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Get execution time of symfony http client

I want to get the number of seconds an http request takes. I have this code: $starttime = microtime(true); $response = $this->httpClient->request( 'POST', $endpoint, [ '...
Cyrus's user avatar
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LARAVEL_START inconsistent with multiple queue workers

In my Laravel app, I want to add the job execution time to each job's log. To do this I am subtracting LARAVEL_START from the current microtime() like this: $data['meta']['requestDuration'] = round((...
Stanley Richter's user avatar
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I have a C# function that I have to execute every 50ms. But execution of the function sometimes takes>50ms. How can I manage this problem? [duplicate]

In my C# script, I have a C# function that I have to execute exactly every 50ms for 20 seconds. I am doing this with a C# microtimer dll.
Mustafa Levrek's user avatar
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Why is it that when the number of loops is increased, the execution is faster than when the number of loops is small?

Why is this code is faster the executiont time: $start_foreach = microtime(true); $counter = 1; foreach (range(1, 1000) as $number) { $counter++; } $end_foreach = microtime(true); $time_foreach = (...
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microtime() or hrtime() for generating a unique number in a foreach loop

This has been asked before I think, but with key differences in the details... So I want to group an array of product sub-arrays by a specific grouping value found in some sub-arrays. The grouping ...
Faye D.'s user avatar
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PHP (poor man's profiler) incorrect hrtime() difference

I'm implementing so-called poor man's profiling in PHP and doing it pretty straightforward way as you would expect: $start = hrtime(true); // API request is more than 1 second long $response = $this-&...
Paul T. Rawkeen's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is there a microtime.h library for C

I have a C program that has #include <microtime.h> in the header, but when I compile it with GCC or g++, it shows the error - fatal error: microtime.h: No such file or directory 2 | #include ...
sunny's user avatar
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Get latest from array of microtimes

I am looping through a list of files and grabbing their modified date, which is returned in microtime format: int(1633986072) int(1633971686) int(1634014866) int(1634000474) I can loop through these, ...
wharfdale's user avatar
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convert Unixtime to microtime

The data aer in der MySql database, the dates in unixtime. I coulde save it ohterwise, the input from the user is a norlman date, I transform it as a Unixtime in to the database. Now I ...
tgh's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular 9 Issue: Unable to run the initial application

Can someone help me to resolve the following issue? I am following the document to set up the initial application on my windows machine but ...
rockey91's user avatar
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Weird Issue on a benchmark in PHP

I have wrote this snippet to test the time that it takes to cast a string to integer and I tried this one here for fun but the result was so interesting. <?php $s = "123456789"; $t = microtime(...
Mahdi Bagheri's user avatar
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How to get missing time to a microtime from another one, formatted (H:i:S) with PHP?

i am new to stackOverflow, i was wondering how could i get the missing time date to a microtime(true) starting from another microtime(true), and get it formatted like that (H:i:s). This is my code: $...
HerryYT's user avatar
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In PHP it possible to use microtime() inside another microtime()?

I have a loop with a number of functions I want to check how long the entire loop runs, and also each of the functions within the loop Is it possible to use a parent and many child microtime ...
Dazzle's user avatar
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Stop execution till the beginning of the next hour

I successfully find (i think) how many microseconds have to pass till the beginning of the next hour but usleep() function shows warning Number of microseconds must be greater than or equal to 0 $...
Professor Chaos's user avatar
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Convert microtime(true) to javascript date object

Can the value of PHP's microtime(true) be converted to a javascript date object, and the accuracy to be preserved ?
Alex's user avatar
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Measuring a duration with microtime results randomly in zero

I am having a loop like this: <?php ini_set('memory_limit', '16024M'); ini_set('set_time_limit', 9999); ini_set('max_execution_time', 9999); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); ini_set('...
n.r.'s user avatar
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microtime showing 1.52214531583E+12

I am using round(microtime(true) * 1000); for generating current timestamp in 13 digits. But it is not returning me correct 13 digit values instead it return something like this: 1.52214531583E+12 ...
Paritosh Mahale's user avatar
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Update Input field value with javascript

I am trying to build a javascript function that will update an input field every second with a new number. This is essentially what I'm hoping my function can do, and hopefully someone can give me a ...
PhysicsIsRelativelyCool's user avatar
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node.js reliable microtime setTimeout?

How do I shoot an event EXACTLY after given time in milliseconds? Is there any module for that? I was looking for it on google, but didn't find anything satisfactory...
Flash Thunder's user avatar
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MD5 ($_POST['username'] + microtime()) says it encountered a non-numeric value since new PHP version

I reinstalled WAMP and now I have PHP version 7.1.9 (before this I had 7.0 x). A part of the code doesn't work anymore without warning/notice reports. - Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in ...
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PHP MySQLi prepared statements select rows that are added to records in specific time

I'm having a similar error: PHP mysqli condition greater than or less than symbol error But I don't find a solution to this since my application is a bit different. I have following statement right ...
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create unique string in php with base_convert and limited length

I need a string with max 6 length and mixed of number and alphabet. I checked: How can I make short random unique keys, like YouTube video IDs, in PHP? and PHP generate a unique string that was ...
Mehrdad Dadkhah's user avatar
-4 votes
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Elapsed Time in PHP?

I've seen several questions on this topic, all with the same basic answer. Use microtime() to record the start and end time, then subtract. Mostly this works, except when the event spans the point ...
Sloan Thrasher's user avatar
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Postgresql how to store PHP microtime (true)

I am trying to store PHP microtime to postgres DB, i tried to use timestamp datatype however i got an error. this is how i am trying to store it to BD (Laravel framework) <?php $...
Dahab's user avatar
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PHP how to use micro-time as order id, need micro-time in 9 digit encode/decode formula.

I used From 1/1/2000, 12:00:00 AM (epoch: 946665000) To(current time) 8/11/2016, 12:00:00 PM (epoch: 1478586600) Difference in seconds: 531921600 ...
Raidon's user avatar
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Find PHP microtime 1 day ago

How to find 1 day ago time in PHP microtime() format. I am trying like this. But still showing the current time. $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('-1 day')); $val = microtime($date);
Naren's user avatar
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how to convert minutes into microtime

I have a session which contains microtime(true) value. like below: Yii::app()->user->setState('portal_logged_time', microtime(true)); Now i want to add 15 minutes in above session, but it ...
DS9's user avatar
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PHP - how to generate different timestamps in the loop?

How can I loop an array and create different timestamp for each iteration? $array = array( 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two' ); foreach( $array as $key => $value ){ var_dump( "CONTENT_" . ...
Run's user avatar
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PHP microtime - microseconds format

If PHP's microtime() function were to be executed at a point in time where the resulting microseconds are zero, what format does it result in? Would it look like this? 0.00 1467926279? Or this? 0 ...
jagershark's user avatar
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memory_get_usage() & microtime()

Good day! I have this code: final class bench { protected static $start_time; protected static $start_memory; public static function start() { self::$start_time = microtime(...
LittleByte's user avatar
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PHP microtime missing digits

In PHP, when using microtime(true), I am expecting to get in most cases 6 digits to the right of the decimal. <?php //version 5.5.31 $time = microtime(); $timeTrue = microtime(true); var_dump($...
matt's user avatar
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How to format time difference with micro seconds

I want to get the time difference between the two times below. The format of the time difference should be hours minutes seconds and then micro seconds. I want the final answer in this format only. $...
BEDI's user avatar
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How to use Regex to match PHP time() or microtime() in a string?

I currently have a regex command which matches php time in a string: preg_match( '/([a-z]+)_([0-9]{9,})\.jpg/i', $aName, $lMatches ); How can I modify this to also match microtime() in the same ...
David's user avatar
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Need Help Creating BackUp directory

$backuparray = implode("|",$songarray1); file_put_contents("backups/".microtime("tunes.txt"),$backuparray); How do I get my backup directory to link a txt file using microtime , owner id , ...
Ash Jackson's user avatar
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How to pass microtime(true); (php) in an html form

and then i want to call a php file with a submit button so i can know how many times it took to the person to take the test <p class="Text"><font face="Arial"><font face="Arial">&...
Eric Tremblay's user avatar
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PHP - Convert specific hour into microtime

I need to know how to convert 07:00pm of the current date in microtime. Sorry if this is a silly question but I cannot find the answer anywhere
Anonymous's user avatar
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PHP microtime() is correct?

I have used microtime() to check code execution time. But it seems very strange like time tracked is not correct. So in my test.php, I have code like following: $debug = true; $start = microtime(...
Codemole's user avatar
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Php microtime() is not working on live site. Looking for workaround

I have Zend Server 6.3 and Php 5.4 on Windows. And system works very well. Now I moved code to live site, which runs Php 5.3.29 on Ubuntu Server with DirectAdmin. All other website are running well ...
KestutisIT's user avatar
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Get current timestamp in milliseconds [duplicate]

I want to get current timestamp with milliseconds in PHP something like below, in JavaScript I use 1436030635348 I tried something like below: $time = str_replace(".","",microtime(true))...
Vishnu's user avatar
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Can $_SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"] be repeated for more than one device at the same time

I try to make function that generate random id using $_SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"] and microtime() , so i ask if if $_SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"] Can be repeated for more than one device at the same time
bnabriss's user avatar
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Need a timestamp with microseconds as Decimal

Currently I'm using time.time() to create timestamps that include microtime. But primarily I'm comparing these against a decimal and time.time() returns a float. Currently I convert the value from ...
Shane H's user avatar
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Get Time Ticks in PHP

Consider this line of code in C# ordernumber.Value = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); How to get same ordernumber.Value in PHP $ordernumberValue = microtime(); //? I try to this echo microtime(...
user1859327's user avatar
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Fetching data from mysql table using php microtime not working properly

I am displaying a long list of sales details from a table in mysql. The problem is I am being able to fetch data only for a month. As soon as the month changes it doesnt display anything. For ex: data ...
Ayan's user avatar
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laravel get microtime from database

In a MySQL database I have a datetime field stored like this: 2015-05-12 13:58:25.000508 But when I execute this query, for example: $query = SdkEvent::with('sdkEventStack'); if (...
karmous's user avatar
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measure execution times of function

PHP $totalTimeFunction=0; function f1() { $t1=microtime(true); for($i=0;$i<900;$i++) {} $t2=microtime(true); $p=($t2-$t1); $GLOBALS['totalTimeFunction']+=$p; } $t1=...
ashkufaraz's user avatar
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microtime in second with 2 decimals

I try calculate time of an act in second with 2 decimals. protected function microtimeFormat($data) { $duration = microtime(true) - $data; $hours = (int)($duration/60/60); ...
alia an's user avatar
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Measuring the time of PHP scripts - Using $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']

Are this methods a reliable way to measure a script: $time = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); or $time = (microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']); Which one ...
Ash501's user avatar
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Force to display regular decimal number

I'm running a benchmark test of doing nothing so the results is pretty fast. Here is my code: $time_start = microtime(true); //Do Nothing... $time = microtime(true) - $time_start; echo 'Took '.$...
iprophesy's user avatar
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remove all strings from microtime and add minutes to it

im usng this code to get php microtime $date = round(microtime(true) * 1000); the echo result i get like this 1.42020381242E+12 how do i make sure the microtime is just numbers no special ...
Youssef Al Subaihi's user avatar
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PHP microtime() conversion to microseconds

I want to get seconds and microseconds in one variable using the microtime(). If I do this: $initial_time = microtime(); echo (explode(' ', $initial_time)[1]) . "\n"; echo (explode(' ', $initial_time)...
Mindaugas Bernatavičius's user avatar