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Can we pass tls certificate secrets in helm template dynamically?

I am using a manifest driven deployment strategy where I run helm template command that generates the desired manifest for the application deployment. As part of my deployment I have route.yaml which ...
Mayank Singh Rathore's user avatar
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2 answers

Coexistance of ArgoCD and Gitlab (for Deployments)

our default cluster deployment runs using ArgoCD. As we need to install a dedicated piece of commericial software including it's deyployment using gitlab (defined by the service provider) on the same ...
Walter Kuhn's user avatar
-1 votes
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Post curl request in Deployment kind lifecyclehook in deployment yaml file with Openshift upgrade to 4.14

As by OpenShift 4.14, DeploymentConfig is getting deprecated and we need to use kind:Deployment Previous we use something like this for sending notification for deployment: kind: DeploymentConfig ...
Ananthram J's user avatar
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how to add configmap without change permission on parent directory inside a deployment.yaml

I have an Openshift deployment and I need to add a config file in a certain path. I mount these volumes volumes: - name: empty-vol emptyDir: {} - name: cics-config-volume ...
adev's user avatar
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Openshift Deployment giving 503 error while hitting the URL

i have a spring boot app trying to deploy in openshift, but giving the 503 error app is running on port 8080.. here are the configs i have used for the deployment pipeline Stages: -deploy:...
GnanaSagar reddy's user avatar
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Deploying an Angular Application to OpenShift via GitLab [closed]

My company utilizes OpenShift for application deployment. As per guidance from my senior, the recommended approach involves utilizing GitLab as an intermediate step. The process entails creating and ...
Yatharth Nigam's user avatar
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Handling filesystem permission errors with mounted volumes in openshift 4

We have little experience with Openshift, and we have a question/problem with permissions on mounted persistent volume that we would appreciate people's input with. Please note that all of what we ...
ApollonDigital's user avatar
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Building and serving Angular apps with environment variables

I am deploying a Angular app through openshift container where I have different environments(Dev,QAT, Prod) to deploy. I am using this CLIENT_ID in my code base with environment.CLIENT_ID to access ...
Cpui's user avatar
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Why does helm install namespace command create the new namespace but deletes the previously created one?

I am working to create dynamic namespaces using helm. However, I am experiencing a problem where when I create a new namespace with my commands, the previous namespace I created with that command is ...
Chandler Long's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add health.html check endpoint to Angular application

I need to add healthcheck endpoint to my angular application using health.html, which should respond with HTTP 200 and the 'Healthy' string. I already defined port and path regarding readinessProbe, ...
Cpui's user avatar
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Spring doesn't get env variable from Openshift

I have Spring Boot Application that is automatically deployed to Openshift when I commit some change to Git. I need to externalize the datasource config. I'm trying to use envonriment variables as ...
santhiago017's user avatar
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openshift error: "pods "XXX" is forbidden: cpu max limit request ratio per Container is 40, but provided ratio is 160", resources change does nothing

openshift ReplicaFailure "pods "XXX" is forbidden: cpu max limit request ratio per Container is 40, but provided ratio is 160" when trying to create a pod I tried to change ...
OPENGOOD's user avatar
-1 votes
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Containers with the same image version but with different configs

Is there a way to have an application with 2 containers with the same image version but with different name and resources on OpenShift? For example: In the same namespace, given a micro service with ...
EdCwb's user avatar
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Openshift error: unable to find api field in struct Container for the json field "startupProbe"

I have this StartupProbe: startupProbe: httpGet: path: someurl port: 6060 scheme: HTTP periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 ...
telion's user avatar
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Is there a way to apply all files in a folder using Openshift cli recursively?

I have a folder of yaml files and I need to apply all files into an Openshift cluster using one command. I know that this can be done via kubectl. Can this be also achieved using oc cli?
Mayank Singh Rathore's user avatar
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Not able to create pod in openshift (The runAsGroup does not match the field value from the annotation in the namespace)

I am trying to deploy some applications using deploymentConfig. Below is the simplified version of yaml file for postgres. apiVersion: kind: Template labels: template: ...
Nandan Thakur's user avatar
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Wrong hostname that stop the application to produce output

I have a pod that runs in a project, it's running, but the application does not produce output. I noticed that the hostname is wrong, so I delete the route, the route was re-created by openshift with ...
Aliosa's user avatar
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Openshift stucks in ContainerCreating. Generated from default-scheduler. Successfully assigned

I have a project managed with kubernetes. The project is (among other various configurations), a back-end connected to a mysql. It is working in a development environment. We had the problem today, ...
Talenel's user avatar
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OpenShift and Angular deployment on Nginx

I am trying to do a deployment of an Angular 15 app hosted on Nginx on OpenShift with a route like this and it works fine but when it's not in root ( the app ...
Andrew_M's user avatar
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Can `oc create` behave in a "transactional"/"atomic" manner when asked to create _multiple_ objects on the cluster?

I have written a number of related OKD object definitions, each in its own YAML file. These together essentially make up an application deployment. I am doing something like the following to install ...
Armen Michaeli's user avatar
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Quarkus Openshift/Kubernetes deployment version update

We use Openshift for hosting our containers which we run using an Quarkus runtime. During the build with maven we use then quarkus-openshift maven plugin to generate the Service, Route and Deployment ...
Ivan Cavanaugh's user avatar
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3 answers

kubectl short alias for deployment

Is there any shorter alias on the kubectl/oc for deployments? In OpenShift you have deployment configurations and you can access them using their alias dc. Writing deployment all the time takes too ...
Rtholl's user avatar
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3 answers

What happens if, my image name and tag remains same? Will the deployment of the same image name and tag make any changes?

I have a pipeline which creates an image and pushes to Quay repository and then deploys to Openshift cluster. In my deployment-config file I have mentioned the image name as quay.:dev. So whenever a ...
Priyanka Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
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Error while upgrading Airflow 1.11 to 1.15

Hi I'm planning to upgrade my Airflow version from 1.11 to 1.15 which is deployed in OpenShift. As there are very large numbers of DAG's so I planned to upgrade in the bride release rather than going ...
peerpressure's user avatar
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Why I have two pods of different time creation whereas the deployment config is same for both of them and it was updated recently

I am running pods on Openshift using Deployment Configs and putting the replicas as 2. the type of rolling strategy is rolling, strategy: type: Rolling When a new update is done, the events show that ...
Priyanka Sharma's user avatar
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How do you deploy an application, in OpenShift, that listens on port 80 with a service that uses port 8080?

I am having a hard time understanding Kubernetes networking and would like someone to explain it a little simpler than the documentation does. My test service is below and contains all that I ...
Justin Reddick's user avatar
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oc get deployment is returning No resources found

"oc get deployment" command is returning "No resources Found" as the result. Even if I put an option of assigning or defining the namespace using -n as the option to above command, ...
user1227670's user avatar
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How to deploy bitnami/kafka to OPenShift cluster

I’m trying to deploy bitnami/kafka Helm Chart to Codeready Containers OpenShift cluster. I’ve created a new “kafka” project, added the following scc to the service account and then deployed the ...
eduizquierdo's user avatar
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Setting env variables on openshift 4 and spring boot application

I am using spring boot application which needs to be deployed to the openshift 4. I have a private image registry created. The openshift pulls image from this private repository. I have set the env ...
Syed Iftekharuddin's user avatar
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How to scale up all OpenShift pods before scaling down old ones

I have a basic OpenShift deployment configuration: kind: DeploymentConfig spec: replicas: 3 strategy: type: Rolling Additionaly I've put: maxSurge: 3 maxUnavailable: 0% because I ...
sticker's user avatar
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Can a Kubernetes Deployment be done from an OpenShift Template file?

I am using OpenShift 4.7 and I want to convert my OpenShift DeploymentConfigs to Kubernetes Deployments. Right now, I'm creating most of my applications with an OpenShift kind: Template file. Do ...
jontrossbach's user avatar
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Openshift memory limit is forbidden

I would like to increase the memory from 20 to 40 but this error (screenshot at the bottom) keeps coming up and when I google I can't find anything that matches the error. Does anyone have an idea ...
Gregor's user avatar
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In Openshift, while deploying the application, I am getting this issue

An error occurred while starting the deployment. Reason: cannot trigger a deployment for "pat" because it contains unresolved images Configuration from Deployment Menu: Here are some of the ...
Abhishek Kumar Prasad's user avatar
5 votes
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How to force a redeploy with HELM

I would like to use HELM to force a deployment to redeploy on Openshift. I am using "image@latest" for the deployment as I want to have the latest image whenever I deploy, but I don't want ...
LeYAUable's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Update Version on Kubernetes Deployment

I would like to update the version on the label for a kubernetes deployment dynamically based on the version of the underlying docker image. For instance, In this example: ... labels: app: ...
LeYAUable's user avatar
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How to create mysql users and database during deployment of mysql in kubernetes?

I wanted to create some mysql users and databases while creating mysql deployment in kubernetes. means when mysql deployment is being created its shouldalso create some users as well as database in ...
Parag's user avatar
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How to deploy laravel project by openshift

I am new to openshift and want to deploy my php Laravel application using openshift commands. I know openshift uses S2I for build images from source code. I create a new application by the ssh URI of ...
Nice91's user avatar
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4 answers

How to deploy a docker image from docker hub to ibm cloud free tier

I am kind of new here. I would like to know to deploy my docker image from the docker hub to IBM cloud-free tier using IBM cloud standalone CLI. I was using the Openshift online starter plan, where ...
Kavin Srinaath V K's user avatar
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Can the Openshift deployment suddenly disappear

Question : Can the deployment done on Openshift or Kubernetes disappear? What I mean is I did a deployment yesterday for one of the applications on Openshift cluster. Its a Java based application. The ...
Ansible Explorer's user avatar
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Why does Openshift scale up old deployment before rolling deployment

In my team, we sometimes scale down to just one pod in Openshift to make testing easier. If we then do a rolling update with the desired replica count set to 2, Openshift scales up to two pods before ...
Programmer Trond's user avatar
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Deploy a simple python bot on Openshift

This is a very simple pure python app (not Django or Flask). What is the step-by-step and correct way of deploying this app on Openshift ?, so that it runs forever. Code: import requests as rq ...
Tyolre's user avatar
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CSS not loading when Deployment of Angular App on openshift Kubernates with Custom Path

Currently deploying the angular App on the OpenShift Kubernates platform Using Ngnix , The issue was if i add a custom path on the Ingress , Blank page was coming , the below error is shown on the ...
Kavinkumar's user avatar
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cannot deply angular app to openshift: "Argument error, options.body."

I'm trying to deploy angular8 app to Openshift. I followed some tutorials and I'm trying to do so from command line. I created the package.json file and then I ran this command: >npx nodeshift --...
fabriziogianni7's user avatar
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Java + gRPC: Error: A JNI error has occurred

I have following error and I really don't know what to do: (Java - gRPC, deploying to minishift) Starting the Java application using /opt/jboss/container/java/run/ ... INFO exec java -...
Maťko Komorný's user avatar
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Minishift - Pod not started

I have problem with a java app on minishift. Build looks fine, but deploy failes. I have following error: Starting the Java application using /opt/jboss/container/java/run/ ... INFO exec ...
Maťko Komorný's user avatar
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Openshift: Is it possible to make different pods of the same deployment to use different resources?

In Openshift, say there are two pods of the same deployment in Test env. Is it possible to make one pod to use/connect to database1, make another pod to use/connect to dababase2 via label or ...
ITMan's user avatar
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Redhat openshift cluster creation error on azure

I am trying to create a redhat openshift cluster . Getting an error shown below while creating the cluster Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 8ec2b1a1-6f67-4800-a093-4db8097bdd87. OpenShift Managed ...
Ananth's user avatar
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How to configure a route for an OpenShift app with nodeJS and express

I am new to OpenShift and I would like some help in order to configure the route for my app on OpenShift. This is my port and ip configuration in the NodeJS - Express app that I'm trying to deploy: ...
Fotios Tragopoulos's user avatar
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OpenShift CrashLoopBackOff error when deploying Angular 7 app on NodeJs

I am trying to deploy an Angular 7 app on NodeJs in OpenShift, the Build was successful but the POD falls into a CrashLoopBackOff mode. Is this due to an invalid entry point to the app? If so, how and ...
Manas's user avatar
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Do objects created from an Openshift template overwrite existing objects?

I took a look at the Openshift documentation, but I couldn't find out what exactly happens when a template is processed and the objects defined in it created. More specifically: what happens to ...
alexaand's user avatar