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Windows "Open with" a file with self-extracting CAB Win32

Using the IExpress utility present on Windows, I created a self-extracting EXE (self-extracting Win32 CAB), which will be used to open Python files. During building, I checked the "extract files ...
TFra6's user avatar
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How to create self-extracting archive in WPF C# with the DotNetZip library

I need to create an archive where I also encrypt the information on the files. So I tried to create a self-extracting archive by installing the DotNetZip package and wrote the sample code using System....
IlSanto's user avatar
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Python write() not writing the full string

So I made a script where you put hex data in for something like an image or an audio file inside a variable and it then copies it into its own file (self extracts). However it doesn't work with a file ...
YupYupTRP's user avatar
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How to make a self-extracting package that can run a batch script as admin after the extracting?

I want to create a self-extracting package that contains following files and run the install.bat script as admin after extracting the files into c:\temp. And the package can be run silently. I already ...
Ming's user avatar
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How to find the name of script that is currently running in R? [duplicate]

I have been trying to get the script name of an R script in R console. For example, I have the name of the R script “example.R”. I want to have this name as an assigned variable. I would like to do ...
Rakakniven's user avatar
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JUnit testcase to test a Map of Map containing class object

I am trying to write a JUnit testcase to test a Map: Map<String, Map<Long, Book>> map. Following is the description of the Book class: - Class Book{ long id; String name; String ...
E Like's user avatar
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DotNetZip doesn't close the self extractor form until the post extraction run program closes

I'm using DotNetZip to make a self-extracting archive (SFXtest.exe) which runs a program once extracted (testapp.exe) - the problem I'm having is that the form displayed during the extraction remains ...
Ozymandius257's user avatar
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How to unzip Self Extracting Zip files in Azure Blob Storage?

I have a zip file(.Exe - Self-extracting zip file) that can be extracted using 7zip. As I want to automate the extraction process, I used the below C# code. It is working for the normal 7z files. But ...
Kathir Subramaniam's user avatar
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Able to extract only one page (~50 items) and not all data for a date from API of BSE using python code. Earlier I used to get all data for a date

I have been accessing info from an API of BSE using python code. It used to pull all announcements, but now Iam getting only 1 page of these (~ 50). Not sure if problem with parameters or some ...
Ravi's user avatar
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How to programmatically create a self extracting archive? [closed]

I was trying to create a utility that generates an self extracting executable, containing a pregenerated executable and a dynamically generated text file. I have looked, i may be looking with the ...
mildlycompetentprogrammer's user avatar
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SED file location is wrong when generate exe using IExpress.exe

I have a project to generate bundled exe using IExpress.exe and run the following command from command prompt iexpress /n "C:\Users\Desktop\Generation\template.sed" which invokes the ...
saravana's user avatar
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2 answers

Scripts executed by a WinRar self-extracting archive not behaving as expected

I have a self-extracting WinRar archive set up to run a powershell script upon completion. The script will launch, but specific commands do not give expected results. In particular, I have the ...
Allotrope's user avatar
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char extraction issue with ZipFile (System.IO.Compression), c# (WPF)

I am trying to extract a zip with multiple files. Some files have the "§" character in their names ("abc(§7)abc.txt"). When unpacking, System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(string ...
Ludendorff's user avatar
2 votes
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I can't create self-extract file with WINRAR because Defender says it's a trojan named Wacatac

I'm trying to create a self-extract EXE to run my installer program, which is conformed by 3 files so I need to pack it for distribution. The problem is that once the file is created using WinRAR, it'...
otrejni's user avatar
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web scraper chrome extension with dd and dt conditions

I want to extract some data on web and I am using web scraper developer tool provided by chrome. My web pages contain a sections in which each product details(details about graphic card, processor, ...
megha's user avatar
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2 answers

Self-extracting file that takes arguments and return exitcode

I want to create a self-extracting file (SFX) named Setup.exe which contains a Windows application with some dependencies. It is possible to start the Windows application with arguments, and I would ...
JerryA's user avatar
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Error Creating a 7-zip installer package

If this is not the correct place to ask this, I apologize. I use 7zip to create an installer package. Recently, my computer was updated, and I can no longer get it to work. I use a Windows Installer ...
Tim's user avatar
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making exe files that contains pictures and other files

I have a program that made with c# and it has include more pictures and files. And how I make an exe that include all of images and files.
Sahan Chinthaka's user avatar
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Self extracting archive/ Installer with environment variable

I have a website where people can upload their files for other to download. But I want the person who upload the files first create a installer package, and the path will contain some pre-defined ...
Softmochi's user avatar
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Auto- Drag and Drop 7z File to be added to self extracting zip, custom config.txt

I am creating a program that will allow its users to drag and drop a 7z file into it. After that it will then use the "custom" 7zS.sfx and config.txt files embedded within the app to create the self ...
MrAnderson1992's user avatar
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How to self-extract .jar file and auto run

I am wondering how I can self-extract a .jar file (and supporting files) then auto run the .jar file. This would basically mean the application as a whole would run from the one click. I have read ...
MrAnderson1992's user avatar
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C# Sign an exe programmatically

I have an application that builds a self extracting zip file. Is there a way to sign the self extracting zip file in code?
Zeus82's user avatar
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How to create self-extracted exe C# .net 4.0

I want to make single exe file that will extract a Folder with a lot of stuff inside. I want this exe to work on computers with .net 4.0 I was trying to decompress embedded zip archive with the ...
Vadim Volodin's user avatar
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Winzip Self Extracting exe would end abruptly without showing "All Done" in cmd

I have got a batch script that ends with the following: TITLE ALL DONE. You can close this window ECHO. ECHO ALL DONE. You can close this window ECHO. Pause EXIT it works fine when i run just the ...
irish's user avatar
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3 answers

Python reads data from webpages

I have a list of a bunch of IP addresses. I am wondering if it is possible to use python to determine the country name of the IP addresses by extracting the information from this website (http://www....
yingnan liu's user avatar
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3 answers

self extracting tar archive (shell scripting)

I have attempted to write a shell script that creates another self extracting tar archive that is zipped and encoded in base64. I don't know where to go form here and have little to no experience in ...
minusila's user avatar
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Removing "This program might not have installed correctly" warning from SFX

I am creating a self extracting executable, which is not an installer. It's a standalone exe, but it uses the app.config as a file based resource so I need to have it be a self extracting executable (...
user3517454's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get last 'n' bytes of .exe file in java?

I need to get last 22 Bytes as end of central directory in self extracting .exe file in java (No command line, No terminal solutions please). I tried to read content of .exe file using ...
user2771151's user avatar
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how to build a self-extracting JAR in Java

I am trying to build an installer for a Java application and would like to build a JAR which extracts itself. The JAR will be built using Maven assembly and will have a main class specified in the ...
Maciek Nicewicz's user avatar
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Writing to self-extracting ZIP file

I have the need to add a file to an already-existing self-extracting ZIP file. The best library I could find online is TrueZip, which was created by Christian Schlichtherle. The TrueZip 7.3+ version ...
Tim Biegeleisen's user avatar
5 votes
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How to extract WinZip Self-Extracting exe in silent mode

I have create a exe file using WinZip Self-Extractor. It extracts the file in UI mode, that is while dobule click the setup a new window opened that shows unzipping setupname.exe. I need to extract ...
user3309953's user avatar
-2 votes
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Free tool to make Windows installer with command line mode [closed]

Is there some tool that satisfy such requirements: Compress .exe, .dll, .ico etc. files into single .exe installer (SFX or something else) Installer should suggest to extract into programfiles dir ...
Ivan Borshchov's user avatar
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WinRar -sp<> flag not working with self-extractors

I was using Winrar 3 to create self extractors and was using -sp flag to pass the arguments to the executable bundled inside. It was working fine. After I updated WinRar to 5.1, it stopped working. -...
Vikram Singh's user avatar
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Bash - Self extracting script error

I am working on creating self extracting shell script on Open SuSE. I am referencing this link. My code is shown below - #!/bin/bash function die () { echo "Error!"; ...
Omkar's user avatar
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Self-extracting exe for windows mobile

Does anyone know if Windows Mobile 6 and Windows CE can open self-extracting exe without any need for third party app. My problem is that I have application that for updating supports only exe ...
martinv's user avatar
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Install Microsoft Self-Extracting EXE via Remote Powershell

I'm attempting to remote install AppFabric 1.1 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine for enabling WCF auto-start features. My approach is to copy the self-extraction package (...
SliverNinja - MSFT's user avatar
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I keep getting "Access Denied" when I try to install 7zip from the installer executatble I have downloaded

I am trying to install 7-Zip if its already not installed in my Win7 systems using a Perl script. # Check if 7-Zip is installed or Not. if (!(-e "C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip")){ print "\n 7-Zip is ...
YouHaveaBigEgo's user avatar
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About generate self-extracting exe with Winrar

I have to admit that I have been blocked by this problem a couple of days. It was started with that I was looking for a tool to generate an installation exe that could pack some programs developed by ...
ske's user avatar
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Self-extracting script in sh shell

How would I go about making a self extracting archive that can be executed on sh? The closest I have come to is: extract_archive () { printf '<archive_contents>' | tar -C "$extract_dir" -...
user avatar
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How to create a self extracting installer (exe) with FinalBuilder

To manually create a self-extracting executable, I use IExpress which is built in to Windows (edit: its from the IE Adminstration Kit). I'm looking for a way to automate this using FinalBuilder, our ...
invertigo's user avatar
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How do I silently install a 7-zip self-extracting archive to a specific directory?

The Ruby Devkit is a 7-zip based self-extracting archive. I would like to invoke it silently without having to install 7-Zip to extract the files to a folder of my choosing, so that I can script the ...
Jay Godse's user avatar
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Winrar Sfx get Icon from executable

i don't know if it is right to ask here but I have a really quick question. I have an executable file which already has an icon and I plan to use winrar sfx to create a mini installer for it. My ...
Jomar Sevillejo's user avatar
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Create a self extracting file using VB.NET and DotNetZip or IonicZip Libraries

Well I'm very newbie with these libraries, where can I found information about the thing that I want to do? Thanks :)
Seazoux's user avatar
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Running JDK self extracting .bin file stuck with python subprocess

I trying to run JDK self extracting .bin file via python subprocess, Here is the code proc = subprocess.Popen('./jdk-6u45-linux-i586.bin', cwd=installdir,shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) it ...
yikaus's user avatar
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How to add icon to Self-Extracting Cabinet file in csproj file?

I have a .csproj which builds self Extracting Cabinet file. I want to assign icon to self extracting file.I am using tag in csproj but application icon is not coming with self Extracting Cabinet file....
mohit nagpal's user avatar
4 votes
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How do i protect my sfx from being opened by other winrar, winzip, 7zip applications?

How do i protect my sfx from being opened by other applications like winrar, winzip, 7zip, etc? I want to add password if it is opened by other applications like winrar? My sfx should never ask ...
vxpoisongas's user avatar
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WinZip Self Extractor pass command line args to msi

I've created an installer using wix 3.6 which produces an msi file that includes several dialogs (EULA, install location, etc). I then create a self extracting zip file using WinZip Self Extractor in ...
Ezweb's user avatar
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How do I set the file version and product version properties for a self-extracting zip file?

I have an EXE file which is a self-extracting zip file. How do I set the product version and file version on the EXE file? Windows lists them in the file properties, but they are all blank. The ...
user193327's user avatar
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How can I identify a WinRAR SFX using a binary signature of some sort?

I'm looking for an answer similar to the one in this question, but for WinRAR instead of 7zip. Essentially I want an authoritative signature that I can say at least "All WinRAR generated self-...
Rollie's user avatar
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The magic number in GZip header is not correct. Make sure you are passing in a GZip stream.(.exe file)

I want to extract a exe file. The exe file contain some files and folders. When I try to extract the file using winrar it gets extracted but when I am trying to extract the exe file using some ...
Mohd Zubair's user avatar