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How to add hash strings to custom resources urls in a Bokeh Application?

I am programming a Bokeh Server Application with templates. I have added some custom CSS and JS files. But when I make some changes the files are reloaded from the cache and I cannot see the new ...
ChesuCR's user avatar
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html5 audio player with no cache

I want to have a html5 audio player that plays a shoutcast stream with no cache. I've tried the answer given here Link and tried to load the stream with a php file, But it doesn't work for me, what ...
Jannes's user avatar
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Disable browser caching HTML5

I would like to know how to disable the browser cache, using HTML5. I found this useful post (How to control web page caching, across all browsers?), but it contains the info only for HTML4 or other ...
Giampiero Poggi's user avatar
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How to avoid browser caching anything from a specific page

I have a slideshow that I preview (custom html/js) and to make sure that I get the most recent version from the DB every time I start the slideshow preview, I have these cache statements in my html ...
Matt Welander's user avatar
3 votes
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How to prevent some background-images caching

adding some random number it works, but only for img <img src="" /> Is there any way to prevent caching prp. background-image? <div style="background-image: url(...
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no-cache script without using Jquery

Hello I am trying to create a script which inserts into any webpage a meta tag to force no-cache. Currently this is my code and I dont want to use Jquery (as shown in Script to force IE8 cache ...
ArNx's user avatar
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how to verify "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"

I am learning about cache and how to manage it. I can see that static content like images, css files, js files gets stored in temporary folder when I open my website pages. But now when I added these ...
Onki's user avatar
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No cache for some html pages

I've a code that every time fill in a HTML file with a new content and this file is called on my website by ... but when I change the file content and then go to my page, the page shows the old ...
dpedoneze's user avatar
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How to load nocache.js form html page other than default page?

I m developing a web application using GWT technology. But i m facing the loading time problem in my application.It take about 1min 30sec to load. This problem is being faced only when application ...
Piyush Srivastava's user avatar
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Automatically fetch fresh PDF document when opening in new window

I know that headers can ensure a page that is fetched is always fresh: How to control web page caching, across all browsers? But I just need to fetch a PDF in a new window. I'm using the following ...
user961627's user avatar
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What's best way to present no-cache? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Using <meta> tags to turn off caching in all browsers? I am just curious as one html tag it's efficient for no-cache. <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-...
Andrew Allen West's user avatar
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How to verify if caching is disabled (IE7)?

I'm developing an application that utilizes PDFLib to serve my users dynamic PDF files summarizing their accounts and need to ensure that these pages are not being cached (some sensitive data is ...
Matt's user avatar
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HTML5-compliant cache-control no-cache inside the document?

This is probably a duplicate question but none of the solutions I've found by searching the internet will validate at w3c. I don't have granular control at the document-level on the hosting-company's ...
Tim's user avatar
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