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Need help to multi-thread in my Minecraft clone

I am currently creating a Minecraft clone in C and OpenGL. I have implemented a chunk loading system however this would result in freezing as new chunks are loaded as the main thread is having to wait ...
Brumus14's user avatar
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How will the shader differentiate the loaded brickmap from the unloaded brickmap as described in this voxel ray tracing paper?

I'm referencing a 2015 paper titled Real-time Ray tracing and Editing of Large Voxel Scenes by a student at Utrecht University, Thijs van Wingerden (link to paper). I'm trying to build a voxel engine ...
Gabriel Ribeiro's user avatar
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Error when applying physics in LWJGL 2.9.1

I am practicing doing a project on a voxel engine, and I have a bug when running the program, I simulated physics to the camera and generated a chunk in the position of the camera, but from time to ...
Juanes Cardona's user avatar
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How to disable infinity sky ray in ray tracing?

I am learning how to render voxels using Unity. I created a simple shader using the 3D DDA algorithm. When I look at the ground I have 80-200 fps depending on the landscape and distances. But when I ...
Yagir's user avatar
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Trouble with rendering a voxel octree with ray-aabb intersection tests

This is the related code running on the gpu, written in wgsl. The render looks less detailed and the voxels appear bigger then they should. This is what my render looks like: And this is the render ...
NewUser69420's user avatar
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map bilinear sampled features to voxel back

I am developing a class specifically for bilinear sampling. My goal is to map the features extracted from the bilinear sampling process to the appropriate locations within a created voxel grid. ...
Zac Boussaid's user avatar
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What is wrong with my voxel terrain generator. Terrain generator is not making seamless terrain

So as the title says, I'm making a voxel engine using rust and bevy and I am currently working on the terrain generation. I decided to use a heightmap that was made using simplex noise. This is how a ...
Kingdawnage's user avatar
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Voxel Memory Management

I have a query about voxel memory management, I wonder what is the most efficient way, considering the size, to store chunks on disk. My current engine generates a chunk size of 32^3, and I've built ...
Philip_MOD_DEV's user avatar
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Atomically allocate a node in a sparse voxel oct tree

I am running into a tricky situation. I have SVO and I am trying to allocated nodes to it in a multithreaded setting. The representation I have is, in pesudocode Node { data, children: [u32; 8] } ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Lmervoxel - Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'voxel1con_images' not found #1

I'm trying to run the function lmervoxel on SPM-generated 1st level contrast images. I keep getting this error and I don't know where this variable "voxel1..." comes from. I input con_images ...
Smemoranda95's user avatar
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Counting points in an open3d Voxel

I'm trying to count points inside a VoxelGrid's Voxels with little success. After a long debugging session and reading this thread my issue is most likely with the different indexing in the ...
Máté Kosztricz's user avatar
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Why using Open3D for solid voxelization cannot achieve ideal results

I am currently learning voxelization algorithms using Open3D. I want to voxelize a triangular mesh model using a spatial sculpting algorithm. Below is the code for voxelization. I used a dragon model ...
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Abstract Error when opening QB file in Qubicle with my compression logic

I have finally resolved this thread where I made this QB writer but now I'm trying to apply RLE compression based on the Qubicle documentation but I don't know what I am doing wrong. The following ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How to convert multiple single-channel 2d images to 3d volume and keep the Z-axis spacing?

I have multiple images taken from the microscope with different Z-axis planes and converted them into single-channel images, and now I want to convert these single-channel images into 3d volume, but ...
Paul_Dx's user avatar
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Why isn't my chunk loading and unloading function working

Here's my code for chunk loading, unloading, the update world function, and voxel stuff void generateVoxels(Chunk *chunk) { chunk -> voxels = (Voxel *)malloc(sizeof(Voxel) * CHUNK_SIZE * ...
Tesseract's user avatar
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How to achieve solid voxelization of point clouds and triangular meshes

The surface voxelization algorithm for point cloud and triangular mesh models (which are enclosed) has been implemented, and the surface voxel model of the model can be obtained. To implement the ...
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World moving algorithm doesn't work as intended

So I'm working on a voxel engine in C++, and I've put together an algorithm for moving the world based on a new position (only in the +x/+y direction). It works as follows: Allocate a buffer for ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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How to estimate the memory size of a binary voxelized geometry?

Say there is a 3D geometry in a box with N^3 elements or voxels. How to estimate the memory size of the voxelized geometry given that the elements are binary (1 or 0)? Is it simply N^3 bits or is ...
alpha027's user avatar
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Prevent Matplotlib voxels from shading facecolors

I use voxels on Matplotlib. I would like to display a cube, but without shadows on certain faces. I want all faces to have exactly the same color. I browsed the documentation but didn't managed to ...
minos's user avatar
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How to use Viktor Ferenczi's Godot Voxel addon?

[This is the addon][1] It seems like the only voxel addon that could make my project work long-term, but I don't understand how to use it. As I understand, I have to use this python tool inside the ...
Meowing's user avatar
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3d array data in json file, I want to read the content in C# unity

jsonfile content: {"values": [[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]], [[10.0, 11.0, 12.0], [13.0, 14.0, 15.0], [16.0, 17.0, 18.0]], [[19.0, 20.0, 21.0], [22.0, 23.0, 24.0], [25....
user97975's user avatar
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How can I declare an enum in wgsl?

I am trying to raymarch through a voxel octree on the gpu so I'm tyring to use an enum: enum Node { Empty, Filled(ShaderVoxel), Group(array<Node>), } But this is telling me this: ...
NewUser69420's user avatar
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Voxelization Issue with Open3D: Incomplete Filling Along Some Triangle Faces

I'm currently using Open3D in Python to voxelize meshes, and I've come across a peculiar behavior during the process. When voxelizing a box mesh, it appears that the resulting voxels only align along ...
Yash Kumar's user avatar
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faster way to iterate through a chunk of voxels in rust?

so i am making chunks of voxels (128x256x128) and need to iterate through those positions to first create the voxels: for x in 0..=width { for z in 0..=depth { let noise_value1 = noise.get(...
NewUser69420's user avatar
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Determining voxelized .json file format

I don't know if this forum is the right place to post this question. If not please point me to the right place. I come across a .json file format that contains voxelized information from this project ...
debugger101's user avatar
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Trying to insert a sphere defect (.ply) into an object (.obj) using Voxel Method bypassing Airspaces and Vertices using the open3d

get_voxel_center() doesn't work in the code below: import open3d as o3d import numpy as np def main(): # File paths for the try.obj and sphere.ply files try_obj_path = '/Users/xd_anshul/...
Anshul Dhingra's user avatar
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Can I access the mesh output of a mesh shader back to CPU?

So I’m making a voxel game in Vulkan where the bulk of the computation is not only in rendering the faces of each block, but also generating those blocks as in terrain generator. After hearing all the ...
entropy32's user avatar
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Function to find points along a vector line in a CT image

I need to find the points along a vector line in a CT image. I am trying to find the voxels (3D pixels) that contain the skull in that particular vector direction. This can be done using line equation`...
HBM's user avatar
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Creating VoxelGrid using Voxels (Open3D)

I'm using open3d to voxelize two point clouds, then color the voxels based on the point count difference for each voxel. I do this by creating 2 VoxelGrid objects using o3d.geometry.VoxelGrid....
Máté Kosztricz's user avatar
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Is there a way to save a point cloud voxelized with Open3D in a format supported by Unreal Engine?

Issues with Voxelization of Point Clouds in Open3D and Saving in Non-PLY Formats Background I am currently working on voxelizing point cloud data for utilization within the Unreal Engine. However, I'm ...
ponda's user avatar
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Is there a way to fill the gaps in a voxel representation of an STL file of a hollow tube?

I am using Open3D to transform a stl file from a mesh to its voxel representation to run a simulation. However, when I do the transformation there seems to be gaps between the voxels and I want it to ...
Luis Barba's user avatar
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Generation a Heightmap using Mesh Face_normals Elevation in Pyvista

So, to explain the context ! what I'm trying to do is to generate a heightmap of a Voxelized Buildings mesh, to do that I tried getting the upper faces and their cell_centers so I can use each ...
Sofiane's user avatar
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Visualizing 3D video sequence in python

I have a stack of 100 images of size 300 x 300 which represent a 3D volume. I have another 100 of these 3D volumes as a sequence. I have been trying to visualize this 3D image sequence data as a video ...
Jeff Boker's user avatar
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Stray Voxels after mesh Voxelization using Pyvista

I've been playing around with the Threejs BufferGeometry and Pyvista. I was able to export it to Pyvista, the visualization of the mesh works just perfectly : Normal Visualization but I when I ...
Sofiane's user avatar
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Computing persistent homology Betti numbers on big data

I have a huge 3D big data (128×128×128). I want to compute the Betti numbers for this 3D data. I tried using the moguTDA and ripser packages from Python and my kernel dies when I try computing the ...
karthik subramanian's user avatar
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Voxel Engine Block Placement

so I was basically wondering if there'll a way to turn block coordinates into it's chunk coordinates. Because right now I only have the block placement functionally working in one chunk, which is at ...
Philip_MOD_DEV's user avatar
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glutWarpPointer() does nothing in my program

I have been trying to create a simple voxel game with Glut, and everything is working great except for 'glutWarpPointer()' that does nothing at all, the cursor is not altered in any way and I have no ...
IJacquet's user avatar
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Why Open3D's VoxelDownSample behaves differently for legacy and tensor point clouds?

I noticed that VoxelDownSample behaves differently for legacy and tensor point clouds. For legacy point clouds, all points that fall into single voxel are averaged. Howewer, for tensor point cloud all ...
jellyf859's user avatar
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How to optimize the for-loop code for drawing voxel-respresented spheres from given sphere coordinates?

randPoints is a list of 10,000 sets of (x,y,z) coordinate xx, yy, zz are the product of meshgrid and have the shape of (201,201,201) for j in range(len(randPoints)): #prepare coordinate x,y,z ...
HammJ's user avatar
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three spatial dimension density plotting in R

I have a data set x and y are horizontal spatial coordinates, z is the vertical spatial coordinate. The data set is individual entry: x1,y1,z1,obsevervation_Data1 x2,y2,z2,obsevervation_Data2 etc.... ...
Mike C's user avatar
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unity job system can not use classes

i am triying to use the unity job system with marching cubes. here is my job: private struct UpdateChunksJob : IJobParallelFor { public NativeQueue<NativeChunk> queue; ...
walter becker's user avatar
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How to pass a 3D grid of voxel into a fragment shader in webgl

i want to make a voxel engine in javascript using webgl api. But i don't know to send to the gpu a 3D grid of voxel. I know of work voxel engine so there is no need to give me paper about how to ...
Druide's user avatar
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Seamless Textures in Voxel Worlds

I've been working on a minecraft clone recently and I've been able to generate simple infinite worlds with some noise for height Maps etc but the problem I'm facing are the textures. As you can see in ...
Ishan Chaudhari's user avatar
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Unity - Voxel Mesh Sphere from Cubes

Trying to generate a sphere made of cubes like so: This was easy, but any sphere of significant sizes has obvious performance issues if each cube is a separate gameobject, especially if the sphere is ...
plasmas222's user avatar
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Determining Color of a Voxel in Python

I am working with MRI data and would like to determine the RGB value of a given voxel. Can anyone show me a clear way to do this? Thanks. this must be something that's extremely easy to do because I ...
Rob Zilters's user avatar
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undefined reference to `pcl::PCLBase<pcl::PCLPointCloud2>::setInputCloud(std::shared_ptr<pcl::PCLPointCloud2 const> const&)

I'm trying to use the VoxelGrid of the pcl library to filter my PointCloud, extracted from a ros message. So the following is the part of code related to this problem: pcl::PCLBase<pcl::...
Matteo Azzini's user avatar
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Display 3D image given a numpy array of size (64,64,64) where each element represents the intensity(0-1)(grayscale) in 3d space

I am trying to do a 3D reconstruction project using GANs and trying to check my output #which is a 64,64,64 numpy array. However I cant find a way to display the numpy array. Tried something like ...
Mihir Ravindra Patel's user avatar
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how to convert binary voxelgrid (numpy 3d array) to open3d voxel format?

I have the 3d array np.zeros((24, 24, 100)), fill it with some '1's, and can visualize it (in 3d) using pyplot: open3d is more suitable to view this in 3d, and update it realtime, so I want to ...
user_cr's user avatar
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Why won't the turtle draw anything?

I was trying to make a voxel engine using the turtle library in python, but when I run it, nothing happens. I've tested it and altered most of what I thought the problem was, but I still can't figure ...
Frogpants's user avatar
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How to find the coordinate of the center of a sphere made in 3D by voxels given all the coordinate of the voxels that made up the sphere

I have coordinate of all the voxels that make up the sphere C = [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...,[xn,yn,zn]] (around 4000 coordinates) Please teach me how I can get a coordinate that is the center of this ...
HammJ's user avatar
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