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Gitlab pipeline is not starting when create merge request

I need to trigger the gitlab pipeline automatically when creating a Merge Request. This pipeline should start automatically before clicking on merge. I have written this pipeline but not working as I ...
Akila Peiris's user avatar
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Trigger jobs on a CI/CD pipeline on merge of the merge request

I am currently working on a CI/CD pipeline on gitlab. I have 5 different stages : install test package deploy cleanup What I want to do is to trigger the cleanup jobs that clean the deployed dev ...
Mowgli Is Famous's user avatar
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How to run a job only once a MR gets merged and know what MR got merged?

I'm trying to run a GitLab pipeline job to move a Trello card to a different list, when the corresponding MR gets merged, but the job needs the MR's IID, to fetch its description, which contains the ...
eduter's user avatar
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Merge Request Job stuck in Gitlab Pipeline

This job is stuck because of one of the following problems. There are no active runners online, no runners for the protected branch, or no runners that match all of the job's tags: $RUNNER_TAG Go to ...
Akila Peiris's user avatar
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Automatic merge of an MR on GitLab

I have recently stumbled upon a use-case where I want to make MRs into my master branch automatically. Every one of those MRs would edit a documentation file which does not in any way affect business ...
Jason's user avatar
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GitLab prevent commits to existing merge request

I created a merge request with 10 commits from the feature branch to the main branch. The merge request is not yet closed, mean while created another commit in the feature branch. New commit is ...
Ramakrishna Yelduti's user avatar
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Gitlab Workflow Config Prevent Duplicate Pipelines, Enable Branch, MR & Schedule Pipelines

The idea is to allow the following functions in the Gitlab Workflow config - Branch pipelines MR pipelines with MR labels Schedule pipelines And to run without creating duplicate pipelines (branch ...
Theo Sweeny's user avatar
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Sonarqube comment on MR Gitlab

I'm trying to integrate Sonarqube's comment into GitLab's MR. But Unable to find a concrete document to do so. Attached is the reference on localhost I tried multiple methods to pick merge_requests in ...
nattvasan's user avatar
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GitLab Secrets Detection - Pipeline doesn't fail - Only checks last commit

In order to implement secrets detector via pipeline on merge requests in my GitLab repository, I followed this document from GitLab here: "Enable Secret Detection | Edit the file ...
Abdullah Khawer's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a gitlab pipeline job only once, when a merge request is created?

Is it possible to configure a job in a gitlab pipeline to only run once, when a merge request is created? Using the rule " '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"' " does ...
laoal11's user avatar
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MR squash is removing commit message details

I was working in a branch and my commit had a very detailed message. The format was: Title Details (multiple lines). I created an MR but when the MR was merged I can see the merge commit and my new ...
Jim's user avatar
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how to make sure gitlab MR contains unit testcase or not

I want to enforce that each GitLab MR should contain unit test case(s). how to make sure GitLab MR contains unit test case or not Thank you!
kani's user avatar
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Gitlab duplicate pipelines for merged results and merge train

When I enable both merged results pipeline and merge trains, two pipelines will be triggered, one for merged results and the other for merge train. My question is that, why do we even bother waste ...
Bruce Jeaung's user avatar
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Count number of pipelines in a merge request in GitLab

In my .gitlab-ci.yml, I would like to give an incremental ID to every pipeline executed, but only relative to the merge request (the pipeline-ID is too large for my purposes), so the first pipeline ...
cbuchart's user avatar
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Gitlab ci rule for merge request event not works as expected

I have a gitlab pipeline and I'm trying to set a rule for a merge request event, i want to fire the rule when i have a merge request and the source branch is different from main and develop. I do that ...
dna's user avatar
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GitLab-CI: Why does a Merge Results pipeline build an unchanged result twice?

I'm trialing the "Ultimate" version of GitLab, in particular the Merge Results Pipeline feature, along with the related Merge Trains feature. I have Merge Results pipeline & Merge Trains ...
davidA's user avatar
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GitLab CI pipeline with failed job shows as "waiting for manual action" instead of "failed"

On commit 6daa4065 there are two jobs, build binaries and build manual binaries. The first job runs for the main branch and tags. The second branch runs for all other refs but is manual. The status of ...
Ethan Reesor's user avatar
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Merge request approval invalidates after new push

In gitlab is there a setting that affects if an approval for an MR is invalidated after a new commit is pushed? I have seen that in some setups a new commit invalidates the approval but in others not ...
Jim's user avatar
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Is there a way to check for a gitlab merge request approval status and then trigger the next stage in CI

I have a stage1 where it creates a merge request then after the merge request is approved by 3 approvers I manually trigger the stage2. But, I want to find a way where I can check the merge request ...
Vardhan's user avatar
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Run gitlab pipeline only for commits

Currently gitlab runs a pipeline when creating a merge request + branch with the GUI. Is it possible to skip this pipeline, since it's only repeats the last pipeline from the default branch? We tried ...
elsamuko's user avatar
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In gitlab, how to set "pipelines must succeed" only for specific branches but not others for a merge request to merge?

In the merge checks settings, I have enabled the "pipelines must succeed" option: But the branches without any jobs are stuck at merge by saying "waiting for pipelines status" and ...
shaik reyan's user avatar
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gitlab ci trigger pipeline after updating labels in merge request

If I created the MR with the bug label, it will trigger the label script; If I created the MR without the label, it will not trigger; even if I add the label later on the MR view, the CI will not ...
user3906723's user avatar
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Trigger a new pipeline on merge request creation in gitlab-ci

i have a mono repo structure and created a pipeline that only runs for specific sub folders which have changed. Now if i change something in Context1 and the pipeline does not succeed, and then change ...
philipk's user avatar
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Is there a way to trigger different commit builds on merge requests based on different file changes in GitlabCI?

We are migrating from tfs to gitlab. Ours is a huge repository with multiple technology stack. And each solution has its own unit tests associated. We are planning to allow merge requests to ...
Syamala Kadimi's user avatar
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How to use a Gitlab Merge Request to finish a release/hotfix branch using Gitflow?

So our company is using Gitflow. Can't currently change that. I have looked into github-flow and gitlab-flow, but we can't currently move to a different model. When finishing a hotfix or release ...
Squirrelkiller's user avatar