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Scaling and Centering an Image using Graphics.Transforms

I am trying to load an image onto a usercontrol Graphics Surface. I have no problem doing this. However, the result is never as expected. The image should scale to reach the border with the longest ...
Keerry King's user avatar
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2D PNG images analysis using textureFeatures/Matlab Medical Imaging Toolbox

I am trying to get the GLCM Properties from an image using Matlab Medical Imaging Toolbox. I know how to do it with the graycoprops but as the Medical Imaging Toolbox allows also to examine GLRLM, ...
AsiJapan's user avatar
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1 answer

I Made A Script To Search For An Image On The Screen The Problem is It Takes Too Long

public bool FindImageOnScreen(Bitmap searchFor, Bitmap searchIn) { for (int x = 0; x < searchIn.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < searchIn.Width; y++) { Log($&...
King Tkay's user avatar
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Image not found error when multiplying images in macro code

I'm pretty new to ImageJ, and coding in general. I'm trying to make a macro that will duplicate the current open image, threshold the duplicate to get the pixels with fluorescence, make the pixel ...
user23538013's user avatar
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Computer Configuration does not apply after creating a new Windows image

I am going through the process of making a new Windows 10 Pro image for imaging our workstations. The sysprep process goes fine, but after installing the image on our devices it will not pull the ...
n8techy's user avatar
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Why can't I make a vhd that can open in 7zip?

I am trying to create an image for diskless boot using Win 10. When I finished setting up a client PC (with Win 10), I tried to image it using 1) DD for Windows and 2) Disk2Vhd, now for some reason, ...
Florentino Tuason's user avatar
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C++ in Qt6 - Off-centered QPixmap while simulating video playback

Background I'm attempting to implement a platform-agnostic, timer-dependent "slide show" application in C++ for Qt v6.6. Currently, QPixmap instances are generated from raster files read ...
Dan C. Wlodarski's user avatar
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problem with GSAFT (backprojection) algorithm for nearfield image reconstruction on my simple planar array

I have a planar array containing 16 transmitters and 88 receivers located on the same plane with dimension 30cm-by-30cm. I have an object of size 6cm-by-6cm. Object and antenna array plane are in ...
mohammad rezza's user avatar
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How to reconstruct MMW image using electrical field in each direction at Reciever points

I have used a structure including 109 Receivers and 4 transmitters in order to do MMW imaging(multistatic imaging). Imaging was done in 3 different frequencies. So, now I have electrical field in each ...
mohammad rezza's user avatar
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Reduce noise by averaging images coming from x-ray camera (16 bit grayscale)

I am getting 16 bit grayscale images from a camera. I want to reduce the noise of these images by averaging the images (by factor of 2, 4 etc). I have the pixel data in a byte array. I have tried to ...
SoothingMusic's user avatar
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Medical Imaging with python

I have an image in DICOM format, this image is composed of a set of RAW files (a specific case 122, which would be the number of slices that the image would have, depth in Z). The size of the image is ...
dms's user avatar
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Extract black and white raw image in PDF to jpg and tiff

I have a task to extract black and white (1 bpc) image from PDF to jpg and tiff using .Net. But I got an exception when creating a bitmap from the memory steam. The below is parts of my code ...
Roy's user avatar
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How to do pixel super-resolution?

I am currently exploring pixel super-resolution algorithms and am unsure where to begin, so I have attempted to replicate the work of others. The paper I am trying to replicate is titled "High-...
Swimming's user avatar
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How to use FTK Imager 4.7.1 under Windows PE on an USB-Stick

I am an ongoing computer forensic student and I am working on taking an image on a bitlocker encrypted Windows 10 device. Therefore I am creating a Version of Windows PE and mount it with FTK Imager 4....
overflodo's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Sorting a large amount of data into separate sets

I'm extracting up to 2500 frame files per experiment (not always the same amount), and my process at the moment is to manually divide the total number of frames by three to separate into three subset ...
Gala Solis's user avatar
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Any Alternative to ImageIO.write to convert bufferedimage to GIF bytes (Faster than ImageIO)?

my problem is when using imageio.write i am seeing that is using hdd, also read about jDeli (but too expensive), Apache Commons, JAI that are much faster.... I wanna use the encoded bytes returned by ...
orkim okard's user avatar
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scale intensity of MP4 to counts originally collected by the camera

I have data that I saved as mp4 files and contain intensity for a fluorescent signal, however because they were exported in mp4 format the intensity shown in the image is less than in the original ...
M. Ochoa's user avatar
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GDAL read several pictures from wmts server using same opened connection

I use C++ code to read pictures from WMTS server using DGAL. First I initialize GDAL once: ... OGRRegisterAll(); etc. But new connection is opened every time I want to read new image (different urls):...
Timofey Dokunin's user avatar
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Window width and Center and Hounsfield units [closed]

I am currently adjusting the brightness and contrast of a grayscale image using fo-dicom. Loading the image: _dicomFile = DicomFile.Open(GetImageFileName()); _dicomImage = new DicomImage(...
SoothingMusic's user avatar
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Imaging to Bigger SSD

I'm planning to image a laptop using Acronis or maybe Clonezilla from a 256GB 2.5" SSD to an NVMe 512GB. The laptop is assigned to just one person but they have quite a few pieces of proprietary ...
vahnx's user avatar
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How to extract an image area and plug it back in the original image?

I am working with 3D images(300) of size (128x128x128). I want to extract the image area (remove the background), do some transformation, and plug the transformed part back on the original image. How ...
Dushi Fdz's user avatar
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improve performance of non local mean NLM openGL kernel

I wrote a 3D non local mean denoising function using openGL compute shaders in a windows form application via openTK, this function performs a denoising on float grayscale volumetric images (voxel), ...
Michele Colle's user avatar
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Is there a way to map a low resolution false color imaging to a high resolution photographic image?

I have a very high resolution photographic image with some objects in it, along with a false color scan of it, but at a lower resolution. I know that I can upscale the scan image as it is, but is ...
srcLegend's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there a way in python to stack arrays of pixels of same size (such as a z-stack)?

I just want to sort of clarify for example could I somehow stack a few 2D arrays into an image? array1=[[0,0,0,0,0] [0,7.6,7,7.2,0] [0,7.6,7,0,0] [0,0,0,0,0]] array2=[[0,0,0,0,...
Sam Taylor's user avatar
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how to cluster and then add the colors for clustering in thermal images

I want to cluster the image according so that i get the high temperature regions( white, red and yellow) and then instead of viewing those individually, I would like to view all the three color ...
けいと差珍's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting "Images Do Not Occupy Same Physical Space" Error When Trying to Multiply two .nii Files in Convert3d/ITK

I have to mask a .nii MRI image for an internship I'm doing. The method I'm using involves multiplying the proton density weighted version of the image (captured during the inversion pulse) by the ...
JG98's user avatar
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can I represent the result of a counter with matplolib?

Hello everyone i wanr to represent the following result of a counter: Counter({'U.S.': 852, 'U.S.S.R/Russia': 273, 'Japan': 20, 'France': 18, 'Canada': 18, 'Germany': 16, 'China': 14, 'Italy': 13, 'U....
Santo Palomo's user avatar
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How to generate fields of views to image a list of points in the sample?

I start with a grid of evenly spaced XY coordinates, with the distance between them determined by the field of view of the imaging system. The red dots are the XY coordinates, and the scan area looks ...
pskeshu's user avatar
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How to fit two images into one image

I am working on a project to fuse two DICOM Image by myself. Image 1 (168x168) When the images of Image 2 (512x512) are combined, the two images do not match at all. I don't think there's a problem ...
로다현's user avatar
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How to implement Custom cropping using golang

Am looking to do custom cropping on a set of images, Instead of cropping normally, using height and width i want the flexibility of getting an output image that is cropped like a polygon or an hexagon ...
Mohamed Belkamel's user avatar
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Dicom deformable image registration

I have dicom files for two CT scans and deformable registration between them. I would like to ask how I can deform one CT scan based on the deformable registration file: so far, I managed to extract ...
Maan's user avatar
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Is it a false security alert?

I'm getting this alert: Microsoft Kodak Imaging small offset malformed tiff-small endian I scanned the affected system with an antivirus: no infection found. Is this a false IPS alert ?
Simnad K N's user avatar
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Hidden metadata in TIFF files

I'm using a proprietary software to record and export microscope images as TIFF files. When I load the TIFF files in the imaging software, I have access to all imaging settings at the time of ...
chiasmos's user avatar
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How to compute reflectance from an image given a wavelength (python)

I have recently come across a paper entitled, "Portable Multispectral Imaging System Based on Raspberry Pi". In this work, the authors have presented a low-cost spectral imaging system using ...
bellawillrise's user avatar
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Calculate length of an object comprised of pixels in all 8-neighbor-dimensions

I have an array with 1s and 0s where the 0s represent background and 1s information that came originally from an image. I first find out which 1s belong together (thus are direct neighbors along their ...
tdawg's user avatar
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How resizing a 3D image works, intuitively

I know how resizing works in 2D images but I am having issues understanding how it works in 3D images. As I think a 3D image is made by stacking multiple 2D images in the z dimension. What happens in ...
Talha Anwar's user avatar
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adding an overlay on a DICOM image using open CV

I am trying to create a layer on a DICOM image, below code works fine for jpg/png images but not for DICOM. import cv2 import numpy as np import pydicom as dicom ds=dicom.dcmread('D0009.dcm') img=ds....
Saumya mishra's user avatar
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Creating a grayscale image in a python byte array

I need to pass a grayscale image as binary array to a DLL in python. I am using PIL to load the original image, converting it to a grayscale, and they copying the pixels to the c_char array. My code ...
skearns's user avatar
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How to use GDCM to write voxel data, slice by slice?

In all the examples I've seen for GDCM on how to write image data, they always consider the image volume as a single whole, cohesive buffer. The basic structure is along the lines #include "...
datenwolf's user avatar
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Repeat function for Tiff file needed TILE function

I want to read image file (6477 X 6840) pixels and copy it 2 time in Y and 8 times in X. I have tried so many procedures but time consumption is too high. public static void FillPattern(Graphics g, ...
jaydeep6720's user avatar
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Plotting Ellipsoid in Python

I have a 3x3 positive definite matrix (a diffusion tensor to be specific) and am hoping to plot an ellipsoid who's axis directions correspond to the eigenvalues of the tensor with scale proportional ...
Half_Baked's user avatar
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How do I determine the displacement between two matrices using a two-dimensional cross-correlation function (xcorr2) in matlab

Im very new to matlab and medical imaging in general. For a project I need to finish a script that uses two matrices the "kernel" and "searchArea" to determine the displacement of ...
Nawin Narain's user avatar
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dimensions of image read using tfio.image.decode_dicom_image

I read a .dcm image from my own dataset using tfio.image.decode_dicom_image following this link. The shape of the read image is shown as (None,None,None,None). While displaying the image using plt....
psj's user avatar
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WICConvertBitmapSource BGR to Gray unexpected pixel format conversion

I am using WICConvertBitmapSource function to convert pixel format from BGR to Gray and I'm getting unexpected pixel values. ... pIDecoder->GetFrame( 0, &pIDecoderFrame ); pIDecoderFrame->...
cubiii's user avatar
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Finding a object within a picture and returning its location in VB.NET

I'm trying to accomplish a task of finding a specific object inside a PictureBox in VB.NET and returning the object's location within the PictureBox. I have the image containing the object inside a ...
betanon's user avatar
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How to maintain Direction in SimpleITK image to numpy array conversion?

I have three different isotropic MRI DICOM volumes of the same object, each with a different direction (orthogonal sagittal, coronal and transverse acquisitions of same object). I would like to ...
walew's user avatar
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Drawing a geometry onto a Bitmap (Avalonia)

My question is pretty straight forward: Is it possible to draw a Avalonia.Media.Geometry onto a Avalonia.Media.Bitmap so that I can save the resulting Image to a Steam as well as use the whole thing ...
Frederik Hoeft's user avatar
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SimpleITK - Coronal/sagittal views problems with size

I'm trying to extract the all three views (Axial, Sagittal and Coronal) from a CTA in DICOM format, using the SimpleItk library. I can correctly read the series from a given directory: ... ...
Ghesio's user avatar
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vtkplotter - How to set a colormap

I'm working with labeled DICOMs, and I'm using vtkplotter to visualize the 3D model. Each voxel has a label that identifies the recognized part of bone, ranging from -1024 to a value that varies ...
Gibser's user avatar
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How do I display all 8-bits image on python

first of all, sorry for my bad english, im a spanish speaker so Im gonna try my best to explain my problem. I have a normalized ([0-255]) dicom image, and I want to display 8 images, but changing the ...
Nicolas's user avatar

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