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Why I can't retrieve scopes into token with oauth for Microsoft Graph API?

I want to use the Microsoft Graph API on my application (which is actually on development). I use fullcalendar js on my application (laravel 8) and when a user create an event on my application I want ...
Petitemo's user avatar
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Guzzle oauth2 authentification issue

I am trying to connect to an oauth2 system using guzzle but I keep getting this message: $guzzle = new GuzzleHttp\Client; $response = $guzzle->post('
Chris DeBurg's user avatar
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How to pass greater than or less than operator in guzzle http when doing request

How can I send a request correctly with query string greater than operator using guzzle? Here I want to pull all records with dateLastModified greater than specific date $this->client = new Client([...
bbaho's user avatar
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1 answer

Error 401: Unauthorized with Oauth2 for Discord

I am currently developing a connection system through Discord using the Oauth2 API in PHP. For the moment I can get the code to get the access token. I get my access token but I can't get the ...
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How to fix the 'invalid_grant' error when using Google Photos API

I'm trying to use the Google Photos API (quite a newbie on this). I've managed to go through the authentication/consent process. I stored the authorization code that was returned by Google. On a later ...
Alexander Op De Weegh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Coinbase Invalid 404 request OAuth2 Guzzle

I try make authorization in coinbase with OAuth2: $client = new Client(['cookies' => true]); try { $response = $client->request('POST', $this->urlAccessToken, [ ...
Yegor Danilov's user avatar
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Laravel Passport and Vue accompanied by Guzzle not returning token

I'm using Laravel Passport to handle my oauth2 login implementation. Following videos from Dre Himself. Everything works fine when on localhost but had issues logging in the real site now I want to ...
Rio Gosal's user avatar
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Orocrm - Web API OAuth, request returns 401

As the title states, i'm getting a 401 response whenever i try to request any endpoint from the webservice API (i'm running orocrm 4.1 and public + private keys were generated and placed in /var with ...
Elbarto's user avatar
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Unable to Authorize Or Get Token

I am having trouble getting a laravel application to access an api endpoint in another laravel app, same server. I can get it to work in terminal, and postman but not from the laravel app itself, both ...
Mike Trachtenberg's user avatar
1 vote
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Replicate CURL multipart/form-data request with Guzzle / League OAuth2 Client

I am attempting to replicate a CURL POST request in Guzzle, but Guzzle request is failing. This is the CURL request that works successfully: $file = new \CURLFile( $document ); $file->...
David's user avatar
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How do you need to send the refresh_token for programmatic access to api endpoint with the League OAuth 2.0 php client

I'm writing a laravel application with the use of League\Oauth2 and Guzzle but I seem to be stuck with something that should be easy. My authorization works as expected $provider = new ...
Zadder's user avatar
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access key request from guzzle for oauth2 in laravel5.8

i want to get access token from mailchimp oauth2 but in every try i was fail. Here i used guzzle and my actual request is curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --...
santosh adhikari's user avatar
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2 answers

GuzzleHttp resulted in 404 not found on a route that exists

I am sending request to POST to get a token with client_credentials as follows: $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client; // A guzzle client $response = $this->client->...
Merhawi Fissehaye's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Making POST REQUEST with thephpleague/oauth2-client

I am trying to make a POST request to the GETResponse API( with thephpleague/oauth2-client and adespresso/oauth2-getresponse as a provider ...
Paul Tofunmi's user avatar
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Oauth2 - How to automatically get access token

I have a task which need to call an external Oauth2 API to get data. The authentication steps of this API is: Request an application authentication: https://api.apiname/v1/oauth?app_id= [value]...
HungDQ's user avatar
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1 answer

MethodNotAllowedException Laravel Password Grant API

I have recently developed a password grant API to be used by my client application. It is successfully generating access tokens for users after the client has been authorized. The problem I'm facing ...
Ujjwal Verma's user avatar
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How to test personal access token using Guzzlehttp in laravel

I'm working on Laravel Passport. I have created a personal access token. Now, I want to test it using guzzlehttp Client. How can i do this. I'm try this way it's not working. routes/web.php Route::...
Gabrielle-M's user avatar
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array_key_exists(): error Guzzle

I have a guzzle method that posting and I get the error array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer My form is a simple post method form <form action="{{URL::...
GrahamMorbyDev's user avatar
2 votes
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MailChimp API call with OAuth 2 token

I am unable to call Mailchimps API 3.0 endpoints such as /lists using OAuth 2 tokens. I already have the token and have the endpoint from the /metadata call however, when I attempt to access /lists ...
Alex Merz's user avatar
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Microsoft-Graph refresh-token request fails... AADSTS70000

I am using league/oauth client with guzzle in a Slim3 WebApp working with Microsoft Graph... and I am not able to successfully request a new token by given refresh token... this is my di-container ...
Superpupsi's user avatar
2 votes
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Spotify API no token provided

How does Spotify API authorization work? I've read Spotify and Guzzle docs, put one and one together: $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); $res = $client->get(''...
Edmund Sulzanok's user avatar
3 votes
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Unit Test oAuth2 Authorization Code

I'm able to connect from Laravel via Guzzle with an external api. That api requires authentication via oAuth2 with Authorization Code. I'm wondering how I can integration test the redirect scenario, ...
schellingerht's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Authorization request to Feedly API throws a bad request with Guzzle?

The objective is to exchange the authorization code for the access and refresh token. Error: GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException #400 Client error response [url]
Aditya C's user avatar
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1 answer

Guzzle 400 Bad Request

I get the following error when I'm doing a POST request: Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"success":true,"error":false,"error_msg":"...
d3no's user avatar
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5 votes
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Sage One API - unsupported_grant_type

I am trying to obtain an access token for Sage One API by following the docs using Guzzle(v6) / Laravel 5.2 (Laravel's involvement is irrelevant for this question), it is stuck at the "request access ...
ggdx's user avatar
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guzzle NULL response lumen php oauth2

I have used this for lumen oauth2.0. I followed all steps. But I got an error. I got NULL response from guzzle. Please check code in proxy.php below. namespace App\Auth; use GuzzleHttp\Client; class ...
Rahul Patel's user avatar
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LARAVEL RESTAPI only working through postman and not with Guzzle

Well i have a strange issue, I have 2 instances of laravel5. One works as an api, while the other one works as a frontend website. I am using guzzle 6 (an http client library) on the frontend website ...
Omer Farooq's user avatar
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Laravel Oauth2 client authorizing and redirecting with Guzzle

I'm trying to get access to a rest API using the Authorization Code Flow with Laravel and Guzzle. They specify the requirements: GET ? client_id = [...
dmotors's user avatar
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1 answer

Authenticate oauth server using socialite

We are using an internal oauth server running on localhost. How can we authenticate it using Socialite and also disable the self signed certificate verification for testing? error shows: cURL error ...
Sajib Khan's user avatar
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Bigcommerce - Developing an application in PHP - Webhooks

This is my very first application I'm developing for an internal business requirement and I'm needing some help getting started. So far I have found their documentation to be quite low in terms of ...
LifeSteala's user avatar