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Gunicorn service stopping under supervisor with docker

I've using supervisor, nginx and gunicorn to deploy Django project with Docker. I'm running docker-compose up to build the project and nginx image. Going through other similar issues, it is ...
Uday Singh Khalsa's user avatar
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Flask works fine, after some time user login and contact pages (POST method) stop

I have a Flask app that I deployed to Linode using Nginx, Gunicorn and Supervisor. It works great for quite some time and then after that the pages keep loading fine, but user logins or other POST ...
LoveCode's user avatar
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How to gracefully reload gunicorn changing symlink under supervisor

I'm trying to gracefully reload my gunicorn process that is under a supervisor. My app deploy just change the symlink to my application folder and I can't find a way to make gunicorn gracefully update ...
Arthur Ávila's user avatar
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CPU to 90% for gunicorn process on debian 11 - Django Nginx Gunicorn Supervisor

Since 3 days, I have some issues with the CPU usage which is up to 90%. When I run "top" on command line, I see that CPU usage for gunicorn is very high ! I do not have a lot of trafic on ...
ronan's user avatar
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Gunicorn + Nginx - Resource temporarily unavailable while connecting to upstream

We are using gunicorn + supervisor + nginx to run django app using docker environment on beanstalk Issue is supervisor shows that gunicorn is up but all requests fails with 502 response code from ...
pratik's user avatar
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Run gunicorn as fcgi-program in supervisord

I'd like to try running gunicorn on a socket managed by supervisor. Supervisor can manage sockets and passes the file descriptor to the child process on stdin (
Ben's user avatar
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Gunicorn is throwing Out of Memory with max request and max requests jitter

Gunicorn is throwing Out of Memory I have tried to add max request and max requests jitter but still getting Out of Memory. Gunicorn is being controlled by supervisor exec gunicorn myproject.wsgi:...
maniragaba claude's user avatar
3 votes
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Correctly Setup Celery with Flask-Application Factory Pattern/Gunicorn/Nginx/Supervisor

I have a task of updating every single row of a MySQL table but it's super slow. I rarely need to do it and only when I change something fundamental, but I thought this would be a great change to ...
SaiSy's user avatar
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3 answers

How to increase file upload size in Django application running on EC2 instance with Nginx as revese Proxy?

I've a Django application that is running on EC2 instance. It is uploading file upto 100MB without any problems, but above 100MB file size, it gives error 413 Request Entity Too Large. I've tried in ...
shantanu sharma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Supervisor not reloading Gunicorn properly with Django project

I am using Supervisor to reload Gunicorn when pushing Django project to production : Workflow : " && python migrate"\ " && python ...
Gaëtan GR's user avatar
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Django3 Nginx Gunicorn Supervisor not logging error

Im trying to catch/ log django errors (500) in my prod environment. However all the log files doesn't contain any traceback. To test if it works I have a view in django with: raise Exception("...
DeemonRider's user avatar
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Django crontab automated setup issue in ubuntu development server

Am on a windows10 local development and has I can't use cron am testing in a development server. my working basecommand from api.models import EnrolmentUniquePattern from ...
rmindzstar's user avatar
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How can I setup multiple Django Apps using Supervisor (including Gunicorn and Nginx)? bind() to [::]:8090 failed (98: Address already in use)

I already deployed a Django/Wagtail App using Supervisor, Gunicorn and Nginx (on Debian Buster), so I can reach it with /etc/nginx/sites-available/cms server { ...
Paul's user avatar
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Is there an alternative when using supervisor with Gunicorn?

I am creating a Flask app and I using Nginx and Gunicorn inside a virtual enviroment. When I start Gunicorn, gunicorn app:app everything works fine. Then when I activate the Supervisor to keep ...
Luis Vivas's user avatar
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run django with supervisor and gunicorn

I am running django app through gunicorn with supervisor. although supervisor starts the app and app is running fine through supervisor but is says test FATAL Exited ...
snow leopard's user avatar
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Restart django on linux

Ive deployed a django app on linux using nginx, supervisor and gunicorn. I have made updates (using GIT and manually in The files changed but the application has not changed (i.e. it ...
elonmusky's user avatar
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Gunicorn + Django + supervisor: Where are my logs?

I'm using supervisor to manage gunicorn (behind Apache) + Django. My Django LOGGING config: "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { ...
gabn88's user avatar
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Uvicorn + Gunicorn + Starlette is getting stuck when serving, can't restart the service without sigkill

I am serving a model on a VM through gunicorn + uvicorn. It is automatically started by supervisord, running contains: source /home/asd/.virtual_envs/myproject/bin/activate /home/asd/....
Matas Minelga's user avatar
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2 answers

Deploying Django with Nginx, Gunicorn and Supervisor

I'm trying to deploy my Django app with Nginx and Gunicorn by following this tutorial, but I modified some steps so I can use Conda instead of ViritualEnv. The setup looks like this: Nginx replies ...
Soubriquet's user avatar
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Flask _external=True not working as expected

I have the following flask application that I'm serving using nginx, supervisor and gunicorn. I am running the app as follows using a factory setup method in from app import create_app app = ...
ajrlewis's user avatar
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Running Gunicorn alongside Daphne on Nginx

I have been following several different tutorials about how to set up gunicorn and daphne in parallel so that gunicorn can serve http to my django apps and daphne to my django channels app. However, I ...
zara30's user avatar
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Django on Gunicorn/Nginx - Stripe Webhooks Always Getting 400

Production Setup: Django v3.0.5 on Nginx / Gunicorn / Supervisor (i followed directions from here) (I don't think this is any issue but i am using dj-stripe for django/stripe integration) While on ...
TaeWoo's user avatar
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configuring flask-socketio with nginx,gunicorn and supervisor

I am having hard time configuring flask-socketio to work with nginx,gunicorn and supervisor. Every thing works fine on local mechine i have tested all events and functions and they are working well. ...
kartoos khan's user avatar
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LookupError: unknown encoding: hex_codec(run code in not root user)

create a Flask Test Project demo 1. from flask import Flask import codecs app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): c = codecs.encode(b"sdf", "hex_codec") return '...
ddbb's user avatar
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Nginx responds only in the local network, Flask app with Gunicorn

I set up my Flask web application with Gunicorn 20.0.4, Nginx 1.14.2 and Supervisor on my Raspberry Pi (Linux 4.19.97-v7l+ armv7l) in my local network. I have followed the tutorial as far as possible: ...
gromo's user avatar
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Supervisor/Gunicorn/Django: supervisor unable to RUN gunicorn ('fixed' on STARTING)

I try to deploy my Django project using Nginx/Gunicorn and supervisor. When I run gunicorn directly it works: (envCov) zebra@zebra:~/intensecov_app/intensecov$ gunicorn coverage.wsgi:application [...
SLATER's user avatar
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django: uploading file mysterious issue

I am running a multi-tenant app with nginx and gunicorn and where users upload files that get processed and then populate the db. When uploading small files (<2.5mo) everything works well, however ...
Murcielago's user avatar
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unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock refused connection during restarting supervisor

When I created a new .conf file inside /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ and tried to start this program it was showing some errors (fatal error) and restarting frequently by itself. Then I ran the command sudo ...
Shamim's user avatar
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Django/Nginx/Gunicorn/Supervisor: internationalisation is not applied

I try to deploy my Django project in a remote linux server (Ubuntu) I have followed an Openclassroom tutorial and it work except internationalisation I have had this problem when I deployed with ...
SLATER's user avatar
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why nginX server error (500) for django application?

this is the my file import os # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start ...
Rajashekhar Reddy's user avatar
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why gunicorn saying FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details)?

this is my gunicorn.conf file [program:gunicorn] directory=/home/ubuntu/js/ command=/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:/home/ubuntu/js/app.sock main_jntu.wsgi:application ...
Rajashekhar Reddy's user avatar
6 votes
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why supervisor gunicorn shows fatal error command not found?

when i check status(sudo supervisorctl status) it is shwoing like this guni:gunicorn FATAL can't find command '/home/ubuntu/myvenv/js/bin/gunicorn' and my gunicorn conf is ...
Rajashekhar Reddy's user avatar
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HTTPConnectionPool(host='x.x.x.x', port=y): Read timed out. (read timeout=None) on nginx server?

From my python script there are multiple API calls and APIs are in same application! I am using django framework! Through python3 runserver it was working fine! But in centos7 VM with ...
Rezaul's user avatar
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Gunicorn error running same Django configuration and code for the last three years

For the last three years below gunicorn configuration worked well: [program:hys] command= /usr/local/bin/gunicorn /var/www/h/o/u67098/public_html/project/apps/,/var/www/h/o/u67098/public_html/project/...
Stefan's user avatar
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Internal Server Error when running unicorn with supervisor

I am encountering a problem when running my flask webapp on a VPS using unicorn and supervisor. When running without supervisor everything works there are no internal server error not any problems ...
Djboboch's user avatar
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I don't know why Nginx server is not working

Hi there i'm trying to put in production some django app using nginx + gunicorn + supervisor. Following this guide i was able to reproduce all steps with success but for some reason i can't make it ...
Seba Rossi's user avatar
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How to flush Flask appication log output using Gunicorn on Python 2.7

I would like to flush the log of my Flask application as it is ran by Gunicorn and Supervisord. I found a few options here for supervisord and there specifically for Gunicorn. The ones for Gunicorn ...
Julio's user avatar
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Problem in running (flask+) gunicorn using supervisor: no application module specified

all. Got a weird problem in running gunicorn with supervisor to serve a flask application. Before I start stating my problem, just want to say that I'm aware of this SO post. Nevertheless, my problem ...
Zheng Liu's user avatar
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How to Configure NGINX to Serve ASGI from UNIX Socket?

I am unable to connect an application running on ASGI + Gunicorn through a Unix socket on NGINX on localhost via a docker container. Provided that I am in the docker container and run NGINX: /usr/sbin/...
Blake Lassiter's user avatar
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Update .py file on nginx, gunicorn, supervisor

I don't know why this is so difficult, but everytime I update a file in my flask application I have to restart gunicorn so that the file updates on the server. I am mostly a front-end developer and ...
JSum's user avatar
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django-celery-beat break django unexpectedly

I am working with django-celery-beat with celery 4.2.1 and django2. At first it works perfect but after some time in gunicorn log appears the following error Traceback (most recent call last): ...
Rafael Cordano's user avatar
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How to reload gunicorn on server manually?

How can I reload gunicorn on an Ubuntu 18.04 server with django 2.1? I am using 'Nginx + Gunicorn + Supervisor' method. When I am trying sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart gunicorn ...
sasha's user avatar
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Getting pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'supervisor==3.2.0' distribution was not found and is required by the application?

Getting an error while trying to run a gunicorn script through supervisor. The gunicorn script is running fine while running it directly. I am on ubuntu 16.04 supervisor version : Getting ...
Sidhartha's user avatar
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Cannot deploy django-channels in production

I am trying to deploy django-channels in production using Gunicorn,Nginx,Postgres and Supervisor.Though i have been able to serve http requests properly but i cannot configure websocket configuration ...
Amandeep Singh's user avatar
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Flask virtual environment and environment variables

To get gunicorn under supervisord to use the virtual environment /home/ubuntu/venv/bin it is not necessary to seek a judicious place to put source /home/ubuntu/venv/bin/activate. It is sufficient to ...
Calaf's user avatar
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How does Gunicorn work on a server hosting several Flask sites?

--I'm deploying several Flask-based sites on a Linode VPS using NGINX as the static server/reverse-proxy. --I fully understand how that works for multiple sites by reading the incoming header and ...
Todd Carney's user avatar
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Python: Running Flask with gunicorn produces error "Failed to find application object"

I have a pretty big Flask project I'm trying to run with gunicorn, supervisor and nginx. I am using lots of Blueprints and have one file called that starts the whole application. It looks like ...
Chris's user avatar
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Nginx Gunicorn Django -- upstream prematurely closed connection Error

I am pretty new to NGINX, GUNICORN, DJANGO setup. I am using supervisor between nginx, gunicorn. Without NGINX, setup works well with supervisor and gunicorn and I can see the result through my server ...
Gobalakrishnan's user avatar
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supervisord as service and sensitive environment variables

I'm using supervisor to monitor a gunicorn process for a Django application. My config: [program:app] environment= SETTINGS="%(ENV_SETTINGS)s", DB_NAME="%(ENV_DB_NAME)s", DB_PASS="%(...
jonas87's user avatar
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Supervisor unable to run Gunicorn command

I have a command which I can successfully run from a directory. /home/ubuntu/.local/bin/gunicorn marbles.wsgi:application -b - & runs from /home/ubuntu/Marble/MibsBackEnd/marble-...
IGOR's user avatar
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