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Bootstap Dropdown List of list - Why child list click close parent list?

I have two lists of data Parent list another each parent has a list of child data. After clicking parent child opened then incide any where on child the parent closed. I found found any answer. I am ...
bulbul's user avatar
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An unwanted default login interface appears

I started a Springboot application looking to create a login/registration Webapp . I only set up Thymeleaf and Bootstrap for the HTML template , and set up the service, the controller and the ...
Yahia's user avatar
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Bootstrap Data table taking too much to load 400K rows

I'm using data table to make my tables more user friendly (Sorting, pagination etc...), after a few months I got more than 400K of records and now the page takes almost 5 Minutes to fully load... I ...
Jsef bch's user avatar
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Adding multiple objects with the same name fields using Thymeleaf/Spring Boot

I'm working on trying to add two objects on a single form and running into issues with the field being concatenated when they have the same name. See below Project Entity @Entity @SequenceGenerator(...
Manning's user avatar
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How to stay focus in the chosen tab when refresh the page ? (Bootstrap nav tab)

As shown in the screenshot, I need the to stay in the question list tab when I submit the form. For the current situation, everytime I refresh or submit the form, it will redirect to the first tab. ...
mike kong's user avatar
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SpringMVC with Bootstrap and Thymeleaf pages decoration

I am working in: "SpringMVC 5", with "Twitter Bootstrap 4" html pages, and "Thymeleaf 3" templating, in IntelliJ EAP (latest version) and Tomcat9, Maven The structure of ...
Thomas_Mylonas's user avatar
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thymeleaf + bootstrap + css - why is my last image NOT aligned to the end?

I am working on a header fragment I want centralized on the screen <nav class="navbar navbar-custom navbar-expand"> <div class="container-fluid col-8"> <...
gtludwig's user avatar
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Spring boot Application with Thymeleaf. Using Constants to check hasAuthority

Defined constants in my class and using in UI to validate if user have the authority, show the menu to user else hide it. refer below code the way I implemented. <li sec:authorize="...
user3218542's user avatar
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Prettify bootstrap template from java spring

I have a spring project focusing on library books that be checked out. Here is the html code rendered from the server side. The columns are crooked! Here is the html code (and the first row): https://...
Sumangal Sinha Roy's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to center my bootstrap div in the middle of screen?

I want to center following divs in the middle of the screen HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY (2 SITES). What should I add to my HTML code to make it works? I managed to center div from first site ...
user's user avatar
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Button with input field doesn't want to align to the right corner

I'm trying to use class=float-right on button "Add to cart", but it doesn't work properly. To illustrate the problem I increased the width of the card. "Add to cart" button sticks ...
leonaugust's user avatar
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Bootstrap datatables does not work correctly with thymeleaf th:block

I am getting nTd is undefined when using TableData of bootstrap. I have already read in many forums that it's because of not having the same number of td's and th's in the header and body elements. ...
user1419243's user avatar
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add and remove dynamic rows with multiple elements in thymleaf and bind with list

I have a pojo class with object array list and i want to bind it with dynamically created elements using jquery. below is my pojo class public class EmployeeTaskWarpper { private Long id; ...
nilay's user avatar
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How to show bootstrap tooltip title from variable in Thymeleaf?

Is there any way to show bootstrap tooltip title from variables in thymeleaf? Bootstrap tooltip static title in thymeleaf is: <td th:text="${user.firstName}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="...
Ted's user avatar
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Form not submitting POST

I have this form in my Spring Boot/Thymeleaf/Bootstrap application: <form action="/person" method="POST"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="name">Name</label> <...
Zardas's user avatar
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Bootstrap thymeleaf dynamic select list

I'm writing an application using spring boot + thymeleaf + bootstrap. The application is a typical CRUD: - the user of the application has his clients - every customer has their devices and locations ...
Arek P's user avatar
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Why the color of text is blue on bootstrap col ? and how to redesign my page with only Bootstrap css [closed]

I have worked on application and i am not strong in front end so i wanted to design a menu page like tiles just with Bootstrap but the result is not like expected. Can any one show me how or where to ...
Abderrahmane BECHIKH's user avatar
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Thymeleaf form always give null value to controller

i'm currently working on school project and I'm a bit lost. I have a form to add internship , an intership is define by a lot of elements like a name, content of internship , etc etc and the most ...
Lyneia's user avatar
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How to add class to table row in JQuery and save it after reload

I use jquery to highlight the selected row in bootstrap table. The problem is that after reloading the page the highlight disappears. Is it possible to save it after reloading as well? The selected ...
Vlada's user avatar
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Get thymeleaf value with JQuery

I have dropdown menu in frontend. It created with bootstrap and thymeleaf. I need to show only names of the object, but chose the ids. It's not a problem to get a th:text value with JQuery, but I need ...
Vlada's user avatar
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Thymeleaf with Spring Boot and Bootstrap don't work in page with PathVariable

I have a application running with Spring Boot 2.1.9.RELEASE, Thymeleaf and Boostrap 4. 1) I have a base.html page, that is used to template: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-br" xmlns:...
Ronaldo Lanhellas's user avatar
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Thymeleaf th:each only displaying first element in dropdown menu

I'm trying to create a dropdown menu by iterating through objects using th:each. However my implementation only displays the first object instead of all of them. My relevant code : <tr th:...
John Kim's user avatar
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How to render images on html from URL in slider using Bootstrap

I am developing a little web application using Spring and I can't understand how to display images in slider I get the id from @PathVariable after that I am trying to get N-images from DB table '...
Sirius178's user avatar
5 votes
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Thymeleaf - get dynamic content on tooltip

I am new to Thymeleaf and I have a task to add a tooltip with dynamic content. If I use the title or data-original-title attribute, I can insert an HTML tag into the tooltip, but the variable value ...
MTL2000's user avatar
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spring boot + thymeleaf 3+bootStrap, Configuration bootstrap return 404 error

I can't import Bootstrap static resources when I configure thymeleaf and Bootstrap in Spring-boot. I know there are many similar problems, but I can't solve them for me. if i use web resources like &...
Andy Ho's user avatar
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How to fix Link base "img/Yellow.svg" cannot be context relative (/) or page relative

I am getting a 500 error when I reference images/Yellow.svg in my thymeleaf html email template. The error I get is the following: There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=...
Drew Gallagher's user avatar
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Using thymeleaf value in bootstrap alert

I want to use backend generated data in my html file, after validation. I'm able to do that in jsp but I'm having problem with thymeleaf. The code snippet under shows how it's working in jsp. 3rd line ...
gozluklu_marti's user avatar
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Thymefelaf th:text in a class attribute for a given html tag

I have a Spring boot, Thymeleaf & Bootstrap application. I have lots of components in the GUI and some of them share the same bootstrap color value. I am changing the color often and it is really ...
gozluklu_marti's user avatar
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Problem with integrating Bootstrap, Jquery and Thymeaf

I'm trying to create a double dropdown, so I found good example from here w3schools. But when I paste code from there, dropdown doesn't work. This looks like: Button "Tutorials". When I replace ...
Egorika Belarus's user avatar
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It is possible to use bootstrap library only for the content without the header and the footer in 'thymeleaf'?

I would like to know whether it is possible to use the bootstrap library without influencing the footer and the header ? Is there any possibility? thank you in advance. <!DOCTYPE html> <html ...
flyordie's user avatar
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Thymeleaf dropdowns not auto-populating upon clicking the edit button

I have an HTML page with thymeleaf template with a button called "Create New" and a table multiple columns. At the end of each row, I have a button called "edit". "Create new" redirects to a page ...
khalibali's user avatar
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Spring boot carousel fullscreen html,css,bootstrap

I have a problen with making fullscreen carousel using html and css. When i start my webapp its just shows me nothing in browser like its blank html file only with glyphicon on the top. It works fine ...
Ekera's user avatar
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Bug on background image after wrong password

I have a bug on the login page of my project, the background image simple disappear when a wrong passowrd is inputed. I think it might be because of the URL of the page (if a wrong password is ...
Mauricio Renan's user avatar
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Bootstrap is not picked up by SpringBoot with Thymleafe

I am trying to use Thymleafe and Bootstrap in SpringBoot application. However, I could not understand why SpringBoot is not picking up Bootstrap. When I am running my project it's just showing plain-...
Mehraj Malik's user avatar
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SpringBoot + Thymeleaf + Bootstrap Carousel not rotating between pictures nor carousel controls working

I have a SpringBoot + Thymeleaf + Bootstrap web application and I have a Bootstrap Carousel on the main page. The carousel works fine when I load it statically but when I have it running in the ...
matt_delicioso's user avatar
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Using thymeleaf and bootstrap to create a panel accordion from a list but collapsable function doesn't work

I am very new to bootstrap. I am using bootstrap along with thymeleaf to create a collapsable panel accordion from a list. Iterating through the list works. Displaying the panel body works. At one ...
Tan W's user avatar
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Bootstrap is not loading (Thymeleaf)

The styling doesn't load when having this code: <div class="container"> <div class="w-50"> <div class="border border-info"> <div><h3 class="...
aabk's user avatar
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How use bootstrap with thymleaf in jhipster application

I'm currently working on an email template with thymeleaf in a jhipster application. My problem is that i can't use bootstrap css in thymeleaf template. I understand that thymeleaf is a server-...
BELLIL's user avatar
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Jumbotron background doesn't show with Bootstrap

I'm using Bootstrap with template engine Thymeleaf for the front end, however I can't seem to get the background image to show with my inline CSS, I tried the answer in this stackoverflow question ...
Gherbi Hicham's user avatar
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How can I appen integer to url script inline thymeleaf?

I'm using Thymeleaf and Spring Boot. I have a table create using these scripts: Then I added a javascript: <script th:inline="javascript"> /*<![...
Droide's user avatar
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Tabs with Bootstrap and Thymeleaf

I am trying to create tabs with content. Here is the HTML code. When I first load the page Main tab is active, next when I click Names no action happens and content panel does not open. <!DOCTYPE ...
Anu's user avatar
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Spring - Webjar Bootstrap got overriten

In a spring maven project i have some html pages that uses thymeleaf and bootstrap, they worked perfectly until for whatever reason the /webjars/bootstrap/3.3.7-1/css/bootstrap.min.css and /webjars/...
MrSir's user avatar
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CSS files are not loading :

I am trying to learn thymeleaf. I am doing so by referencing the "petclinic spring project". I was able to create a html page with thymeleaf tags. I am able to load the java scripts but not able to ...
user641887's user avatar
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jquery and bootstrap error

I am trying to build a UI using thymeleaf and i get the following error in the console below is the code for my html. can someone please let me know what i am doing wrong.
user641887's user avatar
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Dynamically creating Tabs from List with Bootstrap and Thymeleaf

Given I have a list of objects "Bar" and each Bar has two property "title" and "content": how is it possible to dynamically create a tab with a palette for each Bar in the list ? This html doesn't ...
Andrea T's user avatar
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Thymeleaf's 3 fragment insert not working

I'd like to use Thymeleaf as a template engine in my Java web application. I'd also like to build front-end using Bootstrap 4. I'm using Intellij IDEA 2017.2.5 Ultimate, Spring Boot 1.5.7, Tomcat 8.5....
Colonder's user avatar
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Split display in two column with bootstrap and thymleaf

I use thymeleaf and bootstrap 3 and I create ui component in function of a list. I don't know how many items are in the list. <form id="genericForm" class="form-horizontal" role="form"> &...
robert trudel's user avatar
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How to add a new row to a Twitter Bootstrap Datatable using jQuery?

I'm trying to add a new row to the twitter bootstrap datatable using JQuery so my first approach was using this: $("#searchResultsTableTBody").append(newRow); A lot of work and html inside the ...
Igor's user avatar
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How do I fetch input from select box using Thymeleaf

I have been doing school's project recently and started learning Java Web/Spring/Bootstrap and stuff only a week ago, so please do forgive and correct me if I got any idea wrong. So I was working on ...
Ligh7ninG's user avatar
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Thymeleaf + Bootstrap configuration

Currenlty I'm trying to configure my webapp to run with Thymeleaf and Bootstrap, so I created sample index.html page to test if it works. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3....
Vinci's user avatar
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