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When the Browser navigation button for previous page clicked router change is not reflected in Node js

When the Browser navigation button for previous page clicked router change is not reflected in Node js Application .because of proper management of session or cache In your app.js file you have to ...
Muhammed Nawaf M V's user avatar
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cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0 response is given

For Magento 2.4 project i runned command Curl -IL Domain in terminal and cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age = 0 response is given . I talked to support of cloudways but they ...
girish's user avatar
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2 answers

okhttp cache-control no-cache processing strategy

I have a question about caching support in okhttp. This is a complex question, so I’ll break it into two parts. 1. no-cache processing strategy for request I noticed that the request header Cache-...
mrblrrd's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core MVC is forcing no-cache if there is a form tag on the razor page

I am a bit stuck with this. Troubleshooting some browser page cache issues and starting with a bare bones ASP.NET Core 7 MVC site. No matter what ResponseCache settings I have some middleware is ...
paulinventome's user avatar
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Don't keep cache for basic authentication header not working [duplicate]

I am currently working on an api which contains repositories. And I'm stuck on a PHP feature. Overall, we have tables that are open for everyone to read so no worries and other tables that contain ...
Onyx's user avatar
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How to optionally turn off Apollo caching

What I need is to NOT cach the data if Query has a specific parameter. I have this hook for queries, it has dafault 'cache-first' value for fetchPolicy property (default Apollo behaviour): import { ...
Bohdan Romanovich's user avatar
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Revalidation max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache no risk 504

To indicate the need to check the validity of the saved cache before each subsequent request, we can use Cache-Control: no-cache with the validator (ETag or Date+Last-Modified) in the server response. ...
Svyatoslav Alekseev's user avatar
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How to cache a file in CloudFlare, but not in browsers? I tried “Cache Everything”. I tried “Cloudflare-CDN-Cache-Control”

I have an SPA where all the files on my domain are static. I'm using CloudFlare to cache them to reduce load on my server. My goal would be to have CloudFlare cache all my files until my deploy script ...
dumbmatter's user avatar
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Setting no-cache after a cache has occurred?

I recently got some errors due to the browser reusing some cached js bundles. Initially, the response serving the bundles did not have any Cache-Control headers. After the error, I added them but ...
Martin's user avatar
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Rail API - Disable cached response

I have a Rails 6 API-only application and I'm using Nginx and passenger. When I try to do GET or POST in the Postman application or other places, I get only cached responses. For instance, if I try to ...
Rubioli's user avatar
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Output Caching using IIS (Unable to change to No Cache)

Good day everyone, I am currently having some issues with disabling my cache control to no-cache. I have tried the configuring the output cache through the IIS Manager by specifying the File Name ...
Jed's user avatar
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Avoid image caching in browser in React

I have a code where the user's avatar is fetched from the backend. Now, the avatar file name is the same every time, even if a user uploads a new one because the backend replaces the old avatar with ...
tuhindas's user avatar
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Blazor WebAssembly caching on IIS

I have migrated my Blazor project from net5 to net6. However, I get the following error when launching the website: Uncaught (in promise) error: could not find class: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components....
Cosmin's user avatar
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Does no-cache allow a stale cached response to be returned?

I'm reading contradicting statements about no-cache and must-revalidate. This answer says: With must-revalidate, if the server doesn't respond to a revalidation request, the browser/proxy is supposed ...
David Klempfner's user avatar
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IIS Internet Information Server no-cache setting in web.config

I am working on Azure Service with IIS; however, I cannot make the web.config works with no-cache. How can I change it for no-cache and overwrite all js scripts?
James Kwon's user avatar
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Change response cache header for a request

I'm working on a web app that uses an external api where I don't have any control on the response cache options. The endpoint gives cache-control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, where I ...
Mohammed Rhaouti's user avatar
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Google App Engine : default_expiration not overriden by Cache-Control:no-cache

Hello I want to put "One Year" of cache on all files, except ìndex.html that I want Cache-Control: no-cache But I get : I expect the last line to override the default_expiration but i get : cache-...
marcant0's user avatar
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What happens if no-cache when the http response is the same

I add a no-cache header in the response to ensure the browser will only make use of the copy if the response is different. But, all requests hit the MVC action and same response is sent back to the ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How to add hash strings to custom resources urls in a Bokeh Application?

I am programming a Bokeh Server Application with templates. I have added some custom CSS and JS files. But when I make some changes the files are reloaded from the cache and I cannot see the new ...
ChesuCR's user avatar
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TYPO3 9: Adding no_cache parameter in url disables cache

We are using TYPO3 9, and we see a lot of warnings in the log file that the cache is disabled. I see that this is because a lot of urls are called with an added no_cache=1 parameter. I disabled all ...
WimDiesel's user avatar
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Apply cache-control to a specific files in directory

I want the all files from a directory have cache, I have this in my .htaccess but not working correctly <FilesMatch /js/admin/.*> Header set cache-control "public, max-age=31536000, ...
NARTONIC's user avatar
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How to disable image caching in Odoo email?

I'm currently using Odoo 12.0+e-20181025. I have changed the logo for the email but the GMail that has received the previous email refused to show the new logo although the link of the image in the ...
shad12ow's user avatar
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How browser handles `no-cache=“Set-Cookie”` in Cache-Control header

I'm wondering how browser would handle the situation when no-cache: "Set-Cookie" is presented in Cache-Control. I did some research online and the result was different. Some say it won't cache set-...
JLeGend's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy disable cache

i use nginx as a reverse proxy to connect a api. The problem is when i send a query after add or remove something. Nginx send me the old json value. I tried to disabled cache but it's not working. my ...
Kévin Gaulin's user avatar
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How to cache an object on Varnish, but tell the client not the cache it

I am caching the product details page on Varnish, and then I purge the cache from the backend server whenever the product is updated. I want my clients to never cache this page on their side, but ...
fkoksal's user avatar
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Iframe load a javascript which is loaded in parent page bu donot load from disk cache

I have a page which contains 4 Iframe, and all the pages add the same javascript. When the page loaded, I found the same javascript loaded from server 5 times. And then I set all Iframes loads when ...
yidane's user avatar
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Apache disable caching except jpe?g|png|gif|js|css

Here is how I enabled cache for images, JavaScript and CSS in Apache httpd.conf <IfModule mod_expires.c> <FilesMatch "\.(jpe?g|png|gif|js|css)"> ExpiresActive On ...
Kambiz's user avatar
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html5 audio player with no cache

I want to have a html5 audio player that plays a shoutcast stream with no cache. I've tried the answer given here Link and tried to load the stream with a php file, But it doesn't work for me, what ...
Jannes's user avatar
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What will happen if Cache-Control have `no-cache` and `max-age=900`?

What'll happen if I set server response as: Cache-Control: private,no-cache,max-age=900? What'll happen if the header is like: Cache-Control: public,no-cache,max-age=900? Since it has a no-cache ...
Asim K T's user avatar
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Set response header in Spring Boot

How can I set the response header for each call in my application made with Spring Boot? I would like to try to use a filter to intercept all the calls and be able to set the response header. I ...
Giampiero Poggi's user avatar
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Disable browser caching HTML5

I would like to know how to disable the browser cache, using HTML5. I found this useful post (How to control web page caching, across all browsers?), but it contains the info only for HTML4 or other ...
Giampiero Poggi's user avatar
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How to automatically refresh external data loaded into Javascript variables in HTML?

I have digital information written as Javascript variables by PHP into a .txt-File. This information gets changed by a user at a different interval. var ISTUHSXDATE8 = '21.1.2018'; var ISTUHSXTIME8 = ...
Daniel Stappenbeck's user avatar
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Google Chrome Version 63.0.3239.84 (Official Build) (64-bit) Caching 302 Redirect Incorrectly?

After updating to Google Chrome Version 63.0.3239.84 (Official Build) (64-bit), I'm seeing some strange behavior in one of my 302 redirects (shown below). The cache-control headers are set to no-...
Luke A. Leber's user avatar
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URLResponse cached although response's cache-control header is set to no-cache

In my iOS app I want to cache images that are requested from different destinations. For downloading images I use URLSessionDataTasks with the default caching mechanism provided by URLSession.shared, ...
Kai's user avatar
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How to avoid browser caching anything from a specific page

I have a slideshow that I preview (custom html/js) and to make sure that I get the most recent version from the DB every time I start the slideshow preview, I have these cache statements in my html ...
Matt Welander's user avatar
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How to set Cache Control to no-cache in Tomcat 7?

I am trying to set the Cache Control for Tomcat 7 to the no-cache option. I have tried to use the ExpiresFilter in my web.xml as follows: <filter> <filter-name>ExpiresFilter</...
jgr208's user avatar
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How to prevent some background-images caching

adding some random number it works, but only for img <img src="" /> Is there any way to prevent caching prp. background-image? <div style="background-image: url(...
user avatar
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Gwt project is creating cache.js instead of cache.html.Where this configurations are made

In GWT , I have created two different projects,after compilationone is creating *.cache.html where else other one creating *.cache.js .Please assist why it is happening and where to config thess ...
chandru subramanian's user avatar
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Can't get Cache-Control working

When I inspect my website in Chrome's Network tab the Cache-Control is: Cache-Control:no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 I tried to: 1 - Edit .htaccess to include #...
Bryan Willy's user avatar
15 votes
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Laravel response Cache-Control headers always containing 'no-cache'

For some reason Laravel seems to be manipulating the response headers 'Cache-Control' on the very last moment. I want to make browser caching possible. class TestController extends Controller { ...
Riesjart's user avatar
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How to disable cache in Windows 10 on the Edge browser?

How to disable or delete browser cache in Windows 10 on the Edge browser? There are no options on preferences and developer tools (F12)
sayingu's user avatar
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How to disable cache for asynchronous HTTPWebRequest for Windows Phone application?

I am developing a mobile app using Rest API. I'm using Asynchronous calls as GetResponse method is not supported in Windows Phone 8 development. When I launch the application, it fetches the correct ...
Raghav Gaur's user avatar
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curl -X GET -I -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" does not bypass

I am doing the following $ curl -X GET -I -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" https:/myserver/myimage.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu) Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 22:55:31 GMT Content-Type: image/...
Gavin Yap's user avatar
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How to prevent cache with date/hour got from PHP?

I'm showing the date and hour in the website header, this date/hour get from a data base MySQL, these change every time, twice daily. The problem is that it shows an earlier date, i.e., one or two ...
Paul Proaño's user avatar
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Refresh site when accessed a second time [duplicate]

I would like to "force-load" an instance of a page every time it's accessed. The website in question is a "build your custom product"-kind of site and uses a multi-step form to guide customers ...
Christopher Richa's user avatar
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Browser back button and duplicate data entry

I follow the PRG pattern to avoid form resubmission problem when page is refreshed. These are the action metods: public ViewResult AddDcoument(){ ..... return View(); } [...
Mikayil Abdullayev's user avatar
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Prevent browser from caching uploading images

After loading page, I want to upload different images to server several times. Each time I choose image, ajax uploads it to server and then shows on screen. Problem is that it continues to upload the ...
David's user avatar
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Python urllib2 adding 'no-cache' to request header does not work

I am using python 2.7.3 with varnish-3.0.2. I am using python urllib2 library. I wish to force the server to bring back the latest data from the DB and not to use the varnish cache so I added the ...
user3350887's user avatar
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no-cache script without using Jquery

Hello I am trying to create a script which inserts into any webpage a meta tag to force no-cache. Currently this is my code and I dont want to use Jquery (as shown in Script to force IE8 cache ...
ArNx's user avatar
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how to verify "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"

I am learning about cache and how to manage it. I can see that static content like images, css files, js files gets stored in temporary folder when I open my website pages. But now when I added these ...
Onki's user avatar
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