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Facing an error while creating and merge a gitlab mr using python script

I'm trying to create and merge a gitlab mr using python script, the mr was created without any error, but I got an error message while trying to merge it "422, {"message":"Branch ...
yelmir's user avatar
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Merge requests data extraction from Gitlab API

I am trying to extract merge requests data from Gitlab, through calling the API. I change the value after per_page to higher numbers however it does not work and it still only get 100 rows while I ...
user25445238's user avatar
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Is there a way to download the merge request details and save it to a xml file?

I have a GitLab repo. I want to download all the details of the merge requests I have done in my remote repo and save it to a file which can be xml or txt or csv or anything.. Is there anyway to do ...
R-K's user avatar
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Gitlab-PythonApi Merge request

How to check the merge request status in GitLab using a python API call, I want to check the status of approval before merging, based on the status of approval have to do some checks, once checks are ...
shahbaz's user avatar