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404 Error When Loading CSS Styles in a Spring Boot Application with Thymeleaf

Problem Description I am developing a web application using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. I have moved my CSS styles to the static folder and configured my project to serve static resources. However, ...
youngnero's user avatar
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Link base "/assets/css/style.css" cannot be context relative (/...)

A ton of questions have been asked about connecting Thymeleaf + CSS and Spring Boot. I could not find any that addressed this problem with Ktor. I have this template: <!DOCTYPE html> <html ...
jam berry's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to inject CSS properties inline with Thymeleaf?

Im structuring an email in the backend with Spring and Thymeleaf, and i have come across the following problem: I need to inject a color hex code as a CSS property while using inline CSS. <span ...
Ramiro Moya Isnaldi's user avatar
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Java Spring Thymeleaf `th:each` inside `<style>` tag

Active languages of my web app are stored inside the Java List and that list is available to Thymeleaf. Outside <style> tag this is easy and working like a charm: <button th:each="lang : ...
user avatar
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Outlook is not accepting html content

I am sending email using java SMTP but outlook is not rendering the text/html content . Here is what is email body what outlook is rendering <p id="content">Dear User,&lt;br&gt;...
Unknown User's user avatar
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Problem loading internal css with Spring Security 6 and Thymeleaf

My code below, login page doesn't load css resources, if I disable Spring Security it loads: \\src\\main\\resources\\static\\assets\\css\\login.css @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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style tag with Thymeleaf

I have this piece of code: <h2 class="title" > <a th:href="${blogItem.getLink()}" th:text="${blogItem.getTitle()}"><style>h1 {color:'$...
Nuñito Calzada's user avatar
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thymeleaf utext unescaped html not interpreted by browser

In my following code snippet <div class="item-container" th:utext="${item.getDisplayLine()}"> </div> item.getDisplayLine() returns the following html with span ...
kedarme's user avatar
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2 answers

Whitelabel Error Page (type=Method Not Allowed, status=405)

Error message: Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Thu Mar 14 22:44:00 IST 2024 There was an unexpected error (type=Method ...
Giribala's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to seperate CSS from ThymeLeaf templates

I am having trouble trying to seperate CSS into it's own file. Right now I have it in the html file. Please help me I tried creating CSS file and linked it to HTML and expected to work, but it didn't :...
Gary Vu's user avatar
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why background image is not working in themleaf

I tried with CSS to set the background image but not working in thymeleaf I also tried with the body attribute background Still not working.. body{ background-image: url(images/uomback....
KunaRakeshKumar's user avatar
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HTML email content resizing in iOS

I have a java application that send a daily email digest built using a thymeleaf template. The email renders correctly in most environments. The only place that seems to be having problems is the ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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Thymeleaf not recognizing CSS files

I am trying to link a CSS stylesheet using Thymeleaf html. When I run the application and test online no styling is being applied. Below is my html code <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en&...
Jadie's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Questions about the html table

enter image description hereI have a question about the table in html. I've been having a headache for three days trying to solve this problem and asked several questions, but it hasn't been resolved. ...
marinewu's user avatar
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Show tooltip when hovering over a link

I have a table that displays information about a musician. The first 2 lines are genres and countries. I use Thymleaf template engine to render such objects. Here is my code: <table> <tr&...
dddryinside's user avatar
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Pdf not showing chinese characters(ITextRenderer/FlyingSaucer)

i am facing some issues with displaying the field with chinese/tamil/arabic characters in it. Lets say the field is "S额Y", only "SY" is displayed. For the majority of this project, ...
ShengisBored's user avatar
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Horizontally center an image with Thymeleaf

I have this css: /* Global CSS styles */ body { background-color: #364f6b; margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* Styling the logo */ .logo { width: 400px; height: auto; justify-content: ...
Nuñito Calzada's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Spring Boot Thymeleaf not recognizing CSS file

The problem is that a thymeleaf does not find my css file Project structure enter image description here I am able to access css file with given url http://localhost:8080/styles.css I use spring boot ...
maniek's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is signing in to my Spring Boot + Thymeleaf application redirecting to a CSS file?

My Spring Boot application is using Thymeleaf and all works fine until I add a custom CSS stylesheet. As soon as I add the stylesheet to the templats, signing in results in the content of that ...
jafwatt's user avatar
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The application does not find the path to the files?

Have next problem. When i do right click to index.html and then open file in browser i see my html page with my css style, everything ok Path in html page <link href="css/style.css" rel=&...
Jcoder's user avatar
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Editing button inside <form th:action>

I have three buttons: <td> <a th:href="@{/appointments/{id}/details(id=${})}">View</a> | <a th:href="@{/appointments/{id}/edit(id=${...
Stefan Jankovic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Text field is not aligned in center with date field inside DIV

I'm doing something with Thymeleaf and CSS but I hope someone can help me because it's more CSS-related I guess. I think this is the most important part so I will not post code that I also have inside ...
koderkodo's user avatar
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External CSS file doesn't work if I turn on auth

External CSS file doesn't work if I turn on auth with Spring Security. @EnableWebSecurity @Configuration class SecurityConfig { @Bean fun security(http:HttpSecurity):SecurityFilterChain{ ...
de6igz's user avatar
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Spring Boot + Thymeleaf embed Tailwind CSS inside HTML for external service?

I have a spring boot project and I'm using TailwindCSS. The issue is, while putting <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" th:href="@{~/css/main.css}" /> Works ...
MenoMore's user avatar
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How can i use css file in java/spring thymeleaf

Hi, I have an html(footer) file and a css(webflow) file. But I can't use my css file. This my conf class @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override ...
emiirhaneksi's user avatar
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Make table data collapsible

I am trying to make each heading part which is a table collapsible. The user should be able to click on the heading and view the table and click again to hide it. Something as simple as possible. I ...
nicku's user avatar
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Set CSS variables from model object in Thymeleaf

I'm setting CSS color variables inside a style tag in a Thymeleaf template. The color values are coming from the model object. I also want to apply a default color, in case the model attirbute is not ...
LoginAsRoot's user avatar
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How to show colour change when customised radio button is selected?

I am new to coding generally, and have been working on a quiz program on HTML and CSS (data is from PostgreSQL, framework SpringBoot on Eclipse. PHP and JQuery not included in syllabus). Here's my ...
reinbowpuke's user avatar
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Add multiple style elements to thymeleaf with conditionals

I am designing a thymeleaf template. I have a table row with data where I am using the below conditional code to colour its data. Any idea on how I can add other style elements such as padding and ...
jane's user avatar
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Thymeleaf unable to load CSS Styles from template fragments

I am currently working on a To do list application with Spring and Thymeleaf. I have a layout page below which has the sidebar and header elements I plan to use on every page, so I have marked each ...
Ronak Patel's user avatar
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Changing .css files links via .properties files

I'm trying to achieve those theme change solutions: or but with Thymeleaf instead of the ....
Developer's user avatar
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the last item <li> from the modal menu is not displayed at the bottom of the page

I have a table with data on every row, at the beginning of each row I have a button which contains a modal with the following options: create read update delete This modal is displaying every ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

External css stylesheet not working without thymeleaf

I'm trying to figure out a reason why i have to include thymeleaf in my html tag and in my link to my external css stylesheet in the head. If i remove any of it, the stylesheet will be disconnected ...
Yaim's user avatar
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Checkbox not showing when use CSS and BootStrap

<input type="checkbox"/> When I use Chrome's developer mode to cancel the following code, checkbox is displayed normally input[type="checkbox"]{ -moz-appearance:...
YuCheng Lin's user avatar
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How to conditionally put different running footer using only css?

I want to add a footer in all the pdf pages generated from HTML when printed, but only for the first page, I want to add a section below the common footer. I have to do it using only HTML and CSS. <...
Mausom Saikia's user avatar
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Dropdown does not show values

I am trying to create a drop down with multi select options (don't look at the content, its for tests only). I added css links: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare....
Lulex97's user avatar
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Multiple choice dropdown as thymleaf attribute

is possible to do drop down with multiple choice? I am trying to make form with drop down and when I add "multiple" as attribute: <select multiple th:field="*{cars}"> &...
Lulex97's user avatar
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Spring Thymeleaf not processing field properly?

I have an Author class which extends BaseEntity superclass. In the template I'm trying to get a boolean property from the author variable so that I can reuse the form for Create and Update. Can ...
MikesMikes's user avatar
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How can I pass the value from drop down list as a link for button?

I am creating a web app (using thymeleaf, html, css, javascript) and I ran into a problem. Say I have a search bar and a button like this: Now this represents the functionality of an app and ...
iank's user avatar
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Can't duplicate pop-up buttons CSS/JavaScript

I am creating a Spring/Thymeleaf web application and now stuck at this problem. I am diplaying a table on a webpage, and there are buttons for pop-up windows on every entity that is in the table. So ...
iank's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I change the background color of button after clicking on it?

I need to change the background color of the button from dark to green <button class="btn btn-dark" id="btn" th:attr="onclick=|vote('${listAnswer.answer_id}','+1')|"&...
IU Kottahchchi's user avatar
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how to iterate a collection in a html table with limited (n) columns in a row using thymeleaf

I am new to front end and using thymeleaf. I am looking for an approach to build a dynamic form. I am sending a map from controller to front end (html), I am able to display the values of my map using ...
aarav's user avatar
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Pseudo-element :after not working anymore after upgrading 'openhtmltopdf' to v1.0.10

I'm working on a project, where we use thymeleaf to design .html files. These are being transformed to pdf using danfickles pure-Java library. Because the framework doesn't support CSS3 features, one ...
Ayume's user avatar
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One image is displayed and one is not in html

I have 2 images in html, one is shown, but the second one is not, I have tried to put another different image in the second one but it is still not shown. Both are in the same path. <a class="...
jack nieve's user avatar
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Override Gmail font with thymeleaf

I want to override Gmail default font using Thymeleaf with my custom font (a google font) and I tried these but none works: 1, using internal CSS <style> @import url('https://fonts.googleapis....
infD's user avatar
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Why CSS file not working in my application? [duplicate]

I'm trying to use .css files in my project but it doesn't work. The directory hierarchy is: /resources/static/css/style.css. In my html file I tried <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" ...
user13921628's user avatar
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Thymeleaf and html css with flying saucer doesn't work with packaged jar

I have a thymeleaf html template with custom css styling and a 'flying saucer' to produce the pdf and download from the GET REST endpoint. Here is the project folder structure of the project with ...
tyro's user avatar
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Why does padding not work with option-elements and why div is not cool as a child of a select-element?

I'm trying to iterate an array of objects with arrays of objects with arrays etc. I'm pretty close to achieve what I'm trying to, but cant come up with any ideas on how to get to the goal. I have a ...
mortar-1's user avatar
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Checkbox not displaying as it should on Thymeleaf

I have a checkbox on my Thymeleaf(using Bootstrap) templates as it should. I have the following code to add a checkbox to my html templates: <td> <input type="checkbox" ...
user3841581's user avatar
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Setting of background image through css in thymeleaf not working

I'm using following css formatting to display a loading panel on form submission, and I have stored the gif image in \src\main\resources\static , but the the html div is not picking up the image, it ...
kaushal47's user avatar
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