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ReadyApI/Soapui junit report with maven

i'am trying to implement CI for my test automation project using maven with bamboo. I need to generate the junit report to parse it in bamboo. I'am using this POM: ` <build> <...
sminlik's user avatar
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink.verbatim()'

Here is the reporting part of my pom.xml for running the command mvn site <reporting> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins&...
PatPanda's user avatar
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How to specify maven properies when using mvnd?

I get this error when trying to run mvnd clean install: [ERROR] The project com.exmpale:my-project:SP-21.053.00_-SNAPSHOT (/home/username/IdeaProjects/my-project/pom.xml) has 1 error [ERROR] Non-...
Aleksey's user avatar
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Spring Boot/Java Error during mvn installs & startup after upgrading to 3.3.4 & Java 21 [closed]

I upgraded my backend application to spring boot version 3.3.4 and to Java 21 in the POM.xml and now it's like it doesn't even recognize my bean classes or repositories? What's strange is the ...
Donald Groezinger's user avatar
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Maven - Generate maven-metadata.xml for each child project

Giving a maven multi-modules project, how can we run mvn deploy to generate maven-metadata.xml for each sub project and not only for the parent project ? --> Project_A ----> project_a_1 ----> ...
mr.Penguin's user avatar
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Build failing from child module with Maven multi-module setup with dynamic revision

I am trying to utilize maven multi-module setup with dynamic revision, so that version of all the children modules can be managed centrally. I have uploaded the project here: When I execute maven ...
lab bhattacharjee's user avatar
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maven-failsafe-plugin starts test from wrong classpath

I have multimodule project where in child pom I have traditional maven-failsafe-plugin <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-failsafe-...
Dred's user avatar
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How to resolve MojoExecutionException after I tried to run this cmnd "mvn spring-boot:run"?

After mvn clean install was sucessful and I tried to run it using cmd "mvn spring-boot:run" and faced some errors. Pasted the error stack and the pom file details below. Also I tried ...
Anusha Kandagal's user avatar
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Maven command not working correctly on machine

So, I've been writing unit tests for some code, and I noticed they don't run correctly when I run Maven commands. I don't even get an error. It returns a whole bunch of lines. It seems it's looking ...
david ogunronbi's user avatar
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Error occurred during initialization of boot layer:Stream 'Caused by: java.lang.module.InvalidModuleDescriptorException: Package not found in module'

I have a project which I am now working on after having it laying around for some time using Java 17 and maven. During compiling the project I got the following error message: [INFO] --- surefire:3.5....
PowerStat's user avatar
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OutOfMemory Exception when building Java 8 project IntelliJ, but works fine with Maven

I have a Java 8 project in intellij. When I build the project using Maven (clean compile verify), it works fine. However, when I try to build the project using IntelliJ's "Build Project" ...
JavaMind's user avatar
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Determine which dependency is causing vulnerable jackson-databind jar to be cached in maven repo

Currently getting a vulnerable version of jackson-databind showing up in maven cache of our dev machines/build server, and being flagged on a security scan. By trial and error, I have found the ...
Paul Zepernick's user avatar
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Gradle quivalent to Maven's mvn dependency:purge-local-repository

Is there any Gradle command equivalent to Maven's mvn dependency:purge-local-repository, i.e. that reimports dependencies recursively and refreshes the Maven libraries referred in the project pom?
Ganapathy S's user avatar
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MULE Custom connector With JAVA 11 Build failure

I am trying develop a Mule 4.x custom connector using JAVA Mule SDk. The connector for which I am trying is build is only supporting JAVA 11 at the moment .Thus when I am trying to build the it via ...
YADEVKRISHNA T R's user avatar
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JBoss EAP 6.4 End to End HelloWorld RMI Example Not Working

What I tried already is having a simple HelloWorld application that has also java client code to try and invoke the session bean deployed in JBoss EAP 6.4 as shown in the details below but I couldn't ...
xnio15's user avatar
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Build separate artifacts for child modules in multi-module Maven project

I was wondering what the best practices are on creating separate artifacts for child modules in a multi-module Maven Spring Boot project. So let's say you have one project (operators), one root pom....
Thomas Verhoeven's user avatar
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Customize maven build cache configuration for submodule

Is there a way to overwrite the maven build cache configuration for a submodule in a multi-module project? If we assume a project with structure cool-software-main cool-software-module-A cool-...
FredWoozley's user avatar
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Maven Multiple Repository Issue

I am trying to configure Maven settings.xml file and the project's pom.xml. The gist of my pom.xml currently looks like: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="...
hell_storm2004's user avatar
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`maven-failsafe-plugin` suddenly stopped generating summary file starting with `3.3.0` to `3.4.0` update

maven-failsafe-plugin suddenly stopped generating summary file starting with 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 update. This is causing a failure because of which mvn clean verify won't succeed on my java project. [ERROR]...
rohanz's user avatar
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Spring boot 3.3.3 CDS when generating container image with the spring boot maven plugin

I have read through a few posting here but I am still failing to generate an OCI image when building an OCI image with CDS. I have set the properties as mention on the github spring-lifecycle-smoke-...
Philip Lourandos's user avatar
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Find out dependedncy modules needed by a specific module in a multi-module Maven project

I have a multi module maven project Relevant part of the parent pom.xml: <modules> <module>app-domain</module> <module>app-infra</module> <module>app-shared&...
pizza's user avatar
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Maven and symbolic links -- on Gitlab runners

We have some shell-scripts under src/main/resources/. Recently, we eliminated differences between two of them, and replaced one with a symlink to another: src/main/resources/ -> ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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How do I package another app with my own resource files?

I want to reutilize an app but add my own resource files to it. "appToReutilize" is a uber JAR (aka fat JAR) except the resource files. myApp's project has no code, just src/main/resources/*,...
Alexandre Tavares's user avatar
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Intellij CE Debug Can't Connect

Unable to debug a JUnit test in latest IntelliJ Community Edition v2024.2. The test builds and runs successfully. But trying to debug it fails. It appears IntelliJ CE can't connect to the JVM the ...
devdanke's user avatar
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mavenrc_pre.cmd file it's ignored when run configuration from eclipse

I have a file mavenrc_pre.cmd in %home% directory that set's the JAVA_HOME env var to a specific jdk version. If I run, for example: mvn clean install from cmd line everything work's ok, but if I run ...
Andregpl's user avatar
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sample example of java upgrade from 8 to 21 using open rewrite

I have a springboot application with version 2.x and using java 8, I would like to upgrade the java VERSION TO 21 and spring boot version to 3.x, My question is which is the easiest way to upgrade ...
sheetal mahandule's user avatar
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Maven test pass, but with install tests fail

I'm using maven, liquibase in project and spock with groovy to test java code. Normally my tests pass, but when I'm using packaging/install then tests fails with error of spring context initializing ...
Cezary's user avatar
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jOOQ throws error cannot access java.util.concurrent.Flow with 3.19.10

As the title says, I am unable to build my maven module using jOOQ as a dependency (3.19.10) even after using java version 17 to build my code. The pom.xml file also specifies java 17 as the source ...
Humaid Kidwai's user avatar
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gitlab CI/CD pipeline will not run stage "deploy"

I have a gitlab project here: gitlab_project and run successfully a CI pipeline for stages "build" and "test" in my gitlab-ci.yml, which is as follows: stages: - build - test ...
Leder's user avatar
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GitHub Actions Maven Build Failing with "relative path" Error After Dynamic Version Update

I'm working on a project where we use GitHub Actions to automate our Maven build process. We dynamically set the version number in the format projectversion-runID-runNumber, like 8.1.0-9761957358-18. ...
sdanzig's user avatar
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How to replace the direct dependency `A` with all transitive dependencies of `A` in the artifact pom.xml?

I have a maven project named A which is dependent on artifacts B and C, I want to generate a thin jar which will have only the classes of A, B and C from project A with As pom. I can do this using ...
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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Maven ${project.version} scope

I have parent pom with dependency management declared by ${project.version}. Then I inherit parent in my target project, this project has other version than parent. This throws errors, because of ...
Cezary's user avatar
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Extract required libraries using maven assembly plugin

I have a maven project that works fine so far, but building an executable JAR gives me a problem I could not solve so far. This question here: Why is my .jar file running slower than the program in ...
BitMaster48's user avatar
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JavaFX Application Fails to Load FXML File with IllegalStateException: Location is not set [duplicate]

I am developing a JavaFX application using Maven in IntelliJ IDEA. My application fails to load the FXML file and throws the following exception: C:\Users\Bruce\.jdks\openjdk-22.0.1\bin\java.exe "...
Solomon Bruce-Lafia's user avatar
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Unit Tests passing in IDE and pipeline but failing with mvn clean install

I'm working in a project with Spring Boot and Java 11. I have created the following UT, that when I launch it with the IDE (IntelliJ) it passes correctly and when I commit and push it to the pipeline ...
paymer's user avatar
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maven dependency:list-classes transitive not working with tar.gz dependencies

I want to be able to get a list of all classes that an artifact depends on. The maven-dependency-plugin goal list-classes with parameter transitive set to true does exactly what I need. Except there ...
Kyle Seaman's user avatar
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Is there a way to tell maven that dependencies are coming from the same maven project?

I have a multi-module maven project that can be simplified as follow: * root |- moduleA \- moduleB (depending on moduleA) I want to run several commands on the structure of the project, such as mvn ...
Kineolyan's user avatar
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What's the best practice in a Spring Boot 3 project using Gradle Kotlin to publish Maven artifacts of both the fat jar and an openapi json document?

Environment: Spring Boot 3 app written in Kotlin (bootstrapped from Gradle Kotlin 8.7 Requirements: Publish generated openapi json specification as a Maven artifact Publish ...
Matthew Adams's user avatar
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Deploy Spring boot Maven 3 project on Railway using with java 21

I am trying to deploy my Spring boot Maven project on Railway but I am getting ERROR: not found. I am using java 21 and when try to deploy the app on Railway it ...
William's user avatar
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Tests execution order: JUnit 5 vs Maven Surefire Plugin documentation

I know that tests should not rely on the order in which they are executed but sometimes bad things happen. I have just fixed a Maven project whose tests were passing when executed by Jenkins but not ...
Pino's user avatar
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ClassNotFoundException when deploying SpringBoot 3.3 application as AWS Lambda

I'm trying to make my SpringBoot 3.3 application run as an AWS Lambda Function. However, I'm encountering the following error: { "errorMessage": "Class not found:
Abdul's user avatar
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Can't impot package from GitHub Maven repository

I'm trying to use in my project, but Maven can't find it: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.11.0:compile (default-compile): ...
Pixelcode's user avatar
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Sonar Query:sonarqube-

I am using java 17 and maven Apache Maven 3.8.6 (84538c9988a25aec085021c365c560670ad80f63) and sonarqube- ,getting below error . please help . [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org....
Munish kumar's user avatar
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Maven multimodule project & use of aggregator type of mojos

Not sure if this is a maven bug or failure from our part to use maven as intended so I ask here first instead of going directly to apache jira. Concerns maven v.3.9.0 but seemed to happen also with v....
Valtteri Takala's user avatar
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multi-module maven project - how to build some of the modules

we have following scenario parent pom contains <packaging>pom</packaging> <modules> <module>mod1</module> <!--<packaging>jar</packaging>--> &...
Vasyl Razinkov's user avatar
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JDBC Driver not found in packaged JavaFX "jlink" app

I have installed MariaDB-JDBC-Java Driver V 3.3.3 from maven repo. When I issue mvn clean javafx:jlink the resulting Linux app does not start with an error, not finding the Driver: java.lang....
Leder's user avatar
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Error when using CoroutineCrudRepository in Spring Boot 3.2.4

I just created a new Spring Boot project using spring initializr Specification: Project: Maven Language: Kotlin Spring Boot 3.2.4 Project Metadata Group: com.michaelrenops Artifact: demo Name: demo ...
Michael Reno Pratama Setyawan's user avatar
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Cannot Export/Open Package from Module jdk.compiler to Run/Pass Tests in Maven

Settings I'm using JDK 22: openjdk version "22" 2024-03-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 22+36-2370) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22+36-2370, mixed mode, sharing) I'm also using ...
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc's user avatar
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maven release:prepare to update ${project.version} property reference to release version in dependencyManagement

I have a multi module project of which one of them is a pom module which manages the dependencyManagement which other projects leverage. Say, here is the structure of the project and I have common-...
nitesh c's user avatar
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Having trouble setting up Maven on MAC OS

I have been trying for the past week to set up maven on my MacBook Pro. I have looked through this forum and tried different solutions however I am still stuck and that is why I am compelled to post ...
Rohani Sharma's user avatar

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