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Is it possible to enable Hardware Acceleration in chromium without GPU on Azure App Service's machine?

I'm running headless Chromium with Puppeteer in my Azure Web App Service's container: const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, executablePath: await this.browserDownloader....
vinozganic's user avatar
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Extract frames from WEBM (VP9) using Python

I want to parse a .webm file in the VP9 codec using Python and no modules. I know this sounds stupid and/or useless but I have to. I would like to have some kind of function "extract_frames" ...
Kodeur_Kubik's user avatar
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Transparency Issue with WebM Videos on Android Chrome Browser

The transparent WebM video, which appeared crisp on the Chrome browser on PC, shows jagged edges on the Android Chrome browser. Specifically, the edges of fine details like animal fur appear darker, ...
tanabe kaori's user avatar
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Checking VP9 hardware video decode support on Apple Silicon

I'm trying to check whether a device running on Apple Silicon supports hardware video decode of VP9. I know empirically (from using Chrome and Safari) that VP9 decode is supported in hardware on Apple ...
Woodstock's user avatar
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What does the header struct for a webm (vp9) video stream look like?

In comparison to the IVF stream which contains 32 byte codec header and 12 byte frame header, what does a webm (vp9) stream header look like? Is there a header struct definition that I can use in my ...
Anil's user avatar
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FFmpeg library is detecting pixel format of VP9 video stream not correctly

I am using a C code to detect pixel format of VP9 video stream in a WebM container. FFmpeg version 6.0, full shared library build, downloaded from official website. Operating system is Windows 10. I ...
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Why this ffmpeg mp4/mkv/wmv/flv/avi to webm command line with cuda is as slow as with CPU?

im playing with my video files, I want to convert them from mp4, mkv, wmv, avi, flv, mov... to webm. So I have written this: for file in * do if [ -f "$file" ] then filename=&...
uchi's user avatar
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ffmpeg refuses to encode video

The command: ffmpeg -y -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -resize 1920x1080 -i "Infinity.mkv" -vf "ass=Infinity.ass" -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slowest -crf 18 -c:a ...
emipy's user avatar
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ffmpeg: filter_complex issue: 25fps vs. 60fps (with transparent VP9 webm)

I have a lot of created png images with transparency / alpha channel. These need to be converted to a webm file with the VP9 codec to have a video with transparent areas. The output framerate should ...
Jaecko's user avatar
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MediaRecorder recording remote stream using VP9 codec doesn't work

I tried to use MediaRecorder to record remote video stream using codec VP9, but I can only get a video that cannot play. Env: latest Chrome (105.0.5195.127). The stream is so common. stream = await ...
GStarP's user avatar
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Can't execute video encoding in ffmpeg-kit-react-native

Description I'm using React Native and Expo and trying to convert video from mp4 to vp9 encoded format using ffmpeg-kit-react-native package. I followed installation steps from documentation https://...
juejue's user avatar
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2 answers

Does vp9 handle packet loss or I have to handle manually?

I am capturing my screen in real-time and encoding them using the vp9 codec (using JNI). encoded frames are I-frame or P-frame. then I divide them into chunks (sub-frames) and send them to the network....
Nafiul Alam Fuji's user avatar
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Cannot encode vp9 video with alpha to ivf container

I'm trying to convert a vp8/webm video with transparency to vp9 and ivf container. I can encode the video to vp9 into webm container with the following command which correctly produces a vp9 video ...
Jakob Košir's user avatar
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ffmpeg H.264 to VP9 always creates larger output files on Zoom Meeting Recordings

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -pass 1 -an -f null -row-mt 1 NUL && ^ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -pass 2 -c:a libopus -row-mt 1 output.webm input....
Sam's user avatar
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How to conver/compress VP9 video/Webm 12bit video to Webm 10bit video with ffmpeg?

I have tried to convert/compress webm 12 bit video to webm 10 bit, but I have not found right one command recipe. Best what I have become was: ffmpeg -i video.webm -c:v libvpx-vp9 -s 3840x2160 -b:a ...
Vladimir A.'s user avatar
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webrtc screen-sharing with VP9 - low fps

I'm testing browser screen-sharing in chrome using webrtc with VP9 codec. The problem is that encoding of sender's video has very low frame-rate - more or less 5fps. I'm not limiting it anywhere, here ...
Nicolas Migut's user avatar
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How to make ffmpeg re-encode an vp9 webm with alpha into a vp9 webm with alpha

I am trying to find optimal parameters for encoding a transparent video using ffmpeg in my scenario, and as a test, I have been re-encoding a pre-made transparent .webm (vp9 with alpha channel, made ...
LemmeTestThat's user avatar
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How to implement VP9 codec in a free open source Peer-to-peer communication app?

So there is this Application RetroShare which currently uses speex codec and libav codec for VOIP communications. They expect a new improved VoIP cross platform codec as the old one aren’t fitting the ...
Rajat verma's user avatar
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WebRtc Bandwidth / resolution / frame rate control

I want to know why I normally transmit a 320240 resolution video and default my uplink traffic is at 1.5MB; when I modify the SDP bandwidth limit, for example at 500kbps/s my video width and height ...
GiantKs's user avatar
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How do I force Mediasoup to use vp9 codec?

We have an installation of Mediasoup working without problems. We are using a mediasoup version that is compatible with vp9 codec. The issue we have is that it uses h.264 codec by default and we run ...
G A's user avatar
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Stream data in VP9, VP8 or H.264 data but store it on AWS in .mov format in s3 buckets

I am able to collect frames from RTSP camera using the below code. But need help with storing the data in S3 buckets as a video file. But storing frames takes up lot of storage space. How do platforms ...
Atulac's user avatar
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How can this YUV420 video have uneven dimensions

Just trying to cement my understanding of video codecs and can't seem to find any information about this. contains a tiny vp9 webm. This ...
Xelpi's user avatar
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How to convert the AVPacket of ffmpeg to the webm stream with c++ code?

I am confused how to convert the ffmpeg AVPacket to a living stream in order to I can play it with HTML5. I have already got the AVPacket of ffmpeg with avcodec_encode_video2 AVPacket pkt_; ret = ...
MichaelGD's user avatar
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FFMPEG refuses to reencode vp9 via h264_nvenc

Using Windows, FFMPEG throws an error when reencoding vp9/opus .webm video into h264_nvenc/aac. The issue is within trying to reencode via h264_nvenc, as using libx264 works just fine. h264_nvenc ...
Imforpeace's user avatar
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WebM/VP9 support in Firefox

As far as I understand, WebM/VP9 has been supported by both Firefox and Chrome for quite a while. However, on my machine MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm;codecs=vp9') returns false in Firefox,...
Tigran.'s user avatar
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When we use HEVC + RTSP, ffmpeg works fine. The stream is captured by webcam. ffmpeg -f dshow -rtbufsize 100M -f vfwcap -i "0" -strict experimental -c:v hevc_qsv -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp ...
Jim Jin's user avatar
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Mpeg1, vp9, theora and h264 intra lossless encoding strange results

I tried lossless intra coding of a few sequences including this one from and strangely mpeg1video wins by a great margin sizewise. I ...
Anton B's user avatar
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Real-time VP9 encoding using libvpx

I want to encode 3D-Rendered images in real time using VP9 codec in order to send them over a network. I need small latencies (ideally each frame should be encoded separately), so FFMPEG with its ...
be_dos's user avatar
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How does WebRTC determine when to resize a video based on adaptive bitrate?

Can someone help me understand how WebRTC determines when to adjust the size of a video steam based on bitrate? I'm looking for a slightly lower level description than what I can find with a basic ...
Friendly King's user avatar
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What fourcc should I use when encoding mp4 videos with VP9?

My goal is to write an mp4 video using the cv2 Python library, which itself depends on ffmpeg. What code should I use as the fourcc parameter, i.e.,: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'????')
Jamie's user avatar
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vpx_codec_decode return true but vpx_codec_get_frame return no frame

I want to make a player that can run webm(vp8/vp9) files. I make the player so that every time it finds a cluster send the cluster to the decoder and put all frames into memory. Something strange ...
Silviu Petrut's user avatar
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ffmpeg : Convert a legally purchased video on Google

I've bought a video on the Google Play Store. I need to have it on my computer in order to edit it for a video montage. But Google says "Important: You cannot download movies and TV shows onto a PC, ...
Hey's user avatar
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adding delay to an audio stream of a live feed in ffmpeg

I am currently capturing video via a Blackmagic decklink card on macOS. My audio and video are out of sync. The audio is ahead about a second. I suspect the video is slower on account of encoding ...
blackirishman's user avatar
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How to get the VP9 decoder from a C++ program on Hololens 2?

I am implementing a VP9 hardware decoder that will run on PC and Hololens 2. When I try to load the "MSVP9DEC.dll", it works well on PC but the DLL is not found on Hololens. I have installed the VP9 ...
TheChamp's user avatar
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Incomplete video file when converting GIF to WEBM using FFmpeg

Converting from Gif to WebM in Q mode outputs an incomplete video when targeting low CRF values. For example, running the command below produces a WebM video with a duration of 1.15 secs while the ...
Eduardo Lemus's user avatar
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How to set-up WebRTC with VP9 codec and lossless compression

I have been trying to figure out whether or not it is possible to set up WebRTC with VP9 codec and lossless compression. So far, I have been able to figure out, how to set VP9 in the SDP and also how ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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ffmpeg DASH encoding: always getting bitrate as 200k for vp9 codec

I am using following command, earlier put here: to generate DASH files: ffmpeg -y -nostdin -loglevel error -i "$1" \ -map 0:v:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:v:0 -map ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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FFMPEG converting HEVC to VP9 large file size

I'm trying to convert HEVC videos to VP9 so they can be played in a web browser while keeping file size roughly the same. I am struggling to create a video with similar quality/file size. Here's ...
Tom B's user avatar
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ffmpeg codec conversion; can't configure encoder

I am simply trying to convert a vp9 webm I have into a vp8 webm. this is the command I'm using. ffmpeg -i in.webm -c:v vp8 out.webm the vp8 encoder returns a strange error Input #0, matroska,webm, ...
PerfectChaos7's user avatar
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Does latest chrome support vp9 svc on webrtc environment?

I read an article(october, 2018) about simulcast, svc and codec. Article says, Right now, SVC is not supported by the current codecs in a WebRTC environment. It is being supported by VP9 (the ...
delbert park's user avatar
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ffmpeg avcodec_open2() return error -22 only in ubuntu

AS title, I'm working on a project on Mac with ffmpeg. It runs on my Mac to encode frames to vp9 & vp8. But when I run it on my docker image in a ubuntu, the function avcodec_open2(), returns -...
User800222's user avatar
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Native Web RTC Video Call freeze on Android when call from iOS app

We're implementing video calls on Android & iOS applications using WebRTC technology. We also implemented on web browser and call successfully from chrome to android, and chrome to iOS. But, ...
Nam Pham's user avatar
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encode YUV420 frame to VP9

As title, I'm pulling frames from a IP camera. I converted the input raw data to YUV420 format, and would like to encode YUV420 to VP9, and save frames as .webm format. Would I be able to do that? ...
User800222's user avatar
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Metadata per frame for VP9

I have a stream of images which I would be encoding in VP9 and storing in a container like matroska (mkv). Each image in the stream has a metadata associated with it which we can assume as an array of ...
user4177870's user avatar
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ffmpeg vp9 not setting constant quality

I'm running ffmpeg to convert a 4k hevc video to vp9 but no matter what setting I use, it always comes out horrible quality and the same filesize. Command: ffmpeg -y -i /tmp/longsample.mkv -threads ...
cclloyd's user avatar
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Fastest seek speed and decoding with ffmpeg and x265 < ProRes

I'm trying to optimize seek speed with x265. No matter what encoding settings I try, ProRes still seeks more quickly/gracefully. This makes sense since it was built for editing, but I'm sure there's ...
Christopher Jarvis's user avatar
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Is hardware encoding of VP8/VP9 on Android with error resilience possible?

I try to use the MediaCodec class to encode to VP8/VP9. Basically this works but transmitting the generated data using UDP results in many artifacts when decoding. This is because there is some packet ...
strentler's user avatar
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How to extract raw VP9 stream from WebM file?

Is there a way to extract just the VP9 video stream from a WebM file? Just the raw VP9 encoded data? I mean the data you would usually use as the input to the VP9 decoder? Which tool is the right one ...
strentler's user avatar
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ffmpeg prores with alpha to webm vp9 renders grey

I've been trying to convert a video encoded in ProRes 4444HQ to webm vp9. I created an example video with a 50% transparent square in it. It should look like this: but it looks like this: Here is ...
Castles's user avatar
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"trackPublished" event not firing in twilio-video Javascript SDk

I have the following code: $.getJSON('/video/getToken', function (data, status) { identity = data.identity; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: {width: ...
lightbringer's user avatar