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How do I fetch an API and display it on a custom Error 404 Page?

I'm trying to build a custom error 404 page that displays a random Chuck Norris joke on it, but even though typing in the wrong URL makes the error page show up, Thymeleaf doesn't render the Chuck ...
bascott's user avatar
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Cannot add spacing in Thymeleaf

HTMl template thymeleaf Code below -(other code is different using div and span tag ) WHOLE Frontend CODE <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "...
Govind Rana's user avatar
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How will variables be rendered that weren't declared?

I am trying some Spring MVC stuff, and the template engine is Thymeleaf. In my view, there is <p th:text="${message}"></p> But when first accessing to this view, the message ...
Zephyr_8's user avatar
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404 Error When Loading CSS Styles in a Spring Boot Application with Thymeleaf

Problem Description I am developing a web application using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. I have moved my CSS styles to the static folder and configured my project to serve static resources. However, ...
youngnero's user avatar
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How to filter a collection in thymeleaf th:each according to a Date

folks... I have a problem filtering a date in a th:each iteration. I populate a List like that: List<Date> days = new ArrayList<>(); days.add( new Date(2024,11,10) ); days....
gapler's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'description' available as request attribute

I am getting the error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'description' available as request attribute. Could you help me correct this error?...
bakers's user avatar
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Using thymeleaf, how to check a row in a table based on another pre-existing list?

folks... Using Thymeleaf, it's possible to do something like that? <tr th:each="body : ${bodies}" > <td><input type="checkbox" th:value="${}" ...
gapler's user avatar
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How to Render Validation Messages from DTO in Thymeleaf View?

I am working on a Spring Boot project where I want to display validation error messages defined in my DTO directly on the view using Thymeleaf, especially the "content" field. While the ...
Haebin Noh's user avatar
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Can i use input fragments in forms with Thymeleaf?

Please excuse me if this question already exists. But unfortunately I can't find anything about it. I would like to move the form into a fragment so that the layout always remains the same. But ...
Bianca's user avatar
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Reusable modal fragment thymeleaf

I am trying to reuse the following modal (as a fragment) with thymeleaf. <th:block th:fragment="modalFragment (modalId, labelId, modalTitle, formId, saveButtonId, fields)"> <div ...
Ivan Rovira's user avatar
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access spring bean into thymeleaf template outside controller [duplicate]

I use thymeleaf in spring to generate html, but outside controller like that: @Service class Generator(private val templateEngine: SpringTemplateEngine) { fun generate() : String = templateEngine....
Javaddict's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to call utility method in TEXT Thymeleaf template?

I have application aimed to transform API responses into human-readable text. For that purpose I call data from 3rd parties, build the model from it and run template against context through org....
Anton Rusakou's user avatar
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Thymeleaf and macro substitution

folks... Can I do something like this using Thymeleaf? <tr th:each="row : ${list}"> <td th:each="field : ${arrayFieldName}" scope="row"> <span ...
gapler's user avatar
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Link base "/assets/css/style.css" cannot be context relative (/...)

A ton of questions have been asked about connecting Thymeleaf + CSS and Spring Boot. I could not find any that addressed this problem with Ktor. I have this template: <!DOCTYPE html> <html ...
jam berry's user avatar
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Add checked object's id to list passed to model as attribute

I need a help with dynamic checkbox list handling. I want to add id of item to list of ids (class name SelectedIds and instance name selectedIds in code) that I passed to my template (its name is ...
mansurrr56's user avatar
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Dividing data to show in separate rows in thymeleaf

I am trying to generate a table in thymeleaf with data coming from a springboot backend.summaryList is List objects where SummaryDTO has aliquotID,ic50,fold,refID,ic50_ref attributes. My requirement ...
prashanth's user avatar
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Spring+Thymeleaf - Map as form-backing bean

Supposing I have the following controller code: @ModelAttribute("test") public Map<String, String> test() { Map<String, String> someMap = new HashMap<>(); ...
YoavKlein's user avatar
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Using thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity to expose OIDC UserInfo

I am trying to use the sec: tag to display fields from UserInfo in Spring Boot (3.3.5). I've included the dependency for thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity6 and the xmlns:sec. This works: <div ...
Jeff E Mandel's user avatar
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Using SpringBoot, thymeleaf and htmx specifically with hx-put in a html form th:object not being passed in request

I am attempting to use hx-put for processing an update on a form. My project uses Spring 3.3.2, thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity6, and htmx 2.0.3 (webjars). Here is my thymeleaf fragment for processing ...
Michael Rodgers's user avatar
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Problem with html files in subdirectories and ControllerAdvice

I changed HTML files location and moved them to subdirectories in resource/templates. The problem is after changing location, my @ControllerAdvice class and @ExceptionHandler stopped working with ...
Amanda Preisner's user avatar
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Spring Boot: Participants Not Displayed in Schedule Despite Being Present in Database

I am working on a Spring Boot project where I have a Schedule entity that has a many-to-many relationship with a User entity. The participants are correctly added to the schedule in the database, but ...
Nick Richardson's user avatar
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Why am I getting a 404 Not Found error in Thymeleaf Using SpringBoot

I have a controller that is using the RequestMapping annotation but whenever I visit the /books page I get a white label error. package come.saeedado.controllers; import come.saeedado.BookDemo....
Saeed Khan's user avatar
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How to migrate from th:include in Thymeleaf 3.1?

As of thymeleaf-3.1 th:include is deprecated (, so I'm trying to migrate my includes, but without success. My goal is to having a fragment that ...
membersound's user avatar
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Failing to process Thymeleaf template as a String

import org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine; import org.thymeleaf.context.Context; import org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.StringTemplateResolver; import org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode; import java....
Elsasin's user avatar
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Blank Page when running a project using Spring Boot + Thymeleaf

I have a SpringBoot Intializr project that consists of a Tech Shop using HTML and Bootstrap. However when I run it , I get a blank page. I have attempted to change the port , change the JDK version (...
user27938062's user avatar
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How to avoid the automatic redirection to the login page after the registration page but redirect to the authentication for submitting the pin?

# I am using Java 21, # Spring boot 3.3.4, # Spring security. # ***The process is : form register --> save userEntity credentials and also save a tokenEntity for authentication. I send mail with ...
Max's user avatar
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How to reuse the 2 text fields from one form block to another in HTML and Spring boot?

I am new to HTML and Spring boot. I have this html form index.html I am trying to build a simple calculator with add/subtract and multiply functions. I have 3 form blocks which points to 3 endpoints ...
Gautam S's user avatar
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Receive data from radio input group per POST with thymeleaf

Here’s your translated text: Basically, I have this form: Picture of the form <form method="post" th:action="@{/solution-add}"> <input type="hidden" th:name=...
Timo Neske's user avatar
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Spring Boot App throwing a strange exception

I am following a tutorial and everything seems to work for the author but not for me. The purpose of the use case is to add a new category (id, name, image and a boolean value). Category entity: @...
Gothiquo's user avatar
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CAS login page with select2 for sources

In our CAS configuration, we have a lot of authentication sources. So, on this page, it will be useful for the user to search and select sources using a method like select2. How to modify loginform....
Vittore's user avatar
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SpringBoot 3 An incompatible version of the Apache Tomcat Native library

I have an application using springboot 3 (3.3.4) which is being developed in Windows 11 with thymleaf and bootstrap 5 using intellij. The application compiles and runs under windows with no errors. ...
APA's user avatar
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How to display errors in Thymeleaf

I have a custom password validation implemented using ConstraintValidator, and I need to display error messages when the validation fails. But error messages are not being displayed when the ...
NONAME's user avatar
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Thymeleaf, get list then post object from this list

Im getting list of Order and make table with it + button next to every Item. On click button i want to post this single Order from list to API. The problem is when i press button, i receive on API ...
Binny Bogs's user avatar
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Authorization test with spring-boot security and thymeleaf controller

I have a method in my controller that just allow user with ADMIN role, and want to do a test for it (*I'm using thymeleaf) This is my controller method: @GetMapping("/admin") public String ...
Enio Martinelli's user avatar
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Thymeleaf Issue: Unable to Retrieve Correct ID Values

The issue arises when attempting to pass the dynamic goodsId from HTML to a JavaScript function. Instead of the expected numeric value, the goodsId is being treated as a string literal (e.g., ${row....
呂逸承's user avatar
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Bootstap Dropdown List of list - Why child list click close parent list?

I have two lists of data Parent list another each parent has a list of child data. After clicking parent child opened then incide any where on child the parent closed. I found found any answer. I am ...
bulbul's user avatar
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on intellij using spring boot and html, i cannot add data to my database through the html

i have created a simple structure on intellij , using spring boot,java and html and mysql to create a database. What I want to do is from the html to fill the format and the data will be saved in my ...
Giannis's user avatar
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how to change number from 17072e7 to 10720000

i want to display the gpu price from exponential form to decimal in Java springboot im using thymeleaf enter image description here <h2>Pilih GPU</h2> <select id=...
SaintNave's user avatar
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Spring + Thymeleaf Nested Form Backing Object Variables

I'm having null pointer errors when attempting to reference a form backing objects nested variables. For example ... <input th:field="*{}"> ...
Tom M's user avatar
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I'm getting TemplateInputException for my HTML file in springboot

org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateInputException: Error resolving template [Kredit-bee-invoice], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolversenter ...
Deeparishi's user avatar
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Thymeleaf syntax for the form action

I have this form: <body> <h1>Fill out the form</h1> <form action="@{/submit}" method="post" th:object="${person}"> <span th:if="${#...
Nuñito Calzada's user avatar
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Adding Form Inputs Dynamically with Javascript and Thymeleaf

I'm wondering what is the most idiomatic/optimal solution is for adding form elements dynamically with Javascript and Thymeleaf. For context, I have a form that is being generated server side like so: ...
fbailey's user avatar
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"Instantiation of new objects and access to static classes or parameters is forbidden" error with th:action

I'm working on a Spring Boot application using Thymeleaf for the view layer. In one of my templates, I need to create a form for updating a book. However, I'm encountering the following error when ...
dimitri08's user avatar
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Thymeleaf recursive fragment fails at runtime with source is null for getProperty

I want to create a recursive template with Thymeleaf 3.1.2. (The full code is below). I have a recursive Node class: public static class Node { public String description2; public List<Node&...
Charles Quinlan's user avatar
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could not able to load the index.html page with Spring boot thymeleaf application?

i'm facing 404 Error when i deploy Spring and thymeleaf project into tomcat Error I need to able to get load the index page when I start the application in Spring boot application webApp is not ...
Amusement's user avatar
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Is it possible to automatically generate and persist a static html file out of Thymeleaf template in maven?

I have a Spring Boot app with a Thymeleaf template (i.e. resources\templates\index.html), which is served as the app home page. Some while ago, I decided to host the home page outside of the app i.e. ...
tim bits's user avatar
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How can I overwrite inputs name attribute when thymeleaf automatically sets it when using th:field

In my thymeleaf template there is a form in which there is a radio button. Looks like thymeleaf automatically gives a name to input name attribute. This is the code: <div> <table th:each=&...
user avatar
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How to map nested arrays in thymeleaf

This is my code: My classes: public class Persons { List<Student> students; } public class Student { List<String> role; } In thymeleaf: <select id="role" tabindex=&...
AlexCody's user avatar
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How to write Thymeleaf code inside of text?

I have a tasks and comments in every task. I use accordion to expand comment section, but problem is when i open One comment section opens all comments. So in JAVA EE I solved this like that: <...
Almas Iskak's user avatar
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Spring thymeleaf display month name from month number

I have an Integer for month in the DTO class. While displaying on thymeleaf template, I just want it to be month name in string like 'January' for integer value 0, and so on. I checked #dates but ...
itsraja's user avatar
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