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Powershell code runs differently when run from a WinRAR SFX executable

I have a lot of powershell modules that I have been working on, and I have been tasked with distributing them as a single executable. I made a batch script to run my powershell stuff and I am using ...
Jake Sandler's user avatar
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Batch file behaves differently when ran from a SFX

So I wrote a batch file to convert clients over to a cloud service and I'm seeing some weird behavior from it. So this basically looks for a specific folder and whether or not it exists it uses GOTO ...
ENorum's user avatar
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SFX with 7-zip : Is it possible to run a included .bat file *before* extracting the files?

I'm creating a SFX executable with 7-zip (command line version) and the 7zsd.sfx module. My current config file looks like this : ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Title="Test" BeginPrompt="Test" CancelPrompt="Do ...
electrotype's user avatar
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How to execute a bat file inside exe? (exe created using WinRAR sfx)

I want to create an exe file which includes mysql.msi and I have written vbscript to install mysql and extract java file in C: drive. It works fine. Now my problem is: Convert the source ...
Dhinakar's user avatar
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FindResource fails

I have a piece of code like this IDB_PNG1 PNG "images\\list-back.png" HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(module, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_PNG1), TEXT("PNG")); this works ...
cprogrammer's user avatar
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How to run exe before or after "RunProgram" from 7zip sfx files setting on config.txt?

I am using 7zip to pack an installation (im using 7z because i need it to work in linux and windows). From what i've been reading the config.txt file can contains this: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram=...
gtilx's user avatar
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