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Automate running and unpacking SFX file with password using Python

I am currently trying to automate the extraction of an SFX file while using Python. Is there any way I can automate: running the .exe enter the password retry if the password wasn't correct? Thanks ...
o. Q's user avatar
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SFX (Self-extracted) file extract without UI

The problem is the next: I get a SFX file what I want to extract, but I don't want to open it and select the installation path, I just want to install it to a defined path (add by argument or smth). I ...
Zhiend's user avatar
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create self-extracting archive (sfx exe) in-memory with python

I need to create a self-extracting archive exe file in-memory and upload it to GCS. I know 7zip can do that but as far as I see, py7zr doesn't support SFX files. Does someone know how to do that?
Omer Daniel's user avatar
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Unpack SFX file using Inno Setup

I'm trying to run Inno Setup to automatically extract my SFX file without having to run extract manually. Is there any way? I leave my script below. Is there also a way to make Inno Setup extract the ...
EnmanuelGo's user avatar
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How to execute a 7zip sfx with extra command line parameters

I have an installer (installer.msi) and I made a self-extracting 7zip with a config file. Here's my config file : ;!@Install@!UTF-8! ExecuteFile="Installer.msi" ExecuteParameters="TARGETDIR=\"[...
Alec Daraiche's user avatar
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Add VERSIONINFO to SFX installer

I've written a PowerShell script that creates a Self-Extracting Archive (a.k.a. SFX) executable file with WinRAR command-line. The problem is that the VERSIONINFO metadata is completely empty (...
Lews Therin's user avatar
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Possible to link Launch directory (of an SFX) for use within a script extracted to temp folder?

Most installs unpack to a temp folder. Is there a variable that holds the directory from which a SFX was launched, that can be subsequently used in a script operating from/in the temp folder? A ...
shorterxp's user avatar
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SFX archive created with 7zip (7zS.sfx) triggers program compatibitity assistant

Today I created an SFX archive running a custom embedded program (not really an installer). It works quite well in Windows 10. When I run it from Windows 7 and close the embedded program window, I ...
Kiruahxh's user avatar
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Self-extracting file that takes arguments and return exitcode

I want to create a self-extracting file (SFX) named Setup.exe which contains a Windows application with some dependencies. It is possible to start the Windows application with arguments, and I would ...
JerryA's user avatar
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Error Creating a 7-zip installer package

If this is not the correct place to ask this, I apologize. I use 7zip to create an installer package. Recently, my computer was updated, and I can no longer get it to work. I use a Windows Installer ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to execute an exe created with 7zip sfx with parameters

We are in process of creating an self extract exe with help of 7zs.sfx, following instructions provided here Works well till this point, but we are unable to run the exe via command prompt that ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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7zip SFX not extracting files

I'm trying to create a SFX file and run a vbs afterwards. Here's my config file: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! InstallPath="c:\\windows\\temp\\" ExecuteFile="cscript.exe" ExecuteParameters="c:\\windows\\temp\\...
aperally's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does a batch file executed from a WinRAR SFX not work on accessing hosts file?

This batch code works on running the batch file directly: set %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts attrib -r %hosts% pause But it does not work as expected on packing this batch file into a WinRAR ...
SamWocal's user avatar
-3 votes
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7zip command line update command not working

I have a simple command in batch to update a single exe in a sfx pack I made (using sfx maker, third party) . There are a few sfx'that need the same file updating to new version / or older, if having ...
Tika9o9's user avatar
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4 answers

How to distinguish between normal exe file and self-extracting file in C#?

I want to detect exe file that created with zip tools? like 7z or WinRAR or ..., I mean SFX (self-extracting executable) files So I have to find a way to distinguish between normal exe files and SFX ...
Mohammad Dayyan's user avatar
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Batch script does not run in temporary folder after decompressing SFX WinRAR file

I have a program with a separate setup for 32 and 64 bits. My goal is to create a single executable that can run the appropriate setup. So I created a folder and placed the two setups inside, then ...
Alegom's user avatar
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Unable to run Zip 2 Secure EXE (Free) Version 14.5.0

I am using free version of Zip 2 Secure EXE and I keep getting the following error. I had done this 2 years ago without an issue. Also the Version created by is stamped as 15.0.0. Is the current ...
PAS's user avatar
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SFX run file after extraction depending on OS bitness

I need to create self-extracting archives that, once extracted, run different executables depending on the bitness of the Operating System. Until now, I have done this by use of WinRAR and BAT files ...
mythofechelon's user avatar
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Powershell code runs differently when run from a WinRAR SFX executable

I have a lot of powershell modules that I have been working on, and I have been tasked with distributing them as a single executable. I made a batch script to run my powershell stuff and I am using ...
Jake Sandler's user avatar
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Batch file behaves differently when ran from a SFX

So I wrote a batch file to convert clients over to a cloud service and I'm seeing some weird behavior from it. So this basically looks for a specific folder and whether or not it exists it uses GOTO ...
ENorum's user avatar
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Add embedded resources to a command to be executed

I am looking to find the path of files in the resources of a VB application. The application is simple. It will automatically make a .7z file into a self extracting and launching file. 3 parts to ...
MrAnderson1992's user avatar
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Applying code signing for 7zip SFX (self extracting exe)

I have code signing applied to the windows exe. And then we create an SFX (self extracting exe) with that windows exe and a json data file using the following commands. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z....
AeJey's user avatar
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7zs.sfx unsupported method

I have setup project that I need to sfx him . first I zip the .msi and .exe files : %path7zip% a "%~dp0% %setup.7z" "%~dp0% %Output\Setup\*" that work fine . then I sfx the 7z file : copy /b %...
user1595351's user avatar
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WinRAR SFX from commandline keeps creating a parent folder after extraction

I am trying to program an automatic SFX creator that integrates all the contents (recursively) form a specified folder. I successfully managed to do it thanks to some answers in different posts like ...
Daniel Pereira's user avatar
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WinRar SFX, extract to dynamic folder

I have RAR SFX with some programs. Depending on some conditions (command line parameter is something i can do), SFX should either extract to TEMP folder, or the current folder. It's basicaly new ...
kzendra's user avatar
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Extracting SFX 7-Zip

I want to extract two specific files from a .zip file. I tried the following library: ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(""); Result: Exception in thread "main" ...
BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar
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Creating Music Instance in every View Controller

I,m creating a app the use a lot of sfx and background music. But i can't find the best way to inherite this type of data through View Controllers. Do i have to initialize my audios in every view ...
Zé Moreira's user avatar
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How to find an exe file is a zip SFX file, C#?

In WinRar or 7Zip or ... we have a choice to convert zip file to an exe file(SFX). Now, How can we find, if SomeFile.exe is a SFX file or not? Note: This file can created by any zip applications.
Mohammad Dayyan's user avatar
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Create Visual Studio Project for building using command

I have a solution where there is a dependency on 7zip's sfx. Out of desire to keep the entire solution (plus the sfx) managed and coordinated, I want to create a new project to house all the source ...
this's user avatar
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Delphi - Make a Delphi program that Self-extract a MIDI file

I'm writing a program in Delphi 7, and I think in put a music to run in Background. So, I composed a song in .MIDI called Song.MID, now I want to put my Delphi program to self-extract(SFX) this song ...
Adriano rox's user avatar
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Fixing JRE error in Java code and recompiling application

I tried run on Windows 7 some old utility that depends on old JRE version. I have last Java Runtime Environment 1.7.0_79 installed. When I attepmt to start application, I got an error: "Sivus ...
user avatar
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How to get WinRar SFX to launch a bat file after extraction

So I need to get the SFX to extract to the location and then automatically launch the bat file from the folder it's just extracted to. Hope someone can help. Thanks, Tom
OfficiallyFrex's user avatar
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How can I create a 7-zip SFX installer that has double quotes in the parameter string?

I need to create an installer that runs a file called Deploy-Application.exe. Deploy-Application.exe takes a parameter that looks like this: Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType "Uninstall" When I ...
Dbloom's user avatar
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How to create a sfx with progressbar by sevenzipsharp in C#

I want to create a sfx file with C# WinForms. I have downloaded sevensharp from . I could not get any step by step tutorial for this. Some similar question I got ...
65656565656's user avatar
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Winrar SFX command line ignoring -iicon switch

I am trying to create a winrar self-extracting archive with a custom icon on the command line. It is all going well so far, except the custom icon is not working. Whenever I build the archive the ...
Raiden616's user avatar
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7-zip SFX configuration issue [closed]

dI have created an archive in 7zip. (files.7z) i created a config.txt file (I actually created 3 different ones at different times). I use the command line tool to create the sfx which works fine. but ...
timlint's user avatar
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Create WinRAR SFX with admin rights by command line

I need to create WinRAR SFX archive that should work with admin permissions on Windows 7. I can make it with WinRAR GUI but I need to make it with WinRAR command line interface (to integrate it into ...
valker's user avatar
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WinRAR SFX optional message but not in temp mode

If I am creating an SFX archive, I can set an optional question by enabling Temp Mode (files are unpacked to temporary folder), which presents the user with a nice "Are you sure" type question when ...
komodosp's user avatar
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SFX with 7-zip : Is it possible to run a included .bat file *before* extracting the files?

I'm creating a SFX executable with 7-zip (command line version) and the 7zsd.sfx module. My current config file looks like this : ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Title="Test" BeginPrompt="Test" CancelPrompt="Do ...
electrotype's user avatar
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How can I automate the building of this Winrar Sfx File

After building my appplication on Windows using maven (and a little bit of ant) I manually create a Winrar Sfx Installer as follows: Select files, right click and select Add to Archive Use Browse.. ...
Paul Taylor's user avatar
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SFX Install Button

I am working on a program that needs to extract a WinRar SFX automatically. Is there anyway I can programmatically click a install button once the exe is started with a Process? Here is the code ...
deggen's user avatar
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How do I make a self extract and running installer

So currently my users download a zipfile, unzip it and then run setup.exe - I would like them to do this with one click. Using i ...
Paul Taylor's user avatar
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Make single file with7zip SFX with java jar

Using this tutorial: I'm trying to put the jre and my .jar together,to result of a single executable file, so the JRE will ...
Synor's user avatar
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iOS - Turn SFX off

I'm very new to iOS development. I've currently got an app with some SFX in there. I've found a couple of other threads which explain the approach / logic, which I full understand, but it's the code I'...
Tron's user avatar
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7zip sfx is executing RunProgram before it extracts all the files

I have a 7 zip self extracting exe, it is archived as shown below: [mainfolder] start.exe (a C++ bootstrapper) [subfolder] (contains all my applications assemblies and executable ...
Suraj Rajendrakumar's user avatar
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How to set file properties 7zS.sfx self extracting executable

Is it possible to set the file version property on an exe that was created from 7zS.sfx? It seems the default implementation is to tag the exe with the properties of the 7zS.sfx.exe (see below)
invertigo's user avatar
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WinRar -sp<> flag not working with self-extractors

I was using Winrar 3 to create self extractors and was using -sp flag to pass the arguments to the executable bundled inside. It was working fine. After I updated WinRar to 5.1, it stopped working. -...
Vikram Singh's user avatar
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extract password protected sfx archive using c#

I have WinRAR SFX file. I know that I can extract archive using following code: Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "unrar.exe"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "x file.rar d:\...
Robin.S's user avatar
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7-zip self-extracting archive destination folder

I am writing a C# program that call a self-extracting archive made using 7-zip. When the sfx file is called in System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(sfx_exe); The prompt for the directory to extract it ...
Denis's user avatar
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How to create silent install using Winrar for Setup program 'Run after installation'

I can create normal silent executable by selecting 'Hide all' option in Silent mode through SFX options. But when I add file in SFX options -> Setup program ->'Run after extraction' e.g. devnode.exe ...
user2661518's user avatar
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