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osgeo packages quit running in python evironment without error/warning

I am having problem with running gdal/ogr/osr in python environment. The program just stopped running until the line where I use any of these packages.It doesn't give any error or warning message. I ...
Zixin's user avatar
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How to convert NASA GPM data from HDF5 to GeoTIFF using python or gdal?

I'm trying to convert an HDF5 file to GeoTIFF, but I am having trouble. It's specifically an HDF5 file from this source, I have had success using gdal_translate on other HDF5 files. An example file ...
JWB's user avatar
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26 views expression to extract where raster is equal to 2 values

I am trying to extract all raster values where the cell is equal to either 330 or 430, however I can't get the syntax to work. I am using the following: python --co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE&...
AndyH's user avatar
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How can we track progress of `gdal2tiles` command in python?

When I run gdal2tiles command in a subprocess, how can I follow the progress of the tiling process (from 0 to 1) ? I tried using --verbose parameter, but logs from gdal2tiles do not show progress line ...
Ruelle Paul's user avatar
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Make C/C++ project static library using CMake for ios target

I am making a build using make tool, for gdal library, I am able to configure using the following command. cmake .. -G Xcode \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=...
Santosh Singh's user avatar
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GDAL Native DLL's not copied with dotnet publish

I'm working with GDAL to get the ElevationMap of GeoTIFF files in an .NET6 / Visual Studio 2022 environment. In the Debug or Release everything works fine (there is a ./gdal subfolder in the bin-...
WeltenBummler's user avatar
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Losing CRS when writing to GPKG with OGR2OG / GDAL

CRS is getting set as undefined, no matter what I run. Not a biggy, but throws a warning when I import to QGIS. Am I doing something wrong, or is it a bug? My codes: ogr2ogr -f "GPKG" -nlt ...
GeoJim's user avatar
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Exporting Vector and Raster Layers to GeoPackage (gpkg) with PyQGIS

How to export layers(shape-files and GTiff) from a list into one gpkg file? It works for vector and raster layers separately, but only one type of layers is saved in the output. I've realised what ...
Vera PL's user avatar
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DLL load failed while importing _version --- rasterio and gdal

I work on Spyder. I need to import 'rasterio', but I always get this error when trying to import it: import rasterio Traceback (most recent call last): Cell In[2], line 1 import rasterio ...
Leonora's user avatar
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GDAL Installation Issues on Anaconda (gdalinfo.exe Entry Point Not Found Error)

I’m struggling to get GDAL working in my Anaconda environment on Windows. Despite multiple attempts, gdalinfo --version consistently returns an entry point error, preventing GDAL from functioning. I'm ...
Andres Bolivar's user avatar
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How can I fix this geojson with unwanted vertices?

I'm working with a GeoJSON file that represents the area of the United States at 0 feet elevation. However, when I load it into QGIS, a strange diagonal line appears, stretching across the map. This ...
Pannam's user avatar
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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'int org.gdal.gdalconst.gdalconstJNI.GDT_Int8_get()' when using org.gdal and osgeo/gdal in docker

I want to containerize a SpringBoot app and make use of gdal. For this I use in my pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.gdal</groupId> <artifactId>gdal</...
ka3ak's user avatar
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Gdal.translate produces map with latitude axis upside-down

I am trying to process rain radar images of the UK MET weather service for a particular catchment area. I am stitiching the image together from several png files before georeferencing it with gdal....
felix_the_cat's user avatar
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GDAL ogr2ogr is taking too long while importing OSM data to PostGIS

I’m trying to import the entire planet OSM (OpenStreetMap) data into a PostGIS database using GDAL and ogr2ogr. However, this process has been running for 6 days, and it’s still not finished. Here’s ...
Ozan çolak's user avatar
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Calculating the geometric difference between two vector layers

The difference function below, which calculates the boolean difference between two vector layers, relies on two private functions difference_recursive and inner_difference_recursive. How would one ...
GeographyJames's user avatar
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Possible to convert csv to geojson with ogr2ogr without null geometry values?

I'm using ogr2ogr to convert some csv to geojson via the following method now, instead of with VRT files as I used to: ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" output.geojson input.csv -oo X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=...
Eponymous's user avatar
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Convert CH1903+/LV95 projection (EPSG:2056) to EPSG:4326 (WGS84) with vertical correction

I am currently trying to use elevation data data from the Swiss Alti3D DEM and compare it to another set of data that I have acquired in WGS 84 (EPSG: 4326). As such, I tried to reproject the Swiss ...
becker's user avatar
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How to set the band description of a multiband image using ArchGDAL.jl

I am trying to use the ArchGDAL.jl API to set the band descriptions for an image of N bands. For example, I have a hyperspectral image, call it mydata, that is taken at 200 wavelengths, and I would ...
Zachary M Vig's user avatar
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What is the proper way to repair/recreate the .shx of an ESRI Shapefile using gdal?

I can recreate the missing .shx file by using the gdal command ogr2ogr and specifing the config "--config SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX YES". But, although it recreates the .shx file it gives me an ...
ASRodrigo's user avatar
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Go GDAL bindings: CPLErr has no field or method 'Err' when using lukeroth/gdal with TileDB-Go

I have installed GDAL and TileDB, along with all necessary dependencies, on my system. However, when I try to run my Go project that uses the lukeroth/gdal and TileDB-Go bindings, I encounter the ...
Kumail Raza's user avatar
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Converting 1-band DEM GeoTiff to 3-band (RGB) GeoTiff with storing full elevation value in RBG + GeoServer ready

My goal is to host tiles with elevation values in GeoServer. I downloaded the mapzen tiles (link here: Originally downloaded for use in opentopodata. I ...
WSA's user avatar
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Setting up GDAL in Docker

I’m trying to setup GDAL in Docker to support a Python back-end web server using Flask. After running docker compose up -d I’m receiving the following error: Could not find gdal-config. Make sure you ...
Matt Ahmad's user avatar
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MSIX not copying resource file correctly

I have a program with the gdal package that i want to include in the MSIX installer. before updating to .net8 it worked with the structure -WindowsApps --Appx_hash ---gdal ---images ---myAppX but ...
busssard's user avatar
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Entity Framework Core: Cannot scaffold sqlite database with spatialite (Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException) VirtualKNN2

I created sqlite database from geography markup language (gml) file using GDAL GMLAS, with command ogr2ogr -f SQLite test.sqlite3 GMLAS:C:\file.gml ...
Konrad 's user avatar
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Gdal tiff to csv with Lon and Lat

I want to get a normal CSV file from GeoTIFF. I have the code: inputfile = '/content/gdrive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/tiff to nc/of_LC08_L2SP_169027_20130428_20200913_02_T1_SR_B5.TIF.tif' outputfile = '/...
Stozi Python's user avatar
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cannot open url with gdal from within azure docker environment

I am wanting to open a file link (href) that was retrieved from Microsoft planetary computer like this import pystac_client import planetary_computer from osgeo import gdal catalog = pystac_client....
Krischl's user avatar
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get all gdal Config Options

For debugging purposes it would be great to being able to access all gdal ConfigOptions at once. I want to compare 2 different environments (one locally, one in a docker build) I found this list : ...
Krischl's user avatar
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Trouble Reprojecting Rotated Latitude-Longitude Grid to EPSG:4326 in GDAL

I am facing difficulties with reprojecting a NetCDF file containing data on a rotated latitude-longitude grid. Despite several attempts, I have been unable to align the data correctly with geographic ...
Hundesa Siraj Mohammed's user avatar
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Issue with converting .tif to mbtiles using GDAL C++

I have been tasked with looking at some code that converts .tif files to .mbtiles and stores them in sql lite database. The code has a bug where when converting from .tif to mbtiles the map when ...
Kapolani's user avatar
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R crashes when running R's terra and Julia's GeoArrays.jl packages in R simultaneously via JuliaCall

I want to run some code in R that uses the terra package to handle rasters. At the same time, from R, I need to be able to load rasters into memory in Julia using GeoArrays.jl. On MacOS and Windows, ...
Edward Lavender's user avatar
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GeoTIFF from HDF using Python's GDAL

Below is my code, and the output says translation complete, but for some reason, the output file is not appearing the output directory. Its' not getting saved. from osgeo import gdal # Define file ...
Jalathota Anisha's user avatar
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Pythonic way to blockshift a geotif with GDAL

I am using GDAL from osgeo to work on geotif files. I have not figured out out to use the option -a_gt to alter the geotransform and used a systen call instead. shifted_geotransform = tuple([...
David Boutelier's user avatar
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European Map using R, for a current R version (2024)

When I try and follow the answer to the question on European Map using R about plotting a map some objects on top of it based on their longitude/latitude coordinates, I run into problems installing sf,...
dpk's user avatar
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ogrinfo issues when updating row record with sqlite dialect

I am using the following ogrinfo call to update a row record (where name is "50mn_R9_R10"): ogrinfo tmp.shp -dialect sqlite -sql 'update tmp set iacolor=case when name="50mn_R9_10" ...
Gery's user avatar
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How to run

This is my first question in the forum, so please apologize if I'm not following some forum etiquette rules. I'm trying to run to polygonize a raster file with this code, # 4- ...
eagu_999's user avatar
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GEOSException in dev container for geodjango with postgis for python 3.12

I'm trying to setup a dev container to develop a geodjango application. The dev container spins up and runs but when browsing in the admin to the model overview that contains a PointField, I get the ...
welworx's user avatar
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ogr2ogr PostGis index generation

We used an old GDAL Version (3.2.1) to load data to a postgis db with ogr2ogr. There was an automatic spatial index generation taking place, which seemed to have a logic to avoid duplicated index ...
Hanskaspar's user avatar
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Using GDALWarp to combine and crop HGT files

I'm trying to take a bounding box, and crop only that section from whatever source amount of HGT files are needed. I see it should be possible from this. Using GDALWarp with the following results in ...
nathansizemore's user avatar
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GDAL Exception when using in AutoCAD .Net Plugin

I have installed GDAL and GDAL.Native v3.9.1 packages. Console applications work well, but when I use it in AutoCAD Class Library project, it always raises the exception: The type initializer for '...
Imran Anees's user avatar
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Clipping not working gdal python in a for loop

I have a block of code that work individually works but when I put it in my main block of code doesn't work anymore and i can't figure out why. My goal is to clip a shapefile with another shapefile ...
elwwan's user avatar
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can gdal.Driver handle S3 file paths?

A project that I am working on requires me to access geometries stored in a .gdb folder with OGR/GDAL as geopandas is currently not capable of accessing M values associated with those geometries. I've ...
wannabeengineer15's user avatar
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load gml with gdal org driver (with driver options) in c#

I try to open a wfs gml file with gdal and I want to use the options DOWNLOAD_SCHEMA and GML_SKIP_RESOLVE_ELEMS. But when I use the GML Driver, I couldn't find a way to add options. public GMLFile(...
Sebastian's user avatar
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gdalwarp ERROR 1: Invalid pixel size for backmap

I used following command to generate geotiff file for VIIRS NetCDF file: ./gdalwarp -geoloc -t_srs epsg:4326 -tr 0.0035 0.0035 -r near -te -70.18 -7.64 -43.96 30.91 dat.vrt i4b.tif but failed with ...
Jerry guo's user avatar
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Transforming an (lat,lon) extent in GOES-16 projection with Python/cartopy/GDAL?

I have a WGS84 shapefile, which I'm trying to get its extent, firstly with its projection: gdf = gpd.read_file("/content/buffer.shp") bounds = row.geometry.bounds extent = [bounds[0], ...
kolrocket's user avatar
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how to reslove unsatisfyLinkError for file in 64-bit android

I am developing an Android app that uses the library. When I run the app I get the error like this java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: "/data/app/~~fEMejdDPZpV3FZzivEAV9Q==/...
Rahul Kumbar's user avatar
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Labelling contour lines with OGR_STYLE

I'm trying to add labels to DEM contour lines. I'm working with GDAL 3.6.2. , which I installed using Anaconda . I have some DEM data from USGS which I wrote as a contour map to a KML file using: ...
user1592380's user avatar
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Selecting GDAL driver for writing KML file from TIFF

I have some DEM data from USGS which I'm trying to write as a contour map to a KML file. I'm working with GDAL 3.4.1. , which I installed using Anaconda $ gdal_contour Downloads/...
user1592380's user avatar
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How I can georeference a png image with GDAL in Django?

I am trying to georeference a png image with some control points, which would be the corner coordinates. I have achieved this using just GDAL with the following code: from osgeo import gdal ds = ...
Joan Sebastian Diaz Gomez's user avatar
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How to install gdal using conda?

I am trying to run this line: from osgeo import gdal I am getting this error: from osgeo import gdal ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'osgeo' However, I have already installed gdal using ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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MODIStsp R package: unable to download land cover data

I am trying to download land cover data using the MODIStsp R package without using the GUI, using the following code: library(remotes) remotes::install_github( "ropensci/MODIStsp" ) ...
Saïd Maanan's user avatar

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