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How to Turn image A + audio + A into Video A with the exact same attributes of Video B so both can be concatenated without encoding [closed]

I have image A and it is PNG I have audio A and it is MP3 I have video B that can be any format, resolution, encoding, audio, etc Now I want to turn image A + audio A into video A with the exact ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
1 vote
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Automate removing segments of a video using ffmpeg-python

I'm very new to ffmpeg and unable to wrap my head around the concepts entirely. My goal for this little script I've been working on all day is to: Step 1: Read a list of timestamps from a text file ...
Hriday NS's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python ffmpeg: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified [duplicate]

#what i did to install pip install ffmpeg-python #code import ffmpeg crop_dimensions = "640:480:0:0" input_file = "input.mp4" output_file = "output.mp4" ( ...
PeppersONLY's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Stream Audio from Google Cloud Storage in Chunks and Convert Each Chunk to WAV for Whisper Transcription

I'm working on a project where I need to transcribe audio stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket using OpenAI's Whisper model. The audio is stored in WebM format with Opus encoding, and due to the ...
Douglas Landvik's user avatar
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Saving frames for mov file with multiple streams using python-ffmpeg

I have a mov file with multiple video streams, and I'm trying to use ffmpeg python bindings to read each stream and save all of its frames. To do so, I've made a code similar to this one: import numpy ...
Dolev Shapira's user avatar
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OpenCV error: "CAP_IMAGES: can't find starting number" when processing uploaded video in Streamlit

I am trying to upload a video file in Streamlit, save it, convert it to .mpg, and then process it with OpenCV. However, I’m getting an error: OpenCV error: CAP_IMAGES: can't find starting number. Here’...
Sum Alhashmi's user avatar
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Getting Error while trying to download youtube video by using python

Code I'm working on a script that allows users to manually select and download separate video and audio streams from YouTube using yt-dlp. The script lists the available video and audio formats, lets ...
Aditya Kumar's user avatar
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How do I create an ffmpeg-python pipeline that adds an audio (numpy) array to a set of output frames?

How do I add a numpy audio signal to a set of frames that I am sending to ffmpeg-python and storing in a file? This code generates the proper video. But how do I add the audio data? The audio data ...
Malcolm Slaney's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'FilterableStream' object has no attribute 'input' - ffmpeg-python

I am a fresh programmer and I am learning the Python language. I have been trying to design a graphical application (using tkinter and ffmpeg-python libraries) that converts an image file along with ...
Karolek's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

how i can save overlay text box with a video in gallery by using ffmpeg?

final escapedOverlayText = overlayText.replaceAll(''', '\''); final command = '-i $videoPath -vf "drawtext=text='$escapedOverlayText':x=10:y=10:fontsize=24:fontcolor=white" -c:a copy $...
Umair Manzoor's user avatar
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ffmpeg python causing deadlock

I am facing issues using ffmpeg python to process camera frames. My first approach with process.communicate() worked well, but has latency issues. process = ( ffmpeg .input('...
sa_penguin's user avatar
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Piping yt_dlp to FFMPEG using python: ffmpeg failing to recognize video data from pipe

I am trying to pipe the output of yt_dlp into a pipe used by ffmpeg which then outputs.: def pipe_function(url): ydl_command = [ 'yt-dlp', '-f', 'bestvideo+bestaudio', '--quiet', '--no-warnings', ...
ThePrince's user avatar
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How Do I Get Python To Capture My Screen At The Right Frame Rate

I have this python script that is supposed to record my screen, on mac os. import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import ImageGrab import subprocess import time def record_screen(): # Define the ...
John Thesaurus's user avatar
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Trying to convert code to be compatible with macOS by not using the .exe version of FFmpeg and FFmprobe. Cant open the .mp4 file when i go to run code

I am attempting to edit some code in python for extracting frames from a video (using parallel processing to make it faster) a friend created that works on windows, so that it can be used on macOS. ...
Bruno Hawkins's user avatar
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the "non-monotonic DTS in output stream " error while concatenation even after reencoded input files

hi I am trying to write a Python program that is trying to first edit different videos separately under the heading "intro" "story" and "byte" with the help of FFmpeg and ...
nish's user avatar
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TypeError: source must be an AudioSource not FFmpegOpusAudio

async def play(ctx, *, link): try: voice_client = await voice_clients[] = voice_client except Exception as e: ...
salice's user avatar
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How do I merge video, audio and subtitles together in ffmpeg via python?

I have been trying to merge a video, audio and subtitle stream in ffmepg but, since it is my first time trying it out, I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to do so. Goal: The output I am ...
user14609171's user avatar
1 vote
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Coordinates with file format .ASS

I'm grabbing my text coordinates that I want to use for the file format .ASS and for centering on a 1080 by 1920 video, I have an application that displays where the text is on the video and can ...
Alex's user avatar
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FFMPEG stream from python to browser using socketio

I want to show the video on the browser streamed by ffmpeg. Here's the python script which i made but can't find the way to do so since i am not much into javascript. Can anyone help me please ? ...
sam's user avatar
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ffmpeg subtitles filter defaults to Helvetica instead of specified font

I am trying to use a custom font in the subtitles of a video using ffmpeg, but despite my efforts, the font defaults to Helvetica. Here is the code I am using: import ffmpeg import os import tempfile ...
Vatsal Joshi's user avatar
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2 answers

FFmpeg-Python command too long because of drawtext

I have a FFmpeg-Python program that puts subtitles into a video, pseudocode below: for i in range(10000): video= video.filter( 'drawtext', fontfile=FONT_FILE, text=cur_string, x='(w-text_w)...
Xascoria's user avatar
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ffmpeg python error when adding subtitles

When I run it I think there is an error with the subtitle path, but I can't solve it. The error in terminal: [Parsed_subtitles_0 @ 0000019bcc509780] Unable to parse option value "...
Clara Ogalla's user avatar
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How can I convert a ffmpeg command to the ffmpeg-python script?

I have a ffmpeg command for converting an audio file from .mpt to .aac and then combining it with a .mp4 video file to create a new video file, as shown below. I would like to convert these commands ...
leo87's user avatar
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Streaming audio over websockets and process it with ffmpeg, Invalid frame size error

I am building an application in Python that processes audio data on a streaming connection with WebSockets. To work with it, I need to process it with ffmpeg on the server before passing it to some ML ...
Nimrod Sadeh's user avatar
-1 votes
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define the input FPS of a stream using ffmpeg-python

Im creating an HLS playlist using ffmpeg, reading my input from an RTSP stream. When probing the RTSP stream, i get an FPS which is not the true FPS, and i want to "tell" ffmpeg the actual ...
tamirg's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified - FFMPEG

I am running a script using conda environment on Windows and getting this error (stack trace below), which is apparently caused by python executable not being able to find the ffmpeg.exe. There are ...
shiftyscales's user avatar
-1 votes
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edit a video in python [closed]

I'm trying edit a MP4 video using ffmpeg-python library but I get TypeError: 'ffmpeg' has no attribute 'input' Here is my code, directly copied from the official repository): import ffmpeg x=ffmpeg....
fede's user avatar
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Is there an efficient way to use ffmpeg to perform a large quantity of cuts from a single file?

I'm trying to cut video files into smaller chunks. (each one being one word said in the video, so they're not all of equal size) I've tried a lot of different approaches to try to be as efficient as ...
Giuliano Oliveri's user avatar
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Play a video with ffmpeg and SDL2 on a Raspberry Pi 5

I want to create a python script that decodes a h264 1080p video and outputs it via SDL2 on a Raspberry Pi 5. The Raspberry Pi 5 is able to play a h264 1080p video without problem using VLC. Total CPU ...
aforino's user avatar
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Subtitels with ffmpeg-python

I'm currently working on a video processor project and aiming to generate subtitles for the videos processed. I've found that code that combines audio, video, and adds subtitles. However, I'm ...
Gustje04's user avatar
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How to interpret ndarray in a pyAV AudioFrame?

I want to process streaming audio (coming in from a person speaking on the peer of a webRTC peer connection) to detect when the person is done talking. I have got the audio track and access to ...
Sachin Dole's user avatar
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FFFMPEG-Python write filters to file then use them

So I am trying to do a slide animation between a lot of files using FFMpeg Python. for image_path, audio_path in zip(images_path, audios_path): audio_dur = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_path)....
billy 356's user avatar
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FFMPEG Python command too long

I am trying to make a program that will overlay some images with a "slide" animation. So I am doing this with FFMPEG in my Python code, and there are lots of files and commmands since the ...
billy 356's user avatar
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Trim with transition/fade using FFMPEG given a list of timestamps

I have a video and a list of timestamps that I want to filter. [ { "timestamp": [10, 20], "state": true }, { "timestamp": [30, 40], "state"...
realsarm's user avatar
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How to Write the Numpy array video to Disk While adding Audio from File using the python ffmpegio

I Have an A NumPy array Representing the Video in the memory how Can I Use the ffmpegio python module to save it on the File on the disk While adding the audio. I Try Many things. I Also Ask answer on ...
soham tilekar's user avatar
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ffmpeg-python lib's 'run' function works locally but doesn't work in server

I am using ffmpeg-python library to process video, specifically I had to add watermark to video. Code is very simple: def set_watermark_to_video( video_url: str, directory: str, filename: ...
Fire Deus's user avatar
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Python - Extracting audio from video files to numpy array using ffmpeg

I want to use python & ffmpeg-python to extract the audio from a video directly into numpy array. Currently, I first dump the audio as a wav file using ffmpeg through CLI and read it back to ...
v-i-s-h's user avatar
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how to use ffmpegs's afir in ffmpeg-python

My goal is to slow down a file and add reverberation using python here's my code: import ffmpeg audio = ffmpeg.input(r'test_files\Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes.mp3').audio audio = audio.filter('...
Nire's user avatar
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How to edit metadata using ffmpeg-python?

import ffmpeg input= "input.mkv" output = "output.mkv" title = "Clinton Abraham" try: datas = 'title=' + title mains = ffmpeg.input(input) nemos = mains....
Clinton Abraham's user avatar
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Is it possible to save snapshots from multiple video streams using ffmpeg?

I would like to periodically save a snapshot from a video stream using ffmpeg. This is is possible using the following command: ffmpeg -i [source] -r 0.2 -f image2 ./image-%04d.jpeg or the (rough) ...
Haydn Morris's user avatar
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ffmpeg mp3 chunk to wav chunk adds gap in the start of the audio

I have an mp3 streaming from a URL, I save the chunks in 1024 byes buffer size. After I get all the chunks, I'm using ffmpeg to convert the incoming mp3 chunk (22050 mono) to a wav chunk. When I open/...
1Mayur's user avatar
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Popen subprocess giving wrong ffmpeg process ID when trying to close

I'm trying to create a Video Management System application using Python and Django, that displays live camera stream and do video recording. For this, I add cameras using POST request and everything ...
Bond_007's user avatar
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FFMPEG: How to add transparency to watermark logo? Getting error: "Filter scale2ref has an unconnected output"

Hey guys I am new to Ffmpeg, I want to resize a watermark logo according to the video size and add transparency to it. The code I have is not working as expected. This is the code ffmpeg -i $...
Danny's user avatar
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Add subtitles starting at a specific timestamp using Ffmpeg-Python

I want to add a .srt file (subtitles) to a .mp4 video. How can I add the subtitles at a specific timestamp? As an example, my .mp4 video starts the talking part at 00:00:25, so thats there where I ...
grilo13's user avatar
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Discord Python Music Bot Not Playing Music

I am new to making discord bots and while I was making a music bot and run on my ubuntu server with python Venv I receive some random number while I tried to play music and the music didn't start. But ...
Yuhari's user avatar
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Running command Subprocess python failed but the same exact command runs well in Terminal

As the title says: weird problem. I've been struggling to make this work for a whole day but to no avail. Any help would be deeply appreciated. # I've tried every one of the below path but still ...
will's user avatar
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Timeline editing with ffmpeg-python

I'm trying to draw a box on one part of the screen at a specific instance in time. I've tried looking through the documentation for ffmpeg-python, but am unable to locate any instance of support for ...
Synthels's user avatar
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How can I use the 'afade' parameter in ffmpeg-python without getting an 'option not found' error?

I am using the ffmpeg library with python to add subtitles and a video as an overlay to a background still image. This code is working fine, but I want to use the afade parameter. The code without ...
user3324136's user avatar
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How to use argument with dash in name in ffmpeg-python?

Following is a simple ffmpeg command line for encoding an input video into a AV1 output with CRF 30: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 30 output.mkv Converting that command line into the syntax ...
orderlyfashion's user avatar
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How do I reverse a video in ffmpeg?

- Full Error: Stream specifier 's1:v' in filtergraph description [0]split=2:outputs=2[s0][s1];[s1:v]reverse[s2];[s0][s2]concat=a=0:n=2:v=1[s3] matches no streams. - Formatted Error [0]split=2:outputs=...
Will Beeson's user avatar