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How to Implement "Append to Body" for @shentao/vue-multiselect 2.1.6 in Vue 2.6

I am using Vue 2.6 with @shentao/vue-multiselect version 2.1.6. I've created a reusable component where I bind all props and events to the multiselect component. Here's my code: Here is the component: ...
oguzcan's user avatar
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Como arruma meu vue js? [closed]

PS C:\Users\wiliam\Documents\Treinando vue js> npm run dev npm error code ENOENT npm error syscall open npm error path C:\Users\wiliam\Documents\Treinando vue js\package.json npm error errno -4058 ...
Zumba Games's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'vue-template-compiler'

I am trying to install Vue dependencies globally on my machine instead of relying on a local setup. My goal is to manually install only the necessary modules globally. However, I am struggling to ...
user21742825's user avatar
-2 votes
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[Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined. found in ---> <App> at src/App.vue <Root>

im getting the above error with the following setup: import Vue from 'vue'; import App from './App.vue'; // Import the App component console.log(App); import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; import ...
João Mateus's user avatar
1 vote
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What is 'effect' on Vue computed properties

If I inspect a computed property in Vue 2.7, I can see that, besides the well-known .value property, there's also .effect. I wasn't able to find any information about it, except that it's deprecated ...
Lazouski's user avatar
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Syntax Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'styles') When migrating to Vue3

I am currently trying to migrate from Vue2 to Vue3 using migration build. When I try to build the project, the following error occurs: Syntax Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
Rae's user avatar
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To have one translation file per view

I work with vue.js (version 2) and I have a translation block in every vue file like this: abc.vue <i18n> { "fr": { "settings": "Conf" }, &...
ERV's user avatar
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Vue2 style in custom-element and in component

When using a component in a vue context and a custom-element context - the styles in the vue context stop working, although they work fine for custom-element, is there a way to make the component ...
Mirikkingg's user avatar
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Why does not Vue model update when input.val(value)?

I have editable table: <div id="myTable"> <b-table class="overflow-auto" :items="filtered" :fields="visibleFields" :filter="filter"> ...
hrdfgn's user avatar
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change default root component

using cli, I created Vue 2 project manually, Once created, I started to do tests. I created a simple component testMe and in main.js I changed default code to let that new component be read as root ...
ftouh yaham's user avatar
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use a component in createApp, passed as prop in a Vue.js

Good day I am working in a Vue.js app, so I am working with Bootstrap Popover but i need to render content dynamicly, so, I Create a PopoverComponent logic Create the component that renders the ...
Maykel Contreras Camacho's user avatar
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How to handle paste image from clipboard when you have multiple image upload fields on the same page?

I'm maintaining an old vuejs 2 application, done by someone else who left the company. This is our only vuejs app so no one knows vue that much and wondering if you could help. I wrote the following ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Vue JS - Live running time elapsed from a date

Currently I have a time elapsed displayed on my blade file. However to see the updated time, I need to refresh everytime. I would like to display a dynamic time lapsed. Is there a way to do it? My ...
muhaz's user avatar
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How to make Vue 360 compatible with vuejs latest version

I am currently working on a project that spins product 360 degree. I have been using this library called vue-360 but only works with vuejs 2. import VueThreeSixty from 'vue-360' import 'vue-360/dist/...
Edson's user avatar
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CKEditor5 - wrap entire editor html output in container element

I'm in a Vue 2 project, migrating away from Quill to Ckeditor5. In order to have backward compatibility, we need the Quill classes and styling to stay in place in all the placed where we display the ...
Push's user avatar
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How do I panic the build of a Vue 2 project if an environment variable is not set?

In a Vue 2 project, an environment variable (let it be VUE_APP_IMPORTANT_VAR, for example) is mandatory, so I want to get a failed build if somebody has forgotten to specify the variable in .env (or ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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getting server IP address from VueJS 2 application

I have a VueJS application running on Ubuntu linux, I know that in Vue it does a lot of the rendering client side. Is there a way of getting the server ip address from a Vue JS application as all the ...
D Mawer's user avatar
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Vue2 not recognizing property in data section

I'm having trouble understanding why the property uploadedFiles is not recognized in this Vue2 component. When running in a browser I get the following error: [Vue warn]: Property or method "...
Ritsaert Hornstra's user avatar
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vuejs app isn't running when using cdn: version 3

On my current laptop I don't have vuejs configuration hence I used cdn link yet the code isn't running <html> <head> </head> <body> <script src="
bohi tibuti's user avatar
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Is possible use vue3/vite components ou vue2/vite project?

Recently we start a upgrade in our system, made using vue2 and we upgrade to vue3, both using vite, but the system is on production and we can't just turn off and make the upgrade/refactor. The ...
Cristiano Siebert's user avatar
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transition vuejs Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I'm learning about transitions in vuejs. I'm creating a transition in vuejs and get the error "Maximum call stack size exceeded" but if I comment out the code, it works normally.I still ...
Lăng Rover's user avatar
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DataTable not updating after adding new row in JavaScript application

I'm working on a JavaScript web application that uses DataTables to display a list of instructors. I'm having an issue where the DataTable doesn't update immediately after adding a new instructor to ...
badr aldeen's user avatar
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Import components dynamically from a list in Vue 2

I have a portal which provides different services in form of a vue component. We are saving all settings for a service in a database (including the path (=pfad) where it is stored). With this data we ...
erdnaskram's user avatar
-1 votes
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Failed to scan for dependencies from entries: index.html" Error after Running npm run dev

I am encountering an issue while trying to run my Vue.js project with Vite. After executing the command npm run dev, the server fails to start, and I receive the following error: VITE v5.4.3 ready in ...
ADIL RADIDI's user avatar
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Vue.js Axios Request Aborted When Calling Multiple Vuex Actions Sequentially

I'm working on a Vue.js application using Vuex for state management. I encountered an issue where a network request gets aborted when I sequentially call two Vuex actions. Here’s what I’ve observed: ...
chatay's user avatar
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Creating an Infinite Scroll Carousel with Clickable Indicators

I’m trying to create a div with horizontal scrolling, similar to a carousel, containing multiple cards that can scroll from left to right. The scroll should be infinite, meaning that once the last ...
Elena's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Vue best practice for calling child's child's functions? [closed]

Say you have a vue project where. The App.vue has a button and a child CanvasView.vue file that sets up the canvas. The CanvasView.vue file has a child CubeComponent.vue that draws a cube The ...
Lazy0147's user avatar
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Not able to execute vue's global errorHandler in a few cases

Though I am having issues with a vue 2 project, the demo also faces a similar issue where the global error handler defined in main.js is not working Vue 3
praveshishere's user avatar
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Using v-model and @input together

I have a select input in vue. And everytime i select something i need to do condition checking. I need to check the data used in v-model. My question is, is the data updated before the input function ...
blabla's user avatar
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How can I make vue app loaded more than six tabs

I have a strange problem that even I don't know what is the source. I have a vue app, which works without any problem but if I open the in the 7th or more tab the request doesn't get response and it ...
xxlali's user avatar
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permissions policy issue in vuejs

I'm writing a vuejs application, but the camera is blocked only in Chrome, camera permission is not even requested. I get this error "violation: permissions-policy: microphone and camera not ...
dkrks's user avatar
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Vue 3 with Transition and KeepAlive nested in RouterView

I am migrating my application from Vue 2 to Vue 3 but the KeepAlive does not seem to be working. I tried navigating to the previous page that is included in the KeepAlive but the state was not cached. ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Render slot with or without wrapper depending on the prop in Vue 2

I have a simple component that just adds styling to a slot. Styling part is not complicated: it just adds padding/margin/border/background color based on passed props, that's it. Right now there's a ...
iamqwertyloal's user avatar
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Using vue js's nested table, why the parent row suddenly shift to the right?

I am trying ro make a nested table using vuejs, but the styling is so wierd, do you guys have any Idea what's wrong with it? the parents table this is what happens when I press the drop down button ...
Ahmad Khan's user avatar
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How to create and use multiple standalone vue apps in one html page (Vue2 + Django)

Im kind off new to vue and I'm trying to implement a vue + vuetify + vuex frontend in my already half written django application, I want the vue applications to connect independently of each other in ...
Iliya's user avatar
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Computed Property not updating when the value of the prop changes in vue 2

Im passing a prop and when its value changes im trying to update the computed property by using a watcher. In my component i have a prop called field: Object computed valueFromField() { return this....
Hamzah Hameed's user avatar
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How to show data in Vue JS without click paging

I have an issue when I want to show data in VueJS. Previously I have successfully displayed "User Online" data, but the problem is why do I have to click on the page if I want to display the ...
veby91's user avatar
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VUE can not display Chinese

I want to show Chinese in VUE, so I set utf-8 in index.html However, when I finish coding and enter "npm run dev" to run this web app there is still messy string on browser Why does utf-8 ...
Anéeka's user avatar
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Use a wrapper component to provide properties and methods down the tree vue2

I have a TranslatableInput component that has a complex logic for rendering different types of input fields. I would like to create a Wrapper component that @Provide some methods/properties which I ...
Lek's user avatar
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Performance disadvantages of splitting every component into separate chunks in Nuxt?

So I'm working with Nuxt 2.15 (Vue 2.6). Usually if we have a component that is rendered using v-if (so it is not always needed) we import it like this: components: { SideCategory: () => ...
AnJ's user avatar
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Change javascript date with a timezone

I'm using Vue and I have this vue2-date-range-picker <date-range-picker ref="picker" :class="[dateHasChanges ? 'daterange-picker-highlighted' : '']&...
Juan Pablo B's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set multiple colors for bars in ApexCharts horizontal bar chart (sparkline mode)?

I'm trying to create a horizontal bar chart using ApexCharts in sparkline mode. I want to set different colors for each bar, but I'm unable to achieve this using the colors option. Here's my code: ...
Liranko's user avatar
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Handling Emits with Vue.extend in TypeScript

I'm following the Vue 3 migration guide and trying to declare all the $emit events in the emits array. My component is written in TypeScript, and I'm still using Vue.extend. However, I'm encountering ...
Eli Perlshtein's user avatar
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vue.js and Element Plus - use el-select with key

I intend to make a drop-down menu that can have three values: The first can be 'Father' or 'Mother' depending on the condition returned by the autoGender(index) method. The second is always 'Father'. ...
Mat's user avatar
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Adding attribute to HTML elements to whole code

I'm using Nuxt 2 in my project with Storyblok datasources as translations and e.g. I've: <span v-text="$t('labels.cartSell')" /> and I need to add something like data-translation="...
kozdro's user avatar
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Fusion chart throwing error in Lazy loaded route vue

I have an existing project vue, in which case everything was running fine. we decided to optimize the bundle size of the app because it was too large and implemented lazy loading routes, e.g const ...
Dawodu Fumbi's user avatar
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Vue Components Not Rendering After Turbo Form Failure

I'm using @hotwired/turbo, rails 7, vue2 and everything seems to work well except when forms fail and a 422 is returned. The form rerenders with errors, but none of the vue components render. All of ...
karns's user avatar
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How to use vue2/vue3 in sharepoint framework (vuespfx)

I tried to use vuejs in SharePoint framework according to the information found on the Internet, but it still failed. The version of the case framework I found was 1.8, and my current version was 1.19....
Jie's user avatar
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auto suggest for vuejs v2 component with external js file for script part

I am using vue.js v2, I like to separate my JS from my template. <template> </template> <script src="./script.js"> </script> Having JS code inside this script tag ...
Eisa Rezaei's user avatar
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How can I update days of week in vue2?

I am new to VueJs. I have this modal: <b-modal :id="`Rel${}`" ref="editModal" title="Update data" centered hide-footer :myobject=&...
Mike's user avatar
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