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Chart.js register functions not recognizing any extensions (chartjs-chart-geo and chartjs-chart-wordcloud)

I'm working on a dashboard for a web application. The application uses Flask, and the dashboard is built with the Chart.js framework. For some charts, such as a word cloud and a Choropleth to display ...
Victor Lima's user avatar
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wordcloud with 2 background colors

I generated this on using one of the "themes". I'd like to be able to do this with the python wordcloud library, but so far all I can achieve is a single background color (so ...
nettie's user avatar
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WordClouds in matplotlib-set-diagrams by Word Frequency

I would like to create Venn Diagram WordClouds for two sets of words. matplotlib-set-diagrams (matplotlib-venn is now deprecated) works great ...
Simon Eaton's user avatar
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Word Cloud in R, R removing my specific words

I am working on my word cloud using R. In my data, I have many "AI" but the word cloud does not recognize this word. ChatGPT respond that I have 43 AI in my data. Here is my code: install....
Simon Shin's user avatar
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How do I turn the values in a subset into text so that I can generate a wordcloud?

From a large tabular data set (using read.csv function) I have created a subset from a column that lists different job roles in the rows. View(jobs_mysubset) ..... \[995\] physician \[996\] painter ...
student123's user avatar
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How to add react context menu in react-wordcloud?

I'm working on integrating a word cloud component into my React application, and I'm using the ReactWordcloud component to display the word cloud. I would like to implement right-click functionality ...
Muhammad Ahtasham's user avatar
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Python Wordcloud: Help getting (near) what designers ask for

I am generating a wordcloud from a term-frequency dictionary and got this: by using the following wordcloud parameters: wordcloud = WordCloud( width=667, height=375, font_path=...
Robert Alexander's user avatar
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Python WordCloud API colours

What does the colours in a WordCloud represent? I am using the python API for WordCloud which assigns random colours (atleast according to me) to words. Am I missing something and do these colours ...
downShitParadiz's user avatar
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Kumo WordCloud avoid skipping

Been enjoying using WordCloud generator written by ( and its very effective. However, just noticed it can exclude high scoring words during the collision phase. It ...
yappy's user avatar
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Creating user-defined word cloud in python with dash.plotly

I'm totally new in this world. I have checked a lot of sites and in here but can't seem to find a way to a solution. I need to create a word cloud in python with dash.plotly. The requirements is the ...
viwi1's user avatar
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Possible to reduce the number of Words in a Vega wordcloud?

Situation I'm using the Vega visualization grammar tool in Looker Studio. Specifically, the wordcloud chart. Documentation: What I've tried / ...
dsx's user avatar
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Error in installing the package wordcloud in python [duplicate]

I have a problem regarding installing wordcloud. I tried downloading it through Python using pip install wordcloud, and this is what the output is: C:\Users\y>pip install wordcloud Traceback (most ...
Arijana Arijana's user avatar
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How to set number of colours from custom palette wordcloud in R uses

I'm trying to build a wordcloud of some survey answers in R that is coloured by frequency, but using a custom colour palette I've been asked to use. The palette has 8 colours, but no matter what I ...
Beautiful Night's user avatar
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Word cloud with weights represented in size and direction of relationship by colour in R

I have done a PCA and I want to create a wordcloud that represents the weights and direction of relationship (positive or negative) of the different dimensions of the component of the PCA. I have this ...
clara's user avatar
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WordCloud: problem with displaying bigrams

I want to implement a word cloud from scrapped Twitter data. The problem is that the word states occurs 214 times, while state - 64. There is only one tweet in which the combination of the words ...
Rei Daemondheart's user avatar
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Access variable in vue custom renderer

I am trying to implement te custom renderer of this Vue Word Cloud component in Laravel: I first prepare my word array using php (working): @php ...
Adrenaxus's user avatar
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Pip3 Install Wordcloud error: can't build wheels

I tried installing wordcloud. I have python 3.10, mac ventura 13.4.1. I tried installing wheels as well, butwasn't sure what version, and nothing worked either. can anyone help me get this up and ...
snowybear's user avatar
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WordCloud Python jupyter notebook not working

from wordcloud import WordCloud wordcloud = WordCloud(width=900, height=600, random_state=21, max_font_size=110, background_color='ghostwhite', max_words=200,colormap='Dark2')....
Hurmet Noka's user avatar
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wordcloud AttributeError: 'TransposedFont' object has no attribute 'getbbox'

I tried to run the following code to generate a word cloud. text = 'word1 word2 word2 word3 word3 word3' from wordcloud import WordCloud wordcloud = WordCloud(width=480, height=480).generate(text) ...
Rama 's user avatar
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Creating Word cloud

I tried building a wordcloud on my jupyter notebook with the code from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sent = "This is my First Word Cloud, it is the First of its ...
Okunade daniel's user avatar
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In Vega visualization, how to use a custom mark instead of just text in the word cloud?

I'm trying to make a word cloud using Vega wordcloud, documented here But I'd like to show the word count below each word, and in a smaller font ...
John Smith Optional's user avatar
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Why is my word cloud not showing all the data involved?

Anyone familiar with creating word clouds in d3 and html able to tell me why my code below is not showing all the IDs in the word cloud? The values represent the average product ratings for each ...
Esther 's user avatar
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Arabic Wordcloud not shown correctly

Months ago I generated a word cloud for Arabic text and it was working well. I used the same code now and the Arabic text is not correctly displayed as in the photo word-cloud error I tried different ...
laah's user avatar
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WIth wordcloud, it says 'only Truetypefonts supported' ('despite adding the right path), or 'TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable

I wanted to see if I could generate a wordcloud on my fake dataframe, but I'm running in quite some trouble. I used the code from this website:
Romcom1398's user avatar
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error Only supported for TrueType fonts or cannot open resource when using wordcloud python windows

im trying to create wordcloud using this code font = 'C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf' word_string = ' '.join(trigrams) wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path=font, width=800, height=800, background_color='white')...
abbym's user avatar
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'ImageDraw' object has no attribute 'textbbox'

I am working on a simple text mining project. When I tried to create a word-cloud I got this error: AttributeError: 'ImageDraw' object has no attribute 'textbbox' I have a dataset of News and their ...
Sandra Moon's user avatar
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Increasing image quality in a wordcloud+matplotlib image

I have a wordcloud created in Python with WordCloud and Matplotlib packages, but I can't download a High quality image of it. If I zoom a bit, I can not understand any of the small words. I would like ...
Ivan Cereghetti's user avatar
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Influxdb2 influx grafana word cloud from multiple results

I am getting into influxdb2 and flux currently. My playground is, to scrape a public website and be able to visualize the words on the website in a word cloud in Grafana. This works, but when my range ...
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Changing the positioning to absolute to contain a word cloud

I wrote the following code to generate a word cloud in D3: HTML <html> <head> <title>D3 Word Cloud for Textual Data</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=&...
Dina M.'s user avatar
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How to loop through records and create multiple WordCloud charts?

I have a simple dataframe with two columns of text. Here is my script. from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS for i in df_cat.columns: text = df_cat[i].values wordcloud = WordCloud()....
ASH's user avatar
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Error using emoji as input with Highcharts WordCloud

I've run into a problem using Highcharts WordCloud with React when using emoji as the input data. I'm using the highcharts-react-official wrapper. Most of the time the emojis display fine, but ...
Callum's user avatar
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Recursion Error while creating word cloud with pandas: Unsure how to optimize

I am currently visualizing this data set Women In Headline: bias and am attempting to create a world cloud using pandas def WordCloud (): data = Train_data[Train_data['bias'] == 5] text = " &...
Willowinthewind's user avatar
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KeyError: False; Pandas dataframe error when creating list from dataframe columns

I am trying to create lists out of a dataframe column in pandas. My code is: positive = tweet_df[tweet_df['updated sentiments'].equals('positive')] This gives me the error: The dataframe for this ...
No_Name's user avatar
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Word cloud/tag chartJS TSX Expanding/moving

I have implemented the worldcloud of this form: [] in a tsx project. The cloud is implemented and mostly doing fine. I have useEffect on the chart, ...
Guten's user avatar
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Deprecation warning while generating word-cloud

When trying to generate a word cloud in Python 3.10. I get a deprecation warning stating that: 08: DeprecationWarning: textsize is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use ...
Shiva's user avatar
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Save plot using matplotlib

I try to generate two separate wordcloud for positive and negative. However, when I use savefig it only save the last figure. The last figure is negative sentiment. TEXT_COLUMN = 'pre_process' ...
Ain Nabilah's user avatar
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Implementing tf-idf in wordclouds

I have some google reviews for some universities in a dataframe like below df_unis. The column uni_name contains the university names. I wish to create word clouds for each university separately but ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Am I doing anything wrong here - when trying to visualize the wordcloud with matplotlib?

This is my first project on word cloud - can any please help to solve the issue ? I'm getting an error - Type Error: 'module' object is not callable. Here is the below complete code for your reference....
Jaydeb Bhunia's user avatar
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Remove whitespace from a wordcloud plot

Below is a screenshot from quarto document with a wordplot I've generated using wordcloud package in R. The challenge is that there is a lot of white space between the words on the plot and the border ...
andy's user avatar
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Merging words in a wordcloud made in R

I have created a word cloud with the following frequency of terms: interesting interesting 21 economics economics 12 learning learning 9 learn learn 6 taxes ...
Jess's user avatar
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World Cloud with two-word terms?

I am trying to create a wordcloud for my internship and I'm struggling with it, i would appreciate any help! I have a repository of 200 pdf documents, and I have to build a wordcloud of the terms that ...
marcosmm's user avatar
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How to plot multi-word expressions with quanteda

I am using the quanteda package in r for textual data analysis. I am interested in plotting some Keyword-in-context display using the kwic() command that is to useful to find multi-word expressions in ...
Juan Jose Echeverry De Mendoza's user avatar
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Wordcloud showing image but not words in R

Having trouble getting the words to show up on an image mask for a word cloud in R. Using this Simpsons PNG (
Jean-Paul Azzopardi's user avatar
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memory efficient Wordcloud? Huge dataset creates error to allocate vector

I try to make a wordcloud in R but my dataset is too big (500.000 Tweets are in it) But I get always the error message running line m <- as.matrix(tdm) "Error: cannot allocate vector of size ...
stefan's user avatar
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words hyperlink in a wordcloud

i am trying to develop a hyperlink worcloud. MWE is given below, any hint please. link = {'Python':'', 'R':'', 'php':'...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Showing Chinese character '稳' in python wordcloud

The character '稳' isn't showing when I try to do a wordcloud. from wordcloud import WordCloud d={'稳' : 2, '定' : 3, '稳增长' : 4, '国企' : 4} wc = WordCloud(font_path=...
paul's user avatar
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How to create a wordcloud without removing the punctuations in the text?

I am trying to create a word cloud in in python. My goal is to have the words in the csv file appear as they are, without the removal of any punctuations. i have tried several approaches, but I am not ...
drtamakloe's user avatar
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Unnecessary words included in the Word cloud created using R programming

I am trying to create some word cloud in R, which I am managing well so far with the exception of one little problem. I don't know where these words/symbols are coming from, but the following words ...
The Curious One's user avatar
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read full review from the dataset with the specific word that shown in wordcloud

Hy! I am finding for the reviews from dataset related to those specific words that are shown in wordCloud here is my code for visualizing and counting for words visualize wordcloud with removing ...
Mehr Un Nisa's user avatar
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How to plot the frequency chart and world cloud from the frequency list created in Pandas

I have data frame of n-grams frequency which is created by below code. How can create frequency plot and word cloud from the below output. Code from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import ...
aeapen's user avatar
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