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-2 votes
1 answer

Execute Runnable Jar with args from JavaFx application

I need to run executable jar from java fx application. I am trying with following code : public void runJar() { try { //String serverIp = oRMIServer.getServerIP(); String arg1 = &...
Tech Geek's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Error in netbeans : cannot find ResultSet

I am new bee in java and I am following a tutorial to create a database connection between my javafx application and a mysql database. However the IDE gives an error when I declare ResultSet. The ...
DvixExtract's user avatar
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2 answers

load images dynamically in JavaFX to Anchorpane

I have this button where when i want to add images dynamically to my AnchorPane , but currently it's not working as expected. I'm trying to load an image inside JavaFX label, here is my code. ...
Kaw123's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

I am not getting Design Window and Palette window in netbeans of javaFx

I developed one application in swing, but i need to change in javaFX, when i create javaFx Application, JavaFX in Swing Application it not sowing design window and palette window, how can i get those ...
epn's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting JavaFx project to .exe and .app in Netbeans [duplicate]

I am developing a desktop app in JavaFx for mac and windows and want to distribute it to users but not as a .jar file. I want to distribute it as an installer file for both mac and windows. I have ...
user3649361's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

JavaFX application fail to launch with native exe bundle

I have build a JavaFX application which can be executed by its jar file. However if i try to run it using the native exe bundle i am receiving two popups: com/npap/dicomrouter/Main - no main class ...
thanili's user avatar
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Packaging a JavaFX App for MacOS X using NetBeans on a Windows system

I'm developing a JavaFX Desktop application using NetBeans 8 on Windows, but I'm not able to create deployment packaging which is able to run on MacOS. I have shared build.xml. I'm able to generate ...
DannyGolhar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

@Test Annotiation not working with TestFX

I'm trying to implement TextFX in my project to do some UI testing. However it seems I can't get it to work properly. I've downloaded the jars from to ...
Perneel's user avatar
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1 answer

What am I doing wrong with passing Rectangle to setContent in javafx 2?

I'm using javafx 2.2 with JDK 7 in Netbeans 7, with a code Rectangle r = new Rectangle(200, 200); tab_1.setContent(r); which gives me error: rectangle cannot be converted to node. The tab_1 is a Tab ...
n611x007's user avatar
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Display two windows at the same time "on fullscreen" with JavaFx Scene Builder 2.0

I'm working on a mini application where I need to display to users 2 windows at the same time but on Fullscreen (the application will be made for users on dual screen). I'm working with JavaFx Scene ...
i.lagouilly's user avatar
2 votes
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Display two windows at the same time using JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0

I'm working on a mini application where I need to display to users 2 windows at the same time. I'm working with JavaFx Scene Builder 2.0 on NetBeans 8.0.1 is it possible to do this? if so, how it ...
i.lagouilly's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

CSS StyleSheet added in Scene Builder not found

I am getting an error in Netbeans While applying CSS style-sheet to JavaFX application through Scene Builder. Error message in Netbeans is: null/FXMLDocument.css Sep 17, 2014 12:44:43 AM com.sun....
Indigo's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Valid JAR signature for JavaFX projects

I've been working through various recipes to produce a runnable JAR file for a JavaFX project using a Maven POM. Each of these Stackoverflow questions describes the same problem. It is frustrating ...
will's user avatar
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Java webstart complaining about missing jar that isn't in my library anymore (Netbeans)

I've stumbled on some strange behavior when running my Java app through webstart. I used to have iText jars added to my project in Netbeans 7.3.1. Recently, I removed these jars from my libraries (via ...
Perneel's user avatar
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3 answers

Easy way of creating executable JavaFX?

Is there an easy, one-click way of creating an executable JavaFX file? I have an JavaFX application functioning when I run it in Netbeans. Is there a way I could get a single file on my desktop that ...
Humilton's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to make a Java project to executable file?

I have done a project in JavaFX. I used NetBeans IDE to do my project. I used MySQL as database. Currently I run my project with the help of NetBeans. Is there any way to make the project an ...
TomJ's user avatar
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2 answers

Packaging external files with JavaFX deployment

I have a JavaFX app that reads in a configuration file. I'd like the config file to remain outside of the jar to facilitate modification without recompiling. Is there a way to set up netbeans to ...
Dodd10x's user avatar
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2 answers

Why NetBeans IDE use import statements specifically?

I use NetBeans IDE to do a project in JavaFX. The IDE imports all the necessary import statements automatically. It do this specifically, that is only the necessary import statements are imported. The ...
TomJ's user avatar
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1 answer

TextArea does not handle MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED

I am building a JavaFX application and I have a TextArea inserted. The TextArea has a CSS class assigned (don't know if it matters): .default-cursor{ -fx-background-color:#EEEEEE; -fx-cursor:...
Dimitris's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Scene loads too slow

I am building a JavaFX application and I am wondering if there is a recommendation (best practice) on how to load new Scene in current Stage as fast as possible. Currently what I am doing is (more or ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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2 answers

combining javafx and java se in netbeans

how do you run a javafx and a normal java SE application together. I tried adding a new javafx class to a java SE project and i get errors. all the javafx imports have error. I tried adding a new ...
emabusi's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Java FX sample is throwing error while opening it in NetBeans

I am exactly following the steps mentioned in the following doc under the following heading: How Do I Run a Sample in an IDE? However, in Netbeans 7.4, I am getting the following error: ant -f ...
user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

JavaFX missing from JDK 1.7/1.8 in Linux?

I have a problem that allegedly isn't possible, so I'm having a heck of a time finding an answer. I have the latest version of NetBeans 7.4, running on fully-updated Fedora 20 x64. Officially, this ...
DigitalMan's user avatar
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3 answers

Netbeans Template that creates multiple files

Generally speaking I want to create a Netbeans (7.4) File Wizard that creates multiple files. In my case I want it to create JavaFX related files to use a convention over configuration approach when ...
Sheba's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

With a running JavaFX application, open a new window with its own, separate controller class

I'm using SceneBuilder in conjunction with Netbeans' JavaFX library for this project. I use Scenebuilder to create the fxml and netbeans for the controller classes. The goal is to build a fairly ...
Kyte's user avatar
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1 answer

Running a JavaFx Jar on Windows 2012 Server

I have a JavaFx program that I have built and compiled in NetBeans, all my projects are stored on a Windows 2012 server that has the latest Java 7 version installed on it. When I remotely log onto ...
senex_subconscious's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

JavaFX Not Able to Start From Non-FX Project In NetBeans Using Start

The problem I'm having is that when I create a new JavaFX project in NetBeans the main method is ignored, and somehow start() is somehow called and everything is just fine, but any time I try to call ...
Sarah Szabo's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

JavaFX scene builder 2.0 error in Netbeans

When I try to set the scene builder home in Netbeans 7.4 and target the /Applications/JavaFX Scene Builder its throwing me an error: Selected location /Applications/JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0....
Paul Deldacan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

JavaFX - Giving WebView a URL through Scene Builder or NetBeans

I'm a beginner at JavaFX. I've made my layout in JavaFX Scene Builder. In that I've left a WebView but I cannot figure how to give it a URL. In a separate class I've my WebView ready public class ...
satnam's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Running javafx app with hibernate takes too much time

I am working on javafx 2.0 using netbeans 7.4 and hibernate.. the issue was that i am run application its build all jar and take too much time to run.. how can i get run fast... SessionFactory ...
Anshul Parashar's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

javafx running application outside Netbeans IDE

I'm having trouble running a javaFX application through the .jar in the "dist folder" later that I have clean and build project by NetBeans. C:\NetBeansProjects\Gestore\dist>java -jar Gestore.jar ...
pask23's user avatar
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java fx editor in netbeans

I want to make an animation using Java FX. Basically, I don't know where to start. I've been looking for a Java FX editor and I found out that there is an editor apart from netbeans. But that ...
Seba Paz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"Handler method not accessible" error in FXML (works only if I make method with "Event" or "ActionEvent" parameter)

I want to call handler method when any key on keyboard is pressed, and then get pressed key character. So I wrote this line for button in fxml file: <Button fx:id="button" layoutX="126.0" layoutY="...
user2414483's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

error: InitialLoadEntityManagerProxy is not abstract

I am learning JavaFX by looking at the official samples. I installed everything (jdk1.7.0_21, netBean3.7, MySQL, javafx-samples-2.2.21) few weeks ago. After I fixed the MySQL user table issue (one ...
5YrsLaterDBA's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to compile on save?

I would like to compile the project every time I save, but in properties this option is greyed, so for any change I do I have to click save then clean and build. How can I do to avoid to clean and ...
Alberto acepsut's user avatar
2 votes
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JavaFX self contained application - Preferences API not working

I've created a JavaFX application and deployed it as a self-contained app. The problem is that it is not being abble to write any file and not able to use the Preferences API. The self-cointained is ...
Walter Macambira's user avatar
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Netbeans Module and JavaFX

I would like to create a NetBeans module with an Action and a JFrame. The JFrame should be shown the performAction is called. In my JFrame I would like to add a JFXPanel. Somehow this seems to be ...
gevik's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Styling a JavaFX 2 button using FXML only - How to add an image to a button?

I want to change the styling of a button, most of the threads here and the articles on the internet show how to do it using Java code, which I don't see it as a real good solution, is there any way ...
AymenDaoudi's user avatar
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Using Netbeans Platform with JavaFX 2?

I am building a desktop application on JavaFX 2, and want to speed up my development -- Is RCP the way to go? How steep is the learning curve?
ftkg's user avatar
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5 votes
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Netbeans & JavaFX - Clean and build on each run?

I recently started working with JavaFX at the Netbeans IDE. I come along with the Hello World examples as it is not that complicated, but there is one big thing that is totally annoying me: As ...
Martin Bories's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

JavaFX Scenebuilder does not see ids when FXML is in a different package than controller

i installed netbeans with java se7, and javafx samples are running fine. In scenebuilder, i can select an ID for each control defined and annotated with @FXML in my controller. however, i like my ...
Pega88's user avatar
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Code is not compiling in Netbeans using JavaFx implementing Controllers passing parameters

I was working this afternoon in my project without problems. Before come home I did a commit to my svn to continues it in home, but now when I try to run it shows a code error that hadn't shown before....
Victor Laerte's user avatar
0 votes
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Where is fx:jar in NetBeans? - JavaFX

I am developing a standalone JavaFX application using NetBeans 7.2.1 and having problems with Autoproxy Configuration. In JavaFX documents I found this: 13.3.5 Disabling the Autoproxy Configuration ...
ceklock's user avatar
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"URI is not hierarchical" when running JavaFX application on NetBeans

I am getting this "URI is not hierarchical" error when I run a JavaFX application. The exception is thrown in line 4 of the code below. Do you know how could I fix this? 001 { // HISTORY 002 ...
ceklock's user avatar
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How to convert existing Java project to JavaFX project on NetBeans?

I have a regular Java project on NetBeans 7.2.1 and I want to convert it to JavaFX project. Is there an automatic way to do that or do I have to create a new project and import my sources to it?
ceklock's user avatar
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Can I use @FXML annotation for function variables?

I have an fxml file and i have a Button in it with id = "startButton" now i should be able to use it in my code like this: @FXML Button startButton; startButton.addActionLisetner... but NetBeans ...
Benyamin Noori's user avatar
1 vote
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Duplicate JavaFX project in Netbeans

I want to duplicate a JavaFX project as a sort of "poor man's version control" in Netbeans. I copied the project into a different folder. Now when I try to create a new project I see no option "...
The Unfun Cat's user avatar
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NetBeans / JavaFX build: Debian Installed-Size

Whenever I build a .deb package using NetBeans 7.2 and then install it, I get the following message: The package is of bad quality The installation of a package which violates the quality standards ...
likethesky's user avatar
1 vote
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Netbeans 7.2/Jdk 7u7 bundle - javafx failure..jfxrt.jar issue

I have just done a fresh install of the netbeans 7.2/JavaFx2.2 SDK bundle downloaded from oracle. None of my old code will compile. This is the error I receive: (I know the code is good - consider ...
Marc H's user avatar
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How to call getResource() for external URL in JavaFX 2

I want to load an image that exists outside the application directory for example : OK : url = Person.class.getResource("user_info.png").toString(); KO : url = Person.class.getResource("C:/images/...
Adil's user avatar
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