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Login and create account buttons don’t work

I created a login screen in Java that has two buttons: Login and CreateAccount. These buttons were working initially, but after I started working on a different screen, they suddenly don't work ...
The Real Kenny G's user avatar
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Error in updating client list in server UI FXML

I'm working on a simple client-server project. The function of it doesn't really matter because I'm having a problem with the client list in my server UI. It uses FXML and has a listView to list the ...
Arda's user avatar
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How do I run my javafx app using fxml on VS code without project manager? I got Exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

This the 1st problem scenario: When I run this program. which is a javafx UI using .fxml. it runs well when I run it using mvn exec: through maven project configuration. but doesn't run on default ....
Aero's user avatar
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In FXML, I am trying to scale when I go fullscreen

I want the application, upon entering fullscreen, to first expand the stage and adjust all objects. Only after this, the code should run to get the width of the VBox, as I need this value to determine ...
Guilherme's user avatar
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FXMLLoader can't find FXML file after moving it to a different package in NetBeans

I'm working on a JavaFX project using NetBeans, and I've encountered an issue with loading an FXML file. Originally, my VentanaLogin.fxml file was in the practica6.main package, but I moved it to a ...
JavaMan's user avatar
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Cannot invoke "javafx.scene.control.Label.setText(String)" because "this.nameLabel" is null

It's my first time here but here goes: I have a JavaFX application that changes the FXML UI labels dynamically. I want to pass the details from the MainController class to the interface but I get an ...
Cristian PP's user avatar
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Problem of getting resource using getResource()

I need to get a resource FXML file in a Java project. Here's my code: public void start(Stage stage) throws IOException { try { // System.out.println(getClass()); URL url = this....
Hải Võ's user avatar
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How to Introduce flexibility into a JavaFXML TreeTableView

The issue is not being able to introduce sufficient flexibility to render a TreeTableView when the sources of data required for the view are not known before the program is run. My objective is to be ...
Rusty's user avatar
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JavaFX: Buttons NullPointerException When ComboBox is Populated [duplicate]

I'm working on a JavaFX application for a school project, and I've encountered a frustrating issue. The ComboBox in my MainController initializes correctly, but clicking on any of the buttons in the ...
IO DHarby's user avatar
5 votes
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JavaFX custom control not showing On Action option

Hey all I am needing a hand with the following: I am trying to add the "On Action" to my custom control I create in Scene Builder 2.0. I will have a couple of these in my scene so I am ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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Transparency issue in javaFx

One of the window my program has, is a TextFlow that is filled by an API, it was working fine with the window being semi-transparent but after some time the amount of information was way beyond the ...
Carlos's user avatar
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JavaFX: setting list for comboBox does not work

I am working in a JavaFX project. There I have fxml included in other fxml files. Now I need to send data from the outer controller to the inner controller. I've tried it, but the combobox looses its ...
PalBeron's user avatar
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How do I solve Nashorn removal and JS replacement in Netbeans 22?

Despite having followed every procedure exactly as specified to install an alternative to Nashorn in Netbeans 22, I still get the following error when trying to build a FXML project: Java 15 has ...
Rusty's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to detect 'onMouseMoved' on the entire scene?

I'm trying to detect if mouse is moving over the entire scene or not to close the app after 15min of inactivity. In the example I have an Anchorpane occupying the entire scene with an OnMouseMoved ...
froggy's user avatar
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Scene builder failing to display custom TableView compiled with Java 17

I'm working on a javafx application so naturally I've had to use Scene Builder to display and manipulate fxml files. Everything seemed to be working fine until I decided to create a custom TableView ...
Ali Yahya's user avatar
-1 votes
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JavaFX: fxmlloader is recursive, and I keep getting null pointer exceptions on the instance variables in the controller class

This is the class definition of PostView, which is also the controller class for its fxml file. I am trying to make a javaFX social media app for a university assignment (due in a couple hours lol) ...
TheMaro's user avatar
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display an image in FXML

I want to display a certain image in javaFX so I am creating it in the FXML file to manipulate it later on in file but I keep getting errors after errors. this is the lastest one ...
Zahra 's user avatar
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How to make component draggable and connected in Javafx

I am developing a javafx application for network topology. I have one pane where I drag the components from the left pane to the centre pane. Now the problem is sometimes if the pane is cluttered with ...
BEdits's user avatar
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Filling GridPane with nested fxml with specific csv information

I have a fxml file i am currently working on with a GridPane with each of the cell containing anohter fxml component in following manner: <GridPane hgap="10.0" layoutX="32.0" ...
Arpan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Specifying keyframe animation in FXML

If keyframe animation can be specified in FXML, then a lot of file formats containing animations can be ported to FXML without information loss. I'm aware of the simpler variants like RotateTransition....
Johannes Riecken's user avatar
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Infinite loop between "loadScene" and "initialize", causing our FXML file to be loaded over and over again

Background for our application (can be skipped if u dont think it is relevant): We are creating an application for kids with autism to identify and understanding gestures and facial expressions. We do ...
onuk98's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why isn't my canvas shown in JavaFX Application?

My Professor at university gave this assignment to start a new topic in class. Just a simple GUI which is supposed to show a graph. 3 Files were prepared by our Prof: Function Canvas package Aufgabe1....
Marius's user avatar
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Printing a string in a text box using FXML

Im making a weather app in which I am using a weather controller along side scenebuilder to controll actions within the app. I am trying to make a text box display the current temp which I have set to ...
Christian Bekheit's user avatar
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Code suggestions not working on IntelliJ IDEA for fxml files

Autocompletion/code suggestions for .fxml files in IntelliJ IDEA are not working. I tried to open project on other machines with latest IntelliJ IDEA (2024.1), it works. I using IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.3
stevegrkek's user avatar
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FXML BorderPane size not changing despite using setMinSize() and setPrefSize() in JavaFX application

I'm facing an issue where the size of my BorderPane in an FXML file (mainLayoutBorderPane) is not changing, remaining at (0,0), despite attempting to set it using setMinSize() or setPrefSize() in a ...
Poor Noob At Code's user avatar
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JavaFX Charts - NoSuchMethodError on flatMap when trying to add data to a LineChart

I'm trying to create a LineChart in JavaFX and everything works except adding data to the chart. It works when there is no data added to the chart but as soon as I try to add data it gives me a long ...
Dog's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does Apache NetBeans Null Pointer Exception give me an error in my Java FXML project?

When I create a new java FXML project in netbeans, a simple code is normally generated, which executes without errors but in my case this is not the case, as soon as I create the project and try to ...
eduard marinez's user avatar
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How to properly inherit an FXML annotated attribute for having it available in a subclass?

Problem I'm trying to implement the transmission of messages over a Controller Area Network, where the messages are built from user's inputs through a GUI created with JavaFX. I have a MainController ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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How to grow layouts in Javafx vertically as the height of screen increases?

As evident from the current layout, a considerable gap emerges, progressively expanding with the growth in frame height. My objective is to ensure that both the "Stock Arrival" and "...
AdnanArch's user avatar
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How do I handle multiple button in javafx

I have multiple button on an fxml file. By click on any buttons the fxml form that define in onAction will show. The quesion is: Am I should load all the forms with for example foreach and when the ...
F.M's user avatar
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Why does my javaFX field reset in every keyframe?

I'm trying to write a simple snake game using javaFX, and I'm currently working on the movement. I'm using a timeline to make the snake move every keyframe, and then register keyEvents to change ...
kat1234's user avatar
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File not found issue JAVAFX [duplicate]

I have an issue with getResource() method public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) { recommendations = new ArrayList<>(getRecommendations()); for (int i = 0;...
wail_10's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to save an image snapshot of a Pane as a BMP?

I have successfully managed to plot two graphs (BarChart and LineChart) on the same pane. I am trying to implement a save button, which when clicked, writes the resultant image (with axes) to a bmp ...
MrChickenNuggetBadman's user avatar
1 vote
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Javafx open another fxml in another window with button?

Is it possible in javafx to open new stages (windows) from another fxml with a button? Thanks for the answers. Because I got this error : javafx.fxml.LoadException: /C:/Users/Me/Desktop/jj/target/...
Ayoub's user avatar
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In javafx apply css styles to only the top-level menus but not their sub-menus

In a javafx proj with fxml & css files for ui design & styling, naturally there is a MenuBar containing a menu-tree like: Edit | Copy Paste View | ShowGrid Show Zoom | ...
Y.F.'s user avatar
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Problem dynamically filling a VBox with HBoxs in JavaFX [duplicate]

I’m developing an application in JavaFX and I’ve encountered a problem when trying to dynamically fill a VBox with HBoxs. In my FXML file, created with Scene Builder, I have a VBox named “...
Oussama's user avatar
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JavaFX: Null Pointer Exception when Setting TextArea Content in Second Window from First Window

I am using JavaFX and creating two window application one to browse a file and the other to show its content the Problem is that I am getting null pointer exception when I acssess inputText.setText(...
Karim Ibrahim's user avatar
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JavaFX styles gets destroyed and shows errors in Raspberry PI 3, but works well in windows and kali linux

I'm worked with JavaFX in windows, then I shift to linux to make GUI for raspberry pi, cause raspberry pi also uses linux. So the error probability should be less. But When I run the jar file in Kali ...
ProgrammerJibon's user avatar
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How to Implement Decorator Design Pattern in JavaFX Controllers?

I'm working on a JavaFX project and would like to apply the decorator design pattern to my controllers to enhance their functionality. Specifically, I want to add additional behavior to existing ...
Kosz3's user avatar
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Why is my JavaFX program using fxml getting the error "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.scene.control.VBox"?

I have a program that was created with java swing, but I hit a point where using it without much online help with issues I ran into so I am starting to learn JavaFX and using fxml for the gui, so I ...
Jacob Williams's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to run a javaFx program [duplicate]

class com.jfoenix.skins.JFXTabPaneSkin (in unnamed module @0x7f6b9ff9) cannot access class com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TabPaneBehavior (in module javafx.controls) because module javafx....
An Nguyễn's user avatar
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How to switch two ImageViews using an animation in JavaFX

I am coding a simple card game in Java using JavaFXML for the UI. I am using a GridPane to organize the card positions, some cells contain ImageViews ( max 1 per cell ) which contain playing cards ...
Gabriele Nardella's user avatar
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Don't work JavaFX textField getter, in another class return value is null

I have 2 classes first class is controller public class Controller { @FXML private TextField myText; public TextField getMyText() { return myText; } } and second class public ...
JohnnyStyle's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect the same event on multiple nodes?

I'm working on a kind of periodic table, there is an event that ultimately, when you hover the mouse, zooms in a little on said element and shows a little more information, the thing is that it doesn'...
Crynda's user avatar
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How to make a MediaView stays at the center of a Pane in my JavaFX MediaPlayer Application?

I am creating a media player using JavaFX (IntelliJ). I put the MediaView inside a Pane(mediaPane) in the center of the BorderPane. I wanted the mediaView to always stick at the center of the Pane, ...
Anupam Das's user avatar
-1 votes
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JavaFX - transform from disable to enable button

Controller of the father class this class contains 3 button 'btnSocieta', 'btnUnitaLocali', 'btnReparti'. The first is enable from default other 2 are disable. In the stackPane i show the start page ...
Flavio's user avatar
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Failed to load Glass factory class : Keep on Getting this error for Linux and some mac os machine but works fine otherwise

I made a Jar file on Intellij, and I was able to make it run in Windows and some MacOS but not otherwise (so some MacOS and Linux wont work) What i have done : Change the javafx version from 17 to 11....
user17719642's user avatar
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JavaFX application unable to launch after I've modelled the FXML with SceneBuilder [duplicate]

Just finished creating a basic UI on SceneBuilder and saved the FXML onto Java, but now whenever I launch the application [HelloApplication] it gives an error about fxml location not being set Is this ...
sadgeworth's user avatar
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FXML file is not being reached

I want to load a GUI using a fxml file. However after multiple attempts into fixing it, it keeps returning that the file is not found and/or that it is null. I have tried to place the file within my ...
Bogger's user avatar
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Pre-Populate TableView Data Into an FXML Window

The basis of this is: I'm trying to get all of the components in the modify appointments.fxml file to pre-populate the contents of the 'customerTable' tableview into their respective components. The ...
pmccu's user avatar
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