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FFmpeg H.264 NVENC - high444p profile not working at 1920x1080 via library but works via command line encoding

I am building a real-time desktop streaming application in Rust and I am using FFmpeg (H.264 NVENC) to encode the raw frames captured as BGRA from desktop. I am able to get it to work on profiles such ...
Vivek Nathani's user avatar
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Why am I seeing poor encoding performance on AWS with NV_ENC for first run of app

I have cross posted on so apologies to those who are reading this twice. I have a windows app that interactively streams content from a directx 3D rendering over webrtc, after encoding with ...
mike's user avatar
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Use ffmpeg multiple h264_nvenc instances will crash occurs during release

Use FFMpeg, When multiple threads use multiple h264_nvenc instances(one instance per thread), an exception crash occurs during release(avcodec_free_context), and the final exception occurs in ...
yang zhao's user avatar
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nvenc for ffmpeg hardware acceleration with moviepy producing corrupted mp4

I've been trying to create a Python app that takes an mp4 file, an mp3 file, and a dictionary of captions to produce an output mp4 file. I got it to work well but I found the libx264 codec to be quite ...
six's user avatar
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An error occurred after encoding with h264_nvenc

1373x768 yuv420p picture The ffmpeg api(avcodec_send_frame, avcodec_receive_packet) will write the avpacket-data data to the file after the encoding is successful, and then decode t using ffmpeg ...
jiang hang's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there an efficient way to use ffmpeg to perform a large quantity of cuts from a single file?

I'm trying to cut video files into smaller chunks. (each one being one word said in the video, so they're not all of equal size) I've tried a lot of different approaches to try to be as efficient as ...
Giuliano Oliveri's user avatar
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SegFault while freeing nvenc hwdevice_ctx

For a project, I created a class encoding the output of an OpenGL renderbuffer object using h264_nvenc. Unfortunately, tidying up doesn't work, and the program crashes with a SegFault. The reason is ...
camelCase's user avatar
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High latency in NVENC Encoding with lower frame submission

I am using NVENC to encode H.265 video frames. I am feeding it frames sequentially - and what I care about is ultra low latency encode (<6ms if possible), at a specific frame rate. I am ...
Charles Lohr's user avatar
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FFMpeg autorotate video and image output

I have a video which I'm trying to downscale to a video output, and also create a thumbnail image at every 2 seconds using a single FFMpeg command(hardware accelerated). Following is the command: ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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corruption of unknown origin in audio (libopus) and video (nvenc HEVC) bitstreams sent via webtransport API, and decoded with webcodecs

I'm using windows 11, and chrome for the web client. I have a golang program that runs two c++ programs as subprocess. the first uses the nvidia video codec SDK to set up an hevc encoder: ...
Tiger Yang's user avatar
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NV_ENC_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM and NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_PARAM while calling nvEncInitializeEncoder() in Nvidia Video Codec SDK 12.0.16

Im working on a program that uses the nvidia video codec SDK, below is my entire code: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #pragma comment(lib, "d3d11&...
Tiger Yang's user avatar
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2 answers

(Nvidia Codec SDK) nvEncOpenEncodeSessionEx() errors with unknown nvencstatus code (15)

I'm trying to set up an nvenc encode session that accepts d3d11 textures using nvidia codec SDK in visual c++, Below is the beginning of my code up to that point. At line 93, nvEncOpenEncodeSessionEx()...
Tiger Yang's user avatar
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Configure WebCodecs API video decoder to match an NVENC Encoder

I have an H264 NVENC Encoder setup which encodes a video stream. I want to decode frames of that stream using the WebCodecs API in Google Chrome. My decoder configuration setup looks like this: let ...
Pruza's user avatar
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Unit of measure for NV_ENC_PIC_PARAMS.inputDuration

What should I put into NV_ENC_PIC_PARAMS.inputDuration? According to the documentation inputTimeStamp can be any monotonically growing value, but I am struggling to find anything on inputDuration. ...
LOST's user avatar
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How to see default NVENC hevc options in ffmpeg

I am trying to use the hevc_nvenc encoder in ffmpeg to reencode an old video I have. Obviously software encoding using libx265 would be better, but I want to make in fast. I am trying to optimize for ...
Ivan Gorin's user avatar
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Why is my NVEnc image coming out pixelated?

I have been working on an NVEnc project but the images seem to come out blurry no matter what I do in the setup if I am using CBR as my rate control mode. I am adapting the code from the NVidia sample ...
thoxey's user avatar
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(windows nvidia video codec sdk) How to set up an hevc encode session in c++ that asynchrnously encodes a dxgi surface texture and outputs to stdout?

I'm working on a c++ executable that grabs my display output using DXGI output duplication in the form of DXGI surface textures(I think), directly encodes it in HEVC using my GPU hardware encoder, ...
Tiger Yang's user avatar
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ffmpeg refuses to encode video

The command: ffmpeg -y -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -resize 1920x1080 -i "Infinity.mkv" -vf "ass=Infinity.ass" -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slowest -crf 18 -c:a ...
emipy's user avatar
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FFmpeg hevc_nvenc encoder B Frame problem

I'm using the latest FFmpeg windows Build (2022-12-02 12:44) from BtbN. I'm trying to encode a video into HEVC codec using hevc_nvenc encoder. But it says [hevc_nvenc @ 00000263983f4280] B frames as ...
ramondq's user avatar
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nvenc encoder performed resolution 2560 * 1440 encoding yuv444 failed ?

NVIDIA Gefore GTX 1660Ti graphics card, I use video-sdk-samples for HEVC encoding, YUV format: NV_ENC_BUFFER_FORMAT_YUV444, resolution “1920 * 1080” and “3840 * 2160” resolution encoding is successful,...
Travis990's user avatar
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How to disable B frames in FFmpeg for H.264 encoding?

I'm encoding video with h264_nvenc, and I would like to disable B-Frames. I'm trying to use -bframes 0 parameter, but I'm not sure if it works, and where exactly put the command. For now, this is my ...
A GV's user avatar
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OpenCV VideoWriter (Gstreamer + NVENC) freezes for more than 3 streams

I am trying to setup a multi-stream hardware accelerated (Nvidia's NVENC) encoding system using Opencv compiled with Gstreamer backend as well as nvenc and nvdec plugins baked into Gstreamer. The ...
Marib Sultan's user avatar
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Why does CreateDXGIFactory occupy GPU even if I call it's release interface

First I run the following code: IDXGIFactory* pFactory; HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), (void**)(&pFactory)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return -1; } then I ...
TONY's user avatar
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FFMpeg quality degradation when using NVENC

I'm using ffmpeg to encode a folder full of static PNG images into video format. Among other things, I set the quality to 20Mbps and preset to veryslow. Everything works. However, as soon as I switch ...
Dmitri Nesteruk's user avatar
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Ffmpeg nvenc encoder on gpu does not compress files as much as compared to libx264

I wanted to encode a video file which was initially encoded by a libx264 encoder on a non gpu machine with ultrafast preset and crf 23 , i typically re-encode it with preset medium and get a good ...
Srinjoy Choudhury's user avatar
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Why was NVIDIA NvFBCHWEncode interface deprecated starting with NVIDIA Capture SDK 5.0.?

I've been working on a project that requires capturing and streaming video content from backend applications and headless chromium/browsers. So far I was able to do so by calling the older version of ...
Haolin Zheng's user avatar
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Extreme High Quality HDR livestreaming using FFMPEG/SRT with hevc_nvenc

So I am working out and just testing different encoder settings and I wonder if someone has some insights , it works OK now but maybe I can improve stuff. first lets start with my whole command, lets ...
finnjaeger's user avatar
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Nonzero SPS and PPS id in H.264 bitstream from NVENC

In what cases will NVENC choose nonzero SPS and PPS ids for a bitstream? I have a bitstream that should only have one SPS and one PPS and yet it's choosing '2' for both seq_parameter_set_id and ...
qdin's user avatar
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Location of the amd64 compiler in Visual Studio 2022 | Compiling FFmpeg with NVENC

I'm trying to follow Nvidia's guide to compile FFmpeg with nvenc support on Windows and it has a stage to export the path of Visual Studio's 2013 SP2 amd64 compiler to the global path variable of the ...
Gal Grünfeld's user avatar
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IMFTransform::SetInputType() 'MF_E_TRANSFORM_TYPE_NOT_SET '

I am trying to set up an encoder IMFTransform. In this case, it happens to be NVENC H264 Encoder. However, IMFTransform::SetInputType() is not working for ConfigureEncoder(), and is returning ...
Meme Machine's user avatar
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Does libav have any form of documentation particularlly for NVENC

I want to use ffmpeg's libav library to encode video in an application I am developing. Unfortunately, software encoding is just too slow. So I went back the "documentation" and began to ...
WRULine's user avatar
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Extract (Raw or Encoded) Video Frames from any GPU Memory directly for Current Program?

I have been working on Camera Video Frame Capturing for the past year. I am trying to make a video streaming plugin using webrtc and its associated technologies. I know that there are some certain ...
Muhammad Usman Bashir's user avatar
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DXGI/NvEnc YUV44 10bit format compatability

Using DirectX 11, DXGI DDA and NvEnc. I have to support YUV420, YUV444, 8bit, and 10bit. I have the conversions working great for YUV420, YUV444, and 8bit. With 10bit i Run into a bit of a problem of ...
vulkur's user avatar
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Using more than 2 NV_ENC at a time with FFMPEG

I'm currently generating timelapse videos using a thread on my CPU with fluent-ffmpeg running on nodejs. It takes roughly 1 minute to generate a 10 second timelapse. I'm generating many at the same ...
lowcrawler's user avatar
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FFMPEG encoding 16bit video data results in 10bit

I want to compress a depth map that has 16 bits of information per pixel. In general, such depth maps can be stored in different ways, e.g. p016le, gray16le, yuv420p16le, yuv444p16le, ... but for ...
Jl arto's user avatar
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FFMPEG using AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11 gives "Error registering the input resource" from NVENC

Input frames start on the GPU as ID3D11Texture2D pointers. I encode them to H264 using FFMPEG + NVENC. NVENC works perfectly if I download the textures to CPU memory as format AV_PIX_FMT_BGR0, but I'd ...
nbabcock's user avatar
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Fully GPU accelerated (decoding,deinterlacing,scaling,encoding) HLS variable stream with ffmpeg

I'm trying to create a variable HLS MBR live stream using ffmpeg, which will be fully accelerated at the GPU level. This means accelerated decoding, deinterlacing, scaling and encoding. Here is my ...
Milan Čížek's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: 4K RGB->YUV realtime conversion

I'm trying to use Ffmpeg for creating a hevc realtime stream from a Decklink input. The goal is high quality HDR stream usage with 10 bits. The Decklink SDI input is fed RGB 10 bits, which is well ...
andersd's user avatar
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How to use FFMPEG with Nvidia Acceleration (Nvenc) to hardcode / burn in subtitles

So I'm trying to use Nvenc to accelerate video encoding. The aim is to have 1 input video file and 1 input subtitle, and to get multiple outputs at different resolutions with subtitles hardcoded or ...
Ibraheem Nofal's user avatar
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Rigaya's NVEnc encodes file with no video or audio track

My source video file (1h 30min movie) is playable in both PotPlayer and VLC: h264, 8-bit color and 7755kb/s bitrate. The NVEnc command I'm using is this: .\nvencc\NVEncC64.exe --avhw -i "input....
dxbednarczyk's user avatar
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How to set H264 NVENC encoding parameters to output high-quality video stream?

I use NVENC (nvEncodeAPI) interface hardware encoding H264, and then RTMP to stream out, when using ffplay to pull the stream to watch, I found that the picture is obviously distorted: the green lines ...
fredirty2017's user avatar
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GPU-accelerated streaming using WebRTC not connecting [ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused]

I am trying to use NVENC to encode and take that output, stream it to another server using WebRTC and then decode it there. I tried to follow this GPU-accelerated streaming using WebRTC project to get ...
guidingfox's user avatar
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gstreamer webrtc h264 playback stops after few frames in browser

I need help for debugging a probabilistic issue. I built a gstreamer pipeline to stream NVENC encoded h264 bitstreams(video only) to browser. Browser seldom plays properly. In most cases only few ...
miqilin's user avatar
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Pass ffpmeg OpenCL filter output to NVenc without hwdownload?

I'm trying to do tonemapping (and resizing) of a UHD HDR video stream with ffmpeg. The following command: ffmpeg -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda -init_hw_device opencl=ocl -filter_hw_device ocl -threads 1 ...
w1th0utnam3's user avatar
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FFMPEG refuses to reencode vp9 via h264_nvenc

Using Windows, FFMPEG throws an error when reencoding vp9/opus .webm video into h264_nvenc/aac. The issue is within trying to reencode via h264_nvenc, as using libx264 works just fine. h264_nvenc ...
Imforpeace's user avatar
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Emphasis level map with ffmpeg using NVENC

I am trying to have different compression levels, to different regions in the video. ffmpeg has something called "addroi", but it's just a recommendation and doesn't guarantee the absolute ...
ofer rubinstein's user avatar
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How can I learn the effective quality of the h264_nvenc encoder?

I seek to ascertain the end-product quality of various cq ("constant quality") values for the h264_nvenc video encoder. To use the h264_nvenc encoder through ffmpeg and with a target quality,...
plodus4k's user avatar
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How to let FFMPEG fetch frames from OpenCV and stream them to HTTP server

There is a camera that shoots at 20 frame per second. each frame is 4000x3000 pixel. The frames are sent to a software that contain openCV in it. OpenCV resizes the freames to 1920x1080 then they must ...
Entropy's user avatar
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How to get FFMPEG to use more GPU when encoding

so the situation is as following Im receiging 20/30 uncompressed image per second. format is either PNG or Bitmap. Each individual photo size is between 40 and 50 mb (all have same size since ...
Entropy's user avatar
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Decode an H264 stream using the VideoToolbox API (kVTVideoDecoderBadDataErr)

my goal is to encode the main framebuffer of my Windows machine using nvenc and stream its content to my iPad using the VideoToolbox API The code I use to encode the h264 stream is basically a copy/...
TheMode's user avatar
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