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How to preserve scroll in vue form with inertia

How do I get preservescroll working on a form? It works for the delete functionality with the Link but I can't get it to work on the form or the div. <template> <form @submit.prevent=&...
Marianne Hartigan's user avatar
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Vue checkbox update after text in v-select changed

My code paints all checkboxes in all rows red. But I want it to paints only one checkbox red, in the row where the text was changed. I tried to connect the id of the where I changed text in v-select ...
MAKSIM S's user avatar
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B Popover in bootstrap get closed when clicked element inside it when trigger is set with and click blur

Good day developers using a component with b-popover component form vuebootstrap. Inside that b-popover i have collapsable component that is also from vue bootstrap(b-collapse). The intention is ...
Enrique GF's user avatar
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Conditional rendering of multiple tables in Vue.js

I'm building a Vue.js application that requires conditional rendering of multiple tables based on certain conditions. I have a set of flags that determine which tables should be rendered, and I'm ...
Khan's user avatar
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How to Implement "Append to Body" for @shentao/vue-multiselect 2.1.6 in Vue 2.6

I am using Vue 2.6 with @shentao/vue-multiselect version 2.1.6. I've created a reusable component where I bind all props and events to the multiselect component. Here's my code: Here is the component: ...
oguzcan's user avatar
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How to styling AutoComplete component in Primevue

i need to how to styling AutoComplete component in PrimeVue this is the current code sample <AutoComplete size="small" v-model="selectedEmployee" class="" placeholder=...
Suneth Udayanaga's user avatar
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Why can not find the source vue component file in browser developer tool if vue component is written in typescript?

I am using vue2, my build tool is [email protected]. In order to debug the vue source component file easily, I add a configuration in output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate, the code is as below: const ...
ahwyX100's user avatar
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DataTable with Tabs from Primevue not showing any data?

I have in vuejs a DataTable in a component that I display using Tabs. This means that one DataTable is always visible and the others only after clicking on the next Tab. When the page reloads, the ...
Holec Pavel's user avatar
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how to solve the problem of multiple elements at position : absolute when animating transtionGroup, or stretching the parent element

Is it possible to make it so that at position-absolute in class .prod-leave-active grid elements do not move to the beginning of the parent element? This happens when transitioning or applying filters,...
Vitaliy Velichyshi's user avatar
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Don't render component until shown, but then don't destroy when hidden

I have a tabbed interface and I don't want the component on the 2nd tab to render until the 2nd tab is selected. However, I don't want the component to be destroyed (only hidden) when the 1st tab is ...
Mog0's user avatar
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Apexcharts plot point does not coincide with the xaxis label ticks. Tick is places slightly behind

As you can see in the image the tooltip and plot graph are ahead of the x-axis label. How do we align them together? here is my base config export const baseChartConfig = (): ApexOptions => { ...
itsDanial's user avatar
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How to make a HTTP call from a Vue.js app that includes a list of files to upload

I need to call a Spring controller that has a @RequestPart parameter of type List<MultipartFile> and expects a list of files. The front end application is written in Vue.js and so far I have ...
John Garez's user avatar
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Vue 3 apollo client UseLazyQuery for multiple results

I am trying to run the useLazyQuery in my vue to get data from Apollo client. I am passing the parameter and query return different results based on the parameter being passed. My issue is that result ...
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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How to get authorization header in Vue project?

I have a project written on Vue and uses Vue Router. I want to get Authorization header. As I can understand, Vue Router manages requests and route components. There is a method beforeEach in router ...
chudin26's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy forwards axios HTTP requests to IP:Port instead of domain

I have a problem with my frontend which is built and mounted to my FastAPI application. The frontend uses a custom axios client, which dynamically loads the baseURL from a config.js file. No matter ...
crazywolf's user avatar
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Vue to Laravel page redirect is not working in Vite.js

I am using laravel 11 with vue3, When I am trying to redirect from Vue page to a Blade page then it's not working, I mentioned /profile route in web.php like this: Route::get('/profile', [...
Syed Abbas Naumani's user avatar
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Como arruma meu vue js? [closed]

PS C:\Users\wiliam\Documents\Treinando vue js> npm run dev npm error code ENOENT npm error syscall open npm error path C:\Users\wiliam\Documents\Treinando vue js\package.json npm error errno -4058 ...
Zumba Games's user avatar
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VueJS 3 .vite Error Loading module from `node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk*` blocked because of a disallowed MIME type ("") FireFox

I have a VueJS 3 application with Pinia stores and Primevue JS library hosted in an EC2 bucket and recently out of no where I am getting these errors that are preventing the page from loading, oddly ...
Dylan Cross's user avatar
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Can't create a type from an array

I'm trying to define a type for the props of a sidebar component in Vue 3 using TypeScript. Specifically, I want to create a SidebarItemProps type based on an array of objects (navLinks), which is ...
Just V's user avatar
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Using dynamic routing to access 404 in the production environment, but it can be accessed normally through the nuxt-link

Nuxt3 uses dynamic routing newsDetail/[id]. vue. The development environment is normal, and refreshing the page (F5) is also possible. However, after packaging through generate, there is no problem ...
ha ha's user avatar
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laravel reverb broadcast on not chanel not run ever

I have a notification system in Laravel 11, and SPA Nuxt 3 connects in the browser using Laravel Echo and gets status 101. The notification is saved in the database and no errors appear, but the ...
Muhammad Hamid's user avatar
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The content of modal windows is not passed to the Vue.js template

For center-type modal windows, all function arguments are passed correctly. The issue arises when trying to pass an object from the template to slotContent, as its value becomes null. In the code, I ...
Андрей Дмитрук's user avatar
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My pug code is treated as jsx for no reason

Today a problem appeared. I assume something was updated in vscode, vue, or pug plugins. My syntax highlighting is destroyed in one file because something thinks that my javascript file is jsx. I ...
mark-hahn's user avatar
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Importing module error: module does not provide an export named default/{module name}

I have a script named /src/web/static/js/my_vue_widget.js. It looks like this: const MyVueWidget = { name: 'MyVueWidget', ... }; export default MyVueWidget; I have an HTML /src/web/static/...
mike01010's user avatar
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Vuetify v-datable expanded with different api

I need to create an accordion effect data table similar to this code pen '''''' but I need to fetch different data every time I expand a level and I need to use ...
WBayoomi's user avatar
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Vue.js different functionality when calling util in script vs template (and accounting for template unpacking)

toRawDeep clones nested proxy object (calling toRaw at each level to clone the original proxy object). // this works as expected (updates to prop.rowData in parent do not change what is rendered in ...
user2263572's user avatar
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Subscribe to a child event programatically in Vue3

Is it possible to subscribe to an event given a reference to a component in Vue? I would like to subscribe to any events fired by child input components. In Vue2 this would work by simply using ...
SanBen's user avatar
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How to check called function. Vitest

I'm using Vitest. I have a main function checkForm, it can contain 2 or more functions with extensive logic. Therefore we can't extract logic from update and refresh const update = (): void => { ...
Jessika's user avatar
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PrimeVue Forms API: TypeScript Error When Accessing $form Field States

I'm using the PrimeVue Forms API with TypeScript, but I encounter TypeScript errors when trying to access form field states via the $form object. This occurs even when following the documentation ...
Asking's user avatar
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Access TanStack Query Cache in VueJs

I have 2 routes in my vue js application. /dashboard /dashboard/about-me Dashboard page is the wrapper of about-me page which is rendered using <RouterView /> within Dashboard. Inside ...
Asking's user avatar
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vue "InternalError: too much recursion"

I try to embedd chart.js as a vue component into my app. As soon as i try to add new data to the chart dataset i get the error: Uncaught InternalError: too much recursion push reactivity.esm-...
Marc's user avatar
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When returning to an open tab in the navigator after some times, the app displays raw json instead of the page [closed]

I've noticed some strange behaviour with my Laravel/Inertia/vue.js app. When returning to an open tab in the navigator after some time, the app displays raw JSON instead of the page. The JSON looks ...
Arbiz's user avatar
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Data Lost Between Routes in Vue.js on Refresh

I'm working on a Vue.js application using Vue Router and Axios to fetch user data. I have two pages: /dashboard and /dashboard/me. The data for the /dashboard page is successfully loaded and displayed,...
Asking's user avatar
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I have problem that promo is not passing to this component so when i run my project as products catalog(Vue.js) app error Promo is not defined

I have problem that promo is not passing to this component so when i run my project as products catalog(Vue.js) app error Promo is not defined The problem that the type PromotionalSpot is not passing ...
Meme's user avatar
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How to resolve compatibility issues caused by fixed gaps to make the layout adaptable to different devices [closed]

Here is my code, it works great in my computer. However, "gap: 50px", this fixed gap makes it lose compatibility.On other computers, the content might overflow the container. <style ...
zzhzzh's user avatar
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How to implement a list item component with adaptive width to fill the parent container

The result I have right now is like this. The result I need is like this. Here is my code: <template> <t-space direction="vertical"> <div class="user-...
zzhzzh's user avatar
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How to align Date regardless the length of comments

As shown in the picture I want the date to always be aligned to the far right, regardless of the length of the comment, just like the longest comment. My related current code is as follows: ...
zzhzzh's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Blog: Article Changes When Language Changes, but Slug Does Not Update

I'm working on a multilingual blog using Nuxt 3, and I'm experiencing an issue where the article content updates correctly when the language is changed, but the slug in the route does not update ...
Hasan Has's user avatar
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Matching icon paths between index.html and manifest.json in Vue app

For my vue app, in my index.html file I have this to define an icon for the application: <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="src/assets/telepathic.svg"/> &...
vudvudvud12's user avatar
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How to leave meeting and close embed UI with Zoom Meeting SDK in a SPA?

I’m currently using Zoom Meeting SDK in a VueJS application. I’ve successfully connected to the meeting but there’s a problem: If the user leaves the meeting route, being a SPA, there’s no browser ...
Gabriel Sato's user avatar
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Display standard numeric format with units

I am using ejs-numerictextbox and want to use the locale specific number format but with a unit suffix, e.g. 1,000 kg. The format 'N' displays the number as I'd like, but adding a unit on the end ...
Mog0's user avatar
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Close Popover in vue when clicked on Link

Im currently working on a Navigationbar in vue.js. I want to close (respectively, hide) the Dashboard when im clicking a link inside of it With my current Solution its wokring but i have to click ...
Ankara_messi's user avatar
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Error in Building Vue + Electron Desktop App

I am trying to build a Vue + Electron desktop app. While the app works properly when I run npm run electron:serve, I am encountering errors during the build process with the following commands: npm ...
Aravindha S's user avatar
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"Cannot use import statement outside a module" in Vue-Cli+electron+electron-builder

I'm using Vue3(use vue cli to init), typescript, and electron-builder to develop a simple electron app. The npm run electron:serve works correctly. I successfully export the .exe file, but when I ...
Kevin W's user avatar
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How to auto scroll a Vue Datepicker when changing to a past date?

I'm currently using Vue Datepicker to create a widget when I can pass any date in the calendar picker. My configuration uses two calendars side by side. For example, assuming today is December 5th, I ...
Pablo Darde's user avatar
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want to merge two objects and create array of values [closed]

I have two objects with same key and value name DateYMD. I want to merge this both object and want to create new object. Current object data : [{           "Id": "1",           &...
Sami In's user avatar
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How do I create conditional styling on a Vue Component if the stylings need to come from a CSS theme file?

I am trying to get the IconText to turn white and stay white whenever the outer div (MyComponent) has a color of black; otherwise, the IconText should stay whatever var(--COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) is. It ...
Programmer02293's user avatar
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how to prevent Vuetify's v-date-picker `type` from changing date format

I have a datepicker and I'm trying to restrict the selections between 'month' and date but when I switch the v-date-picker's type from 'date' to 'month', the date format changes from 2024-01-01 to ...
Clinton Njiru's user avatar
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Vue/Vite: __VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__ is not explicitly defined

I'm getting this warning when developing locally, after updating to Vue 3.5 (I didn't before that). VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS is not explicitly defined. You are running the esm-bundler ...
Mitya's user avatar
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npm when installing vuetify Report an error

I installed the option Nuxt Recommended (Everything from Default. Enables auto importing & layouts) according to the process of vuetify official website, but an Error was reported: ENOENT: no such ...
baotianxia's user avatar

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