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Why do my radio buttons change appearance when hovered over?

I'm using Python 3.11.10 with Spyder 6.0.2. I don't know if this is a coding issue, or if it's something to do with the Spyder 6.0.2 platform I'm using, or a glitch in this version of Python, or what ...
AFrazier's user avatar
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What is the solution to this SwiftUI .popover glitch?

Open 'One', then quickly click 'Two' then 'Three'. You will see 2 & 3 both attempt to open a popover at the same time, resulting in no popup appearing. If you unselect one of them then the other ...
trapper's user avatar
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Framer animated image is glitching on mobile devices when being rotated

I used framer-motion to make a simple one pager. It uses useScroll to rotate an image. The animation plays smoothly on desktop browsers. On my mobile phone I'm experiencing slight glitches where parts ...
Moritz Roessler's user avatar
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my godot label text is highlighted yellow and text is red but i didnt do this

I have been unable to fix it as the text is glitching out. I am on a Chromebook currently and I had this issue after accidentally powering off. then when i powered back on, it was glitching out. I ...
Zach Hatch's user avatar
2 votes
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Glitch when resizing frameless QML window

I've created a project with the following QML: main.qml import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls ApplicationWindow { id: root visible: true width: 800; height: 600 flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint ...
Jepessen's user avatar
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4 votes
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Random Lines popping up while pane is moving through scene

I am trying to make a very simple platformer game, but once I added the ability for platforms to move I started to get a really weird "glitch". For some reason, if I move a pane through the ...
Veerdex's user avatar
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Octave's comand window glitches when I run a script

I've been programming on octave for some months, and I usually use the GUI that separates the command window, but when i run a script, the black command window closes, and the one from octave glitches ...
Franco Romagnoli's user avatar
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Why are there these weird visual artifacts when scrolling my BufferedImage? And how do I prevent them from happening?

I am creating an application that involves drawing a BufferedImage to a JComponent using Graphics2D in a paintComponent(Graphics) method. I added the ability to zoom in and out of the image. The ...
davidalayachew's user avatar
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weird glitch when hovering over between 2 text items

I have a weird glitch in my website and I hope someone can help me. I created a list of items, each one with a header and some content. The items are closed when the website starts, and only the ...
Esteban Barco's user avatar
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Random text showing on JButton when changing background to translucent color [duplicate]

If I change my JButton to have a translucent color (0 < alpha < 1), I get wonky results for my JButton text. package Paint; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; ...
davidalayachew's user avatar
2 votes
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Gui glitching vs code

When using vs code suddenly I started having glitch issues with the program. I am using ubuntu 18.04 and installed via snap. All 3 demonstrate glitches: 1 2 3 Additionally nothing shows inside the ...
Renanin's user avatar
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SwiftUI - ViewThatFits ruins animation

The following SwiftUI view demonstrates an animation glitch that seems to be caused by ViewThatFits. To see the issue, render the following view and tap on the red section. To see that it works ...
jeremyabannister's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I resolve the problem of screen shaking?

Whenever I hover over between the text and pizza image in the following code block, the div starts shaking until I hover it over either one of the elements, i.e., the image or the text. ....
JayVT's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Informatica PowerCenter passing Invalid date to the target table(DB2)

[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL0545N The requested operation is not allowed because a row does not satisfy the check constraint. Incorrect date - DT_AS_OF (DT_AS_OF:Date:): "06/03/0006 00:00:00....
gopi krishna's user avatar
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SwiftUI on macOS - Cannot scale a ProgressView with a smooth, centered animation

I'm wondering if someone can help me understand why the animation that results from the below SwiftUI code is glitchy. Here's the code: struct ProgressViewAnimationGlitch: View { @State private ...
jeremyabannister's user avatar
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Strange rendering error in Visual Studio 2022

A few days ago I tried to start Visual Studio and it glitched out showing only some of the buttons and ignoring my entire project list. When I try opening a solution file, it also glitches out, ...
i cant think of a name's user avatar
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PyQt5 QGraphicsDropShadowEffect causes ugly gradient glitch with dark background

When i use QGraphicsDropShadowEffect with dark background and darker shadow, it causes gradient glitch. Here the example: Is it an IDE glitch or it's a real gradient drawing-issue which will be ...
MIku's user avatar
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Visual studio 2022 Ui Glitch (help!)

I am currently experiencing some technical issues with my Visual Studio 2022 software. Specifically, the user interface seems to be glitching, with no recent projects appearing and a black screen. ...
SunnyQ's user avatar
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Tkinter's root window recreates automatically after calling root.resizable()

Root window 'rebuilds' after calling root.resizable. This cause visual glitch, in which window looks like it was minimized and instantly normalized in around 100 msec. I tried to use withdraw + ...
MIku's user avatar
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2 answers

Flutter Wrap widget rendering glitches when height is updated

I am creating a form (not using the Form Widget) in Flutter where the user can add an arbitrary amount of items (treatments) which are rendered as InputChip widgets list in a Wrap widget. The form ...
DurandA's user avatar
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My player is glitching back and fourth and I don't know why

I have a 2d game where the enemy sprite is following the player on the x axis. The enemy faces to the right and follows the player to the right if the player is on the right of it and the opposite if ...
Matt Clifford's user avatar
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Chrome scroll snap glitches

I'm building a site for a client and man I'm having a hard time with CSS Scroll Snap in Chrome... {{redacted URL}} I'm using Chrome 109.0.5414.87 on OSX. After the intro animation (FYI I hate these ...
Drew Baker's user avatar
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Netbeans start page unresponsive

I downloaded a plugin for a theme from a tutorial video and after re-opening the app my IDE does not respond to any buttons and the interface is also messed up. I tried re-installing netbeans and ...
Otez's user avatar
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Python turtle drawing glitch?

I wanted to create a type of "grid" using turtle in python but when I start the program the parts of the drawing had a sort of broken line like this: Glitchy part This is the full image: ...
Code Freak's user avatar
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Python MatPlotLib Issue: Error in Visualisation of a Polar Contour Plot

I am writing a program using Python and MatPlotLib and have encountered an issue with creating a contour polar plot. Here is the code I have so far: from math import sin, cos, radians, sqrt, pi ...
mar_addis's user avatar
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Python DASH chart glitch on update?

I want to create a graphical terminal like a tradingview. For this, I use plotly dash to make the display as comfortable as possible. But a situation arose that I have been unable to resolve for ...
Slyly Sly's user avatar
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Glitch when using check mark unicode with ggplot2

I'm just trying to use a check mark symbol (✓ - U+2713), but it gives me a glitch. I'm using AGG backed graphic device. library(ggplot2) #> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.1....
Bruno Mioto's user avatar
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Visual Glitch with Conic-Gradient

I am trying to make a simple conic-gradient with css, but there is a strange horizontal line appearing. The lines are unpredictable and sometimes go away when the window is resized. div { ...
Quincy Nash's user avatar
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How can I remove horizontal line glitches from an image?

I am working on art project where we are automatically taking pictures of a petri dish, which is illuminated by a small LCD screen. Oftentimes, there appears to be "glitches" in the image (...
Sofian Audry's user avatar
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iOS Glitch: gap/space above 100vh body

On iOS (15.3) when using a 100vh html/body, the displayed page has a small gap/space above the body tag on first load with real iOS devices (tested on iPhone 8). After analysing and reducing the ...
Aerodynamic's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I put a table and a video/image on the same line in HTML?

I want to create a website but I've run into a problem. I want to put a table in the center of the page with videos on the left and right of the table. However, when I do this, the table ends up ...
user17994850's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does my html body move to the left every time I refresh?

This is one of the weirdest bugs I've ever encountered. Some chance it's an extension or a browser bug or something but it only shows up on the app I'm building when I'm refreshing it in development ...
MalcolmOcean's user avatar
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SwiftUI button glitches on keyboard dismiss

I have a button on my view that, when pressed, calls a hideKeyboard function which is the following: func hideKeyboard() { let resign = #selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder) ...
koza's user avatar
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tricontourf breaking when contouring over 0 point in polar plot

I am trying to plot a tricontourf on a polar plot, however it seems that it glitches out when plotting over the 0 longitude point. It's clear when plotting as a scatter plot that the points are just ...
morhc's user avatar
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Google Chrome CSS transition text rendering visual glitch

I do not know how it has happened, because it worked properly at some point, but after doing some changes, I think to the main scroll container layer of the page, this started happening. It is a weird ...
nais's user avatar
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Visual Studio Properties Window glitch

When I'm using Visual Studio and I go on the properties window, its really hard to browse for something. It has this black weird layout which only displays when I'm using dark mode and also gets worse ...
Arumba's user avatar
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2 answers

Color not filling entire div + padding glitch

#header { background-color: #55ff00; border-bottom: solid 1px; } <div id="header"> <p>Text</p> </div> The background color fills from the text down to the ...
Hasan's user avatar
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Unity Ragdolls causing problems with mesh renderer

I've set up this enemy to turn into a ragdoll upon death, fly into the air a bit, and behave like a ragdoll. It is all working fine as far as i can tell. Except i am encountering an issue where the ...
niar88's user avatar
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Why does i'm have Problem with Graphic Glitchs Drawing

I'm tired to make a joke virus that makes Graphics "glitches". (Note: this code is in C++.) Here is Code: #include <windows.h> int main(){ HDC hdc = GetDC(...
Omega864632's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is Atom behaving like this? [closed]

Whenever I hover over other items the appearance of Atom worsens. Not only the Atom software, but Epic games also show the same problem. The video of it is attached here In addition to that, there is ...
Vaishnav Dixit's user avatar
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VS Code clear previous output before each run

Extensions installed: Python, Code Runner The problem is I was trying to enable the "clear previous output before each run setting" But when I try running a simple code the output (in ...
Aryan Bansal's user avatar
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A huge glitch occurs during tableView scrolls to top

Please help and give me an advise about my problem. Hello guys! I have navigationBar (top white area) + custom HeaderView (orange area) + TableView (green/yellow area) While scrolling table up my ...
denickman's user avatar
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Strange grafical artifacts while re-inserting widgets into gridlayout [duplicate]

I am working on a pyqt5 YouTube-downloader-kindof app using pytube. To pre-sum up the problem: After deleting a widget from a gridlayout and reinserting others, the texts in that reinserted object ...
4lexKidd's user avatar
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React Native Flatlist custom refresh control with Lottie is glitchy

I'm trying to implement a custom refresher animation to my app and im almost there. It just seems like i can't fix this glitch but I know it's possible because the native RefreshControl is so smooth. ...
frankied003's user avatar
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White Pixels In What Looks Like Antialiasing Glitch

I see some white pixels around the border of the red shape in Firefox: Here's a zoom of the area near the R. What I expect What I get But the fragment shader code basically just checks some ...
fweth's user avatar
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Bootstrap navbar glitching while trying to make it collapsible

I got a sample code of a navigation bar from It is using bootstrap. Here is the code: <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse"> <div class="container-fluid"> ...
Anupam's user avatar
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No parameter error when parameters are given

Ok, so I got inspired by a lot of the Discord Bots out there so I decided to make my own economy commands. One of them, is the classic 'rob' command, where you can take money from people. Here is my ...
CrazyMoosen's user avatar
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Glitchy CSS dynamic linear-gradient on scroll

I've noticed that CSS linear-gradient as a dynamic background (using keyframes) seems to look glitchy if you scroll really quickly along the page. For instance, here, if you grab the scroll bar and ...
Thomas Nicholson's user avatar
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A delay in the loading of css stylesheets

We built this one page company website with 3 different stylesheets connected to the index.html and on clicking a button the stylesheets keep changing. So the colors, images, textcolors.. all of it ...
Rachael's user avatar
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THREE.JS - Glitched lines at two face's intersection

I am currently working on a voxel Minecraft like JavaScript game to improve my JS/TS skills but i am facing an issue. I draw my voxels by drawing multiple faces of blocks in a BufferGeometry but, ...
Léo Melki's user avatar

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