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Powershell - fix local user accounts [closed]

Fairly new to Powershell. Have: 1500+ local OS accounts, Windows Server 2022 (Powershell 5.1) Need: Set two flags on each account: -PasswordNeverExpires, -UserMayChangePassword I'm trying to fix (...
J7Ts's user avatar
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Why am I getting a "TXN_ERROR_NOT_EXIST ERROR" in GridDB when performing a user or database administration operation?

I'm working with GridDB for managing a distributed database system and recently encountered the following error while trying to perform a user or database administration operation: 10086 ...
Samar Mohamed's user avatar
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Can AWS Cognito allow SignIn with both email and phone number if only email is required for SignUp?

I am configuring an AWS Cognito user pool where I want users to be able to SignIn using either their email or phone number. However, I plan to set only the email as a required attribute for SignUp (...
Mark's user avatar
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automation of adding user to security group of identity management system through vba

Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & userDN) ' Add the user to the group's member attribute objGroup.PutEx 3, "member", Array(objUser.ADsPath) objGroup.SetInfo Getting the ...
Kshipra Rawat's user avatar
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How can I manage users on my VPS hosted Flask website

I'm building a website, but I just encountered a problem that I have not been able to solve: I have a python flask app as well as several HTML files that make up my website, hosted on a VPS The ...
Adrien Reiser's user avatar
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Why the browser caching my webpages eventhogh I used nocache middleware and handled sessions

I am a beginner working on a small user management project using NodeJS express. I did session handling and used nocache middleware on app level. When a user logs in, a session is created and when the ...
Uvais's user avatar
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How do I authenticate keycloak users on an ubuntu 22.04?

I am using an ubuntu 22.04 server with one admin account. On this Server is a Keycloak instance running. This Keycloak is connected to an LDAP in which multiple users are stored. I now want to ...
Daniel Haak's user avatar
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Groups for local users in pgadmin4 (web server mode)

I have a containerized setup of pgAdmin4 V8.5 in server mode running. Does anyone know if I can create groups for local users in pgadmin4 in web server mode and set privileges for them? Basic idea To ...
krytopes's user avatar
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Implementing User-Based Device Filtering in ThingsBoard

Body I am planning to filter devices based on the user in Thingsbaord . Imagine there is a main user; this user allows other users to see information about certain devices or not. I am planning the ...
Foxbat's user avatar
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Persist users added within a Docker container

I have a Docker container running SSHD which accepts connections from multiple devices. Each connection is supposed to use port forwarding to connect a socket file on the container to a TCP port on ...
macdjord's user avatar
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How to Filter Device Visibility Based on User in ThingsBoard Dashboard?

I'm developing a ThingsBoard application where I need to control which devices are visible to which users on the dashboard. Specifically, I want to set it up so that different users can see different ...
Foxbat's user avatar
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SCIM post of user cant be mapped properly

I am new to SCIM and trying to create an API where we can fetch users from our customers using azure ad. Right now I am trying to test up against the SCIM validator provided by Microsoft https://...
NewProgrammer1500's user avatar
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.NET 8 Azure database user managed identity

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API that uses Entity Framework Core. I deploy my application on an Azure Linux service app. My API connects to an Azure SQL Server database. I used the user managed ...
dna's user avatar
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Looker API: Get users with specific attribute enabled

I need to get all users that have a specific attribute (pii data access) enabled. I am using python looker_sdk. I have gotten all attributes and found the correct id. user_attr = sdk....
IceQueeny's user avatar
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Youtrack create simple client user - with access onlywithin a single project

In YouTrack, has anyone managed to solve the simple problem of adding a user as in any other system, as a simple client? I'm trying to achieve something very trivial, but I've been trying for 1 week ...
KoreLewi's user avatar
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OAuth2 implementation and user management Django

Overview I've implemented successfully oauth2 in my Django project. After the user authorizes my app I receive an access token and, with it, I can access all of his information (username and email). ...
aldisti's user avatar
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What is the function-id path variable in User Functionality management REST API WSO2 Identity server 6.1.0

I'm trying to lock and unlock a user using User Functionality management API in WSO2 Identity server 6.1.0 referring WSO2 documentation
Nadeesha Madhushan's user avatar
4 votes
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KeyCloak user role: reset password endpoint for own account only

For a user to receive a "reset password" email, we call upon the KeyCloak API as follows: PUT <keycloak>/admin/realms/<realm>/users/<userId>/reset-password-email?client_id=&...
Nick's user avatar
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Clickhouse row policy and default user behavior

Problem: Created User with role and row policies do not see data from all shards unless default user is granted the same row policies. Setup is the following: I have clickhouse cluster, 3 shards(2 ...
Maik Jevdokimov's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to add new User/Role in WSO2 EI 6.4.0 (Docker) via managemnt console

There is WSO2 EI 6.4.0 docker container running in which trying to do user management task such as adding new role,adding new user, assign role to newly created user etc When i try to add new role/...
Justin's user avatar
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How to create a App Specific User roles and access in Django?

I want to create a user management system in Django where I will have multiple apps and for a single user, I want to assign different roles for the various apps as in the image below. Expert advice ...
Ghimeray Govinda's user avatar
4 votes
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Problem with Reverse Lookup Hostnames in MySQL Docker

I am trying to configure the official MySQL docker container that it has different users for all my micro-services and only those micro-service can connect to using their user. It seems logical to use ...
St. Jan's user avatar
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Limit SCIM capability to only deleting users

We need to implement a way for various IDPs to send our system user create/update/delete calls so that their IDP system would automatically push user changes to ours. The creation and updating we ...
User20909's user avatar
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Keycloak API: How to change associated client roles of a composite role

I want to change the associated client roles in my admin-sso role. I can change the associated realm roles but not the client roles. Let's say I have a client role realm-management and I would like to ...
Softwareentwicklung Freelancer's user avatar
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Keycloak Rest Api Reset password via Postman

I am trying to leverage the Keycloak Rest Api functionality to reset passwords for the users configured in Keycloak via Postman. Steps performed: I got the access token from
hs27's user avatar
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How to invite a new user to be co-administrator in Azure?

I'm pulling my hair out trying to do what I thought was a simple matter of adding an external co-administrator to my Azure subscription. Here's what I've done so far: From Azure AD, went through the ...
Redwing19's user avatar
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Unable to drop default privileged user in Postgresql

When we are trying to drop 1 particular user in PostgreSQL Datbase we are getting below error.  postgres=# DROP user xyz; ERROR:  role "xyz" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on ...
Adam Mulla's user avatar
-2 votes
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failed to solve: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /charts/requirements.txt]

ERROR [4/5] RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /charts/requirements.txt [4/5] RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /charts/requirements.txt: #0 1.873 Processing /AppleInternal/...
Sharlye Navarro's user avatar
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supabase delete user through application

I have a supabase project where I want the users to be able to delete their account. Every user has a profile in public.profiles. I thought I could let the users delete their profile and then handle ...
Anton's user avatar
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Auth0 get profile of other user client side

To learn some new technologies, I am building a small chat application that allows users to send messages to each other. I have set up my app with auth0 for client authentication and user management. ...
thijsfranck's user avatar
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Cannot create and grant role to user in Program.cs

The project is ASP.NET Core MVC, .NET 6. I'm trying to seed a role if it's not there yet and create a user that will have this role. I tried every way to twist the code and it doesn't work. When I run ...
FadoBagi's user avatar
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How to create new users after MongDB Container creation with admin user-pwd and admin DB

We are creating a MongoDB container with Azure IoT Deployments where we are able to create an admin user and password using environment variables. It's a Ubuntu 20.04 machine. Later, by user ...
batta's user avatar
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Salesforce session timeout - "mouse shaker" option?

If Salesforce session timeout is set to 15 min, and a user is typing in a textbox in a salesforce and hasn't saved in 15 min, Salesforce session timer does not reset without a save or ping back to ...
DJ LPM's user avatar
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Prevent one user from accessing a particular page when another user is already using it in .net core api and react js front end

We have a requirement to create a kind of user session. Our front end is react and backend is .net core 6 api and db is postgres. When 1 user clicks on a delete button , he should not be allowed to ...
Pavithran's user avatar
1 vote
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Azure DevOps Basic Licensing billing when having Visual Studio subscription

If I force a basic license on a user in Azure DevOps that has a Visual Studio subscription. Do I still have to pay 5$ for the basic license even though the user actually has a Visual Studio ...
JvH's user avatar
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Laravel 9 Roles and Permissions

Using the default laravel 9 user model and migration I registered several users (names, emails and passwords). I followed this guide. But what I really want is to have one administrator user who will ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the site_ID field in the DocuSign Admin API

In the DocuSign Admin API updateUsers request (s. link), the site_ID field is a mandatory field. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any documentation on this field anywhere. Can someone answer the meaning ...
Felix S.'s user avatar
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PostgreSQL user account expiry

I wonder is there any way to disable user account based on date. The goal is to simply lock the account on timed schedule, not expire password.
Daniil Aksenov's user avatar
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How to terminate users in bulk inSailPoint IIQ?

I have identified nearly 1K Service identities, Shared Identities, Privileged Identities. I need to clear all these identities immediately, kindly say if there is a way to do this in bulk. Terminate/...
Helme A's user avatar
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Adding custom user attribute in keycloak using spring boot app

We can add users in keycloak from spring boot application using org.keycloak.representations.idm.UserRepresentation. but if we want to add a custom user attribute in keycloak using UserRepresentation ...
Israr ul haq's user avatar
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Unable to Login into WSO2 EI 6.5.0 after editing user-mgt.xml

I am trying to change admin credentials in WSO2 EI 6.5.0 by following WSO2 DOC. By using WSO2 Management console, i can able to modify admin password as described here in the section called "...
Justin's user avatar
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Delete user profiles based on the date of the Appdata\Local folder

Thanks to Microsoft breaking the "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" GPO and not fixing it after all of these years, I need a script that deletes ...
John smith's user avatar
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Supertokens - get userid by user email

Using supertokens (hosted), is there a direct way to query the userId of another user by email? The only solution I found was to fetch all users and search for it, which is obviously not efficient.
xece's user avatar
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MongoDB — Which Authentication Database should I use when creating users

In Current Mongo Instance Following the Mongo Best Practices : Users are created in system database(Admin) rather than respective database and made admin database as authorization database But ...
Arun's user avatar
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Gathering a list of both Standard Attr. and Extended attr. for Azure

I am new to PowerShell and am looking to do something and am not able to figure it out, so naturally I turn to the experts over here. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I will be using Cloud ...
Michael McKeehan's user avatar
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How can I track how much time a logged in user spend on the site?

I've created a site with PHP and WordPress, and I want to calculate how much time a logged-in user spends on the site. I have set a session value when the user is logged in so if the session expires ...
Vyshnav MK's user avatar
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Next-auth. Login User then what?

After I have logged in a user with next-auth, how I do fetch data using their information? Do I keep calling useSession or do something else? I want to fetch data on each page but this appears ...
421's user avatar
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Limiting EFS access on AWS Lambda for a user

Background I have an AWS Lambda (of Image type) configured through a Dockerfile. The Lambda function should execute an arbitrary python code (the code is sent from a user, and therefore can be ...
Martin's user avatar
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Objects being created as DBO for all users in SQL Server application

We have Windows Authentication on our SQL Server Databases. Every object gets created as dbo which I don't mind. But we are unable to track who created what? Can someone help on how it can be managed ...
Doodle's user avatar
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Simple user management library for Spring Boot

I find myself implementing user management over and over again in almost the same way in each Spring Boot Project: user/login user/register user/reset user/activation (email verification) Is there a ...
Tobias's user avatar
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