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How to make animation divided by 4 parts with Framer Motion + NextJS (15)? [closed] (Create your account in minutes section, attached a screenshot below) [Expected result:][1] [1]: I want to reproduce the effect of ...
ne Pshetskiy's user avatar
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In framer motion how can i handle the overflow in motion.div

I am trying to create a parallax card effect for a website but while making the cards responsive I have been stuck on this that the contents of the card overflow the given height which cuts out the ...
Durgeshwar Kumar Shaw's user avatar
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1 answer

How to run sequential animations without one overlap the other framer motion

I'm working on a React project using Framer Motion and need to run multiple animations sequentially. Each animation should start only after the previous one finishes, ensuring no overlap. For example: ...
Benassila Reda's user avatar
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Change width and height according to scale using tailwind

I am trying to adapt the width and height of each li element, so that they don't overlap when active (scale: 5). Anyone knows how can I achieve this? Thank you :) The navbar snippet: <ul ...
Sofia Oliveira's user avatar
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AnimatePresence not respecting layout animation in framer motion

I am trying to create a dynamic layout with framer motion in Next.js. As you can see in the GIF below, AnimatePresence does not respect layout changes but rather fades out the elements in the same ...
RD4's user avatar
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How can I create a page movement motion similar to native web using React and framer motion?

I am building an application using React (SPA) based on Vite and react-router-dom. This project is a project that enters the web view. Therefore, like in an application, when moving a page (push), I ...
user28588211's user avatar
1 vote
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Layout Shifts in React during Ordered Animations (Typing and Fade-in Effects)

I'm experiencing layout shifts in my React application, particularly when animating components in order. The issue arises when I try to animate Heading with a typing animation and then animate the ...
Econs's user avatar
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Correct Way to Integrate Motion and Lenis with React 18.3.1 in Vite?

Please i came up with this but i'm not exactly sure if this is the way to use the new 'motion' library with lenis and typescript in [email protected] (vite as builder). Is this correct? This here is my App....
David Ajibade's user avatar
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SVG Mask Effect only activating when hovering specific elements?

All the credits to Aceternity UI for the original code! Hello, I am trying change the code below to make the effect only activate when hovering specific elements. "use client"; import { ...
jernst146's user avatar
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Morphing SVG with FLubber and Framer Motion

I tried to morph 2 SVGs with Flubber on click with Framer motion, it worked, but not as expected. The first click on the 'Hi" div triggered a change in the open state from 0 to 1, but it didn't ...
user10033434's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

REACT.js Failed to compile: unexpected end of JSON input error

When I run 'npm run build' I get the following error: > [email protected] build > react-scripts build Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. Unexpected end of JSON input ...
Steelcrawler's user avatar
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Invoke function on mouse over with framer motion

I'm trying to recreate the following codepen with framer motion: It doesn't animate, and I think the ref is not used by the function or framer ...
user10033434's user avatar
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framer motion path length animation not working in safari

i have an svg path length animation with framer motion and nextjs, the animation works perfectly fine in both firefox and chrome but does not work on safari is there is any way to fix this issue ? or ...
Taste of Leaving's user avatar
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How to Properly Use React.memo with Framer Motion and Next.js Image Component

I'm working on a Next.js project where I need to display hero images using the Image component from next/image and animate them with framer-motion. I also want to optimize performance by using React....
Rahul Sahani's user avatar
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CSS Infinite Vertical Scroll for Arrow Image Background Without Gaps

I'm trying to create an infinite vertical scrolling effect for an arrow image (1101px in height) that scrolls from top to bottom without any visible gaps. The image is intended to repeat seamlessly, ...
Econs's user avatar
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Transition duration does not work for variants with `framer-motion` library

With this code I would expect that on first data change animate will run for 1 second and after that will go to initial state, eg be reverted. But it stays for a whole time, constantly const variants =...
Lonli-Lokli's user avatar
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Add a className property to a custom Framer Motion component in React

I am new to Framer Motion. I saw on their site that in order to add a class to a custom element, I had to create an override: import type { ComponentType, FC } from "react"; export function ...
mist777's user avatar
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AnimatePresence Is not yielding to the CSS overflow hidden

I'm trying to build a Text Slider that slides text indefinitely from top to bottom, I've tried Wait, It is slow, and sync, which had some layout issues where the text(initial) goes beyond where it's ...
Mawhadmd's user avatar
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Framer animation on state change only working first change

I am trying to animate Framer motion.div every time my state changes. I have try using key={data.results} but this isn't working. The animation works but only on the first state change. I appreciate ...
Daniel Brusky's user avatar
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Framer Motion Appear text animation

Hi Need to animate the text like can any one help me to understand how to get it.
omkar's user avatar
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How to make a hamburger menu dropdown slide behind a fixed header?

I'm working on a React project where I have a Header component with a fixed position, and a NavMobile component that handles a dropdown menu for mobile navigation. I want the dropdown (motion.div) to ...
Detla888's user avatar
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The staggerChildren exit transition is not working within AnimatePresence - React & Framer Motion

I am unable to get the staggerChildren working on conditionally rendered navigation within AnimatePresence, specially for the exit part. I am stuck on this part since 2-3 weeks now. I have mentioned ...
Yuvraj's user avatar
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Carousel in Nextjs using Framer-motion

Hi there! I'm working on Nextjs+typescript and using framer-motion for animations. I'm trying to create this Carousel for quite some time now and I'm stuck. This is what it should look like: www.hover....
v.eronica's user avatar
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Vertical Scroll Bar Appears on Mabel Info Popup in Vite Memory Card Project

I'm working on a memory card project using Vite, and I've run into an issue with a popup component. When the Mabel info pops up after clicking the question mark, a vertical scroll bar briefly appears, ...
Deepak's user avatar
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onReorder in framer motion is not working for images

I am using framer-motion library to re-arrange the images of the gallery import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Reorder } from "framer-motion"; const Test = () => { ...
Anshu Patel's user avatar
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Framer Motion: flexbox with justify-content: space-around or gap causes layout animation to break

I am trying to achieve a smooth transition in a flexbox when an element is removed. It seems that when a flexbox uses gap or justify-content property, the space around the removed element disappears ...
Unlucky's user avatar
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Framer-motion animations don't relaunch when I change product page

When I change page on the site all my animations are launched, when I go once to the product page they are launched too but when I switch from one product to another the animations are not relaunched. ...
Mathias's user avatar
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Reveal Card Animation with Framer Motion

I want to achieve the animation in the following link: But I'm using framer motion. I was able to recreate it, but the exit animation jitters some ...
user10033434's user avatar
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framer-motion animation isse when switching from `hidden` tab

I have the following motion.div component in one of my tabs: <motion.div className='relative flex flex-col gap-4' animate='visible' initial='hidden' ...
Korer's user avatar
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page transition not working properly in nested routes in nest.js

I implemented a page transition, it works perfectly, the only problem is when you navigate from a nested route to a non-nested route like /projects/[category]/[slug] to /projects only enter animation ...
Shah's user avatar
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How to enable <Link> and <a> inside motion.div

I'm applying a slide animation using framer-motion, but inside each slide item there's an <a> tag, but due to the motion it cannot be clicked. <motion.div ref={carrossel} className="...
Ernanni's user avatar
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how to fix function component cannot be given refs while using framer motion useAnimate hook?

Navbar component code import Humburger from "./ui/Humburger"; const navlins = ["HOME", "PAGES", "PRODUCTS", "ARTICLES", "CONTACT"]; const ...
alex's user avatar
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Framer Motion duration property not affecting animation runtime

I am trying to use Framer Motion to animate a square to scale up and fade in simultaneously as follows: function App() { const planBoxControls = useAnimation(); useEffect(() => { ...
Yaniv Sagy's user avatar
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Odd visual behaviour with React Framer motion?

I'm experiencing an unexpected visual behavior when using React Framer motion AnimatePresence component. The actual behavior differs from what I'm expecting. Expected Behavior: Actual Behavior: The ...
Peam's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Framer Motion preventing UI update upon re-filtering of objects

When changing a filter on an object array, the UI will never return to a higher quantity of objects after displaying a lower quantity. The array/filter functions correctly. I've deduced this to the ...
rtnlsltn's user avatar
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Issue when loading framer-motion page through Router

I will explain my problem in a scenario I am using Framer motion with react for animation After creating react using vite, I created a component folder under src folder I created Motion.jsx file ...
A AMRITH GOLD's user avatar
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Framer motion background color change from left to right [duplicate]

I saw this effect on the following website (link below), and I tried to replicate it using framer motion (React.js), but it didn't work. The effect is, when the user hover on the card, the background ...
user10033434's user avatar
0 votes
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Framer Motion animation not working consistently on iOS Safari in React app

I'm building a counter component in a React application using framer-motion for the animation. The counter increments every second, and the animation works perfectly on web browsers like Chrome and ...
user27254038's user avatar
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How to animate class changes with framer-motion

I have a function that changes the isOpen state when the user scrolls the mouse wheel, I need to make content that is initially behind the right side of the screen and looks out a little from there, ...
bnvmnvbm's user avatar
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ReactJS object map not re-rendering after filter

I've got a ReactJS project with ThreeJS elements. I'm simply trying to make the ProjectCards refresh after selecting the ServicesCard. Right now it works, but once filtering, the list of projects will ...
rtnlsltn's user avatar
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Framer motion scale and translate in place

I'm trying to replicate the following effect (the link is provided jest below) using framer motion. However, I didn't not succeed. Hover effect The thing is, I did scale and translate the image ...
user10033434's user avatar
4 votes
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using framer motion progress bar to track the y scroll on a react page that has internal overflow y scroll components

I am trying to figure out how to build a framer motion progress bar that will manage the scroll-down progress of a page comprising components. some components have viewport height settings, with y ...
Mel's user avatar
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2 answers

framer-motion gesture animation

i would like to create a framer motion animation in React that removes and element on click and visualizes another element. Here is an example example This is my code: {!tileOpen ? ( ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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Transitions and exit animations not executing

I'm working on a Gatsby project and decided to use Motion for CSS animations. As of right now my code looks like this <AnimatePresence> { filterToggle && ( <motion....
Optiq's user avatar
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how to prevent the useInView() and useScroll() framer-motion hooks from start together at the same time?

Description of the wanted animation behaviour: when a part of the section is inside the viewport, the element I want to animate should ENTER the viewport using a vertical movement from its initial ...
Marya's user avatar
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How to show opacity 1, when html tag come in viewport area by using useAnimate of framer motion?

I want to show some animation when an htm element comes into the view port area. For that I am using the useAnimate hook of framer motion. But it fires the same time before coming to viewport areas. ...
Paras Chouhan's user avatar
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React Framer Scroll Space

I want something like Horizontal Scroll Carousel at but when you scroll to the last image I want to remove the extra space and end the container with the ...
Shunkun's user avatar
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Animating Seamless Page Transitions in React with Next.js (and updating URLs)

For a project within our organization, we are developing an app using React (preferably Next.js). The UX team has designed an animation for the transition between two pages with different URLs. In the ...
Tom's user avatar
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Why is framer-motion nested motion not working?

I have a problem with nested motion, outer motion.div is working, but this nested with layout id is not. I noticed that the internal motion.div works when I remove the external motion from this div. ...
user25043118's user avatar
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Framer motion - animate path with progress tied to scroll, not to path length

I have a vertical stepper with steps on left, right, left, right, etc... In center there's a motion.path which is a vertical line with slight curves leaning toward each step. This path should be ...
adammo's user avatar
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