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Imgur image can be loaded in <img> the but not directly in a new browser tab

Here's an example image that I can view with no problem: I can point to this in my <img> tags and have it be loaded on webpages, as well as right click on desktop (...
Blake's user avatar
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Umbraco 10 - "No physical template file was found" error intermittently on production

Umbraco 10 - "No physical template file was found" error intermittently on production I'm encountering an issue with my Umbraco 10 site in production where I get a "Page Not Found" ...
user27487478's user avatar
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Why am I getting "FAILED: fs.is_open(). Can't open 'colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt'" error in OpenCV when loading a Caffe model?

I'm trying to use OpenCV's DNN module to colorize a black-and-white image using a pre-trained Caffe model. However, when I run the following code: import cv2 import numpy as np cv2.imwrite('...
Mobina's user avatar
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Python's ioctl function returns FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory while the C function with the same args succeeds

I am creating a driver for an existing python library with a device that communicates via ioctl. The vendor of the device provided some sample C code that I have been using for reference but I am ...
Braedon's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError when using SSL with KafkaProducer in Python

import json from kafka import KafkaProducer folderName =r'D:\\BigDataLocalSetup\\KafkaProject\\' producer = KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers="kafka-project-abdullahqwerty70125- dee5.e....
Mariyam Shahzad's user avatar
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Error initializing Shopify Hydrogen project: ENOENT no such file or directory

I am trying to initialize a new Shopify Hydrogen project using the Shopify CLI on my Windows machine by referring shopify's document . However, I keep encountering an error related to file paths that. ...
Arfaz Ahmed's user avatar
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1 answer

I don't know why I'm receiving "Exception has occurred" in this situation

I'm trying to run code from with its dataset (already downloaded and added to a folder, as instructed by the author), and I get the message "Exception has ...
mousie's user avatar
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Dynamic Webproject HTTP Status 404- Not Found [duplicate]

enter image description hereThis is my code package com.Servlet; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; ...
Balakumar's user avatar
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Interesting FileNotFound error while running pymetamap

I have been attempting to setup and use MetaMap as outlined by Dr. Weissman here: ...
Alex K's user avatar
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When updating to xcode 15 flutter project shows 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found error

When updating to xcode 15, my flutter project which is in version ">=2.17.1 <3.0.0" forced me to use minimum iOS 12, there are some libraries that present this error. The project ...
Leandro Almeida's user avatar
-1 votes
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Flask unit test failing due to FileNotFoundError for private key file [duplicate]

I'm trying to run unit tests on a Flask application that utilizes public and private keys for JWT token generation. However, when running my unit tests, I'm getting a FileNotFoundError indicating that ...
KauaKing's user avatar
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How do I access my CSV file I downloaded on Mac, without encountering the error '[Errno 2] No such file or directory:'?

I am going through w3school's machine learning course and I am stuck on the Multiple Regression section. I downloaded their example CSV file and when I ran the following code: import pandas from ...
Drew Olson's user avatar
-1 votes
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File doesnot exits

The Python code is of a quiz app. The code returns an 'filenotfound' error though the file is present in a different directory. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Volumes/HP AKASH/...
Akash Sadhukhan's user avatar
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mysqlbinlog command giving error file not found (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

I am trying to read the binarylog file generated by mysql. While file is present in the folder, the command gives the error. I can open it with notepad, but it is not human readable. I am on Windows ...
gs1208's user avatar
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does not find an image - pyautogui

I tried everything, changed the folder(English, Russian), indicated the exact path through os.path.abspath(file), does not find png photo import time import pyautogui import os # Функция для ...
Shinobu's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError while trying to load dataset from drive

I have been trying to load the NWPU VHR-10 dataset in Google collab from a directory in Google drive using 'on.listdir()' function . However, I encountered a 'FileNotFoundError' when trying to access ...
tasnim nefzi's user avatar
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LineSDK Use LoginConfiguration before setup. Please call `LoginManager.setup` before you do any other things in LineSDK

package.json "@xmartlabs/react-native-line": "^2.2.0", "react": "18.2.0", "react-native": "0.72.6", 1.
peter 'pan's user avatar
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FileNotFound Error when trying to read from Azure Blob Storage

I'm building a Streamlit app that reads a file (a .npy file in this case) from Azure Blob Storage. I'm accessing the storage account by specifying the account name, account key, container name, and ...
Marcelino Velasquez's user avatar
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Where do I find the prerequisite files for matplotlib?

I've been attempting to run a jupyter notebook with matplotlib, but keep on encountering the error FileNotFoundError: Matplotlib's TeX implementation searched for a file named 'rm-lmr10.tfm' in your ...
Arkleseisure's user avatar
-1 votes
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build file in wrong directory?

I am a beginner in C/C++, and need help with this: I am generating the build file on my MacOS by using: mkdir build cd build cmake .. and get this: -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang ...
Avissa Taghizadeh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I run a binary linked against a shared library without using LD_LIBRARY_PATH or rpath?

This has been bugging me for a while. I tried linking a shared object to an executable in one of my projects (structured like this): . ├── lib.c ├── lib.h ├── main.c └── Makefile ...using this ...
chris03-dev's user avatar
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unable to write video output: No such file or directory

I am trying to write a video output using open cv but there has been no output, I'm using google colab to do the code from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') DataFolder = "/...
Sonny 's user avatar
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Rstudio qsslearnr package Tutorial is not installing a pdf on the Submit page

I followed the instructions to download the qsslearnr packages here: and was able to complete a tutorial. However, when I get to the Submit page, I click the ...
fluffs77's user avatar
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Unable to set up necessary files for running Yolov5. Unable to locate files

My project is to make a programm that is able to track a badminton shuttlecock. I have prevoiusly been using opencv to track it. However, it was unsuccesful. As a result I am now trying to use a ...
Zhi Lun Ong's user avatar
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Read image from a file using OpenCV

I want to convert PNG type flowchart to the graph by using Graphviz Python Package. Here I have already installed relevant packages by using pip install opencv-python pytesseract graphviz After I ...
Kanchana Kariyawasam's user avatar
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VSCode Clang file no found in header in C++ project

I'm a noob please don't hate me. I'm using cmake and vscode for a cpp project. Compiling is fine but clang says it can't find my headers and underline them although it also show me the path so it ...
PA le chat's user avatar
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Why im getting, (No such file or directory) In Eclipse when trying the run the Testng.xml file

I'm trying to run the testng.xml in eclipse,(Why the / slashes is getting changed to \ slashes) I get the following file not found error: Caused by: /Users/nandhakumar/...
Nandha kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

compiler can't find vulkan's H264 codec header file

I get 'vulkan/vulkan.h' file not found due to a different error on vulkan_core.h: vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h264std.h' file not found after running a script using vulkan.h header file. The thing is ...
PartyPie's user avatar
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Receive net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND message but working image link shows in HTML

I am putting together a weather app suing weatherapi. I can retrieve the general weather but I get a net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND message for the icon, however the icon url shows in the HTML and is working ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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"sh: /usr/local/bin/node: not found" while it is present on the Filesystem

After switching from bullseye-slim to bookworm-slim Docker image I experience env: can't execute 'node': No such file or directory error and it looks like it is caused by COPY --from=1234567890.dkr....
Roman Newaza's user avatar
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Delphi Text file not found

I saved my text file in the same folder as my Delphi project but when I test if the file exists, it still says it does not exist. I've tried everything I know of what I could find on the web but ...
Moep's user avatar
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Drive.Files.get() not working. Google Apps Script

Trying to open a file from the file ID using Drive.Files.get(). Doing: afile = Drive.Files.get({ fileID: "1LyhjPE2sQKaVJQGah_10ik_PnD5q5n6P0QlwD_XWZWc", supportAllDrives: true }); I ...
Robert M.'s user avatar
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I keep getting Error: "No such file or directory" [duplicate]

I have a program where I want to access a text file from my program. Even though the code is correct and the file has been created in the same directory, PyCharm is refusing to access it. I want to ...
Zayd's user avatar
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I am Not Able Lode CSV file Using Pandas

FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) /tmp/ipykernel_83/ in <module> 3 import numpy as np 4 #Load the data ----> 5 df = pd....
user22682926's user avatar
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Failed to start server. Error: NOT_FOUND: /api/models.config/; No such file or directory

I am running tensorflow/serving on Windows Powershell using Docker but it keeps error like that "Failed to start server. Error: NOT_FOUND: /api/models.config/; No such file or directory". ...
Ibrat Usmonov's user avatar
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special (not-found) page dos not work in (route-groups) in next13

I want to create special not-found page in my (next13) project that I have route-groups. and in any route-group I have separate (layout) page. my not-found page is this but dos not work and the ...
Ashkan Ahmadi's user avatar
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os.scandir throws mysterious NotADirectory error

while I was writing a function loop through a folder code here: import os from pathlib import Path path = Path(r'D:\full') for i in os.scandir(path):#folders for j in os.scandir(i.path):#subdict ...
TheHappyBee's user avatar
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Another C0006 Metadata file could not be found

We have a near-dirt-simple console app that connects to a database we're using in an MVC app. When I went to compile the console app, I got the C0006 error on the EntityFramework.dll and ...
Mighty's user avatar
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2 answers

What is [Errno 2] in pip installation?

I am setting up pip using the official documentation on an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS system, and when I execute the python command, I get an error message stating: python3: can't open file '/home/...
Iano's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] -python

I'm new to python and I'm getting this error when trying to execute the following code which aims to take the contents of this pdf and put it in an excel document. My os is Windows 10 and I'm using ...
shattv's user avatar
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【FileNotFoundError】when opening executable of streamlit project (selenium included) made by cxfreeze

Project info I created a little project with streamlit app framework (, also included some other packages (selenium, pandas, numpy). Wrapper script info In order to share it with my colleagues,...
HowardHsiao's user avatar
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YUM command on Mobaxterm, windows

I am new to that area, I have installed Mobaexterm and try to run the YUM as part of some command. It says that the YUM command is not found Apperantly I need to install also a specific package to do ...
Adi Pauker's user avatar
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Build input file cannot be found: After Creating Bridging Header

I add some Objective-C libraries to my SwiftUI project using bridging header, Now am facing an error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/.../../QPos-iOS/QPos-iOS-Bridging-Header'. Did you ...
Nisar Ahmad's user avatar
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File not found error while try to generate map

map = folium.Map(location=[points[0]["latitude"], points[0]["longitude"]], zoom_start=12) folium.Marker([points[0]["latitude"], points[0]["longitude"]], ...
zuokox's user avatar
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What steps can I take to get Flask's render_template function to work in PythonAnywhere with a new project?

I am an experienced programmer, new to PythonAnywhere. I setup a new project, and tried to do render_template("/home/myusername/mysite/templates/testFile.html") I keep getting errors that ...
Victor's user avatar
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"Node.js Error: Cannot Find Module - Correct File Path and Directory Structure Verified"

Title: Node.js Error: Cannot Find Module - Correct File Path and Directory Structure Verified Body: I'm attempting to run my Node.js server with the command node server.js, but I'm encountering a ...
Farid Lipi's user avatar
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Objective-C - Swift bridge causes: "String" file not found error

I am noob to macOS, and never had done anything on it, now I am forced to work on it for my thesis (I have 10 more days to finish it) I have to connect a foreign, CocoaPods based objc project's test ...
alabastor95's user avatar
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Python Filenotfound error in a program to practice exam questions

I have little programming experience, but I'm trying to create a very simple program in Python from a set of many questions that look like this in .txt file: 8001Penicilínové antibiotiká 0+ ...
Jakub Lukáč's user avatar
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Textract - windows10 - shell error - failed with exit code 127

The below code works fine for txt file but doesn't work with pdf files. import textract text = textract.process(r'C:\Users\Python_files\accounts.txt') However, I cannot seem to figure out what the ...
Yukthi Bhat's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError is shown even though files are in same directory [duplicate]

Though files are in same directory I'm getting with open(file, 'r') as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'breast_cancer.txt' I've following code under ...
Paul's user avatar
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