordcloud from the extractedText. Recieving TypeError: 'module' object is not callable at line cloud = wordcloud(mask=rsMask).generate(...
theChrisBunny's user avatar
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WordCloud.process_text vs sklearn's CountVectorizer

I would like to count the term frequency across the corpus. To do that, there are two ways, which was using CountVectorizer and sum in axis=0 as below. count_vec = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=...
Darren Christopher's user avatar
3 votes
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How to remove unigrams from word dictionary in Python

I am trying to create a wordcloud with only bigrams in python. Now I have a dictionary as follows: Word_dict {'delivered later requested_delivered later requested': 0.07590105638848002, 'delayed ...
Rahul rajan's user avatar
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Word Cloud Using Python

I want to create a word cloud with the variable 'word' that will show me the cloud of all words that are 'NN' and 'NNP' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ...
Nazima's user avatar
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How to Randomize the button location in python using tkinter?

I am trying to create a clickable word cloud for which I am starting to apply logic with button. I am able to split the words of text file using regular expressions and create button for each word. ...
Nikul Vyas's user avatar
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wordcloud cannot convert float NaN to integer

Im trying to create a wordcloud after vectorizing text from a pdf and i get the following error: cannot convert float NaN to integer here is a slice of the code from wordcloud import WordCloud as wc ...
Zain Gill's user avatar
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"DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found" error on using wordcloud in Jupyter notebook

I installed the word cloud library in python to use wordcloud. I am able to successfully use it in all editors like sublime, etc but when I am trying to use it in Jupyter notebook then it is giving me ...
bisht's user avatar
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Separate Spam and Ham for WordCloud Visualization

I am performing spam detection and want to visualize spam and ham keywords separately in Wordcloud. Here's my .csv file. data = pd.read_csv("spam.csv",encoding='latin-1') data = data.rename(columns = ...
Prashant's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 Python Version Management Issue

I have Python3.5 and Python3.6 installed on Ubuntu 16.04. I have installed pip for 3.6 and am using 3.6 for development. I tried to install a package (wordcloud) in 3.6 and it appeared to install ...
Skiddles's user avatar
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Reflect Arabic Word-Cloud

This code run the huge data but with all Arabic words written in reverse: from bidi.algorithm import get_display import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud os.chdir("C:...
Abdulrahman's user avatar
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Word Cloud Arabic

I had some problem with WordCloud code in python when try to run Arabic huge data this my code: from os import path import codecs from wordcloud import WordCloud import arabic_reshaper from bidi....
Abdulrahman's user avatar
3 votes
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TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object ( Python 3) ( Wordcloud)

import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import numpy as np import wordcloud from wordcloud import WordCloud,STOPWORDS # Read the whole text. remarks = open(r'C:\...
marmar's user avatar
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How do I remove words from my wordcloud? (Python 3)

import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import numpy as np import wordcloud from wordcloud import WordCloud,STOPWORDS # Read the whole text. remarks = open(r'C:\...
marmar's user avatar
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12 votes
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Wordcloud Python with generate_from_frequencies

I'm trying to create a wordcloud from csv file. The csv file, as an example, has the following structure: a,1 b,2 c,4 j,20 It has more rows, more or less 1800. The first column has string values (...
cmc_carlos's user avatar
5 votes
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wordcloud for non-english corpus

wordcloud for non English text Dear friends I am facing problems in generating proper wordcloud for non english text. The cloud is generated but it gives un-satisfactroy results. It shows wordcloud ...
user103987's user avatar
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To generate wordcloud in python jupyter notebook environment

I am working corpus analysis for non english text, but I am facing several problem like clustering with k-means Now I am facing problem in generating wordcloud in python 3.5.2 jupyter notebook I ...
user103987's user avatar
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Python word cloud - IndexError: string index out of range

I am trying to build wordcloud using dictionary of words in python. here is my script from wordcloud import WordCloud words = {'Python':15, 'Pandas':13, 'R':16, 'Analyis':10, 'Scikit learn':19, '...
Gowtham M's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\mswitajski\\Desktop\\alice.txt'

I'm trying to read in a text file to work with Word Clouds. Here is the syntax I'm trying: # Read the whole text. text = open(r'C:\Users\mswitajski\Desktop\alice.txt').read() But I keep getting the ...
Mark Switajski's user avatar