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How to load Vue component/form from JSON form schema

In my project I am receiving form schemas from the back-end that I want to dynamically display in the front-end. The form schema I want to try it with looks like this: '{\n "components": [\...
straptor50's user avatar
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1 answer

How to display name values for numerical enum?

I am building a little vue.js webapp tool to view and edit a backend config file (formatted as a json). The object has an enum field which is represented on the backend as a uint, but I would like to ...
WarBro's user avatar
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1 answer

How to minify json files while Vite build?

I have a project on Vite + Vue.js, and there are many large static reference files in public/data with .json extension. How can I minify them during build without turning them into javascript? I tried ...
Talleyran's user avatar
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1 answer

Vuetify: Nested v-for for making lists in cards

I am attempting to create Recipe Card Components using data from a JSON file. I can successful get the cards to render with the correct data. However in the JSON file each recipe contains a nested ...
NingenIsu's user avatar
1 vote
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How to put json variable directly into DIV Class

I need to change the color of a div element by a number that I assign in the script section. I am using Nuxtjs and tailwind. This is the code what I want to work but sadly it doesn't. Anyone knows ...
tala hon's user avatar
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How can I get just the first row of data from a google sheet within Vue?

I'm doing a small project where I'm connecting to a Google Sheet with a basic Vuetify website. I'm pulling in the data from the sheet directly to display on the website, but I only want to pull in the ...
M. Straw's user avatar
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2 answers

Vue Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

Attempting to dynamically render weather information from an API. API request is returning data that I can display in the log and on the page. However, when I attempt to display individual items in my ...
Rhys Swansbra's user avatar
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1 answer

Tailwind CSS: can't import color palettes from JSON

I'm using Tailwind CSS in a Vue.js project and have encountered an issue where Tailwind does not generate custom color classes based on my JSON configuration for 'primary', 'secondary', and 'gray'. ...
Uno Spettro's user avatar
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How to convert the JSONLD schema to Class objects in JavaScript application?

I would like to convert a JSONLD document into a Class and properties in JavaScript. Something similar to Java where we have a class with variables and I want to achieve the similar thing for my ...
BATMAN_2008's user avatar
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Changing Vue Component Tag Color in VSCode: Issues with Token Scoping

Previously, I could inspect a token and then add textMateRules to settings.json in VsCode, but now it doesn't work for some reason, maybe because of some recent vue or vscode updates. If I inspect the ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamic Import of JSON files in Typescript with variable name in Quasar/Vue

I'm building a application using the Quasar framework in Typescript. I have a lot of JSON files I'd like to dynamically import, as it is not feasible to manually import hundreds of files. I have a ...
cmihran's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I return matching query from array of objects?

I have an array of JSON objects to be output, where if the user enters an input the system will return the matching records, looking at name, mobileNumber, hobbies and gender. <template> <...
red17's user avatar
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Sending File data from Vue frontend to Flask backend: 400 Bad Request: The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand

My goal is to have a user fill out a form where they upload a file and give it a custom name, and that data is sent to my backend Flask server. I specifically want the file itself so I can open it and ...
Lara-Codes's user avatar
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Rpc response prints on console but not on V-Table in Vue3?

I am using an RPC-TS library to get bridge currencies for Verus a coin. I am trying to get the data displayed on the table but I don't know what I am doing wrong nothing appears on the v-table the ...
artistAhmed's user avatar
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Structuring MVC project with Java (backend) + Vue.js (front)

I'm trying to implement a project that would be processing the images, labeling / modifying certain components of an image. My question is: I'm thinking of achieving it using Java (probably JSON as a ...
YJUser's user avatar
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Best practice for structuring JSON for models with foreign key relationships?

Hello! I am working on a mono-repo using Laravel and VueJS, and it makes CRUD operations on tables containing foreign keys. I'm finding it difficult to come up with a pattern or structure for my JSON. ...
robert.niemela's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to get keys and values from JavaScript Array

I have a JavaScript array that I am attempting to extract teams (Team A, Team B) and put them into an array and then put duty into a separate array while keeping the order. Below details current array ...
Sunny's user avatar
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Vue3 POSTing JSON to .Net API

I keep getting 400 bad request when I try to call my API POSTing data to it. POST http://localhost:5081/Purchasing/TestCall/190200 400 (Bad Request) Here is my Vue Call const requestOptions = { ...
Bigbear's user avatar
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Converting Large JSON to HTML with Mustache or Handlebars and Reversing the Process from HTML to JSON

I have a collection of JSON files, each containing data ranging from 400 to 500 lines of code (LOC). I need to convert this JSON data into HTML format, complete with appropriate classes, styling, and ...
VijaySolanki's user avatar
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3 answers

Split string in json object and return as array

I'm working with data sent from an api. I need to iterate through this info in order to render html elements. I have a problem with the 'subjects' data below as it is sent as a string, but I can only ...
JJJ's user avatar
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javascript fetch-api doesnt proceed with .then(), but backend responds with correct JSON-Object

Node.js-Version: 18.13.0 Vue-cli-Version: 5.0.8 I am currently developing a webapp with JS and Vue in the Frontend and Spring Boot and a temporary H2-Database in the backend. When I test my webapp I ...
Aegid1's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with reactive variables and change tracking in Vue.js

I am trying to select message from json file after what click event is raised. My problem is, when I first click on the message from list, it did not select anything (or it seems to me). If I click ...
Peter_Griffindor's user avatar
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Intersect two json arrays and combine all fields without using explicitly naming fields to combine

I have converted two excel sheets to json using a free online tool. It creates two separate json properties for each sheet. So we have the following json example: { "Product Info": [ { ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Filter a Json File with Vue

While trying Vue.js I encountered in a thing I don't know how to do: filter a part of a Json file. Let me explain better: I'm using a file Json full of electronics products like computers, mouse, ...
sproud's user avatar
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1 answer

Why title property is not displaying?

<script setup> import axios from 'axios'; import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; const products = ref([]) async function fetch() { try { const response = await axios.get('
Pavel Lexmaul's user avatar
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How to configure a vuejs app with an external file

so i've been trying to configure my vuejs app (i.e backend_url, some key etc..), i've tried to use .env files like in nodejs servers, but browsers don't support .env configuration like nodejs platform ...
mouse's user avatar
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The requested module '/path' does not provide an export named file.json

I'm expecting to render a json file in a Vue js app, but I'm getting an error The requested module '/path' does not provide an export named file.json. Even though the file exists and is with a correct ...
john's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

string to json Unexpected token 's',

i´m trying to send to mutation graphQL any data from vue js to my mutation created with laravel: parametrosCorreo: '{ "para":"' + destinatariosListaFmt.para.replace(/ /g, "") ...
scorpions77's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get data from array with object

I´m trying to access to array and get value "estado". I´m working with vuejs and laravel. I´m trying with any way, but i can´t... I know that my question maybe it´s very easy or simple... My ...
scorpions77's user avatar
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1 answer

Can i import a variable from a geojson file with Vue 3 and Vite? [duplicate]

I want to import a variable from a geojson file for my vue 3 project but when i do that : import line from '@static/line.geojson' my page becomes totally empty as if Vue no longer works. When i use ...
Ymasuu's user avatar
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Vue + Typescript: Iterate over JSON-Response with v-for shows error Property 'id' does not exist on type 'number'

After receiving the json response from my backend i want to show the results with a v-for loop in a list. My code works and it shows the results but visual studio shows an error The json looks like ...
AnotherByte's user avatar
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storeRefs in Vue3 and Pinia returns object instead of array

I have a store called utilStore to store the latitude and longitude of the user in an array defined like this: // src/stores/utilStore.js import { defineStore } from "pinia"; export const ...
Selphiron's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to remove empty string in JSON file?

Nuxt returns an error when it receives empty strings from JSON: Example error: input must be a string (received string: "") An example of my loop in Nuxt: <Grid class="sponsors"...
Alexander Krupnitsky's user avatar
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Pagination on an arrays of object in vuetify

How do i make the pagination work in vuetify in an arrays of object? I'm trying to add a pagination to the code. I want to display the regulatedEntities per object. It displays however it does not do ...
Wish Creates's user avatar
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vue cant get dynamic image path from json file

I'm dynamically getting data out of my Skills.json file which is working fine. However now I have added a path to an image to the object but when I put this path in my image src it says: GET http://...
clipyz's user avatar
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How to access an array of reviews inside a JSON object using JSON Server in Vue js?

I have a JSON object that contains an array of reviews for a product, and I'm trying to access only the reviews part of the object using JSON Server. I tried making a GET request to http://localhost:...
Asuza's user avatar
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dynamic image rendering in vue from my json file

trying to load my image from my Db.json file....for my homepage its working since am trying to have a list of products ..but then in my product detail page i can get the image to be rendered... this ...
Asuza's user avatar
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Nested Child objects are not reactive in Vue

I have JSON data like the one below- items: { id: 1, children: [{ id: 2, parentId: 1, children: [{ id: 3, parentId: 2 }] }] } level-1 children are parent items that ...
Neha Soni's user avatar
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Serving a JSON file content in Vue.js

I have a JSON file and I want to serve the content inside it when I hit a particular URL in Vue.js, but I do not want to involve any component into that, is there any possible solution for this ? For ...
sarveshsta's user avatar
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Vue Axios Request to php file [duplicate]

i try to send data (PersonName) from vue axios request to php script but git this error in php file : Warning: Undefined array key "Person" in C:\xampp\htdocs\linktree-vue\linktree-Create-Page.php ...
Ahmed Khaled El-Dakhly's user avatar
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Vue: How to transition a list of data read from JSON file

my aim is to create a table from data of a JSON file. As the table features live data I want to implement transitions whenever the ranking changes. However, even though the data is reloaded after ...
mathbreaker's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't access items of a JSON array with vue.js

I have JSON data like this : { "kind": "books#volumes", "totalItems": 3436, "items": [ { "kind": "books#volume&...
Lauriane's user avatar
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Get data to related Date in an array

i want to get the numbers of single jobs from different rows. Relevant for that are the columns "created_at" and "data" which is an JSON Array with all the single Jobs in it which ...
Bear995's user avatar
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Display a file JSON with vuejs

Within the framework of a web application, I want to browse a JSON file to be able to display the data in a boat on a web interface (without saving it in a data structure as it is quite large (about ...
Mass Mak's user avatar
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How to import a local file.json with Vue.js and D3.js

I'm trying to work with a local file.json with vue.js and D3.js d3 doesn't find the file on the devServer, i can import it in a const in Vue.js but d3 can't read it, because d3.json is a http request (...
Riton's user avatar
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I want to create a login with a cookie and check the database if I am logged in, but the cookie is not created, I don't know where I went wrong

I'm new to programming and I don't know how to complete this login with cookie and local json database, but I think I'm on the right track. Thanks in advance for your help. This is my local json ...
Trpimir's user avatar
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VueJS, loading attribute dynamic with json object

I have a problem on my last Vue JS page. I think I am totally wrong. Let me explain, I have a button which make an API GET call to the backend and I got an array as a response from the API. When I ...
user3216533's user avatar
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How to access property of stringified JSON?

I have this code that sends me back an url and an error. I'm trying to access the url so I can navigate to it with router. With this code: const redirectToStripe = async () => { const response = ...
Eric Andre's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I convert integers to corresponding strings in Vue markup?

I have a table for fetching data from the database. I used the "status" field for managing this table. if the status is = 1, it means "Active" else if the status is = 2, it means &...
Udayanga Amarasinghe's user avatar
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Get data Laravel 9 Vue js 3

I need to get data for status = 1 or status = 2 in a table. I have done for status = 1 .please instruct me to do this. My code is as follows. public function depositAccountIndex() { $...
Udayanga Amarasinghe's user avatar

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