In a MySQL database I have a datetime field stored like this:

2015-05-12 13:58:25.000508

But when I execute this query, for example:

    $query = SdkEvent::with('sdkEventStack');

            if (isset($params['CO_ID']) && $params['CO_ID'] != "") {
                $query->where('CO_ID', $params['CO_ID']);

            if (isset($params['APP_ID']) && $params['APP_ID'] != "") {
                $query->where('APP_ID', $params['APP_ID']);

            if (isset($params['app_ip']) && $params['app_ip'] != "") {
                $query->where('SDKEVENT_IP', 'LIKE', $params['app_ip'].'%');

            if (isset($params['PLACE_ID']) && $params['PLACE_ID'] != "") {
                $query->where('PLACEMENT_ID', $params['PLACE_ID']);

    $sdks = $query->get();

I get the datetime like this: 2015-05-12 13:58:25 Why am I not getting the microseconds ?

  • What type of datetype do you have it stored as in MySQL? Commented May 28, 2015 at 17:47

1 Answer 1


It isn't an issue with Laravel, it is an issue with PDO, which Laravel uses for making database queries.

For more info see this other question: PHP How to return datetime(6) from Mysql?

or the actual bug report


You can pull microseconds by using a DB::select() statement. For example:

$test = DB::select("SELECT id, DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%f') as date FROM test");

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