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Facing an error while creating and merge a gitlab mr using python script

I'm trying to create and merge a gitlab mr using python script, the mr was created without any error, but I got an error message while trying to merge it "422, {"message":"Branch ...
yelmir's user avatar
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Conflict in merge request in GitLab but no conflict on local

Hello, I created a new branch from the 'develop' branch (I pulled before to be up-to-date with GitLab), I worked on my new branch then I pushed my new branch to GitLab. Then I created a merge request ...
Oupat's user avatar
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GitLab comments "on an outdated change" unreadable and unresolvable

In a GitLab merge request I'm reviewing, many of my comments have changed to this form: \<username\> \<@usertag\> started a thread on an outdated change in commit xxxxxxxx 1 week ago Last ...
Jonathan Sachs's user avatar
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Is gitlab merge request global id auto increment?

I can use gitlab merge request's API to list merge requests, and find that mr's id behaves auto increment. But I cannot find any document about this feature. In gitlab source code, this filed is just ...
Animeta's user avatar
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Gitlab pipeline is not starting when create merge request

I need to trigger the gitlab pipeline automatically when creating a Merge Request. This pipeline should start automatically before clicking on merge. I have written this pipeline but not working as I ...
Akila Peiris's user avatar
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Gitlab Changelog Trailer in Template

We are attempting to have a Changelog : entry added to every MR and in our MR template we've added the line Changelog: added. But we also have JIRA integration which adds it's own MR comments and ...
Gandalf's user avatar
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Merge requests data extraction from Gitlab API

I am trying to extract merge requests data from Gitlab, through calling the API. I change the value after per_page to higher numbers however it does not work and it still only get 100 rows while I ...
user25445238's user avatar
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GitLab "Merged Result" Pipeline - Does it change all existing pipelines?

I've found the (a?) documentation page for these: And I've found the check-box in the settings: But I'm not clear on whether this ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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Adding more than one reviewer to a GitLab merge request

I would like to add more than one reviewer to a merge request. I tried to add a reviewer, but in GitLab you can only add one. Is there a way to add multiple reviewers to a merge request?
fesis87060's user avatar
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Trigger jobs on a CI/CD pipeline on merge of the merge request

I am currently working on a CI/CD pipeline on gitlab. I have 5 different stages : install test package deploy cleanup What I want to do is to trigger the cleanup jobs that clean the deployed dev ...
Mowgli Is Famous's user avatar
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Add Default Thread to Gitlab Merge Requests

I'd like to add a default Thread to every merge request that gets created for my Gitlab project. This would be automatically added on MR creation, and used to display a checklist of administrative ...
MrSmiles's user avatar
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How to run a job only once a MR gets merged and know what MR got merged?

I'm trying to run a GitLab pipeline job to move a Trello card to a different list, when the corresponding MR gets merged, but the job needs the MR's IID, to fetch its description, which contains the ...
eduter's user avatar
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"Remove all commits" when a commit added is not working after adding a new commit

I'm currently facing an issue with GitLab merge requests in self-hosted gitlab. Description of the Problem: "Remove all commits" when a commit added is not working after adding a new commit....
Igor Samarskiy's user avatar
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How to Add a Note to a GitLab Merge Request Post-Successful Merge?

I'm looking for a straightforward way to leave a note for a Merge Request after it has been successfully merged. Ideally, I'd like this note to prompt the user to execute a specific URL, something ...
Daniel Machnik's user avatar
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Merge Request Job stuck in Gitlab Pipeline

This job is stuck because of one of the following problems. There are no active runners online, no runners for the protected branch, or no runners that match all of the job's tags: $RUNNER_TAG Go to ...
Akila Peiris's user avatar
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Git Pipeline Fails ModuleNotFoundError of Own Module

I want to merge my feature branch into the general development branch. The feature branch contains new modules being used. When I run the testing pipeline in the merge request, it fails due to a ...
ndehler's user avatar
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Automatic merge of an MR on GitLab

I have recently stumbled upon a use-case where I want to make MRs into my master branch automatically. Every one of those MRs would edit a documentation file which does not in any way affect business ...
Jason's user avatar
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Select commits from gitlab develop branch to create merge request to main

I have develop and main branches on gitlab. I want to create a merge request from develop to main includes a part of commits. Some of commits should be in merge request. What should I do? I tried git ...
Zahra Raddani's user avatar
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GitLab prevent commits to existing merge request

I created a merge request with 10 commits from the feature branch to the main branch. The merge request is not yet closed, mean while created another commit in the feature branch. New commit is ...
Ramakrishna Yelduti's user avatar
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How can I create a private merge request template with GitLab?

Is it possible to create a merge request template for me and only me? According to the documentation it is possible to create a merge template for a repository but I want a template just for me and ...
Kevin White's user avatar
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Multiline comment on merge request with GitLab REST API

I'm trying to post a comment that spans multiple lines of the changes of a merge request on gitlab, using the gitlab REST API. So far I've managed to make the comment spanning multiple lines using the ...
Thijs Janse's user avatar
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Differentiate between Gitlab webhook events

Is there a way to differentiate between Gitlab webhook events, specifically merge_request events with the action update. It seems like the payload for (lets say) a Label change is the same as marking ...
gobsej's user avatar
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Gitlab Workflow Config Prevent Duplicate Pipelines, Enable Branch, MR & Schedule Pipelines

The idea is to allow the following functions in the Gitlab Workflow config - Branch pipelines MR pipelines with MR labels Schedule pipelines And to run without creating duplicate pipelines (branch ...
Theo Sweeny's user avatar
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gitlab CICD pipeline(Sonarqube) trigger only for Merge Requests [duplicate]

Below CICD code automatically triggers when we push the code into "cicd-setup" branch. Here both "build-stage" and "sonar-stage" both automatically trigger when we PUSH ...
user18665270's user avatar
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How to create a merge request for forked repo into main repo via Gitlab REST Api

What I try to accomplish to merge changes of forked repo into main repo. Both repo’s master branch are protected. I can accomplish it via Gitlab web pages. But unfortunately, Gitlab rest api for merge ...
Gursel Koca's user avatar
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TeamCity trigger build with many VCS roots on merge request but with merge request code coming only from one repo

I'm using TeamCity 2019.2 with Gitlab and I have set up already a build which can be triggered whenever there is a merge request created. So my build uses 4 vcs roots and I've found when there is an ...
Adam Kiryluk's user avatar
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How to auto approve renovate merge requests in gitlab?

We use RenovateBot to update our dependencies in GitLab. To avoid that every request have to be approved by a specific amount of persons, I want to auto approve all MRs of renovate. In the ...
JuliusH4's user avatar
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Review only a part of a merge request in Gitlab

In merge request page Gitlab offers a tab "Changes" that show the sum of all the differences made in all the commits. This is useful for final review instead of checking single commits that ...
LeonFibuck's user avatar
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GitLab merge request blocked with pipeline must succeed, but no pipeline is set up

New to GitLab. I’m trying to merge a branch into a dev branch in a repo, however, the MR is blocked with the following message. However, this repo does not have a pipeline set up (screenshot). Plus, ...
user21810693's user avatar
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Pushing a branch for a merge request that was checked out locally via merge request ID

I am handling merge requests in Gitlab and I am facing merge conflicts. I want to merge locally and I am using the gitlab manual and tips to do so (see screenshot), but I fail to understand how I can ...
solarlights's user avatar
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Sonarqube comment on MR Gitlab

I'm trying to integrate Sonarqube's comment into GitLab's MR. But Unable to find a concrete document to do so. Attached is the reference on localhost I tried multiple methods to pick merge_requests in ...
nattvasan's user avatar
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How to push merge request properly to gitlab from terminal

My local branch already pushed to origin and set upstream (or not, tried both cases) Next i run the next command in my project connected to gitlab: git push (also added here "origin $branch" ...
Gadzhiev Islam's user avatar
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How to completely stop autodevops pipeline in gitlab 15.7.0?

Whenever i try to merge requests the pipeline automatically runs and gets stuck, this makes the merge request unable to approv. I tried disabling the Auto Devops, but this doesn't seem to be working ...
Ameeyr's user avatar
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Git command to get id's of opened merge requests

refs/merge-requests/*/head return all list of merge request (merged & opened) is it possible to get id's of opened requests only? without gitlab cli all merge requests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 closed: 1, 2, ...
name surname's user avatar
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Resolve git conlfict with a merge request instead of pushing directly to branch

I have a question about a problem when merging branches after resolving conflict in Gitlab. The conflict is not the issue in itself but I fail to understand what is happening under the hood. The setup ...
David Bowman's user avatar
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Gitlab merge doesn't see difference between 2 branches

Sometimes when I want to merge branch "foo" which has around 40 files modified to "production", Gitlab doesn't show me even one difference. => On local, I did a git fetch and on ...
Jonathan V.'s user avatar
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Are commits preserved by GitLab even after the branch is deleted after MR get merged

In our development using GitLab we usually squash commits from feature branches when they are merged in main branch (we use rebase strategy instead of merge if it matters). But if the commits from ...
uranix's user avatar
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How to trigger a pipeline once the code is meged and approved in gitlab?

How do we trigger a pipeline in gitlab once the PR is merged and approved. Below is my code: contactcreate-tst2-19: stage: deploy script: - 'curl --request POST --form token=<token> --...
Shreyas Murali's user avatar
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GitLab Secrets Detection - Pipeline doesn't fail - Only checks last commit

In order to implement secrets detector via pipeline on merge requests in my GitLab repository, I followed this document from GitLab here: "Enable Secret Detection | Edit the file ...
Abdullah Khawer's user avatar
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How do I remove myself as MR participant in Gitlab? (NOT notifications toggle)

My project frequently demotes MRs back to Draft when the dev needs to do substantial work before further review. I get removed as a reviewer but not as a participant and so I still get notifications/...
Scott Bishop's user avatar
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How do I fix/undo/revert my git project when I've mistakenly clicked the "Create merge request" to edit an issue?

After editing an issue, I clicked the Create merge request button, instead of the Save changes button. And I found something shown up in the "Merge requests" panel. I am not a git expert ...
AGamePlayer's user avatar
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Draft merge request in GitLab is two commits behind--click "Mark as ready", or pull/rebase first?

I need your help to determine the correct order events I should follow before I perform a specific type of merge in GitLab. I have a "Draft" merge request which has the prefix "Draft:&...
ShieldOfSalvation's user avatar
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On Gitlab, is there a commonly used procedure, similar to a Merge Request, for changes that rewrite the git history?

Something we could call a "Reset Request", because instead of requesting to merge the feature branch into master, we'd be requesting to reset master to the feature branch. The use-cases for ...
LoneCodeRanger's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a gitlab pipeline job only once, when a merge request is created?

Is it possible to configure a job in a gitlab pipeline to only run once, when a merge request is created? Using the rule " '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"' " does ...
laoal11's user avatar
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How to have two approvals by the same user in gitlab merge request approvals? (GitLab)

We have created two user groups to accept merges request. The group "Testing" and "Code review". Some users are in both groups. Our merges request need two approvals to be merged. ...
xxT3's user avatar
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Recent Pushed Commit info on Files and Merge/Pull Request in Gitlab and Github

I see an info message on the Files and Merge Request that I made recently pushed commits with an option to create a merge request with the main branch. I'm just curious how it helps other developers ...
user3425090's user avatar
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looking for svn merge request application like gitlab or github that can support new merge request and do merge by the repo maintainer

Are there any open source softwares that can support such function? here is my svn management requirements: a developer call Mike commits sth to A branch Mike creates a new merge request,which source ...
madwolf's user avatar
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MR squash is removing commit message details

I was working in a branch and my commit had a very detailed message. The format was: Title Details (multiple lines). I created an MR but when the MR was merged I can see the merge commit and my new ...
Jim's user avatar
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Generate GitLab Merge Request when a push comes in via CI/CD Pipeline using Bash and cURL

So, I've been beating my head around this for a few days and could use some help. Initially, I found the gitlab blog post from 2017:
ZenOokami's user avatar
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How to create an alert system for all new/un-merged merge requests to report in a single groups/mail/slack channel?

As we usually work on multiple repositories , we list the pending merge-requests for a single repository(current repo) in github/gitlab UI. Is there a way to configure a system , where all pending ...
Hussain Akhtar Wahid 'Ghouri''s user avatar