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Heroku pipelines with react stormpath

I created app with react and express (client-side rendering). I use react-stormpath. When I added into Authorized Origin URIs in Stormpath Admin it works ok. But when ...
Adam Ryvola's user avatar
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What is the purpose of STORMPATH_URL exposed to my heroku app?

I'm trying to use stormpath within my heroku application but I'm confused about the purpose of the STORMPATH_URL environment variable exposed to my application. This variable holds the URL to my ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
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Stormpath and Heroku

I've been trying to launch the Stormpath tutorial app to Heroku, but Heroku is telling me 'An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments. ...
Brandon Lum's user avatar
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2 answers

Heroku Stormpath Unresponsive Registration Page

I have followed the heroku guide here to configure stormpath authentication using express.js on my angular site. I am successfully able to navigate to the /login and /register pages at the root of my ...
Tyler Fitz's user avatar
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express-stormpath not recognizing environment variables to initialize on Heroku

i have a simple web server, trying to use the npm-package 'express-stormpath' for basic user registration. everything works fine locally - but consistently getting this error when i deploy to Heroku: ...
adamdiy's user avatar
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2 answers

Heroku Node Express Stormpath 'API key ID and secret is required'

I have been following the Heroku Stormpath docs to setup a simple Express app. The code from my server.js file is shown below: 'use strict'; var express = require('express'); var pg = require('pg'); ...
jdev03's user avatar
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1 answer

StormPath Node Express Heroku Error ' is required'

I have an Express/Angular app using Stormpath for authentication. Everything works on my local implementation but when I attempt to push to Heroku it crashes with the error below. Error: "015-10-...
MattH's user avatar
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Heroku is unable to authorize Stormpath

I'm trying to host my application on Heroku. It uses Stormpath for user management, specifically stormpath-sdk-angularjs and stormpath-sdk-express. I've loaded my Stormpath API credentials onto Heroku'...
photon's user avatar
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3 votes
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Scala / SBT - dependency not resolved on PaaS (cloudControl & heroku)

I have a simple Scala application built using I am using Scala 2.11.2 and SBT 0.13.0. All of my dependencies are listed here: libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-...
mkorszun's user avatar
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Configure "" file in "shiro.ini" file in Heroku Java Web App

I am trying to build up a Web Application in Heroku with Stormpath User Management addon and Apache Shiro. When I go through the sample code its mentioned in "shiro.ini" file to provide the "apiKey....
Arabinda's user avatar
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3 answers

Heroku Node Stormpath

UPDATE I uploaded this to Azure and it worked immediately - I believe the issue had something to do with the .env file but I cannot be sure. So I followed the guide here: and am trying to push the ...
Wjdavis5's user avatar
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