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Logic App Stateless workflow calls stateful workflow, but doesn't return message body

I'm trying to call Logic App stateful workflow from Stateless workflow, but it seems I don't receive the body message; To demonstrate the issue - The parent logic app workflow invokes two child ...
Deepak Shaw's user avatar
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Does Starlette SessionMiddleware store session data on the server or on the client?

I am developing a stateless FastAPI app. The authentication is handled via Google OAuth (openid email profile scope). I am using Authlib and it uses SessionMiddleware (request.session) to store ...
tanzwood's user avatar
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How refers to only one element of a LazyColumn using ViewModel and UiState

I started recently a course on jetpack Compose and I was suddenly enthusiast about it. Now I learned how to use Viewmodel and UiState to manage different data states. Very interesting and exciting for ...
Fabio De Cena's user avatar
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Wildfly 22.0.1 failing to deploy WAR that uses @Stateless classes

I am getting a strange error on Wildfly where it is not deploying a WAR file. My exact setup is per the below: OS : Windows 10 JDK : Amazon Correto WildFly : 22.0.1.Final IntelliJ : ...
Cris Maule's user avatar
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Laravel 11 Specifying a Custom Model for Sanctum

I need to specify a custom table name and schema for Sanctum in Laravel 11 because we use multiple schemas. To do this, I must create a custom model overriding PersonAccessToken. Sanctum provides a ...
Bill Keck's user avatar
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SOLVED! setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build ,stuck on this although the app work normally

This is my home screen and it is working fine but it is throwing error each time I navigate to it. I don't know what to do , all of the app is working normally , it is just throwing this errors and I ...
MehdiDx's user avatar
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Persistence does not ocur in a stateless bean, using JPA when duplicate key exception is thrown

In a stateless bean, i´ve persisted a customer, but when I try to persist an entity product, this trows a duplicate key exception. So the customer is not persisted in db. Why is that? @Stateless ...
y.z's user avatar
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Flutter stateless and stateful widget question [closed]

I just wanna ask few questions Should i wrap my normal widget with stateless or stateful when using? What is the different of using it as is? I just wanna build re usable widget and wondering if i ...
Niiko's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Stateless and Stateful widget, can i use both?

Is it possible to combine the two widgets? Now I'm studying flutter and if I want to keep my AppBar fixed or something else. Can I have both widgets? If it's possible, should I use the build widget on ...
David Rocha's user avatar
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How to run timers in stateless microservice

I am working on a stateless microservice and need to run some timers in it. Now timers are inherently stateful and I need to run them in a way that the service remains stateless. The major point in ...
Muhammad Ahmed Bappi's user avatar
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Translate workflow into state machine with respect to SOLID and OOP

Lets say you start with a method that accepts two complex objects. This method is some sort handler and it needs to process workflow (see workflow flowchart) public Task Handler(Object A, List<...
Randy Marsh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Stateless Session Bean using Container Managed EntityManger in Asynchronous method generates constraint violation Excetion in DB

I have a NO Interface View bean (Stateless) which has an asyncronous method. This method is performing persistence access via a Container Managed EntityManager. Unfortunately, it generates Constraint ...
André's user avatar
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What is statelessness in REST API in layman term?

I have gone through various REST API documentation. However, I don't have a clear understanding of it. Can someone help me to understand it in layman's terms? How is it different from API being ...
Sweta Sharma's user avatar
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Laravel authentication via Passport using "Authorization Code Grant with PKCE" for stateless application

I am developing stateless API service with authentication by JWT tokens, service must have access token and refresh token, for implementation used official Laravel Passport package. The Laravel ...
Eugene Zdravstvuy's user avatar
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System.InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program

I have a .net 6 solution that has two Service Fabric stateless services. The first one "ServiceA" is a web service that receives incoming API requests and then it creates a proxy to second ...
Mister Salvatore's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Changing nested element in matrix only using constants python

Hi I was working with a matrix in python call it a : a = [ [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0] ] I would like to change the element on the second row in the first column (...
Jip Helsen's user avatar
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Websocket app into stateless microservice?

i would like to convert an app i have created into a proper microservice, following all the usual practices. However i am unable to understand how to achieve statelessness and horizontal scaling. This ...
dac1n's user avatar
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WCF Why HttpsTransport with WebSocket=Always faster than Never

As the title says, could someone explain to me why WCF HttpsTransport using Websocket (transportUsage=Always), are faster than not using Websocket (transportUsage=Never) even when doing sessionless ...
saibot75's user avatar
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Using stateful vs stateless handler classes in Spring Boot

I got stuck in a situation where I have two options to implement a part of a project. I have a handler interface which internally contains a couple of methods to handle the incoming requests. The ...
ofa's user avatar
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How to check if the context is there rather than isMounted because I'm using Stateless Widget

I'm using StateLess Widget and I want to check if the context not disposed before showing up the dialog, without using the isMounted method so is there any solution for that ?
Flutter Dev's user avatar
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flutter update stateful widget form stateless widget

i have 4 List and i want to change them by tapping on gesturedetector on tap event, but i receive an error. I tried call setState , but as i understood only stateful widget can do it. This lists ...
Alexandr Gevorkyan's user avatar
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Flutter update refresh previous page when page has been pushed via a stateless widget

So here is the problem. TabScreen() with 3 pages and one fabcontainer button (Stateless widget). When pressed the fabcontainer will give you the chances of make one upload, after the upload i would ...
Salvatore La Fiura's user avatar
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How can I put Cassandra in read-only mode?

A team is developing a stateless docker container with the Cassandra database to be run under Kubernetes, with all data and metadata files shipped inside the container, so putting the database into a ...
mirekphd's user avatar
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Is Maintaining a pointer still Stateless?

I'm trying to design an API that maintains an array of message queues and takes requests from workers to process items in the MQs in a round-robin fashion to ensure fairness. In order to move through ...
Reddy's user avatar
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How to set maintenance mode with django in stateless aplication

I've hosted my app in Google Cloud Run, a simple Vue's frontend connected to a django API. The problem arises when I try to set maintenance mode to the API, protecting it from unexpected calls. For ...
David Heredia's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can Textfield be a Stateful widget in Flutter?

I have a text field(stateless widget) and a set of radio buttons(Stateful widget). This text field displays different data, depending on the item selected in the radio button. In such a case, the ...
Annapurna's user avatar
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How to avoid duplicate logs in stateless call

In our application same client can call same request multiple time , we do this logging for each request We want to avoid such logging and want to log only when there is some change in user call So ...
agarwal_achhnera's user avatar
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C# Azure durable functions [Aggregator]

I'm looking for a solution where I could aggregate data coming from TCP or even from an azure queue based on a device id. I have been looking at the documentation online and in medium posts and so far ...
João Silva's user avatar
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Flutter Navigate to home route from provider

I am new to flutter and I have been trying to create an app that requires authentication. After getting the user ID and basic information, I check for the role of the user and once that is done, I ...
hiramehg's user avatar
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ReactJS : my object.keys(xxx).map doesn't loop

I tried a lot of things but I'm a beginner in ReactJs and I think It's a simple problem but I can't manage to fix it . I'm using a stateless component because I need to use the function useParams(). I ...
Aliénor's user avatar
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Stateless library: change state after action with parameters

In the stateless library it is possible to have triggers with parameters. I have a simple state machine and I want that the user can run a method with parameters and this method shall execute a ...
Anno's user avatar
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how post api with authentication identifier and secret in flutter

i want fetch data by post method with identifier and secret in flutter where should i add "identifier" and "secret" in post method? in postman they added to body and that works but ...
sianami's user avatar
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Memory leak in stateless session

I am working with Business Central version 7.61.0.Final and KIE Server version 7.61.0.Final. I created my project using Decision Tables and deployed it to KIE Server. I execute my rules through the ...
Javier Andrade's user avatar
4 votes
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Google Cloud Function Gen 1 Deployment Failure

This is mostly for the community, because it took me quite a while to figure out. I have a python 3.9 environment stateless Google Cloud Function using pytorch. The initial deployment and function ...
Mykel's user avatar
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Time-dependent, repeatable pseudo-random number

I need to generate a repeatable pseudo-random number that is dependent on the current time and a server secret. For example, this mechanism should generate a new pseudo-random number every minute. The ...
raner's user avatar
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In OpenShift stateless Java application, how to perform operation in only one pod among 4 identical pods running

We have a Java application deployed in open shift container platform. There are 4 identical stateless pods running the application. In our application , a scheduler runs every 15 mins that process ...
user3615185's user avatar
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How to use provider in a builder? FLUTTER

As a hobby and with the purpose of being better with provider I'm converting all the stateful widgets that I like into stateless widgets using provider. I perfectly understand simple cases, but now I ...
Antonio Domínguez's user avatar
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Call constructor every time i access in a page Flutter

I want to call a constructor from a class everytime i login in app, the first time it's all ok but the next times is no called. Im using stateless widget and provider. Elements: a simple class whit a ...
Job González's user avatar
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How to define variables in a stateless widget in flutter

I want to pass a variable from a statelesswidget to a stateful widget. But when I do so, i have to remove the const from the constructor of GameScreen. Which is generally not advised and will make the ...
Joel's user avatar
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docker-compose entrypoint restart not stateless

When I restart a container with docker-compose up with an entrypoint it's not stateless, it keep the context of the previous execution of the entrypoint. docker-compose file: version: '3.8' services: ...
raphaelauv's user avatar
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ProviderNotFoundException (Error: Could not find the correct Provider<EntryProvider> above this HomePage Widget

I am new in dart and I face this problem. I try to display data from provider entry_providers.dart but I got this problem the error description this home.dart file this home.dart file this is the ...
Juu's user avatar
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Which is better static function return widget or stateless widget

As it clear from title, which one approach is better, static function in class returns custom widget, or stateless widget class? example for static function returns custom widget: class FormComponent {...
Shady Boshra's user avatar
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Are REST Webservices stateful?

We are talking about REST Webservices in my university right now. There came the terms "Application" and "Interaction" up. I totally understand Interaction, but not quite ...
Henrik Mader's user avatar
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Security Bug with Symfony (Hitting Protected Endpoint Always Returns Unauthorized)

I have the following config/packages/security.yml file and it really looks like follows: framework: rate_limiter: username_ip_login: policy: token_bucket limit: 5 ...
Mostafa A. Hamid's user avatar
2 votes
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I'm having issues trying to convert my StatelessWidget code..why?

I was trying to code a stateful widget on a statelessWidget class to put a bool and a stateState((), (show or hide password). So I followed some post which said that the solution is to convert. I ...
kernelrpc_mach_vm_protect's user avatar
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Stateless Function in Java

If we consider a function foo depending on a and b. Would I then write a stateless function as follows: MyClass final b; <returnType> foo(a) {...} I am asking because foo would depend on the ...
chipsmonster91's user avatar
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Flutter: When to create Stateless or Stateful page?

I am new to Flutter. Everything in Flutter is a widget, and there are two types of widgets, which are Stateless and Stateful. Understood that stateless widgets are widgets that will not change or user ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to configure Spring OAuth2 in JHipster for stateless authentication against GitLab?

I have set up an OAuth2-based installation (spring-security-oauth2-core 5.2.4) of JHipster (3.9.0) against a gitlab repository. Mainly following but using ...
Wallenstein's user avatar
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how do i know when should i use a stateless pod or a stateful one?

I am some kind of new to Kubernetes and Docker and I was studying the concept of statelessness and statefulness and I understand that stateless microservices don't store data on the host, whereas ...
melina's user avatar
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Can I use only JWT for authentication without widely used standards like OpenID/Oauth2?

I'm writing Rest Api and SPA. I want stateless authentication for users. That's why I would like to know is it still secure to use only JWTs without widely used standards like OpenID/Oauth2?
Nodar Sanaia's user avatar

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