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Can the Openshift deployment suddenly disappear

Question : Can the deployment done on Openshift or Kubernetes disappear? What I mean is I did a deployment yesterday for one of the applications on Openshift cluster. Its a Java based application. The ...
Ansible Explorer's user avatar
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OpenShift Pro: Binary Deployment With Changed Version Of Tomcat Configuration

I am in the final phase of my migration from OpenShift v2 to OpenShift Pro. For the LIVE version I export a war to a 'deployments' folder and do a binary deployment to OpenShift Pro like this: oc ...
Lyndon's user avatar
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OpenShift Pro - Live & Test Sites - Best Practice / Alternatives

I now have a Java webapp running on OpenShift Pro that is automatically 'pushed to' from my local Eclipse IDE via GitHub. All very nice. This is the Test Site, the local version is the Development ...
Lyndon's user avatar
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Unable to deploy java based app on Openshift v3

I am trying to deploy JEE/mysql based application on openshift v3. However, when I use 'exposed' URL( I am getting a 404 error. Following is my ...
Aman ZeeK Verma's user avatar
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Deploying .war to OpenShift 404 error not found

I'm trying to deploy my Grails app to OpenShift by this guide: I'm using the Grails 3.0.9 and I've added this string to build.groovy ...
Oink Oink's user avatar
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Run a WAR file in a remote host without manually starting tomcat

I have a web app, that I can deploy and run on the localhost as a WAR only after manually starting the tomcat server. If I want to deploy that web app as a WAR on a remote host for the rest of the ...
user3475107's user avatar
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Opening a resource file in a servlet on Openshift

I'm in troubles with opening file within my web-app. I tried it locally within Eclipse and it works fine but when I try to deploy it on Tomcat 6 on Openshift it doesn't find resource files for my web-...
user2534977's user avatar
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Tomcat WebApp: Error storing image file outside of context root on OpenShift

My tomcat web application uploads images and saves them outside the context folder for security. I tested the code on my local machine and it works perfectly. When I hosted the code on OpenShift, I ...
W.K.S's user avatar
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Deploy a Grails 2.1.1 application to Tomcat as an exploded war?

I'm trying to deploy a Grails app on OpenShift, and I'm trying to avoid pushing a 50MB file across the web for every change. I created a project at ~/dev/apps/grails/test to test it Based on this ...
opensas's user avatar
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