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How to consistently dictate size for nested JavaFX controls?

I'm working on developing my programming skills and am building a UI application in JavaFX because Java is my strongest language. Unfortunately I've found building the UI tedious at best using FXML. I ...
TheOrnithologist's user avatar
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Login and create account buttons don’t work

I created a login screen in Java that has two buttons: Login and CreateAccount. These buttons were working initially, but after I started working on a different screen, they suddenly don't work ...
The Real Kenny G's user avatar
3 votes
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Resizing ComboBox by scaling screen size

I'd like to make my application resizable. I want to resize all child elements and its font size and images depending on the height and width. I followed the instructions on the following page: Bond ...
Billie's user avatar
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Error in updating client list in server UI FXML

I'm working on a simple client-server project. The function of it doesn't really matter because I'm having a problem with the client list in my server UI. It uses FXML and has a listView to list the ...
Arda's user avatar
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Bond Font Size and Image with Thresholds

I'd like to make my application resizable. I want to resize all child elements and its font size and images depending on the height and width. But I do not want that font size and image fall under or ...
Billie's user avatar
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How do I run my javafx app using fxml on VS code without project manager? I got Exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

This the 1st problem scenario: When I run this program. which is a javafx UI using .fxml. it runs well when I run it using mvn exec: through maven project configuration. but doesn't run on default ....
Aero's user avatar
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JavaFX stage size too small - Gridpane resizing

I created a JavaFX dialog in SceneBuilder. After playing probably an hour with the different layout attributes I can't find out how to open the stage in way, that all ui elements are properly ...
Alex's user avatar
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In FXML, I am trying to scale when I go fullscreen

I want the application, upon entering fullscreen, to first expand the stage and adjust all objects. Only after this, the code should run to get the width of the VBox, as I need this value to determine ...
Guilherme's user avatar
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FXMLLoader can't find FXML file after moving it to a different package in NetBeans

I'm working on a JavaFX project using NetBeans, and I've encountered an issue with loading an FXML file. Originally, my VentanaLogin.fxml file was in the practica6.main package, but I moved it to a ...
JavaMan's user avatar
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Cannot invoke "javafx.scene.control.Label.setText(String)" because "this.nameLabel" is null

It's my first time here but here goes: I have a JavaFX application that changes the FXML UI labels dynamically. I want to pass the details from the MainController class to the interface but I get an ...
Cristian PP's user avatar
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Problem of getting resource using getResource()

I need to get a resource FXML file in a Java project. Here's my code: public void start(Stage stage) throws IOException { try { // System.out.println(getClass()); URL url = this....
Hải Võ's user avatar
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How to Introduce flexibility into a JavaFXML TreeTableView

The issue is not being able to introduce sufficient flexibility to render a TreeTableView when the sources of data required for the view are not known before the program is run. My objective is to be ...
Rusty's user avatar
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JavaFX: Buttons NullPointerException When ComboBox is Populated [duplicate]

I'm working on a JavaFX application for a school project, and I've encountered a frustrating issue. The ComboBox in my MainController initializes correctly, but clicking on any of the buttons in the ...
IO DHarby's user avatar
5 votes
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Change font of TextField without affecting context menu

Setting a custom font style on a TextField in JavaFX will also affect its default context menu, I noticed. What can I do to change the font of the user input, but keep the menu items in the context ...
user1438038's user avatar
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JavaFX custom control not showing On Action option

Hey all I am needing a hand with the following: I am trying to add the "On Action" to my custom control I create in Scene Builder 2.0. I will have a couple of these in my scene so I am ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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Transparency issue in javaFx

One of the window my program has, is a TextFlow that is filled by an API, it was working fine with the window being semi-transparent but after some time the amount of information was way beyond the ...
Carlos's user avatar
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How to request focus for a certain field?

I am developing a Login Dialog for a Smart Card Token Management with Certificate System. Below, I added example code to demonstrate the issue. If I start the application I first see a login dialog ...
Billie's user avatar
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JavaFX: setting list for comboBox does not work

I am working in a JavaFX project. There I have fxml included in other fxml files. Now I need to send data from the outer controller to the inner controller. I've tried it, but the combobox looses its ...
PalBeron's user avatar
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How to make VSCode warn me about missing libraries in a .fxml file?

When editing a .fxml file in InteliJ the IDE flags objects that don't have their libraries imported yet with the red underline, letting you simply hover it and import. I've looked through the features ...
Matheus's user avatar
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JavaFx and Springboot program isn't switching scenes [duplicate]

I've been trying to learn settings up a program using javafx and springboot. I have primarily used github examples to get started with learning how to do this, if there's an easier way please let me ...
Haze's user avatar
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How do I solve Nashorn removal and JS replacement in Netbeans 22?

Despite having followed every procedure exactly as specified to install an alternative to Nashorn in Netbeans 22, I still get the following error when trying to build a FXML project: Java 15 has ...
Rusty's user avatar
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Java FXML, change label text, pause GUI for x seconds, then change label text again

I'm currently working on a Pokémon fangame, and I have a problem (not the last). So here is the thing, since it's a round by round game, I have to do this: Decide which Pokémon attack first. Change ...
killian GRAS's user avatar
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Why doesn't this Kotlin-backed FXML element get initialized or displayed?

I want to write reusable, composable JavaFX/FXML components in Kotlin. I am using Java 21 and my JavaFX is provided by gradle at version 22.0.1 My main class is loading the initial scene in a window ...
jc0022's user avatar
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How to detect 'onMouseMoved' on the entire scene?

I'm trying to detect if mouse is moving over the entire scene or not to close the app after 15min of inactivity. In the example I have an Anchorpane occupying the entire scene with an OnMouseMoved ...
froggy's user avatar
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JavaFX Scene Builder: How to set text color in ComboBox?

I created a JavaFX ComboBox with JavaFX Scene Builder 21.0.0. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox?> <?import javafx.scene....
Billie's user avatar
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The issue of using Read-Only List Properties in FXML

I am studying the official FXML documentation and have encountered some issues. public class FxmlTest extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } ...
XiaoJiawei's user avatar
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Scene builder failing to display custom TableView compiled with Java 17

I'm working on a javafx application so naturally I've had to use Scene Builder to display and manipulate fxml files. Everything seemed to be working fine until I decided to create a custom TableView ...
Ali Yahya's user avatar
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JavaFX: fxmlloader is recursive, and I keep getting null pointer exceptions on the instance variables in the controller class

This is the class definition of PostView, which is also the controller class for its fxml file. I am trying to make a javaFX social media app for a university assignment (due in a couple hours lol) ...
TheMaro's user avatar
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display an image in FXML

I want to display a certain image in javaFX so I am creating it in the FXML file to manipulate it later on in file but I keep getting errors after errors. this is the lastest one ...
Zahra 's user avatar
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How to change Stage settings in a JavaFX program using fxml controllers

I have an application I am working on with a teammate, but we both are not sure how to change our Scene's title and parameters from inside our fxml controllers. This is the solution I tried, but it ...
Enrico Sombini's user avatar
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How to make component draggable and connected in Javafx

I am developing a javafx application for network topology. I have one pane where I drag the components from the left pane to the centre pane. Now the problem is sometimes if the pane is cluttered with ...
BEdits's user avatar
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Filling GridPane with nested fxml with specific csv information

I have a fxml file i am currently working on with a GridPane with each of the cell containing anohter fxml component in following manner: <GridPane hgap="10.0" layoutX="32.0" ...
Arpan's user avatar
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Specifying keyframe animation in FXML

If keyframe animation can be specified in FXML, then a lot of file formats containing animations can be ported to FXML without information loss. I'm aware of the simpler variants like RotateTransition....
Johannes Riecken's user avatar
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Infinite loop between "loadScene" and "initialize", causing our FXML file to be loaded over and over again

Background for our application (can be skipped if u dont think it is relevant): We are creating an application for kids with autism to identify and understanding gestures and facial expressions. We do ...
onuk98's user avatar
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Why isn't my canvas shown in JavaFX Application?

My Professor at university gave this assignment to start a new topic in class. Just a simple GUI which is supposed to show a graph. 3 Files were prepared by our Prof: Function Canvas package Aufgabe1....
Marius's user avatar
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Printing multiple AnchorPanes on their own pages

I have a javafx TabPane that I want to be able to print. The TabPane has two tabs, and I want each tab to be printed on its own page. I created a button on one of the tabs with the onAction function ...
Kameron's user avatar
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Printing a string in a text box using FXML

Im making a weather app in which I am using a weather controller along side scenebuilder to controll actions within the app. I am trying to make a text box display the current temp which I have set to ...
Christian Bekheit's user avatar
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Code suggestions not working on IntelliJ IDEA for fxml files

Autocompletion/code suggestions for .fxml files in IntelliJ IDEA are not working. I tried to open project on other machines with latest IntelliJ IDEA (2024.1), it works. I using IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.3
stevegrkek's user avatar
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e(fx)clipse how to disable Warning "JavaFX controller method must have 0 or exactly 1 argument"

e(fx)clipse shows the warning on every function with ChangeListener signature which is annotated with @FXML @FXML private void fldMyTextFieldChanged( ObservableValue< ? extends String > ...
StM's user avatar
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FXML BorderPane size not changing despite using setMinSize() and setPrefSize() in JavaFX application

I'm facing an issue where the size of my BorderPane in an FXML file (mainLayoutBorderPane) is not changing, remaining at (0,0), despite attempting to set it using setMinSize() or setPrefSize() in a ...
Poor Noob At Code's user avatar
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JavaFX Charts - NoSuchMethodError on flatMap when trying to add data to a LineChart

I'm trying to create a LineChart in JavaFX and everything works except adding data to the chart. It works when there is no data added to the chart but as soon as I try to add data it gives me a long ...
Dog's user avatar
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JavaFX scene minWidth and minHeight not working

I tried the 2 following ways to set minHeight and minWidth for an AnchorPane in JavaFX (such that it is not resizable under 1280x720): From the controller class (which is called from a Button in a ...
kooliobrb's user avatar
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set perspective camera as subscene camera in fxml file

In this code I have a Subscene with 3d features enabled. I add camera and meshviews at runtime, but I want to put the camera in FXML because I don´t need to change it at runtime. How can I do that ? &...
Giovanni Contreras's user avatar
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TextArea FXML border radius

I'm rounding the borders of my TextArea, but there's a white background behind it, even though it shouldn't be there. How can I remove it? <AnchorPane style="-fx-background-color: yellow;"...
Hamvy B's user avatar
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Why does Apache NetBeans Null Pointer Exception give me an error in my Java FXML project?

When I create a new java FXML project in netbeans, a simple code is normally generated, which executes without errors but in my case this is not the case, as soon as I create the project and try to ...
eduard marinez's user avatar
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How to properly inherit an FXML annotated attribute for having it available in a subclass?

Problem I'm trying to implement the transmission of messages over a Controller Area Network, where the messages are built from user's inputs through a GUI created with JavaFX. I have a MainController ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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FXMl File is always null in Intellij [duplicate]

My file location is 100% correct, I checked it like a thousand times. Look at my folders and see the path. But somehow the path is always not found. I once tried to print it with the SOUT, it says ...
najmus sabir's user avatar
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How to grow layouts in Javafx vertically as the height of screen increases?

As evident from the current layout, a considerable gap emerges, progressively expanding with the growth in frame height. My objective is to ensure that both the "Stock Arrival" and "...
AdnanArch's user avatar
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How can I update a text value of Label in non-controller class of Javafx?

another class is the controller, in a non-controller class of javafx, I can get the Label, but can't update the text value, and there is no any error... any one have the experience, pls help trying to ...
Pining Doggie's user avatar
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How do I handle multiple button in javafx

I have multiple button on an fxml file. By click on any buttons the fxml form that define in onAction will show. The quesion is: Am I should load all the forms with for example foreach and when the ...
F.M's user avatar
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