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JavaFX, Alt+Num (0-127) different for Java 7u80 (gibberish) vs Java 8u202 (normal ASCII), both default chatset UTF-8

I have an ooold JavaFX project (2015), where I have to add scanner functionality. Scanner typically sends characters through a sequence of ALT+Num. For example ALT+(Num5 followed by Num0) results in ...
Jarred's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

JavaFX Scene/background Color: How to Change?

How do I change the background color of this scene? what am I missing? I tried the following: This command actually resolves / has no error BUT it doesn't change the color. scene.setFill(Color.GRAY);...
user18293668's user avatar
-1 votes
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Javafx Controlling UI from separate class, can't add node from calling class

I am experimenting with Javafx for a simple chess-like game. From my start class, I am successful in using another class, "UIBuilder", to modify "Stage primaryStage". My UIBuilder ...
nbulgarides's user avatar
-2 votes
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Execute Runnable Jar with args from JavaFx application

I need to run executable jar from java fx application. I am trying with following code : public void runJar() { try { //String serverIp = oRMIServer.getServerIP(); String arg1 = &...
Tech Geek's user avatar
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How to print indian regional language in java like gujarati?

I am try to give gujarati print on printer but it shows me square boxes on page like in following. I had also print on console in netbeas but still result are same. I had also tried Java UTF-8 ...
Prashant Sonar's user avatar
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How to bind a directory path with a TreeItem in JavaFX? [duplicate]

I have links for different directories. Like given below: E:\ASUG test files\new20 E:\files\new6 G:\test files\new1 G:\ASUG\SubProjectFolder\new3 Each of the directories contains different no of ...
Abdullah Shahid's user avatar
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JavaFX - How to disable TreeTableView column or Cell children Node on Button Click

I have JFXTreeTableView which consist of 5 columnsx In that first 2 columns have Delete & Edit Buttons for each cell. After populating table I want first columns should disable on save Button ...
Santosh Bhoir's user avatar
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How to resize JavaFx fxml components with maximizing the window?

I am using JavaFx fxml to develop my GUI project. The problem is they are remaining as same they are defined in side the layout. I am using AnchorPane layout but it gives no result. I had tried ...
Naasif's user avatar
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How do I use sliders to change RGB values?

I'm trying to write a program that uses sliders to change the RGB values of a rectangle's color. I started trying with listeners, but as soon as I try to change a different slider, it resets to color ...
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How to add font styling tags to text in JavaFX?

I am creating an application in which i need to add font styling tags to text like this. bold :<b>bold</b> italic :<i>italic</i> underline :<u>underline<...
Abdullah Shahid's user avatar
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JavaFXML create custom tag element that does not extend node

I would like to create a custom tag/element for my fxml file but I do not want this element to be forced to inherit from a Pane, Button, TextField and so on. Is there some interface that can be ...
user435421's user avatar
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Not able to add Canvas in (JavaFX)

I am working with JavaFX and I am trying to add a canvas to the root. Below is the code: public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception { //Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("...
stup_inf's user avatar
2 votes
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GridPane unintended row resize

I've created GridPane containing panels. Every panel is Pane. Click on every panel should add a point (Circle) to the panel. A problem emerges when adding the point to the bottom border of the panel ...
Przemek Krysztofiak's user avatar
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How to make mediaView appear always at the center of BorderPane in JavaFX?

I need media view at the center of border pane but non of the BorderPane.setMargin or BorderPane.setAlignment are working.Screenshot of my app MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(); Media media = new ...
Abdullah Shahid's user avatar
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Exception while extending JavaFX LineChart

I would like to extend JavaFX LineChart to add some functionalities (give access to the legend so it can be customized, adding visible bounds, etc.). I've created an EnhancedLineChart class an ...
0009laH's user avatar
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JavaFX Scene builder freezes (and then crashes) when adding ContextMenu on a button

I have a problem with Scene Builder. I want to add ContextMenu on a Button. When I drag and drop the ContextMenu on a Button, it works fine (it appears in the Hierarchy tab). But when I click on the ...
W4sp's user avatar
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How to bind dimensions of any component to the parent container in JavaJX?

I am creating an application in which i need to play video as shown below. The red boundary represents an AnchorPane. There is MediaView in AnchorPane. All i want is to make the MediaView (or the ...
Abdullah Shahid's user avatar
-1 votes
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JavaFX : Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

I try to recupere list of category to display it in tableView , but i got an exception when I inject the CategoryService in my controller the are some part my code , the home controller content an ...
Mojackoo's user avatar
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JavaFx View component, WebView and MediaView Error

I'm not familiar with javaFX I just started. I import the package and I did The VM option but when I try to add a WebView, ImageView or MediaView in the window I get this error causes Caused by: java....
SøsKø's user avatar
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How to apply a transformation to a shape in JavaFX?

I want to apply a transformation to a shape and with method setRotate(Double value) I can rotate a shape. Now, how can I apply the transformation again? How can I get the coordinates of the points ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Image Slider: How can I put an image on another image using JavaFX

How can I put an image (img2.jpg) on top of another image (img1.jpg) in an ImageView using JavaFX so that if I move ahead through the pictures of the image slider and come back to the img1.jpg, then ...
Atif's user avatar
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Create eye-catching BarChart by JavaFx with Slider to view due to Category data so long

I'm trying to make bar chart by Javafx. However It quite small to see it. I want to make it more attractive like Here is code's program public class Main extends Application { public static ...
ELIP's user avatar
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3k views :ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor in Oracle18c ExpressEdition

While trying to connect to oracle 18c using jdbc in java 8 using "Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); cn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE","PL","...
Shreya Paul's user avatar
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Auto Close Java FX App likely Sleep mode of window

I am new in Java FX. I expect to close my JavaFX application if the user is inactive for a period of time. In other words App is closed automatically if there are no any mouse event or Key event in ...
ELIP's user avatar
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JavaFX custom canvas node?

I'm a newbie in JavaFx. I wanted to create a custom progress bar using Canvas and add it directly to my fxml file (instead of using java code). This is my custom canvas class: public class ...
Mahozad's user avatar
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How to validate setVisible property for progress indicator

I'm writing a javafx program in the program i need to put a progress indicator after login system it should wait for specific time until it load the needed objects from the server. I'm new in javafx i ...
Devx3Fr's user avatar
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Popup with ScrollPane makes main Stage TextField unresponsive to key events like LEFT, RIGHT, HOME, END

I want to create a Popup for main Stage TextField. Popup contains ScrollPane which holds possible options as Buttons. After Popup shown TextField key events like left, rigth, home, end have no effect. ...
Przemek Krysztofiak's user avatar
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Value is not updated on cell of Table View after editing

Value is not updated on cell of Table View after editing I've used java to write program. I tried to edit cell of table view but It was not updated after key released. Here is this case when I want ...
ELIP's user avatar
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Error in Setting Vbox inside Border pane Center on click of button

I am designing an javafx application using BorderPane as Rootlayout inside the border pane there is button on left. on Click of which i need to set the borderpane(rootlayout) center to a different ...
DarkSource's user avatar
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Running a Java app which is compiled on 1.7 JDK with JRE 11 using JAva FX

I have an executablle Jar which is compiled with JDK 1.7. My computer has java version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16 LTS,Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13-LTS, mixed mode) I am on ubuntu....
abacusreader's user avatar
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can not running javafx project on netbeans8-2

i can not run a simple javaFx project on netbeans8-2 i am using ubuntu 18.04 LTS and openjdk but openjfx can not install on my system (in fact it will install but files that are here [ https://...
shiva's user avatar
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8 votes
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JavaFX : How to close a sub window without getting focus on main window

I am trying to close a sub window programatically after certain time. This sub window initOwner is set with main stage. But on closing this sub window, the main window is getting focused. Is there any ...
Sai Dandem's user avatar
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attempting to make logging gui the first one to run from my application

The issue is, I cannot seem to find a way to actually put the Logging gui before my app starts, FXMLseveral any ways I can put in the loging form I made with labels and method which required login ...
Sokol Nila's user avatar
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JavaFX button has so much padding around the Button Text [duplicate]

I have created a JavaFX button and would like to make it display the complete text. I am not able to find a workaround for this. I know we can achieve multi line text display.But then if the word ...
Asif Kamran Malick's user avatar
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use couchbase-lite 2.5 with javafx application

I developed my javafx application using couchbase-lite 1.3 and it works as expected. But now, i want to use the N1QL query to retrieve the data from this database. This is not possible with 1.3 ...
Gilbert Agbodamakou's user avatar
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Problem using FormatStringConverter in ComboBox.setConverter in javafx

I have to use a combobox to associate a list of values (key, Value). Key is the value to be stored in the database, Value is the description to be displayed in the combobox. For example: Key / ...
Michele Saltori's user avatar
-1 votes
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how i can play the audio when i write any number by javafx

i have small project in middel of the window textfield when i put the number i need to call by audio what number i write it on texfield for example i wrote number : 1 enter and the audio is working ...
wael abdelwahid's user avatar
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getChildren() add() and add()

why sometimes we use getChildren() add() and other times instead we use add() directly es: Example 4–4 Button Button btn = new Button("Sign in"); ...
Mikeit's user avatar
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JavaFX 2 mediaplayer - seek function is inaccurate or does not work at all

I am creating a music player with JavaFX8 and Java 8, and I ran into a problem, similar to what others have mentioned before. I want to create a slider which represents the timeline of the song. The ...
GilgusMaximus's user avatar
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How to update my JavaFX GUI elements while program is running

I want to be able to see updates on my graphical interface while the program is executing and not to wait till the click event on button ends public class MainController implements Initializable { @...
issam's user avatar
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Label from Slider On fxml

I am new to javafx and cant quite get a way to have Labels from Slider from fxml, I have tried doing it from the main method and controller method and I didnt know which tag to use to call the method ...
Owaga_JR's user avatar
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JavaFx TextArea freezes when calling appendText() inside a loop

So i'm trying to update a TextArea very frequently from a loop // This code makes the UI freez and the textArea don't get updated for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){ staticTextArea.appendText("...
FrenchTechLead's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to increment int every 5seconds that won't block my UI? [duplicate]

I have Array String[] announcement = new String[20]; that has 20 value, I want to retrieve each of them every 5 seconds. I can't find any solution how to make increment every 5 Seconds without ...
John Smith's user avatar
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How to make code run once inside background task looping?

I have a background Task looping looks like this: Timeline fiveSecondsWonder = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(1), event -> { if (hourNow >= cashCutOff_Start && hourNow &...
John Smith's user avatar
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how i can get limit view in grid-pane with row and column when i press next or previous

i have project for category and subcategory i'm using gridpane for showing the category but i have small issue when i press next or previous i need just give limit view for example 5 category then ...
wael abdelwahid's user avatar
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How to print Pane in JavaFX?

How can I print my Pane that has Label inside of it? I want to print it using my POS Printer 55mm. I have this kind of code to print, but it prints nothing to me: void print2(Node node){ ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Is there a way to remove the titlebar from a JavaFX UI that is using StageStyle.UTILITY

I'm creating a simple overlay in Java and as such I'd like a single AnchorPane that doesn't have any title bar, doesn't show an icon in the taskbar, StatgeStyle.UTILITY achieves one of these, the no ...
AnacondaDoe's user avatar
-1 votes
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how i can retrieve from ini [odbc] for connect my app

i have some issue How i can retrieve config.ini--->[odbc] database connection into my getconnection class ? i'm using mysql database i storage the connection into my database and Config.ini--[odbc] is ...
wael abdelwahid's user avatar
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JavaFX How make a Node to be always in front and fully visible?

This program generates a chart and displays the coordinate values when the mouse enters the plotted dots by replacing the dot for a label. But the problem is that the label does not appear completely ...
Carlos Eduardo's user avatar
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Show rectangle only percent filled with an image in JavaFX

I have a Rectangle object from JavaFX filled with ImageView. While I have managed to fill rectangle with an image view object, I have a trouble figuring out how to fill only 33% of rectangle with an ...
KiselaSLedom's user avatar

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