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How to preserve scroll in vue form with inertia

How do I get preservescroll working on a form? It works for the delete functionality with the Link but I can't get it to work on the form or the div. <template> <form @submit.prevent=&...
Marianne Hartigan's user avatar
1 vote
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Vue to Laravel page redirect is not working in Vite.js

I am using laravel 11 with vue3, When I am trying to redirect from Vue page to a Blade page then it's not working, I mentioned /profile route in web.php like this: Route::get('/profile', [...
Syed Abbas Naumani's user avatar
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laravel reverb broadcast on not chanel not run ever

I have a notification system in Laravel 11, and SPA Nuxt 3 connects in the browser using Laravel Echo and gets status 101. The notification is saved in the database and no errors appear, but the ...
Muhammad Hamid's user avatar
-4 votes
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When returning to an open tab in the navigator after some times, the app displays raw json instead of the page [closed]

I've noticed some strange behaviour with my Laravel/Inertia/vue.js app. When returning to an open tab in the navigator after some time, the app displays raw JSON instead of the page. The JSON looks ...
Arbiz's user avatar
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How to achieve reactivity without reloading the component when responding/rendering inertia-laravel

problem of creating a shopping cart in laravel inertia vue bundle - I want to use transitionGroup to animate products in the cart, however the component reloads when I get information from laravel, ...
Vitaliy Velichyshi's user avatar
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Laravel VILT Stack, Inertia Shared Data

I'm working on my first VILT stack project, a T-shirt store where customers can add items to a cart. The cart is stored in the session and shared with the frontend using the HandleInertiaRequests ...
Web Developer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Access to XMLHttpRequest at .... from origin ... has been blocked by CORS policy: No Access Controll Allow Origin header is present on the request [duplicate]

I am doing a project with vue.js and laravel. I am going to connect frontend and backend via Axios and doing the following call in my contactList.vue. import axios from "axios"; export ...
Lukas Glaser's user avatar
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Vue route in laravel + vue app returns 404

My app is set to use vue routes. I have these routes defined in router.js const routes = [ { path: '/user/card-design', component: () => import('@/Pages/User/CardDesign/Index.vue'), children: ...
Zeekstem's user avatar
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2 answers

POST 404 (Not Found) when i try to'/admin/sparepart', formData)

I use Laravel, Inertia and Vue. When I submitted the form, the page returned a 404 not found window and the console said POST 404 (Not Found) I don't know if it's ...
Akmp's user avatar
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Bootstrap responsive doesn't work and not recognized in devtools

I'm working on a project with Laravel Mix, Vue.js and Bootstrap 5.3 About laravel mix: const mix = require("laravel-mix"); const path = require('path'); require("mix-env-file"); ...
thetreedev's user avatar
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Laravel Inertia with Vue.js doesn't reload

I installed a Laravel Inertia project with Vue and hot reload doesn't do his job even if I F5. For modifications to apply on my frontend, I need to stop the dev script and restart it for example if I ...
Antoine Kurka's user avatar
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Laravel not processing FormData in a PUT request

I'm facing an issue while trying to send a PUT request with FormData in Laravel using Inertia. I need to update a user, but the PUT request seems to be ignored, and Laravel is not processing the ...
Saqif Haque's user avatar
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Laravel Inertia / download file returns a redirection instead

I have the following route: Route::post('report', Controllers\ReportController::class)->name('report'); And the controller loads a file and returns it $path = '/some/path/to/report.xls'; return ...
StR's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How to use Laravel's view components in Vue.js loops?

I have this component in my Laravel project in the file 'loading.blade.php': <span><i {{ $attributes }}></i> {{ $slot }}</span> I'm trying to use it in a Vue.js loop: <tr v-...
Faizan Ahanger's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Getting Randomly 30+ seconds Delay

When i make API request, sometimes i get unusual response times. More specifically 30+ second delay. After some troubleshooting, i got that Transfer Start or (TTFB) takes upto 30+ seconds randomly. ...
Imran Hossain's user avatar
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"getActivePinia()" was called but there was no active Pinia

I get the following error in the command line when having ssr-started (laravel 11 + vue + inertia) and trying to navigate after php artisan Inertia:start-ssr and after npm run build: The server starts ...
Canelo Digital's user avatar
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Laravel and Vue have performance error with LCP

I have a project with Laravel v6 (mix) and vueJs v2 It has LCP error My website LCP is a hero image that I used it like this <picture> <source media="(min-width: ...
Parsa Haghighi's user avatar
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Form not sending data, error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'default') on Laravel with Vue Inertia

We're currently creating a web app but I'm having trouble passing the data in my search bar into my controllers. We have tested it and it seems that the problem is in the front end side where in the ...
Ann Joven's user avatar
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Error in hasFile, Trying to create storage routes in public/storage

I´m creating a CRUD with vue in laravel using laragon, but I have an error creating storage routes for images, I already create the symbolic link in the public file and instead of getting the images ...
user28219093's user avatar
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Session returns null when working Laravel and Vue js

I am working with Laravel and Vue js, after logging the user data stores in session correctly. Before I want to store any data, I first want to get the data from the session and according to the data, ...
Sudaba Solaimankhil's user avatar
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popen/Process() Laravel Function not working after switching to HTTPS in IIS

In the front (VUE), users can specify a text editor in the UI to edit/view specific files. When a button is clicked e.g. 'Edit' Button, the backend will retrieve the editor from the database and will ...
lilyco's user avatar
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How to setup Laravel+Vuejs in Docker

i have some troubles to setup my app I'm using Laravel for the back and Vuejs for the front and all of this inside a Docker container in WSL I did a lot of research and can't find a solution to access ...
coon's user avatar
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GitHub Actions FTP deploy only creates folders but doesn't upload files to cPanel

I'm using GitHub Actions to deploy my project to cPanel via FTP. However, the action only creates directories but doesn't upload any files. Here's the YAML configuration I'm using: name: Deploy cpanel ...
TanDuy03's user avatar
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Javascript dont enter if statement when its true

I'm trying to make online version of Windows XP, and I'm currently on making moving multiple selected apps on desktop grid and I encounter some error in my functions' logic however I do not know why ...
Wiktor Fajkowski's user avatar
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Keycloak disconnect after refresh page 2024

I have already check and found question/response about my problem, but each time solution is the same. not working for me. I have a Laravel 10 program with Vue 3 Front-End in the same project. I use ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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inertia js Link component is not closing properly in Laravel Project

Link component from '@inertiajs/vue3' is not closing automatically. If closed manually its not getting proper indentation. This is a laravel inertia vue project. Where i imported Link component from '@...
Md.Shahinur Alam's user avatar
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Random Network Error in Axiom+vue+laravel

So, I have a Laravel + Vue 3 app, that uses Axiom to send requests to get data from external API service. Sometimes i get complains from clients, that they get an error, and most of the time it's &...
DiNikSon's user avatar
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How to enable Inertia SSR on production?

I'm using Laravel Inertia with Vue.3 to build an SSR app. My app is working well but the SSR is not working at all. When I disable javascript on my browser, I get a blank page. I deployed my app on a ...
Antoine Kurka's user avatar
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Vue JS - Live running time elapsed from a date

Currently I have a time elapsed displayed on my blade file. However to see the updated time, I need to refresh everytime. I would like to display a dynamic time lapsed. Is there a way to do it? My ...
muhaz's user avatar
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CORS Error in Laravel Vapor despite configuring cors.php properly

I am facing a persistent CORS error in my Laravel Vapor project, even though I have configured the cors.php file correctly. Here are the details: Project Setup: Backend: Laravel (deployed on Vapor) ...
Dhaneshwari's user avatar
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Add CSP nonce in script tag

I'm actually trying to add CSP on my Laravel/Inertia project. I install the spatie/laravel-csp package and generate the nonce with Vite::useCspNonce(); I also set csp_nonce meta property in my main ...
Clement B's user avatar
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npm error: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object

I got this error after npm run dev TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:387:...
Artur Geghamyan's user avatar
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Cookie not store to Vue app from Laravel app

I wanna ask something about how to get the cookie from backend Laravel app (in this moment I already set the token and ready store to my Vue app) to frontend Vue app, so I have been tried every single ...
ProLuck's user avatar
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vue js user state management is not working properly on vue js 3

working with Laravel 10 and Vue js 3 with vuex 4. I have following mainapp.vue file specially manage for menu items as well. <template> <div> <div v-if="$store.state.user&...
Narakaya's user avatar
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How properly retrieve data from third party api Freshdesk?

I have an issue with retrieving data from the Freshdesk Developers API. I'm trying to return tickets that do not yet have a purchase assigned in our system, based on certain filters. When I output the ...
JayVch's user avatar
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Error requesting from Laravel 11 made with Inertia

I have an app with Inertia + Vue in Laravel and I have the following problem. When I make post requests and send all the data correctly there is no problem, the request ends correctly. But if I send ...
Raydel Piloto's user avatar
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Axios vs inertia useForm in laravel + inertia + vue

In laravel with vue as frontend using inertia, which approach is better for sending form data to backend; axios or methods provided by ineria ? Also, do I need to validate the from on client side (...
Shivam Chaudhary's user avatar
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MetisMenuJS sidebar not working properly (laravel+vujs) project

I've purchases a theme from themeforest ( They use metisMenujs which work fine in HTML & bootstrap. But I am convert this to my vuejs ...
Atiqur's user avatar
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Object value is changed during the request to the backend

I hope you can help me, because I couldn't find a solution to my problem. I work with Vue.js in the frontend and Laravel in the backend. When sending a POST request, the following problem occurs: ...
Michael Brilz's user avatar
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Laravel policies are not working. 403 error

I am writing an application in laravel and vue. I have done authentication on sanctum and breeze. She works. I wanted to authorize user actions so that he could create content on the site if he has ...
arisha's user avatar
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Laravel Inertia vue faild to load frontend

I am using laravel 11 with inertia vuejs. I have two seperate route one is api and one is admin. Full application working perfectly on local but when I upload to server than show not found on web ...
Safi's user avatar
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Strange laravel sanctum cookies appear

I am writing an application in laravel sanctum using breeze for user authentication and vue3 with pinia. And it seems that the user's login, registration, and logout work correctly for me, but the ...
arisha's user avatar
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500 error when trying to log out of the vue3 laravel sanctum account

I have written an authentication form, login, registration and receipt of the user work for me, but logout does not work for me, the user can log into the account, but he can no longer log out. So ...
arisha's user avatar
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How to to configure lsp, formatter and linter for laravel and vuejs in LazyVim

I have tried to configure LazyVim to code a laravel project with vuejs framework. I've tried lazyextras, configuring lsp and mason, installing coc-nvim, coc-volar... I have already tried everything ...
Joan T's user avatar
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Problem to send my formData instance via axios with content-type multipart/form -data

I'm working on vue3 and I want to send my form data which may contain a file image to my API via axios request but I still have a problem. If I inspect the formData instance, all values ​​are present ...
Mr See's user avatar
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Data-dropdown-toggle buttons don't work when I add a new record to a table with Laravel Inertia and Vue

I have the problem that I am adding a new record using Laravel, Inertia and Vue. The record is added to my table visually but the drop-down action button that contains the delete and edit actions for ...
albertolg89's user avatar
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Fire base cloud messagin not receiveing notifications on web

I am working on a Firebase push notification functionality on Laravel Vue project. I was able to send the notifications from laravel successfully but was not able to receive them on client side. When ...
paseo Market's user avatar
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URL gets appended with /test/ twice when using Inertia.js with Laravel

I'm experiencing an issue with Laravel and Inertia.js where the URL is being appended with /test/ twice when rendering a page. My project is hosted at, but when attempting ...
Vojtěch Košárek's user avatar
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Optimizing Deploy Time for Large Laravel/Vue Monolith - Offload Build to Separate Server?

I’m working on a large monolithic project using Laravel and Vue, and I'm running into a major issue with CPU usage during deployments. Currently, whenever I run npm run prod, the CPU on my server hits ...
Rafael D'Arrigo's user avatar
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Passing properties to an Inertia Vue page for Laravel Fortify's register view

I'm working on a web app that's using Laravel 10, Vue 3, and Inertia. (I'm new to all of these, btw) Laravel is using Fortify for a lot of features, including new user registration. I've been tasked ...
inventor96's user avatar

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