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How to differentiate refresh_token from access_token at validation stage in security server?

I know the difference in concept and purpose, but what happen at syntax level? Let's suppose a login endpoint with basic tokens response: { "access_token": "...
JRichardsz's user avatar
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express-stormpath email verfication

when the user submits his data always get this error Property name 'emailVerificationToken' is not defined in profile I checked everything in docs ,I cannot found any related solution /////////////////...
ibrahim's user avatar
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Stormpath post registration handler: can't save custom data to Okta account

After a user registers to my application, an ID is assigned in the local MySQL server, and the same ID is then registered as inside the corresponding Stormpath account. This worked ...
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Stormpath secure rest api

I followed the example here and here to acquire an access token
timpham's user avatar
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Add user to local database after registration in Stormpath

I want to add new user to my local database after register in Stormpath. In doc is section about post-registration ...
Karolina Szczepaniak's user avatar
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Stormpath to Okta migration

We are currently using Stormpath for authentication. Our web application seems to be using a combination of Stormpath SDK calls and some REST calls. I am aware that the Stormpath SDK will be ...
nettie's user avatar
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Stormpath information for login

I've been trying to find needed info to get my stormpath api to work so i would have a very basic login funtion to access my app, i've gotten it to work once before in another project but the problem ...
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express-stormpath w/ react-stormpath: this.context.user doesn't reflect groups the user has recently been added to

Using the express and react Stormpath libraries, I have a fairly unique use-case: Upon a successful Sign Up the user is automatically logged-in and asked a few questions. Depending on the answers the ...
connected_user's user avatar
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Stormpath integration with existing spring boot app

I have a spring boot app which has spring boot security enabled on it. The table I have used UserAccount and Role. Now I want to integrate stormpath for access control. How can I migrate my existing ...
boycod3's user avatar
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Running express-stormpath locally (register doesn't work?)

I'm trying to run express-stormpath on my local NodeJS project, but I cannot do anything to sign up to get my API key. When I simply do: var stormpath = require("express-stormpath"); app.use(...
MortenMoulder's user avatar
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Stormpath multipartFile

I'm using Stormpath + Spring MVC. I have a issue when I trying to send a request with files attachments. public ModelAndView insert(@RequestParam("files") MultipartFile files[], @Valid @...
André Ribeiro's user avatar
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HTTP Get Request with authentification Android

I am trying to connect to a REST api of my stormpath authentification server from my android client. Stormpath has a java library however I am not able to get the custom data, therefore the only i ...
0xtuytuy's user avatar
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Sending URL encoded string in POST request using node.js

I am having difficulty sending a url encoded string to the Stormpath /oauth/token API endpoint. The string is meant to look like this: grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=&...
m00saca's user avatar
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Stormpath admin only login android studio

I am trying to create an admin only login on android studio using storm path. I am able to login any account right now, but I want to limit the people who can login based on who is in the Admin group ...
user2464532's user avatar
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Stormpath wth Openshift has bad route

This setup is as follows: Openshift gear with a nodejs component. npm install express body-parser express-stormpath --save. Server will run if you comment out the Stormpath calls/usage. #!/bin/env ...
sfanjoy's user avatar
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Communicating with a Rest API through PHP - how to process?

I have been trying to use the Stormpath API in my website. I cannot work out how to communicate with the API through PHP. I've tried some variations of cURL but I think I'm missing something...At this ...
Tomn8r's user avatar
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use stormpath group as spring boot object

Can you use your Stormpath group object(i.e. ADMIN) as a class in your Spring Boot application? I mean, I want to keep some state of this object and I do not want to keep a correspondent POJO, which ...
Daniel Pop's user avatar
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how can use a local database(Mysql) to relate Stormpath user accounts

i'm developing web application using Spring Boot,Mysql and StormPath for managing user i found this Solution a link! someone can give me more explication or an example how to do this ?
Houssem's user avatar
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Can I use a local database with Stormpath?

I'm working with a web application in Asp.Net Core 1 and would like to integrate authentication, I thought of using Stormpath but can not connect to a local database to make the login match. If there ...
Sergio Dalla Valle's user avatar
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STORMPATH : Token is invalid because the 'issued at' time (iat) is later than the current server time

I'm trying to integrate Spring Security(on top of Spring Boot) with StormPath. Everything working fine, but as soon as user successfully login following error getting thrown: Sat Feb 18 12:43:27 IST ...
Abhinab Kanrar's user avatar
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In flask-stormpath, how do I route a user to a specific page after loging in based on the user's Stormpath group

PROBLEM STATEMENT I'm working on a flask app that uses Stormpath for authentication. In my app I have two user groups: normal users and admins. After a user logs in, I'd like to redirect them to a ...
nessus_pp's user avatar
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Unable to resolve some dependencies when install Stormpath for .net core

When I install Stormpath for .NET Core through the package console I have these errors: Unable to resolve 'Stormpath.Owin.Views.Precompiled (>= 0.4.4)' for '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2'. Unable ...
Yurimihnovec's user avatar
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How to handle Stormpath ID Site JWT response

I'm trying to create an ASP.NET application with Stormpath ID Site authorization. I create request and response action and successfully got the account. But what next? How to tell the application ...
Andrii Khomiak's user avatar
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flask-stormpath group creation

I have created a Python application using Flask-Stormpath and am following the documentation to create groups for authentication. Prior to adding the 5 lines of group creation code the program runs ...
Mark Schulz's user avatar
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Why am I receiving a cross-origin error when using the react-stormpath LoginForm component?

I followed the instructions found in the readme in the stormapth-sdk-react github respository to set up a basic login form. The form displays, but I am immediately greeted by errors in the console: ...
Daniel Arant's user avatar
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Flask stormpath registration page gives strange error

I was following this tutorial on how to create a user authentification system on flask, which lacks this, using stormpath and this tutorial (;...
vonlolzor's user avatar
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Consistent user data across directories in Stormpath

I have an application that I am securing using Stormpath. So far the basic registration/login process works great. I have now added Social authentication, but I'm running into a problem. The way it's ...
Tyler Murry's user avatar
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Laravel Stormpath Social Login Error

I am using Laravel 5.1 and Stormpath for User management. I followed this documentation to implement google login Configuring Your Social Provider = DONE I created project in Google Console and ...
linktoahref's user avatar
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using shiro with stormpath for jax-rs rbac

I'm attempting to adapt this excellent stormpath post by Brian Demers - - to my own purposes and so far it works pretty well -...
Joe Murray's user avatar
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Stormpath and internet

For stormpath to work, is the internet a must? I want to implement user management on my springboot server hosted for LAN, where the internet might not be available at times. If this is not possible,...
arvind.mohan's user avatar
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Spring Security is necessary for Stormpath?

Do I have to have Spring Security implemented in my Spring MVC web application to run Stormpath authentication? Background info: I want to create a web application for my friend's restaurant where ...
Faraz's user avatar
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Heroku pipelines with react stormpath

I created app with react and express (client-side rendering). I use react-stormpath. When I added into Authorized Origin URIs in Stormpath Admin it works ok. But when ...
Adam Ryvola's user avatar
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Stormpath - How to do a login by code

I'm learning Stormpath with Spring-Boot and Spring-Security. I want to do a Service to do the login of users, and I saw only examples by the login view of Stormpath's web, with the inputs of the email ...
AleGallagher's user avatar
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Laravel Stormpath not able to access User Object

I am using Laravel and Stormpath for User Management. I am able to register and login user successfully using AJAX. After successful login only the url is returned to AJAX, but after login when I go ...
linktoahref's user avatar
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Could not find plugin Stormpath SDK JsonNetSerializer

I'm facing an issue with StormPath when trying to get my application. I am developing in .NET Framework. I can clearly see in my NuGet packages that Stormpath.SDK.JsonNetSerializer has been installed ...
hello world's user avatar
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How do I get react-stormpath to add Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers?

I'm having a similar problem to: 401 Error with post request Stormpath Express + React + Node + Gulp Specifically, when I try to use the LoginForm or RegisterForm from react-stormpath, I get: ...
Justin L.'s user avatar
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How do I create different registration pages for groups in express-stormpath

I am looking to create different registration pages for different groups in express-stormpath. For example: router.get('/new', stormpath.groupsRequired(['Merchants']), function(req, res){ //this ...
user7428822's user avatar
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Facebook Attribute Mapping with StormPath to retrieve the Facebook ID

This is driving me cray. I am trying to retrieve the Facebook id after logging in. I am assuming I have to use the attribute mapping in order to achieve this? Any thoughts?
user992731's user avatar
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Stormpath for JWT authentication/authorization with Azure

We are looking into authentication/authorization for a mobile reporting app which consumes hourly/weekly/monthly commercially sensitive data over the wire using an internally provided RESTful web api ...
retail3r's user avatar
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How should I persist authenticated users in my database when using an authentication API?

I realize this is a bit of noob question but im not exactly sure what is the best solution. I have a REACT/Node.js application that is using a Authentication API (Stormpath in this case). The app is ...
Puerto's user avatar
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Stormpath not automatically redirecting to specified route after registration

Per the documentation, when I enable AutoLogin and specify a NextUri, I should be automatically logged in and redirected to the NextUri after I register. However, neither happen and instead I am ...
Jared Lovin's user avatar
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PreRegistrationHandler not failing on Task error code

I am trying to implement validation on a custom data attribute through the PreRegistrationHandler. This works great when it passes validation. However, when it does not, it creates the account ...
Jared Lovin's user avatar
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Stormpath OAuth 2.0 unsupported grant type

Per Stormpath documentation, for the password grant_type, all one would need to do is make a post request like below: POST /oauth/token Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: ...
Jared Lovin's user avatar
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Stormpath (python) - get provider data

I'm using stormpath-sdk-python with social authentication. After my user login - the api return the account information with provider_data attribute. But this is useless since its not accessible. How ...
RonZ's user avatar
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Stormpath not pulling in JSON markup configuration file

According to Stormpath's C# documentation ( specifically), all one would need to do is place stormpath.json into the same directory as Web.config. However, this is not pulling in any of my ...
Jared Lovin's user avatar
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Overriding RequestEventListenerAdapter methods on Spring Boot (Stormpath)

I've been trying to override Stormpath's RequestEventListenerAdapter methods to populate an account's Custom Data when the user logs in or creates an account. I created a class that extends ...
Tuco's user avatar
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StormPath Spring Boot Integration - getting secure HTTPS connection is required

Trying to setup the production environment, https connection gets terminated at the NGINX level. In order to accommodate this we have enabled the X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-For HTTP Headers in ...
Faizal's user avatar
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stompath - is it possible to migrate a user account from one directory to another

I've created a bunch of users in one directory (directory_A). now, I'm going to switch to another directory(directory_B). How can migrate all users from directory_A to directory_B without knowing ...
WebQube's user avatar
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How do I log out of Stormpath ID Site with express-stormpath and stormpath-sdk-angularjs?

I have an express-stormpath application that uses Stormpath ID Site. It has this configuration: app.use(stormpath.init(app, { web: { idSite: { enabled: true, uri: '/idSiteResult', ...
ryan's user avatar
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stormpath - how to control the directory used

using the Flask-Stormpath pip. here is the setup app.config['STORMPATH_APPLICATION'] = my_app_name I don't see any STORMPATH_DIRECTORY settings in the docs to allow developers to use applicationA ...
WebQube's user avatar
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