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Text Box Being Cropped JavaFX

I am designing a timer application. Here is my JavaFX code: package com.jammin.timetimer; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import
Jack Wanamaker's user avatar
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SQL query to select data between two dates not returning any record

I am trying to get the records of the transaction between two different dates for example sales record for the period of 2024-07-01 to 2024-08-20 from javafx date picker using the following query ...
Adamu Ahmad Dalhat's user avatar
4 votes
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Java 8 JavaFX - How to set the color of the title text of a single tab

I have my UI layed out in an .fxml file, then I have a .css I use for defining the styles and a JavaFX Controller that extends AnchorPane. In general it is not hard to style something, but the titles ...
chilliefiber's user avatar
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Java-I changed a textField to a ListView and I am not sure how to get it to calculate again

This is homework. Javafx. I needed to replace the Years textField with a comboBox. I have done that, but now when I click calculate, nothing happens. The stack trace shows the error happening at this ...
Puddy Dub's user avatar
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How to rotate a vertical slider in javafx to start with 0 from the top

I want to rotate a vertical slider in javafx so that I start with 0 from the top. I tried this: .slider { -fx-rotate: 180; } But then i got this: I would like to leave it like that, but ...
Zaki's user avatar
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How could I make a slider like this? Could this even be executed as a slider, or do I need another kind of node for this?

The kind of Slider I would want to use: Is this possible or do I need another kind of Node to execute this? Is this even possible in JavaFX? I haven't tried anything yet, but it's kind of hard to ...
Krisz's user avatar
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Javafx textfield expanding to width of popup window

I'm using a JavaFX Popup window with a TextField inside, and I am trying to reduce the width of the TextField, but the Popup is preventing this and instead the TextField always grows to the width of ...
JsK's user avatar
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JavaFX. Blocking user actions

I need to implement a security policy for working with documents. I encountered the following problem: The program runs in full screen; after user authorization, the program displays a list of files ...
Ilya's user avatar
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How to populate a JavaFX Textfield upon Redirection Using a Controller

Whenever I try to call the goToPage method, I get the following exception. Before using the controller, I was just literally calling the non static setTextField method using that method's class, but I ...
Chandler Garry's user avatar
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Why does Apache NetBeans Null Pointer Exception give me an error in my Java FXML project?

When I create a new java FXML project in netbeans, a simple code is normally generated, which executes without errors but in my case this is not the case, as soon as I create the project and try to ...
eduard marinez's user avatar
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How to remove blue border from TableColumn in JavaFX during reordering

I'm working with JavaFX and facing an issue with the TableView component. Whenever I reorder a column, a blue border appears around the column and there is blue box of the header. Can i change the ...
The Ciosiek's user avatar
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How to properly inherit an FXML annotated attribute for having it available in a subclass?

Problem I'm trying to implement the transmission of messages over a Controller Area Network, where the messages are built from user's inputs through a GUI created with JavaFX. I have a MainController ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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How to Change the Custom Color Lable text color using javafx css

How can I resolve visibility concerns when modifying the background color of a JavaFX ColorPicker, particularly with the "Custom Color" label becoming less noticeable on hover? Is it a label ...
Sree's user avatar
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Creating PDFs in a custom javafx application

I'm working on a Javafx project and have successfully converted it to a .dmg file using IntelliJ. On feature is that when a button is pressed, a PDF should be created and saved in the dowloads folder. ...
Beranger's user avatar
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why are the messages only being printed on client side of the GUI?

i have been working on a game called roborally. And we are supposed to establish a multiples Client chat. I want to know if my server or clientHandler aren't sending messages to the clients. im Using ...
Ryan Qchiqache's user avatar
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Updating TableView from another FXML/Controller

I've created an FXML file that allows users to see if a patient has a surgery listed in a TableView and also has the ability to add in a new surgery. To add in a new surgery the user right clicks on ...
Kameron's user avatar
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Get values from the ListView and display on a label in JavaFX

There's a list in a listView and there is a label to display the items that I selected. But when selecting more than one the label only shows one (the newest selection). What I want is to display all ...
Nethum 's user avatar
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Figma with JavaFX and custom components

Description With my team we are currently thinking to use Figma for the graphical part of out project, this way the designer will be able to make some modifications and get the components easily for ...
Thomas Liné's user avatar
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Cannot load image for region

Why doesn't JavaFX load my image for region though there is no error? public class HelloApplication extends Application { @Override public void start(Stage stage) throws ...
Hoàng Đức Bách's user avatar
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JavaFX bug with fast setImage call

I'm using Java 8 with JavaFX from Oracle, and I want to create a desktop remote app where the client continuously sends images as byte[] over sockets to the server. The server receives these images ...
Finn's user avatar
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Passing fxml objects between two seperate controller classes javafx fxml

I have two seperate stages (mainStage, popupStage), both with their own controller class and associated fxml file. I would like to access some buttons defined with the @FXML annotation in mainStage's ...
Mira's user avatar
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How to set a transparent png as a stage's background in javafx?

I am trying to set a transparent png as a stage's background. The problem is that the transparent part of the png is not not transparent in javafx. This is the code I am using: Pane root = new ...
adragomir's user avatar
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JavaFX : style defined in fxml file (via SceneBuilder) cannot be overridden by the CSS file, how do I do this?

How do I force style from CSS to override style from FXML So I have an fxml file to which I added style (via Scene Builder, it works). I have given the nodes a style class name, and am calling it ...
Jax's user avatar
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Menu Font in Javafx

I have been trying to change the font of the menu, but no luck. I do not want the background to be white, but the font. This is my code: Can someone please help me? // Add the menu items to the menu ...
Mysterio's user avatar
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Javafx method for finding TreeItem by value returning null

I have created a method for searching a JavaFX TreeView and returning the TreeItem that matches a given value but it returns a TreeView with a value of null. I have added a couple of sysouts and it ...
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JavaFX8: The last TableColumn's header text get clipped off if there's more than 45 TableColumns

Important disclaimer: I'm using fx that's packaged with JDK 8u202 I'm creating a TableView with about 100 TableColumns but when I scroll horizontally to the last TableColumn, that last TableColumn is ...
javaman's user avatar
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A JNI error + JavaFX error, matching java and javac versions along with matching JDK, do I need to update past Java 8? [duplicate]

I had this code working on a previous machine but have recently migrated my projects to a new environment, and am getting a new error when trying to get my project running: [slick_57@slicks-pc ~/...
slick_57's user avatar
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error: package javafx.application does not exist import javafx.application.Application;

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 OS. I got package javafx.application does not exist error.I read all articles related to topic. I both set my default Java version 8 and also add the openjfx to the Intellij as ...
asuman_sare's user avatar
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getSelectedIndex() is showing same index for same numbers JavaFX

so I'm creating a program that has a ListView and when I click on the items in its list it was to show the index of the assigned values ​​and pass it to a label, but for repeated numbers it shows the ...
Gengar Zueiro's user avatar
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Javafx project deployment - how to handle assets/resources?

I recently finished my first JavaFX project and am ready for deployment. I found that when I create the jar file for my project my ide creates a folder with the jar and other necessary files. I ...
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How to fix "Unable to create javax script engine for javascript" in netbeans?

Im trying to do a project using Javafx and Netbeans IDE and I can not run my project because this message below "Unable to create javax script engine for javascript". Please can someone tell ...
James James's user avatar
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Is any way to change the year faster from a datePicker element in javaFX?

I'm working with javaFX - in particular the datePicker node and I was just wondering, instead of incrementally changing the date via mouseclick in the datePicker popup menu, is there a faster way of ...
user avatar
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How can I call a method in a JavaFX Application's preloader instance from the main Application's init() method

In a JavaFX application's init() method I am doing some checks, one of them is a check to see if it can connect to a web address based using Http response codes. This app also has a preloader that ...
Matias S's user avatar
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For loop returns last item not iterating [closed]

I am trying to print an array of objects on a JavaFX panel which I created. When I iterate like this: Product[] arr = new Product[2]; arr[0] = new Food("Apple", 3.44, "fruit", ...
fatihcan8's user avatar
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Is there any way to make JavaFX spinner repeat its value range when hitting the lowest/highest value?

Is there any way to make JavaFX spinner repeat its value range when hitting the lowest/highest value? For example, here I have Spinner with minValue 1, maxValue 5, initial value 3: Spinner spinner = ...
Jakub's user avatar
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I keep getting an error when extending the 'Application' class

I’m trying to use JavaFX, but I keep getting errors when using anything from JavaFX: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: ...
blue kitten's user avatar
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JavaFX 3D Make a node face/lookAt the camera

So i have a small application that displays a molecule. In the corner I have a second scene that shows the axis and the axis rotation relative to the main scene. At the end of each axis I want text ...
Duncan A Saunders's user avatar
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Why are the setAlignment methods on layouts static?

I noticed that the setAlignment method for layouts within JavaFX is static. Why is this the case? Doesn't this mean that a single node contained within two layouts of the same class cannot have two ...
Pzet's user avatar
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Java FX ButtonBar Library

I am trying to build my first on JFX and am unable to find the jar library for javafx.scene.control.ButtonBar so that I can add to my project library. Any support please
Simiyu Cyphrene Sabuni's user avatar
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Set ComboBox to read only without disabling the ComboBox using JavaFX

I do not want to disable the ComboBox because I want the user to be able to select the ComboBox button and look through the ComboBox items. And if the user tries selecting an item in the ComboBox, a ...
javaman's user avatar
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JAVAFX, how to update maximized-Undecorated window's width and height on screen when taskbar's location gets changed?

What I am trying to do is this...1 I am trying to add the ability for my Undecorated-window to automatically resize when its in maximize and the taskbar's location gets changed. I have gotten close by ...
TookLong's user avatar
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JavaFX 8 Tableview headings not aligned on Linux (works on windows) - despite tableview.refresh()

Using JavaFX 8 (bundled with Java 1.8) Running this on a windows client, the refresh workaround does work. (JavaFX TableColumns' headers not aligned with cells due to vertical scrollbar) However ...
NottmTony's user avatar
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javafx - Can I set custom alignment in a column?

I need to make custom alignment in my TreeTableView column. I test css style: -fx-alignment: CENTER-RIGHT; and my column has alignment: start picture But I need to be able to choose the alignment ...
Kipoti's user avatar
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JavaFx Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger

The app runs perfectly fine in Eclipse and IntelliJ, and also in 'ant run'. Only when I run as Windows cmd to get the following errors: java -jar TheApp.jar Exception in thread "JavaFX ...
Wai.Chan's user avatar
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JavaFX: Need a custom control based on TextArea

I have the following requirement (sorry, but I'm quite new to JavaFX). I need to have a custom TextArea that supports not only entering text but also entering a kind of macro. This Macro has a unique ...
martin0815100's user avatar
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Change a binded string property throught non java application thread

Im trying to bind a label to some property that is modified outside the java application Thread and it throws not an fx application thread. I read the javafx concurrency documentation but Im honestly ...
André Gonçalves's user avatar
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JavaFX Layout issue in TreeView

Recently I updated my application from JavaFX 8 to JavaFX 18. After the migration I found some weird issues related to layout of TreeView. If I understand correctly, by the end of a scene pulse, all ...
Sai Dandem's user avatar
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JavaFx: CSS element unable to inherit properties of it's ID

I have created an Options menu with JavaFx and styled it with CSS. I have used FXML for designing the options window. In the options window, I have created a label at the top and given it ID "...
0jas's user avatar
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JavaFX corrupted Image from Server makes app crash

I'm trying to convert Base64 Image Strings and some URLs to image form but one or more of the images I get from the server seem to be corrupted. I can pick them out per hand but I need a code solution ...
KaraokeKarsten's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit the properties of a single tile in JavaFX tilepane?

Is there a way in JavaFX to get/change the properties of a single tile in the tilePane layout? More specifically, I am looking to change the color of a single tile. If this isn't possible, what are ...
Crustyyllama's user avatar

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