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Class "GuzzleHttp\Promise" not found - but it is there

I am using CI4, php8.0, guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.9.2 & guzzlehttp/promises: 2.0.3. While guzzle works well, when I gets to promises, it fails. I load up the classes with: use GuzzleHttp\Client; use ...
spreaderman's user avatar
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In laravel 11 we have used use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Promise;

use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Promise; public function all_data() { $drivers = DB::table('drivers')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); $client = new Client(); $...
Mukesh's user avatar
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Saving an entity with compressed client response and request in Symfony 7

Initial Situation I have an application in Symfony 7. In this application, I am making external API calls, for which I have an abstract class HttpClient defined. In this class, I use guzzle Client to ...
Luka's user avatar
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How can I get Laravel's Http client to return a rejected promise for a failed request?

Laravel's Http client has a throw() method which makes calls fail with an exception for synchronous calls: $resp = Http::throw()->get(''); // throws RequestException ...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
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GuzzleHttp local certificate xrpl-php

Good day! I’ve successfully installed this crypto github repo: on my local machine and I'm attempting to run example files yet receive the following error ...
soma56's user avatar
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http request conversion from php to node

Im passing legacy php server to node. i have this php guzzle http request to some dashboard: $request = $this->http_client->request('POST', $url, [ 'headers' => ['Content-type: ...
Dimitriy Glefa's user avatar
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Unable to post using GuzzleHttp: Error: Header value must be scalar or null but array provided

I'm trying to post the following html form using GuzzleHttp but I'm unable to do so because of the error while setting the form_params in the header. InvalidArgumentException: Header value must be ...
GoharSahi's user avatar
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PHP Google cloud function got OpenSSL Error messages: "CURL error 35: error:0A000126:SSL routines: unexpected eof while reading"

I'm running a Google Cloud Function to perform an asynchronous task using pcntl_fork and Guzzle Client to handle external API requests . When I make an external API request to a third-party service, I ...
givemesomevalue's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are the headers empty?

I am trying to get a simple redirection to work with GuzzleHttp and am using phpunit to test my code. The expected behavior is that if the requested URL ends with a "/" then the response ...
mqbaka mqbaka's user avatar
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Laravel Pulse with GuzzleHttp/Client and custom base_uri

I'm trying to add laravel-pulse-guzzle-recorder to my Laravel Pulse, to record Slow Outgoing Requests when using a GuzzleHttp/Client instead of the builtin Http facade. Docs say you need that the ...
Vito Meuli's user avatar
4 votes
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Formatting OpenAI responses

I've created an OpenAI-powered platform for teachers in my district to create AI Bots that have thematic chats with students (i.e. why is socialism so polarizing in the US, etc). These chats are saved ...
Michael Gabe's user avatar
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Laravel 8 guzzle SOAP request returns error 500

I'm trying to do a POST call with SOAP in Laravel 8 to get some data, but if I put headers on the call, the remote server returns error 500. Also if no headers are defined, I receive an empty response....
Jordi Tomàs Molina 's user avatar
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Is there a way to send a HEAD and GET request using php?

I would like to obtain the headers of a resource without actually downloading it, especially because I am trying to inspect headers of bigger media files. However the URLs are behind redirects, and I ...
Bernard Wiesner's user avatar
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Laravel - Mock single method in a command using PHP UNIT

I'm trying to test a command where there's a method I want to mock because it makes a call to an external service using Guzzle, but no matter what I try, I can't seem to mock it successfully. It ...
Miguel Heredia's user avatar
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how to read ndjson stream response in php

sorry if my question is silly but there's something I'm not getting. I'm using Guzzle in a PHP process to make an API call. $response = $this->client->request('GET', 'droits_acces', [ ...
Florian B's user avatar
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How to make a POST request via GuzzleRequest?

I'm trying to configure an API. I don't know how I can instantiate a GuzzleRequest to post data and generate authorization header for the API. This is the GuzzleRequest created $request = new ...
bricend96's user avatar
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Can I create a mock response in a Guzzle middleware?

I'm writing a PHPUnit test in Drupal and I want to mock the response that the SUT will receive when it makes HTTP calls. For example, the SUT will make a request to '' ...
joachim's user avatar
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how do I configure composer in my running php & nginx container in Docker?

I've been working with Docker for about a few days and I confused with installing & running different extensions in Docker with composer.The main issue is that I can't properly install compoer ...
halunkatheking's user avatar
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No data being returned from Auth0 in Laravel 11 upgrade

We are upgrading our Laravel application from version 9 to version 11, and as such we are upgrading the auth0 packages as well. Previously to this upgrade, it has been working perfectly well, but we'...
Simon R's user avatar
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TPN API integration - SoapFault exception: [Client] looks like we got no XML document

When I sent XML data in the Guzzle it worked but when I implemented that on SoapClient it did not work. Guzzle Code $client = new Client(); $headers = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-...
sudin's user avatar
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Display php autorization header on post request after submitting a form

I want to set an API Payment inside my webpage but before using endpoints, we have to generate Headers. The API is coded in Laravel. Api docs: documentation smobilpay Github to access Api full code: ...
bricend96's user avatar
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GuzzleHttp How to create an asynchronous request

I've been trying to create an async request for a few days now, and I'm not succeeding either..I don't want to wait for the response from the request, I send the request and the code continues to the ...
Stenly Georgiev's user avatar
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How can I add multiple query parameters with the same name but different values with Saloon (PHP)?

I integrated a remote API with my PHP web application using Saloon. I usually set my query parameter on my Request like this: $this->query()->set([ 'param1' => 'val1', 'param2' => '...
Dr. Gianluigi Zane Zanettini's user avatar
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Laravel guzzle http client not able to catch error using error handling

$endpoint = rtrim($site->url,"/").'/'.env('WP_ENDPOINT'); try { $request = Http::post($endpoint); dd($request); } catch (\Guzzle\Http\Exception\ConnectException $e) {...
Dev Newbie's user avatar
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Sending a raw JSON body with Guzzle that contains an array

I am using PHP Guzzle to formulate a request to a 3rd party API tracking service. I am able to successfully make API calls via a collection I have created using Postman, but I'm having difficulty ...
Alan A's user avatar
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Magento + Guzzlehttp - tracking with legacy API endpoint for Klaviyo

Klaviyo is updating their APIs, so we upgraded the extension in Magento to the latest version, but Klaviyo is still seeing an active legacy API on their end. As per their team, "It's the '/track' ...
ademarco's user avatar
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Multiple HandlerStack in same application causing high response time

One of my backend uses HandlerStack::create(), so I can add to it a custom middleware that is used by all clients. So far, so good. Recently, I needed to add a new Middleware::retry(), but this need ...
Caio Boratto's user avatar
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Image upload by rest api to TikTok integration via image string generated by binary

I am trying to make http multipart request from my app to tiktok, but getting the response **param is invalid,detail:type incorrect,expected type:binary** here is the my code: public ...
rati_geo's user avatar
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Why Guzzle onrejected function in promise-then still throw an exception?

I found that the $promise->wait() function will throw an exception and I must use try-catch to handle exception again. $promise = $this->client->sendAsync($request); $promise->then( ...
user23674741's user avatar
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How do I log guzzle multi requests?

I have this code for creating a Guzzle client with logging: $loggerMiddleware = new Logger(function ($level, $message, array $context) { ... } $handler = new CurlMultiHandler(); $stack = HandlerStack:...
TKoL's user avatar
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PATCH Request Body empty after converting Symfony HttpFoundation to PSR7

I'm attempting to send a PATCH request as follows, convert it to PSR7 and then validate the request using OpenAPI PSR-7 Message (HTTP Request/Response) Validator, which fails with the following ...
Jason's user avatar
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use Guzzle wit api

use Guzzle wit api that is the Curl example curl -u 'username:token' '' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"...
ashrf glal's user avatar
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How to get details from a Guzzle ConnectException

I'm using the lats version of the on php 8.1.11 for Google Sheets. I import datas with a pasteDataRequest(). I very often catch a Guzzle ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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In Laravel, using Http Client, how can I get the headers that will be sent in the request?

I'm making a request using the Laravel Http Client, and I want to know the exact headers that will be sent (or were sent) in the request. I'm not trying to set them. I want to read them. Does anybody ...
Magmatic's user avatar
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How do I format Guzzle POST request

Guzzle beginner here. I have an API request that I've got working in Postman and the raw CURL code works but when I try the GuzzleHTTP approach, it fails with 406 Not Acceptable response: Could not ...
SteveG's user avatar
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Adding Guzzle Client Middleware to use proxy based on request URL in Laravel

I'm using Guzzle HTTP client for making requests from my Laravel 10 application. I want to use a proxy for some URLs, thought about doing so with middleware. Thing is, in order to intercept the ...
user1768741's user avatar
-2 votes
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guzzlehttp/guzzle Conflicting With Important Packages

I have a coinbase/coinbase-commerce package in my project that requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ~5.0|~6.0 and it's satisfiable by these versions guzzlehttp/guzzle[5.0.0, ..., 5.3.4, 6.0.0, ..., 6.5.8]. I'm ...
Cyril's user avatar
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Issue with Guzzle Graphql request using parameters

I'm trying to execute a simple graphql query with parameters, but I can't get it to work. Any idea what I'm missing? A query without parameters works fine. Below the code i use and error I receive. P....
Jeco's user avatar
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GuzzleHttp Promises problem: requests are running synchronously

I have a problem. In the code below I use GuzzleHttp Promises to handle asynchronous requests. What happens here is that the requests start asynchronous but when I enter in the loop in the then() call ...
Pietro Siccardi's user avatar
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GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException: Connection refused for URI errors When Setting Up Local Development Environment

I'm encountering multiple connection refused errors while attempting to configure a local development environment for the website on my Windows desktop. The website application is based on Drupal 10, ...
Happy Coder's user avatar
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In Laravel 9, the authorization header gets dropped on some requests using the HTTP Client (GuzzleHTTP)

I'm using Laravel 9, and using the HTTP Client (GuzzleHTTP) to make calls to an API. Previously this just worked, however the last few days something has changed (On their end, I believe) and my ...
Jon's user avatar
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How can i pass a Symfony Request to another Controller with Guzzle

I have a Symfony project made up of several microservices, each in a different repo, and a microservice that acts as an API Gateway, through which the fronts make their calls in order to verify user ...
Augustin D'ille's user avatar
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PHP8 and guzzlehttp package

I have updated my local setup with PHP 8.2.13 version, my project is working fine. I have third party API call within my project which is implemented with guzzleHttp client class. GuzzleHttp version I ...
Amruta Ranade's user avatar
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PHP UrlEncode and UrlDecode are not accepting the word NULL in an SQL String submitted with GUZZLE

So I'm passing in a Query where there is the condition where X is NULL is the condition at the end of the SQL.... it is using "{"query":"".urlencode($this->query)."&...
BostonMacOSX's user avatar
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CORS Issue when Interacting with Instagram HTML in Laravel Guzzle

I'm working on a project where I need to log into Instagram programmatically within my Laravel application. I've successfully fetched the Instagram HTML on the server side and displayed it on the ...
Muhammad Hammad Anwar's user avatar
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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare GuzzleHttp afetr installing it using Composer

I've installed manually the SDK package of Amazon AWS a long time ago in a website. And I'm calling it like this: require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/aws/aws-autoloader.php'; use Aws\S3\S3Client; ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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Using Guzzle HTTP client for multiple API requests, but getting the results from my 1st api call when using json_decode for my 2nd api call response

I am working with PHP in my Symfony project. I need to use the data, from my 1st API call, in my 2nd API call. Furthermore, I am using the Guzzle HTTP client. Everything is working properly, except ...
Kram_Koorbse's user avatar
1 vote
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cURL error 5: Could not resolve proxy when using proxy request in PHP Laravel with Guzzle

I have a function that checks if a proxy is working using Guzzle. The code is as follows: private function isValidProxy($ip, $port, $username, $password) { // Construct proxy URL with ...
Hammad Anwar's user avatar
3 votes
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cURL error 6: getaddrinfo() thread failed to start

Since several months, I get the curl error 6 thread failed to start inside my Laravel job queue on all my HTTP call. I understand that it's related with the ulimit variable of my server, but even with ...
Bobolito's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to boost a post using facebook graph API?

I have been working with Facebook Graph API and first tried to create an Ad with Graph API Explorer but its returning error as { "error": { "message": "Invalid parameter&...
codewiz's user avatar
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