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Express-session does not set cookies for request headers and response headers when deploy nodejs

I got struggle when I deploy my backend with EC2 and the domain after deploy is http://52.xx.xx.xx:8080. I can not set cookies for request header. The flow is that When the user clicks on "Login&...
Thuận Phát's user avatar
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Override default UTC time on static resources [duplicate]

I have set up static resource serving with SpringBoot like so: @Configuration @EnableWebMvc public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addResourceHandlers(...
Luka Jaković's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I get Backblazen B2 to respond with Access-Control-Allow-Origin?

I'm trying to fetch an image using JavaScript from a Backblaze bucket that is set to allPrivate. I have a correct authorization code that works if I fetch the image like this: echo '<img src="'...
Castles's user avatar
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How to Manage HTTP Response Headers in Apache for a Magento Site?

I want to update headers like Cache-Control, Expires, and Pragma, but I'm facing issues even after making changes in my .htaccess file. Current Configuration: I've added the following to my .htaccess ...
Arul's user avatar
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.css and .js was blocked due to MIME type mismatch

My HTML is being rendered as a string. This is how I set my headers. @app.after_request def apply_caching(response): response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/*" response....
unixcorn's user avatar
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HTML5 Audio player in R Shiny app goes to beginning of track when setting currentTime

I have created an audio player using R shiny which creates an audio player like this: tags$audio( src = "song.mp3", type = "audio/mp3", controls = "controls&...
TheDza's user avatar
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How to manually add response Access-Control-Allow headers to preflight requests

I have an express server ("express": "^4.19.2") set up and use this custom function to add response headers: const allowCORS = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction): ...
smaica's user avatar
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How do you get the object metadata for an S3 Bucket object when querying from javascript

I am getting an object from an S3 bucket using the GetObject command. I want to query some user defined metadata on the object. I can see that the metadata is included in the response headers but I ...
user63033's user avatar
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"Best" way to inject a Livewire component into the response with Laravel middleware

I want to add a Livewire component to every request using middleware rather than having to manually add the component. I've done a bit of research and have looked at Spatie's Laravel cookie consent ...
Chris's user avatar
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PDF uploaded within a folder downloads when viewed on phone browser - I want to change that to View

Noticed that when I click on a direct link to a PDF ( on my phone it downloads and then gives an option to view (Would you like to open the downloaded file?) instead of ...
Vinith Almeida's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 6 Web API : missing "Allow-Control-Allow-Headers" headers in response

In my ASP.NET Core 6 Web API, I enabled CORS following this article: MS article. The API endpoint works, but there is no expected header Access-Control-Allow-Origin in the response: API response ...
Bing Code's user avatar
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Cloudflare response headers not setting image/png

I have a Next app with an endpoint api/download?icon=UUID which downloads an png image. In localhost everything is working fine, the problem is with the live version that uses cloudflare, the response ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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.NET Core json response differences between Chrome and Firefox

I wrote a Minimal Web API with this code: app.MapGet("/api/getLogs", async (HttpContext context) => { context.Response.Headers.ContentType = "application/json"; data =...
Peter's user avatar
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JBOSS appends charset=ISO-8859-1 in response headers

JBOSS v7.4 appends charset=ISO-8859-1 to my js files due to which browser throws "Unexpected token" error for files with special characters. The same file loads correctly on Weblogic and ...
Shaik Taher's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) Error: `headers` was called outside a request scope. next.js14

when i go to chats page The page is not responding due to this error, and when I open the console, I find the number of errors increasing non-stop, and this sentence appears to me: Uncaught (in ...
khayal's user avatar
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Unable to remove Cross-Origin-opener-Policy in MV3 chrome extension

The below code updates a few network request rules. Now if you look at rule id 2 we remove certain headers. I can see all of the other headers removal taking effect but not the Cross-Origin-Opener-...
Kritidipto Ghosh's user avatar
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Access-Control-Allow-Origin is null even when set in web.config

We have a vulnerability reported in our application. Access-Control-Allow-Origin is reflecting the same origin value that is calling the resource. It is happening because Access-Control-Allow-Origin ...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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Flask: How to return the "Retry-After" header (flask.Response.retry_after ?) [duplicate]

I have a Python + Flask web app that serves files. The file needs a time to be made, that may vary from few seconds to few minutes. If a request comes and the file is not ready, the "Error 503&...
Nanno's user avatar
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HeadersAlreadySentException: Headers already sent in Error in Yii2 framework

I encounter an issue where my Yii2 project are giving below error on hosting. Running fine on local. Fatal error: Uncaught yii\web\HeadersAlreadySentException: Headers already sent in/home8/nakkadka/...
yai's user avatar
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Allow both `'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'` and `Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors *"`

I have the following conf.d/prod.conf. It does not raise Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. because of add_header Content-...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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How to set up the link for the paginated files in the Get Rows(V2) Logic App connector and pass it via Azure API call?

I have created a Logic App and doing the pagination of the result retrieved by Get Rows(V2) connector. The threshold is set to 1500 and it is working fine. The test case file has 4484 records and the ...
Atul's user avatar
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Simple proxy to change Content-Disposition header (AWS Preferred)

I'm working on a use-case that involves retrieving files from an external source (out of my control) which serves them with a Content-Disposition header set to attachment. I would like to serve these ...
David Carli-Arnold's user avatar
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Remove server header in IIS 10.0 when the subfolders in the request path are more than the maxUrlSegments attribute (default value 32)

I have a situation in which I cannot control the response from the IIS when the request contains many subfolders that exceed the value of the maxUrlSegments setting (default = 32). See image: In fact,...
Kostis's user avatar
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Content-Disposition HTTP Header

A website returns JSON as response but the response header says the content-disposition type is attachment is there any specific reason for it.. I am creating a RestAPI should I do the same does this ...
Mathew Styris's user avatar
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Duplicate response headers with same values in IIS 8

We are using IIS 8 for serving static contents and angular UI code for our website. Added some custom headers in web.config recently for security vulnerability fixes. After this change , each custom ...
Ram reddy S's user avatar
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Link rel="preload" not working for assets loaded within iframe

I have a page with a same-origin iframe. I know that iframe is going to need some CSS/JS assets so I issue Link headers to preload them from the page that contains the iframe. Example of the header: ...
tvanc's user avatar
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Using serve-handler to update custom headers

I'm trying to use serve-handler to make a custom response header to change the content-disposition. Unfortunately I am a complete beginner so I am way out of my comfort zone and struggling to proceed ...
David Macchione's user avatar
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Cargo website customize css for mobile only

My website looks good on desktop but on mobile version, the header is in a weird placement. How do i change the header font size and placement without it changing for desktop version. Also my images ...
CSS's user avatar
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How to fetch response header data in nextjs?

In my nextjs app, i want to fetch response headers of this http request. i can see all response headers in browser's devtools in network section like this; devtools However, i cannot fetch them inside ...
aydosenes's user avatar
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How to get headers from response of a server route

The process will be like this: The user will click a button and they will receive an Email. Within the email, there is a link that will send a GET request to the server. The server will then route to ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Where are the exposed headers informing my Rate Limit for the Geni API?

Anytime I use the Client Side Flow to authorize my Geni app with OAuth2, I can successfully get it to authenticate me but I receive the error: {"error":{"type":"ApiException&...
Guy's user avatar
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Why did my menu disappear when I added styles for my carousel?

I tried to create two CSS files but it doesn't work. I have joined below my code, HTML, header CSS and Carousel CSS and javascript to create a responsive header. From the screenshot I have sent can ...
Titia16's user avatar
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Adobe Target: Unable to load all site elements in the editor

I'm in the process of migrating to Adobe Target for our A/B testing solution. I have Target successfully installed via Adobe Data Collection. However, not all the page elements load in the editor when ...
Olivia Davis's user avatar
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Open Api generator doesn't add any information about response headers to generated code

I have following open api specification description: openapi: 3.0.3 ... /foo: get: operationId: foo parameters: - name: bar in: query required: true ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Error: Parse Error - Invalid header value char in Node.js

I'm encountering a "Parse Error: Invalid header value char" in my Node.js application. The error stack trace points to an issue in the TLSSocket.socketOnData function. I've checked my code, ...
user18528865's user avatar
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How to extract headers.response value and use it in next request?

API request response.headers shows as below: Headers([('server', 'nginx'), ('content-type', 'application/json'), ('content-length', '86'), ('content-encoding', 'gzip'), ('bd-tt-error-code', '0'), ('...
neatsof's user avatar
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Unable to preserve HTTP/2 headers list when extracting frame using editcap. Hex Dump Matches

When I used editcap to extract a HTTP/2 Frame from a Captured PCAP using tcpdump, the HTTP/2 headers don't show up in extracted frame, but the Hex dump matches. I am using the below editcap command to ...
Devavrat Agnihotri's user avatar
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Add headers in a route middleware in Nux 3

I'm migrating a Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 application and I need to add an header to the responses that arrive to a specific page. While I'm aware on how to add named route middleware in Vue components, I'm ...
CBD's user avatar
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Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive for style-src

I've removed all the inline CSS from my application which were present before. But still I'm getting error as "Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security ...
Debashis's user avatar
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In Chrome console: Error with Permissions-Policy-Report-Only header: Feature fullscreen's parameters are ignored

How do I get the Permissions-Policy-Report-Only header to call the reporting endpoint? I am trying to use this header to collect data from the browser, say when the unload event gets called or when ...
mypseudonym's user avatar
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OpenMetadata set custom HTTP headers in web application

I am working on the OpenMetadata this moment. Seems like backend of the web application is written in Java. I am interested in, if I can set custom HTTP headers from UI ? Or it requires to change the ...
gachdavit's user avatar
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next.js does a fetch instead of a redirect with a text/x-component content-type

I have a function in a next.js v13 app router app that ends with a redirect: ... return NextResponse.redirect(redirectUrl.toString() Instead of redirecting to a page, it instead informs the browser ...
PGT's user avatar
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Asp.Net MVC5 - how to remove ,,Server" header from static elements response (e.g svg files)

I'm trying to remove Server information from headers response in mvc5 application. I added following code to application, which take care for most of server responses: protected void ...
DawDiag's user avatar
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Ktor Response Headers showing null for Set-Cookies

I am making a Gradle KotlinJS App, and I am new to Kotlin. I am using Ktor to ping an API to log in, and from looking at the browser records, I am receiving the return token as a Set-Cookie in the ...
H Zaman's user avatar
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Set-Cookie doesn't set cookies (backend: nodejs, frontend: react)

I had a assignment where I had to implement Login / Logout functionality. The app was very simple, so I used the very simple approach. While I was working on localhost - everything went well) But ...
Artem Zakharchuk's user avatar
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JMeter - Extracting the 'code' from response header

I am trying to extract the 'code' from the response header of GET request. The code is needed to authenticate a sign in. I am able to extract the 'code'- however it only works about 50% of the time. ...
mitchm001's user avatar
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unable to remove x-powered-by and server headers for non-page resources (png, css, js, etc.) on ASP .NET Core web app in Azure

I have a web app running on ASP .NET Core in Azure. The web config is as specified below. When I view the page in Edge, and look at the headers for a web page, the X-Powered-By and Server response ...
WayneRoseberry's user avatar
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Setting Headers in Response in ControllerBase vs ControllerClassHavingActualAPIs

I am currently working on an existing project which has below structure. In the APIs response header needs to be populated. Controller folder | |---> ServiceControllerBase.cs |---> ...
Aastha's user avatar
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Getting NullReference Exception when trying to set this.Response.Headers

I have to set the "client-id" header in the API response. I have below controller function which is implemented in a class ProtectionControllerBase. "PolicyControllerBase : BaseClass&...
Aastha's user avatar
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How to remove the ETag header from the response served by the FileServer

How Can i remove the "ETag" response header which is set in gobuffalo fileServer ? I have tried creating a middleware function : func RemoveETagHeader(next buffalo.Handler) buffalo.Handler {...
galba galba's user avatar

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