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How to integrate Code Beamer Ticket ID and its status with GitLab?

Whenever developer commits a code to GitLab, it should validate with the Ticket ID of the codebeamer and check the ticket status (open,close,inprogress). Gitlab should allow the push operation based ...
Vandana's user avatar
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Github auto deploy project with submodules on hostinger using webhook

I have a project that have a submodule, i want to auto deploy project with submodule on hostinger using github webhooks. I tried to set webhook and it works file, but it deploy only main project not ...
003 Ajay kumar's user avatar
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How to immediately fetch updated asset list after a webhook triggers on push to main branch?

I have set up a GitHub webhook that triggers on a push to the main branch of my repository. My goal is to fetch an updated list of assets from a download_url that's included in the webhook payload. ...
Hariom Jaiswal's user avatar
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How to clone/pull from a Git repository using a webhook without creating a security risk?

I am trying to use a GitHub webhook to call a deploy script written in PHP that simply pulls the latest changes from the Git repository. However, this fails when the user owner of the website files ...
kataba's user avatar
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Differentiate between Gitlab webhook events

Is there a way to differentiate between Gitlab webhook events, specifically merge_request events with the action update. It seems like the payload for (lets say) a Label change is the same as marking ...
gobsej's user avatar
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Jenkins doesn't start a build

I have a github webhook that sends request to jenkins BUT jenkins doesn't start my job. In jenkins logs I have found: Received PushEvent for from xxxxxxx ⇒ http://xx:...
LINQe's user avatar
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push only last committed files to the server from git remote repo using github webhooks

I am new to GitHub, i m doing the following local file push to GitHub remote repo (local -> git remote repo) and then using web-hooks (once local files push to git remote repo) automatically send ...
Udhayakumar's user avatar
0 votes
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Custom messages for Github Slack integration for issue tracking

Is it possible to customize the messages that github will send to the slack webhook? I was able to set it up to where I get notifications whenever an issue is created/deleted/edited, however I would ...
Sparge's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to deploy Git repository receiver with flux on gke cluster

I have been getting my hands dirty by setting up a webhook receiver with flux on GKE I followed the insructions of this guide . According to it I need to deploy Git repository receiver as shown below :...
pkumarn's user avatar
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Discord GitHub Webhook add role ping

I am using a Webhook to integrate Discord with GitHub for sending messages when a repository has been pushed to. However, I want the webhook to automatically ping a certain role (I have an @Updates ...
Krishnan Shankar's user avatar
1 vote
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Github stars not showing correctly in packagist

I have recently created an open source project in github. And then, I have uploaded this package to, After that, I have made auto ...
Sagar Gautam's user avatar
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GitHub webooks and custom payload

I'm looking at adding a couple of other name/value pairs in the json payload that is sent when a webhook detects an event. Is there a way to add in a value to the payload that is sent? { "ref&...
Jimmy Chen's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Gitlab webhooks be used to trigger Tekton Pipelines?

I have a working Tekton Pipeline that is successfully triggered by a GitHub webhook, but it doesn't work with Gitlab webhook. I can see that the Gitlab webhook is triggered and that it gets to the ...
Cesar Ida's user avatar
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Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline: Differentiate between build triggered by branch indexing vs webhook

I have a Jenkins multibranch pipeline for github and currently it triggers builds whenever a branch is indexed. I have certain actions in my pipeline that I only want triggered whenever there are ...
Fizi's user avatar
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Github webhook for codepileline not triggering when there is a commit in git repo

I have set up an aws code pipeline where Git is used for the repository and have chosen GitHub webhooks as change detection mode. the pipeline works great when I manually trigger the pipeline by ...
sumanth shetty's user avatar
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Parameterize my repo url by parsing webhook request body/JSONpath

I am working on a multibranch pipeline Jenkins setup and build is triggered using webhook in Git.. Here I have selected Git Branch source as - Git. When I push any change in git, webhook creates a ...
Aprajita05's user avatar
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While Integrating gitlab with the jenkins getting 404 Not found

I am trying to integrate gitlab with the jenkins, i have configured following things: a) Created a jenkins job added gitlab plugin b) On the gitlab Added the url which is created by the gitlab plugin ...
Love's user avatar
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Bitbucket webhook is triggering all the Jenkins jobs for the repository?

I have created a Bitbucket webhook to trigger the jenkins jobs when a change is pushed to the repository. There are several different project in the repository and for each project a separate Jenkins ...
Manish Choudhary's user avatar
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AWS CodePipeline GitHub webhook can not be registered with GitHub if repo is an organisation repository

When I set up the hook using the console it works, but when I try to do it using cloudformation it never works. It does not even work if I use the AWS CLI version: aws codepipeline register-webhook-...
Markus Wahl's user avatar
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ServiceStack Webhook + ServiceStack.Webhooks.OrmLite Subscription Store Plugin Issue

I have enabled Webhook for my ServiceStack project in which I am using ServiceStack.Webhooks.OrmLite OrmLiteSubscriptionStore to store my subscription everything works fine except Delete operation, it ...
user3603110's user avatar
2 votes
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One github commit creates multiple Codebuild builds

I setup a test environment Codebuild + Github and am facing an issue: Every time I make a commit in Github, Codebuild will trigger 3 identical builds. My buildspec.yml: version: 0.2 phases: ...
Eric's user avatar
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Is it possible to set a Pipeline job to trigger based on GitHub webhook from 2 repos?

We have 2 repos related to each other. The pipeline job checks out both one after another. So ideally it should run whenever there's a change in either repo checked in. Is it possible to set it to ...
Arghya's user avatar
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Took more time to initiate CI job when GitLab merge request created

I am using the Gitlab version of GitLab Community Edition 10.3.5. For Gitlab integration with CI, I have written the Gitlab webhook and using it for CI using Jenkins. While creating a new merge ...
Leo's user avatar
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Prevent GitHub Webhook being sent from Pushing of Tag

I am having an issue with my Jenkins pipeline that pushes a tag as one of the steps, this ultimately kicks off the build again causing a loop. Doesn't GitHub have a way of only sending a webhook ...
Duker's user avatar
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Throwing GitLab Webhook error while integrating

I am getting error while adding webhook in GitLab for zohoproject. "Hook executed successfully but returned HTTP 401 {"error":{"code":6401,"message":"Unauthorized Access"}}" I am simply adding ...
deepak's user avatar
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Jenkins web-hook trigger for commits against open PR

I already integrated my Bitbucket server with Jenkins server and it works fine. I want to configure this integration (Jenkins servers <-----------> Bitbucket server in a way that a developer commit ...
UtpMahesh's user avatar
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"Filter branches by name" showing error in Jenkins Build Trigger

"Filter branches by name" in "Build when a change is pushed to GitLab" build trigger is showing below error while providing the branch name in the Include box in jenkins: Error: Following patterns ...
Pratztr's user avatar
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Reproducing Github Webhook -> Jenkins request on Postman fails : signature didn't match to calculated

Github Webhook (currently disabled) is connected to Jenkins Server. One of the successful requests is pull request create. I am trying to reproduce the same request and see if it succeeds by trying ...
Chaitanya Bapat's user avatar
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Parsing a GitHub WebHook payload results in Json decode error

While parsing the payload received from a GitHub WebHook, facing this issue JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) payload looks like payload=%7B%22action%22%3A%22created%22%2C%...
Chaitanya Bapat's user avatar
0 votes
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Hook execution failed: Failed to open TCP connection to ::1:8000 (Connection refused - connect(2) for "::1" port 8000)

I need to integrate pivotal tracker manually because I want some extra options, but I'm getting a "failed to open TCP connection" error. I'm working from localhost and gitlab is in an intranet. I've ...
user12975630's user avatar
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Require Specific Commit Message AWS Lambda on Push to Codecommit

I am trying to enforce a commit to start with "BPSD-XXXXX" and can't figure out how to enforce this lambda function once pushed, but before the code is actually pushed to AWS Codecommit. The lambda ...
Cole Miesner's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS CodePipeline github webhook not triggering on commit

I set up an AWS CodePipeline that uses github as a source, CodeBuild for build, and deploys to ElasticBeanstalk. I was able to get it working when everything was set up in the console and I was an ...
edank's user avatar
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Service Hook can be used to trigger update dependencies in another repository?

I've been investigating a solution for the following problem for our local Microsoft Team Foundation Server that we use with Git: We have several repositories with some level of dependency. For ...
Paulo Aboim Pinto's user avatar
7 votes
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Github Webhooks secret with AWS API Gateway

I am trying to have a Github Webhook launch an AWS Lambda I have. The best way I can figure out how to do that is to use AWS API Gateway, the issue is security. Github Webhooks will only send a ...
Kyle Calica-St's user avatar
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How to set up github webhook trigger on pushing in certain branch

I have Jenkins pipeline, and configured github webhook to trigger pipeline. How to make triggering pipeline when the certain branch was pushed, instead of triggering pipeline by pushing to every ...
Igor Vlasuyk's user avatar
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How to fix "We couldn’t deliver this payload: Couldn't connect to server" in github webhook while setting up a jenkins trigger?

I'm setting up a Web-hook in GitHub to trigger a Jenkins build for every push event. I'm running Jenkins from a Blue Ocean Docker container. I'm able to access ...
straylightrunner's user avatar
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Issue while triggering jenkins pipeline using github webhooks for specific branch

Trying to trigger Jenkins pipeline using Github webhooks for a specific branch. Pipeline should trigger for a merge commit but having an issue in triggering. Tried it using 'Generic Webhook Trigger' ...
prashanth kool's user avatar
2 votes
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Freestyle Jenkins job and Gitlab integration | with multiple webhooks, pipelines stays in pending state forever

I have setup Gitlab Jenkins integration with 3 webhooks for 3 jenkins jobs along with "Publish build status to Gitlab" in post build action. Facing issue as explained below. Setup: Jenkins version ...
Toral's user avatar
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How to trigger a Git-webhook to merge any protetcted github branch to a test branch via Jenkinsfile?

I have built a jenkins pipeline using jenkinsfile which basically runs pylint and unit tests on my test branch (let's say "devops" branch). Now i want to merge this test-branch, devops to my master ...
BlimBlam's user avatar
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Does JGit support Webhooks?

I am experimenting with Webhooks for GitHub. As I understand, we can register URLs for Webhooks in Github settings. But I wanted to do this programmatically. I am using JGit for API driven Git ...
Omkar Shetkar's user avatar
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How to get the Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin to work with multibranch pipelines in Jenkins?

I'm trying to set up a scenario where a pull request is created on github that triggers a Jenkins multibranch pipeline, and where that multibranch pipeline uses the Generic Webhook Plugin to extract ...
Magnus's user avatar
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"User Filter" and "Branch Filter" equivalent for Webhooks in BitBucket

We are trying to migrate from Hooks to Webhooks on 'BitBucket' and can't find a way to specify the Branch Filter and User Filter. While using Hooks, we just need to specify the regex values as in the ...
Prasann's user avatar
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add git webhook through a script

Is it possible to add a webhook through a script? Usually, I go to hubricator site and give org/repo details and it creates a webhook for phabricator instance for me so that when some one does checkin,...
dodo's user avatar
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parameterized jenkins build with github webhooks

I configured my jenkins job (freestyle) with dev/test/prod environments using choice parameter with "This project is parameterised" option form jenkins job configuration. I have setup webhook in my ...
owner's user avatar
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9 votes
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Read webhook payload in Gitlab CI

I have a project (PROJECT_A) that is triggered through a webhook, and expects the variable $PRODUCT to be set. Its value is used to trigger a certain path in the build. The job in the .gitlab-ci.yml ...
Carsten's user avatar
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Create Git Log using Gitlab CI

We need to generate commit history file automatically when user commits code into git repository. It can be done using Jenkins, Gitlab Webhooks and Jenkins Git Changelog plugin. Also, it can be ...
kRiZ's user avatar
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Can a GitLab Webhook be stopped from triggering build in Jenkins

I have a GitLab project with a WebHook which triggers a Jenkins job. As of now, I have enabled Push Events to trigger the Jenkins job. So, whenever I push code from my local computer to remote ...
letsbondiway's user avatar
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what is git branch name in jenkins pipeline when invoked by gitlab webhook

I can invoke a simple Jenkins pipeline from gitlab merge requests using a webhook. Now I'd like to know what is the source branch to make the checkout against it. Example: if I push code to develop ...
3psilon's user avatar
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Reuse one Jenkins jobs for multiple Git (GitHub) repositories

I have a very simple Jenkins build which is needed for several repositories. All these repositories have the same organisation, the same branches, etc. There is no difference except the repository ...
Guite's user avatar
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"Webhook to Jenkins for Bitbucket Server" does only work when executed manually

I set up a Git repository on a local Bitbucket server and also set up a Jenkins server with a job that should be triggered when something was committed to that repository. Unfortunately the job only ...
schoenk's user avatar
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